Im almost 69 and have been a Protestant Christian for over 47 years. I’ve been looking into Catholicism for the last couple of years and have decided to enter the Catholic Church, my experience at Mass has been like Steve’s, last Sunday I cried so much the lady next to me ask if I was ok. So grateful for the true Church of Jesus Christ 🙏
So humbling! Proud Catholic here , about to cry . Some Catholics do not realize the beauty of our church . The One true church of God , and that’s the only reason we keep being attacked from outside and now from within. The devil is scared witless of Catholicism! Keep the faith alive . I’m very happy for you and your family !
God Bless you! I will pray for you. I am a Catholic revert after being away from The Church for over 20 years. The Catholic Church is so full of joy and beauty and depth and real spirituality. I wish you a wonderful journey into the Catholic Faith. Love from Australia
@@tony1685, I believe that certain concepts will unravel themselves on its own time and space with the right condition to each one of us. I consider myself a Christian and a Roman Catholic. We were the first Christians who followed the apostolic succession from the time of Jesus Christ and, later, compiled the Bible.
@@tony1685, my answer is simple. According to our sacred tradition, the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ. The New Testament records Jesus' activities and teachings, His appointment of the twelve Apostles, and His instructions to them to continue His work. The Catholic Church teaches that the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles, in an event known as Pentecost, signaled the beginning of the public ministry of the Church. We also maintained the apostolic succession from the time, Jesus Christ Himself designated Simon Peter to become Peter “the Rock”, for which His(Christ) church will be built, as in the account of the Confession of Peter found in the Gospel of Matthew. We hold that Saint Peter was Rome's first bishop and the consecrator of Linus as its next bishop, thus starting the unbroken line which includes the current pontiff, Pope Francis. That is, the Catholic Church maintains the apostolic succession of the Bishop of Rome, the Pope - the successor to Saint Peter Then, we have our Church Fathers…All your concerns can be addressed regarding the Sabbath and the 1st day, Mother Mary, and that third party that you mentioned…. The apostles convened the first Church council, the Council of Jerusalem… and this practice of convening and the refinement of doctrines continued up to these days. As Catholics, we refer to them, when faced with certain issues such as what you have mentioned. Our practices may seemed Unchristian to you but, even, before the Bible was compiled by our early Church Fathers to what it is today, we also hold to the traditions like attending the Eucharistic Mass every Sunday, and your most other concerns that we practice like our prayers of “Hail Mary”, etcetera.
I have been a Catholic Christian since birth except for a brief hiatus into the protestant wasteland. Even then I was in a constant battle between the sound doctrines of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church and the made up doctrines of the successors of Luther, Zwingli and Calvin. After three years of nearly constant anti Catholic bigotry I walked into a Catholic Church, went to confession and received the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior in the Eucharist. Coming home to the real Jesus was the best decision the Holy Spiritual helped me to make in my life. God bless your host and guest.
I'm a cradle trad, but I just love the protestant converts. They seem to end up the most frigging awesome Catholics.. To the point where they put us to shame! We tend to take it for granted, but when you look and listen to them, I swear, it's as they have discovered the pearl of great price, and they have. They have a charism and joy I envy. Steve is one of those.. What a joy to listen to you guys. God bless, and thank you both! ❤💪❤
Yes we take it for granted because we are born into it. The protestants are studying it and can find out what the difference is . They see for themselves what the difference is and how beautiful.
@@ilonkastille2993and your Scriptural reference for being 'born into it.' I was raised Methodist, was 'confirmed membership' never heard about BORN AGAIN (John 3.3). Age 31 in hotel room I cried out to JESUS & he answered. The 'catholic doctrines' are not Scriptural and have sent billions to hell over the centuries. You will not 'take it for granted when you answer the Lord' and HE says 'I never knew you.' It's too late as you head off for the lake of fire--
Yes we are born into it and take it as normal. Many of us do not go deeper into the faith but those who do , find treasures that are nowhere to be found. The protestants were taught that we are heretics and all kinds of horror stories. Once they come into a situation where they have to find out the details, everything changes. Catholicism was absolutely the last item on their list. The best protestants become Catholics. the worst catholics become protestants. The most knowledgeable protestants become Catholic and the least knowledgeable catholics convert to Protestantism.
I'm a convert AND A REVERT: "I'm a born and raised Methodist Catholic convert who took a Pentecostal/Evangelical path until I found myself BACK in the Catholic Church, AND I HAVE FINALLY FOUND THE TRUTH! I now lead a new ministry, Monicas' HOPE , bringing people together in a common goal: praying our children back to the church❤ Who would have guessed!?!?!
