How To Build A Simple Christmas Display Layout

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @robertlusnia506
    @robertlusnia506 2 дні тому +2

    Thank you for some of the great tips

  • @stevencilento3364
    @stevencilento3364 4 дні тому +2

    Mike another great Christmas display. Wishing you and your family a wonderful and blessed Christmas.

  • @gregleuze6657
    @gregleuze6657 3 дні тому +1

    I really like that Beep.

    @RABSTRAINS 3 дні тому

    Great Job Mike! Thank You👍👍

  • @BAKU2K2
    @BAKU2K2 3 дні тому +1

    Very nice layout. This Christmas, I have two trains running around the tree, both O gauge of course, and surrounding a town of Plasticville. The outside loop consisting of Flyer O40 curves is headed by a Lionel 2333 Santa Fe F3 pulling a string of special edition box cars, many of which are Christmas-themed. The inside loop made up of O31 curves is double headed by a Lionel 1060 locomotive and 520 boxcab; they are pulling a train of small toys and stuffed animals in what I like to call "The Omocha Express."

  • @georgebenson6036
    @georgebenson6036 3 дні тому +1

    You did a good job on your layout. I miss K line. I bought some of the super K track years ago and it worked well. Thanks for sharing.

  • @markattardo
    @markattardo 3 дні тому

    Another great layout!!

  • @dennishall8709
    @dennishall8709 3 дні тому

    You are an amazing person you help me so much especially your Christmas build layout
    Dennis and Tennessee

  • @SmallEngineMechanic
    @SmallEngineMechanic 4 дні тому

    Very Nice! The K-Line track is some of my favorite! Merry Christmas!

  • @fredlawson9394
    @fredlawson9394 3 дні тому

    Nice layout 👍💙🤍♥️💚

  • @burlingtonbill1
    @burlingtonbill1 4 дні тому

    Absolutely LOVE THE K-Line track & trans !! Great looking !!

  • @nickatano9086
    @nickatano9086 3 дні тому

    Your holiday layout is charming . Merry Christmas to you and yours and have a safe and healthy New Year.

  • @BrandonGreen-g6h
    @BrandonGreen-g6h 3 дні тому

    Nice layout love the videos I did my Christmas train display layout at the Christmas party breakfast with Santa it was great

  • @johnandrus3901
    @johnandrus3901 4 дні тому +1

    Very cool! That is a nifty, little holiday layout. I like to buy certain seasonal items at Dollar Tree. Ten or fifteen bucks gets you plenty of things to display. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! An excellent video, as always.

  • @carldebellis7310
    @carldebellis7310 4 дні тому

    Excellent work! I always love setting up Christmas layouts!

  • @SteveRenon
    @SteveRenon 4 дні тому

    Very creative. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  • @JimAlderson-cn6ek
    @JimAlderson-cn6ek 4 дні тому

    Mery christmas to u also my friend and a great new year 😊

  • @JimAlderson-cn6ek
    @JimAlderson-cn6ek 4 дні тому

    Nice tutorial simple and easy set up nice little layout 👌

  • @PopPopsTrainRoom
    @PopPopsTrainRoom 4 дні тому

    looks great

  • @DaltonStrnad
    @DaltonStrnad 4 дні тому

    I like the little diesel locomotive

  • @paulbervid1610
    @paulbervid1610 4 дні тому

    Great video

  • @billfusionenterprise
    @billfusionenterprise 3 дні тому

    FYI, those building lights come in a multi socket one plug sets. Instead of those one socket one lug sets that fill a power strip so fast. I also use LED bulbs to keep them cool

  • @johnblair8146
    @johnblair8146 4 дні тому +2

    I got my village houses from thrift stores and garage sales. None cost more than five dollars. Except for one I got at Aldi, this cost $12 it’s my little Aldi store.

  • @confusedshovel1232
    @confusedshovel1232 3 дні тому

    the christmas layout looks great, and quite an unfortunate mishap for that skier

    • @ToyTrainTipsAndTricks
      @ToyTrainTipsAndTricks  2 дні тому +1

      I have it on good authority that he survived with only minor injuries. ;-)

  • @chiconian49
    @chiconian49 4 дні тому

    My NOEL letters only spell LEON. Merry Christmas.

  • @christiandpaul2022
    @christiandpaul2022 2 дні тому

    While i congratulate you that you have a manger couldn't you do a little bit better than that tiny one missing a Shepheard and heralding angel? That manger came from Woolworths circa 1949. Every Lionel train layout needs a manger in the middle under the tree as the centerpiece

    • @ToyTrainTipsAndTricks
      @ToyTrainTipsAndTricks  2 дні тому +1

      According to the photo on the box, this particular nativity set did not include a shepherd or angel. Only the pieces shown were included. Also, the Walmart $2.99 price tag indicates it is somewhat more recent production than 1949. Thanks for watching!

  • @HighballMachineWorks
    @HighballMachineWorks 4 дні тому

    Honestly, it’s my experience that dogs can be afraid of model trains, they might murder ho, but o and o27 is k9 terror, at least if your dogs are slightly dumber than the breed average.

    • @ToyTrainTipsAndTricks
      @ToyTrainTipsAndTricks  4 дні тому

      He would probably be fine while the trains are running. But when not moving, the rule for this boxer pup is chew first and ask questions later.

    • @HighballMachineWorks
      @HighballMachineWorks 3 дні тому

      @ same here unfortunately, I have a dog that is part Border Collie, part Pitbull, and part mystery and several times I have found her chewing away at some piece of paper or a wooden cloth pin