The Bible was compiled by the Catholic Church ❤. Around 110A.D Saint Ignatius of Antioch used, for the first time in Christian literature, the expression “catholic church,” meaning the whole church that is one and the same wherever there is a Christian congregation. ❤I am proud to be Catholic ❤
Were you married in a Baptist Church . Is this how you fast tracked to Catholicism? I married a divorced man 54 yrs ago in a civil ceremony,I was Catholic.Would consider returning however don't want to do RICA
@@sharonsimmons5630If you were baptised Catholic then you don't need to go through RCIA because in the eyes of the Church you're still Catholic, always have been. If you have any particular questions regarding your life situation (married in a civil ceremony, etc.) it's best to visit your local parish and speak to a priest.
Steve Ray is one of my favorite Catholic speakers/authors. There's something about the balance he strikes between information for your head and the gentle tugs at your heart that resonates with me (and many others). He was/is a BIG reason for my own entry into the Catholic Church in 2005.
Eleven years ago my priest was interviewed by the national tv channel when pope Francis was elected. They asked very worried: The pope is against abortion, same sex marriage and contraception. Is he very conservative? Our priests tried to hold in his laugh and answered: the pope is….. Catholic. A normal Catholic.
I'm going to look into that movie series on salvation history! I am a convert from the Jehovah Witness religion. I knew the Bible extremely well, albeit lacking doctrinal truth. Five years ago, I prayed the Rosary with Mother Angelica one evening on a whim, after happening by chance on this weird TV channel called EWTN. I had a mind-bending conversion experience. The entire Church downloaded, like a zip file, into my soul. I have been Catholic ever since. I am still the hard-headed door-to-door fearless evangelist as I was as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I never had such a big preaching field ripe for the harvest until I was called to evangelize Catholics, to Catholicism.
He's going to be speaking at a local Church at the Road to Emmaus Summit. I want to go so bad. It's on my wedding anniversary. I'm hoping to get my husband, a non Catholic who does take me to and attends church with me, to go with me to this. Maybe this talk will give him a nudge to come home to the Catholic Church.
I have returned to the Catholic Church after forty five years in the Protestant wilderness. Thirty years ago in an AG church, I was wondering if my five year old daughter was old enough to receive communion. I asked her if she knew what the meaning of communion was? She immediately replied “that’s when the adults have their snack.” Thirty six years later I returned to Catholicism to celebrate the Eucharist and give it the respect it deserves.
You hit gold right here. Steve Ray was pivotal in my reversion.. “Crossing the Tiber,” and “Upon This Rock” should be required reading for all CCD classes from 9th grade to Confirmation.. maybe these two books should be the only manuals used. I can honestly say, my CCD was terrible - all throughout school to Confirmation- Except for maybe homeschooled Catholics, no teen is prepared to defend the Faith. Today’s Catechism is simple a failure across the board, and has been this way since the 70s.
So true. Making collages and singing kumbayah til you were just *sick* of religion. That was religion class, taught by religious who were creepy because they were trying so hard to be "hip" and make religion "cool" and "relevant" to kids. Yuck.
Thanks, Steve, for your comments about Pope Francis and the many facets of his role in the context of the 2000 year history of the papacy. Leaving the Catholic church because one doesn't "like" the Pope is a very protestant move. Leaving the Church of God returns one to the world of many popes. In that case, you might fine a "pope" you like, but he will soon disappoint you, as well.
Excerpts from Blessed Mother's Message No. 407 to Father Gobbi, Marian Movement of Priests (on 666 and the 3rd manifestation of Satan in human history): "In this period of time around year 3x666=1998, Freemasonry, assisted by its ecclesiastical form, will succeed in its great design: that of setting up an idol to put in the place of Christ and His Church. A false christ and a false church. Consequently, the statue built in honor of the first beast, to be adored by all the inhabitants of the earth and which will seal with its mark all those who want to buy or sell, is that of the Antichrist. You have thus arrived at the peak of the purification, the great tribulation, and the apostasy. The apostasy will be, as of then, generalized because almost all will follow the false christ and the false church. Then the door will open for the appearance of the man or the very person of the Antichrist.
I have wanted to enlighten you concerning the pages of the Apocalypse to prepare you with Me for the most painful and decisive part of the great struggle fought out between your Heavenly Mother and all the forces of evil which have been let loose. Take courage! Be strong, My little children. To you befalls the duty, in these difficult years, of remaining faithful to Christ and His Church, putting up with hostility, struggle, and persecution. But you are a precious part of the little flock, which has the task of fighting against and, in the end, conquering the powerful force of the Antichrist. I am forming you all, defending you, and blessing you!"
Fulfillment of the above prophecy of the Blessed Mother is here. Let us be ready and do our Duty to remain faithful to Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church until the end. Let us not fear, but face the coming events in Peace, for He will never leave, nor forsake His faithful, and His grace will be sufficient for us to fulfill the task perfectly, whatever it may be (2 Cor 12:9), and remain faithful to the end (Rev 2:10). Amen!
I would’ve asked him quite a few questions about that very first time he was at Mass.. like: What did you think all the numerous Biblical passages? Did you notice how all three readings were related? Did the Book of Revelations come to mind at any point? Did you think about Ignatius of Antioch during the Eucharistic prayer? When did it hit you that this actually really the Body and Blood of Christ ? What a great interview! Thanks so much.
I can’t express enough how grateful I am to Steve Ray. His CD’s and books were instrumental in my reversion to my Catholic faith back about 2010-11. Thank you Steve for all that you have done and are doing!
I would welcome a great deal of prayer for me and my friends. They are fundamentalist baptists and I am a new catholic. There is a great amount of love existent here and with that comes a great deal of anxiety for the well-being of my soul. My desire is to be an instrument of love to them, so i don’t want debate. I want loving dialogue. And it’s very difficult to know what to say, how to say it, and when without shutting down all conversation. It’s not a lack of knowledge, but possibly wisdom, discernment, and humility.
We convert by our patient, prayerful, loving example. Words fail to convince. Even CHRIST, face-to-face, could not convince! Are we better at evangelizing than Him?
Br. Steve Rey, could you guide me where I will get the writings of the Catholic Church Fathers and books that would enlighten me about the lies of the Penracostals.I was a cradle catholic but left the church in 2008.I am now slowly understanding that I am deceived by the Enemy by his craftiness like Eve.Because interpretation of the word out of context and history/tradition tradition has been the weapon of the Enemy to steal the Catholics gor the past 570 years.I live in Mumbai, India.
This is a grand testimony of conversion to the One Holy Apostolic Catholic Christian Church of Traditional Teachings and Worship,for surly you have been led by the Omnipotent Power From Above And Beyond All human understanding YEAH AMEN HOSANNA IN EXCELSIS DEO GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO 🐑🕊️✨🌈
27:10. This. The first thing that comes to mind when I think back to the earliest writings from the Church Fathers. There was so much more, but this line I’ll never forget
What a great testimony. All his videos & talks are great & very entertaining as well as great teaching. I have read 3 of his books. ‘Upon this Rock’ & ‘Crossing the Tiber.’ Both are excellent & so comprehensively researched. So glad he is a Catholic apologist now. He is a wonderful teacher & evangelist.👏🏻🙂💟✝️
I repeat and repeat hearing Steve Rey in his conversion story because it's so informative and interesting.and you learn much while entertaining.God be praise for having you.we Catholics are blessed with you.
That youtube Video he did in India reverted me to Catholicism because I was lukewarm. Now Im obssessed with the Catholic faith, learning and learning and listening and reading. I'm grateful to my parents who bzptised me and raised me Catholic.
I was Baptist and the Early Church Fathers directed me to become English Catholic with Eastern Orthodox leanings; especially the Orthodox view of the Scriptures.
@@lucillebonds2196 I think @roddumlauf9241 is an Anglican, trying to assert that he is therefore a Catholic. I recommend to people the site Catholic Answers. Pax
@@dougy6237I read from some writings of Msgr. Hugh Benson that Anglicans also call themselves Catholic? They are being lied to by their leaders. That's why Msgr. Benson we should always distinguish ourselves as Roman Catholics not just Catholic.
Good interview. I thought this guy’s name sounded familiar, then I found a dusty old copy of his ‘Upon this Rock’ on a book shelf that I got over 20 years ago and never read. I will put it into the rotation.
For over 70 years I have belonged to the most catholic episcopal church in America. We are shunned by all. I hold entirely to the teachings of YOUR catechism. But by you, I must first admit to being non-catholic in order to become Catholic. Therfore, I shall reluctantly remain in exile. Jesu mercy, Mary pray. Thank you.
My twins and I have watched several episodes of Steven’s show called “The Footprints of God” on Formed. We used them as education videos in our Catholic homeschool. They are highly entertaining. I really recommend them!
Thank you Eddie, for another great story regarding conversion. As a cradle Catholic, I understand how little I know, and feel as if I'm one of those Catholics who doesn't know enough about my faith. I've taken the next steps in the last four years to learn and know more, and as Steve Ray said, I'm on deck, I'm part of the Catholic faith. Thanks so much for all you do...
Not all cradle taking for granted their faith...because i know lots of cradle Catholic has very strong in my place since we were kids we attend doctrines sometimes somedays after mass or anydays so until now we didnt forget all what we have learned...❤
Yeah! For sure. I love chatting with reverts so they can explain why they left and why they came back. Here’s my story:
@@kimfleury Oh dear, eating my Lord & Saviour are you? Jesus died "once & for all" & that one sacrifice was enough to save every person on earth. Jesus was referring to his word as contained in the Holy Bible. I will pray for you.
Edith Schaeffer's L'Abri was impactful to me as well. Francis' worldview teaching was impactful for my pursuit of study in how people take on their views and biases, things that either confirm or interfere with Christian views and faith. I've gotta say, as a Protestant (who is discerning regarding Catholicism), that it's not the historic Protestant view that each person's their own authority, that everyone can always receive the correct interpretation of a text. And I'm not interested in remaining Baptist or Reformed or whatever, yet as I read the earliest fathers, I'm not becoming entirely Catholic. It's had an effect, for sure. But it takes me in the direction of Orthodoxy more, seeing the accretions of Catholicism-Catholics aren't today what they were in the beginning either. Anyway, there's little biblical charity in the Orthodox church. It's got me stuck, satisfied (not really the right word) for now to remain as I've been for a long time, unwilling to fly any flag higher than the Kingdom flag in my life and my family's life. I definitely appreciate this talk, and find Steve to be more charitable here than usually. But this thing where we brethren fight over this or that (even important things) instead of, I don't know, participating together in the ministry of reconciliation we've been given... Also, I've gotta say, RCIA makes sense. But the Ethiopian Eunuch also said to Phillip "there's water, what's preventing me from being baptized?" Why not allow someone to be saved who wants it (not that Steve, for example, wasn't saved before conversion)?
I have a question Mr AK 71(my high school graduation as well)--are you BORN AGAIN? (John 3.3-5, 33,34)--'BORN AGAIN' is the 2nd birth (spirit) & Sealed w/the HOLY SPIRIT?
Mr. Steve Ray is very passionate and very documented in what he's saying. But regarding the last part about the infallibility of the Pope, isn't that an eastern orthodox christian way of thinking? No one is infallible but Christ and God?
What I want to know as a Catholic is that is there anything thing written in the Old Testament or New Testament revealing that throughout time that Jesus or the apostles mentioned about a reformation of his church that started in year one upon the Apostles and their disciples who in turn were ordained to be their Successor’s can any Protestant or Catholic reveal that?🤔🙄😟👀
No one can show from the bible that Christians need a bible. No Christian IN the bible HAD a bible. No one can explain that. What Christians need is the GOSPEL. A tiny fraction of the Gospel is written. There are so many bible idolaters today....
@@HAL9000-su1mz then why did those Hebrew’s of the Old Testament write what they have written as well as the Jews or apostles write the New Testament???🤔
@@johnchung6777 I was countering the 'bible alone' types that always chime in with innovations. The scriptures are irreplaceable, but the Church was not founded on any writing.
Not everyone has to go through OCIA (it's not called RCIA since last year). If you know the Faith and profess to believe everything that the holy catholic and Apostolic Church teaches, you can be received into the Church at any time that the Bishop determines.
We can all find comfort in friends and we can all find comfort in communities, when our family rejects us. Protestantism, by and large, is the result of a parent who was, quite frankly, bereft of Christianity... at the level of leadership. The Mother Church was a bastion of corruption. Her actions - through the power of those who led her - were intolerable. She was an unfit mother. Yet, amid the hypocrisy, The Word never changed; the guiding principles of the founding fathers were never forgotten and the faith was left unshaken. Man is imperfect. The Holy Mother Church is not, because Christ is the cornerstone and St. Peter was the foundational rock. "Faith of our fathers, living still in spite of dungeon, fire and sword..." was such an inspirational hymn/anthem to me - as an English Catholic. But, I had not been told the whole story, either. When the faithful were put through the protestant crucible they were only reaping what they had sowed. Who was more sinned against? Who was more sinning? All of us and all of us, for we are all Christians and we are 'one'.
Personally I have never heard a Catholic say everything the pope says is infallible. Infallibility relates to doctrinal matters and I think has been exercised on two occasions. But the pope has supreme authority in the church and really serious consideration has to be given to what he says before dismissing it. In Pope Francis I see a Pope who lives the gospel teachings and appeals greatly to those within and outside the Catholic Church with the exception of some who seem mainly to be Americans attached to the TLM.
@govangirl38... The Pope and the Magisterium are guaranteed not to teach error in matters of faith and morals. The Church will never teach anything that could endanger souls. I like what you said about Pope Francis. He loves to be around the poor, the common people. He reminds me of Jesus eating with tax collectors and sinners. It shocked people then, and it still shocks people today. I think it makes people uncomfortable because they don't want to do that themselves. But it's a good reminder that we will be judged by Jesus' words: "What you have done for the least of these, you've done for Me."
Im almost 69 and have been a Protestant Christian for over 47 years. I’ve been looking into Catholicism for the last couple of years and have decided to enter the Catholic Church, my experience at Mass has been like Steve’s, last Sunday I cried so much the lady next to me ask if I was ok. So grateful for the true Church of Jesus Christ 🙏
Unbelievable. Thanks for sharing, Marta! God bless you.
So humbling! Proud Catholic here , about to cry . Some Catholics do not realize the beauty of our church . The One true church of God , and that’s the only reason we keep being attacked from outside and now from within. The devil is scared witless of Catholicism! Keep the faith alive . I’m very happy for you and your family !
God Bless you! I will pray for you. I am a Catholic revert after being away from The Church for over 20 years. The Catholic Church is so full of joy and beauty and depth and real spirituality. I wish you a wonderful journey into the Catholic Faith. Love from Australia
Welcome home. God bless you.
Catholic converts often make better Catholics than cradle- Catholics.
God bless you!
As a cradle Catholic I am continually blessed by the quality of converts to our Church.
It is a privilege to listen to our Catholic Apologist, Steve Ray. I would definitely visit his website. Thank you for the reference.
@@tony1685, I believe that certain concepts will unravel themselves on its own time and space with the right condition to each one of us. I consider myself a Christian and a Roman Catholic. We were the first Christians who followed the apostolic succession from the time of Jesus Christ and, later, compiled the Bible.
@@tony1685, my answer is simple. According to our sacred tradition, the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ. The New Testament records Jesus' activities and teachings, His appointment of the twelve Apostles, and His instructions to them to continue His work.
The Catholic Church teaches that the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles, in an event known as Pentecost, signaled the beginning of the public ministry of the Church.
We also maintained the apostolic succession from the time, Jesus Christ Himself designated Simon Peter to become Peter “the Rock”, for which His(Christ) church will be built, as in the account of the Confession of Peter found in the Gospel of Matthew.
We hold that Saint Peter was Rome's first bishop and the consecrator of Linus as its next bishop, thus starting the unbroken line which includes the current pontiff, Pope Francis. That is, the Catholic Church maintains the apostolic succession of the Bishop of Rome, the Pope - the successor to Saint Peter
Then, we have our Church Fathers…All your concerns can be addressed regarding the Sabbath and the 1st day, Mother Mary, and that third party that you mentioned…. The apostles convened the first Church council, the Council of Jerusalem… and this practice of convening and the refinement of doctrines continued up to these days. As Catholics, we refer to them, when faced with certain issues such as what you have mentioned.
Our practices may seemed Unchristian to you but, even, before the Bible was compiled by our early Church Fathers to what it is today, we also hold to the traditions like attending the Eucharistic Mass every Sunday, and your most other concerns that we practice like our prayers of “Hail Mary”, etcetera.
I have been a Catholic Christian since birth except for a brief hiatus into the protestant wasteland. Even then I was in a constant battle between the sound doctrines of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church and the made up doctrines of the successors of Luther, Zwingli and Calvin. After three years of nearly constant anti Catholic bigotry I walked into a Catholic Church, went to confession and received the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior in the Eucharist. Coming home to the real Jesus was the best decision the Holy Spiritual helped me to make in my life. God bless your host and guest.
are you BORN AGAIN?
@@pmcclaren1every Catholic is.
@@lbd354 and your Scriptural reference? Your belief is merely catholic heresy! Good luck in hell--
Me too! I love my church.
Watch Robert breaker
I'm a cradle trad, but I just love the protestant converts. They seem to end up the most frigging awesome Catholics.. To the point where they put us to shame!
We tend to take it for granted, but when you look and listen to them, I swear, it's as they have discovered the pearl of great price, and they have.
They have a charism and joy I envy.
Steve is one of those.. What a joy to listen to you guys.
God bless, and thank you both! ❤💪❤
Matthew 15.2-6
Yes we take it for granted because we are born into it. The protestants are studying it and can find out what the difference is . They see for themselves what the difference is and how beautiful.
@@ilonkastille2993and your Scriptural reference for being 'born into it.' I was raised Methodist, was 'confirmed membership' never heard about BORN AGAIN (John 3.3). Age 31 in hotel room I cried out to JESUS & he answered. The 'catholic doctrines' are not Scriptural and have sent billions to hell over the centuries. You will not 'take it for granted when you answer the Lord' and HE says 'I never knew you.' It's too late as you head off for the lake of fire--
That's very moving to me, a discerning Protestant
Yes we are born into it and take it as normal. Many of us do not go deeper into the faith but those who do , find treasures that are nowhere to be found. The protestants were taught that we are heretics and all kinds of horror stories. Once they come into a situation where they have to find out the details, everything changes. Catholicism was absolutely the last item on their list. The best protestants become Catholics. the worst catholics become protestants. The most knowledgeable protestants become Catholic and the least knowledgeable catholics convert to Protestantism.
I'm a convert AND A REVERT:
"I'm a born and raised Methodist Catholic convert who took a Pentecostal/Evangelical path until I found myself BACK in the Catholic Church, AND I HAVE FINALLY FOUND THE TRUTH!
I now lead a new ministry, Monicas' HOPE , bringing people together in a common goal: praying our children back to the church❤
Who would have guessed!?!?!
In Bergoglio's counterfeit church-oh, sorry I should not give him all the credit. I mean the Conciliar Counterfeit Church.
Methodism is Catholcism w/o all the trimmings- "Thetre is a "method" to find salvatiuon- WORKS
I weep of joy at mass every Sunday . I truly feel Jesus is present . It’s been my experience for many years.
The Bible was compiled by the Catholic Church ❤. Around 110A.D Saint Ignatius of Antioch used, for the first time in Christian literature, the expression “catholic church,” meaning the whole church that is one and the same wherever there is a Christian congregation. ❤I am proud to be Catholic ❤
Steve Ray great author speaker film maker
A blessing to to
The catholic church
Were you married in a Baptist Church . Is this how you fast tracked to Catholicism? I married a divorced man 54 yrs ago in a civil ceremony,I was Catholic.Would consider returning however don't want to do RICA
@@sharonsimmons5630If you were baptised Catholic then you don't need to go through RCIA because in the eyes of the Church you're still Catholic, always have been. If you have any particular questions regarding your life situation (married in a civil ceremony, etc.) it's best to visit your local parish and speak to a priest.
Just go to confession and hear what the priest will say.
Steve Ray is one of my favorite Catholic speakers/authors. There's something about the balance he strikes between information for your head and the gentle tugs at your heart that resonates with me (and many others). He was/is a BIG reason for my own entry into the Catholic Church in 2005.
Eleven years ago my priest was interviewed by the national tv channel when pope Francis was elected.
They asked very worried:
The pope is against abortion, same sex marriage and contraception. Is he very conservative?
Our priests tried to hold in his laugh and answered: the pope is….. Catholic. A normal Catholic.
Francis is not catholic. He's a heretic and apostate. Antipope!
Steve Ray (Crossing the Tiber) and Scott Hahn (Rome Sweet Home) were two of the converts who started my journey back home as a revert.
I'm going to look into that movie series on salvation history! I am a convert from the Jehovah Witness religion. I knew the Bible extremely well, albeit lacking doctrinal truth. Five years ago, I prayed the Rosary with Mother Angelica one evening on a whim, after happening by chance on this weird TV channel called EWTN. I had a mind-bending conversion experience. The entire Church downloaded, like a zip file, into my soul. I have been Catholic ever since. I am still the hard-headed door-to-door fearless evangelist as I was as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I never had such a big preaching field ripe for the harvest until I was called to evangelize Catholics, to Catholicism.
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing, so glad you've found your way. We are the body of Christ and needed you to help make us whole. 🙏💝
I love it! Evangelise Catholics to Catholicism! God bless you!
are you reborn in the HOLY SPIRIT? John 3.3, 33-34-
@@pmcclaren1 yes.
@@greyhoundmama2062 tell me about your experience; specifics only--
Steve Ray had ALOT to do with my conversion to the church in 2003! I still love hearing him talk!
I'm a 65 year old Catholic wife and have watched Steve Ray's testimony many, many times and still love it. Please spread it.
He's going to be speaking at a local Church at the Road to Emmaus Summit. I want to go so bad. It's on my wedding anniversary. I'm hoping to get my husband, a non Catholic who does take me to and attends church with me, to go with me to this. Maybe this talk will give him a nudge to come home to the Catholic Church.
I ended up not going. I went to ER the night before and didn't get home until late the next evening. 😞
I have returned to the Catholic Church after forty five years in the Protestant wilderness. Thirty years ago in an AG church, I was wondering if my five year old daughter was old enough to receive communion. I asked her if she knew what the meaning of communion was? She immediately replied “that’s when the adults have their snack.” Thirty six years later I returned to Catholicism to celebrate the Eucharist and give it the respect it deserves.
So beautiful. Catholic Faith First, without the foundation, everything else is dust in the wind.
Carry on my wayward son...there'll be peace when you are done.
I love the conversion story and their beautiful family example
What an awesome convert🙏
Wow he is such an inspiring guy and a shining example for anyone🙏
You hit gold right here. Steve Ray was pivotal in my reversion.. “Crossing the Tiber,” and “Upon This Rock” should be required reading for all CCD classes from 9th grade to Confirmation.. maybe these two books should be the only manuals used. I can honestly say, my CCD was terrible - all throughout school to Confirmation- Except for maybe homeschooled Catholics, no teen is prepared to defend the Faith. Today’s Catechism is simple a failure across the board, and has been this way since the 70s.
So true. Making collages and singing kumbayah til you were just *sick* of religion. That was religion class, taught by religious who were creepy because they were trying so hard to be "hip" and make religion "cool" and "relevant" to kids. Yuck.
What an absolutely fascinating interview. Listened to it end to end.
Thanks, brother. God bless you.
Steve is one of my favorite apologists, I have learned SO much from him!!
Steve Ray is my favorite Catholic apologist, from a cradle Catholic who adores him and watches everything he puts out!
Steve on Mary and pope is amazing....
Thanks, Steve, for your comments about Pope Francis and the many facets of his role in the context of the 2000 year history of the papacy. Leaving the Catholic church because one doesn't "like" the Pope is a very protestant move. Leaving the Church of God returns one to the world of many popes. In that case, you might fine a "pope" you like, but he will soon disappoint you, as well.
Excerpts from Blessed Mother's Message No. 407 to Father Gobbi, Marian Movement of Priests (on 666 and the 3rd manifestation of Satan in human history): "In this period of time around year 3x666=1998, Freemasonry, assisted by its ecclesiastical form, will succeed in its great design: that of setting up an idol to put in the place of Christ and His Church. A false christ and a false church. Consequently, the statue built in honor of the first beast, to be adored by all the inhabitants of the earth and which will seal with its mark all those who want to buy or sell, is that of the Antichrist. You have thus arrived at the peak of the purification, the great tribulation, and the apostasy. The apostasy will be, as of then, generalized because almost all will follow the false christ and the false church. Then the door will open for the appearance of the man or the very person of the Antichrist.
I have wanted to enlighten you concerning the pages of the Apocalypse to prepare you with Me for the most painful and decisive part of the great struggle fought out between your Heavenly Mother and all the forces of evil which have been let loose. Take courage! Be strong, My little children. To you befalls the duty, in these difficult years, of remaining faithful to Christ and His Church, putting up with hostility, struggle, and persecution. But you are a precious part of the little flock, which has the task of fighting against and, in the end, conquering the powerful force of the Antichrist. I am forming you all, defending you, and blessing you!"
Fulfillment of the above prophecy of the Blessed Mother is here. Let us be ready and do our Duty to remain faithful to Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church until the end. Let us not fear, but face the coming events in Peace, for He will never leave, nor forsake His faithful, and His grace will be sufficient for us to fulfill the task perfectly, whatever it may be (2 Cor 12:9), and remain faithful to the end (Rev 2:10). Amen!
At first I didn't recognize Steve without the hat!
I would’ve asked him quite a few questions about that very first time he was at Mass.. like:
What did you think all the numerous Biblical passages?
Did you notice how all three readings were related?
Did the Book of Revelations come to mind at any point?
Did you think about Ignatius of Antioch during the Eucharistic prayer?
When did it hit you that this actually really the Body and Blood of Christ ?
What a great interview! Thanks so much.
I can’t express enough how grateful I am to Steve Ray. His CD’s and books were instrumental in my reversion to my Catholic faith back about 2010-11.
Thank you Steve for all that you have done and are doing!
Love Steve Ray!
I would welcome a great deal of prayer for me and my friends. They are fundamentalist baptists and I am a new catholic. There is a great amount of love existent here and with that comes a great deal of anxiety for the well-being of my soul. My desire is to be an instrument of love to them, so i don’t want debate. I want loving dialogue. And it’s very difficult to know what to say, how to say it, and when without shutting down all conversation. It’s not a lack of knowledge, but possibly wisdom, discernment, and humility.
Yes. I will pray! Thank you for sharing. God bless you and your friends.
We convert by our patient, prayerful, loving example. Words fail to convince. Even CHRIST, face-to-face, could not convince! Are we better at evangelizing than Him?
@@HAL9000-su1mz I really appreciate your comments on videos. So helpful.
Br. Steve Rey, could you guide me where I will get the writings of the Catholic Church Fathers and books that would enlighten me about the lies of the Penracostals.I was a cradle catholic but left the church in 2008.I am now slowly understanding that I am deceived by the Enemy by his craftiness like Eve.Because interpretation of the word out of context and history/tradition tradition has been the weapon of the Enemy to steal the Catholics gor the past 570 years.I live in Mumbai, India.
Numerous websites. Catholic Answers might help.
God be praised! ❤️🔥 He leads His children through the desert home in so many mysterious ways, nothing is impossible for Him, pray 🙏
Beautiful testimony and interview! Thank you and God bless! ❤
God bless you always brother. Happy for your return to the True Church.
What an awesome family and what an awesome man.,!
Wow wow wow. Steve’s story is so similar to mine! Thank you so much for this interview. I’m about to start his book ‘Crossing the Tiber’. Blessings
HUGE Steve Ray fan! I’m also a convert. Crossing the Tiber one of my favorite books EVER
The light goes on and there’s no burning the bulb out. Especially when you see you were deceived even if it was unintentional.
Thanks God for all Exprotestas that has find the truth Church. This are my favorits videos to watch.😍Thank you for sharing your wonderful testimony.❤
I’m literally shedding tears ,goosebumps 😢God Bless you Steve and your family,it is such a wonderful conversion story. ❤
This is a grand testimony of conversion to the One Holy Apostolic Catholic Christian Church of Traditional Teachings and Worship,for surly you have been led by the Omnipotent Power From Above And Beyond All human understanding YEAH AMEN HOSANNA IN EXCELSIS DEO GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO 🐑🕊️✨🌈
27:10. This. The first thing that comes to mind when I think back to the earliest writings from the Church Fathers. There was so much more, but this line I’ll never forget
What a great testimony. All his videos & talks are great & very entertaining as well as great teaching. I have read 3 of his books. ‘Upon this Rock’ & ‘Crossing the Tiber.’ Both are excellent & so comprehensively researched. So glad he is a Catholic apologist now. He is a wonderful teacher & evangelist.👏🏻🙂💟✝️
We're backing ourselves right in the front door.
I repeat and repeat hearing Steve Rey in his conversion story because it's so informative and interesting.and you learn much while entertaining.God be praise for having you.we Catholics are blessed with you.
Steve your are so awesome thank you for being convert to Being a CATHOLIC we need more CATHOLIC like you❤
I love Steve Ray’s conversion story.
That youtube Video he did in India reverted me to Catholicism because I was lukewarm. Now Im obssessed with the Catholic faith, learning and learning and listening and reading. I'm grateful to my parents who bzptised me and raised me Catholic.
I was Baptist and the Early Church Fathers directed me to become English Catholic with Eastern Orthodox leanings; especially the Orthodox view of the Scriptures.
What do you mean by English Catholic? Are you an Anglican?
Orthodox view of Scriptures? What does that mean?
@@lucillebonds2196 I think he is an Anglican, trying to assert that he is therefore a Catholic. I recommend to people the site Catholic Answers. Pax
@@lucillebonds2196 I think @roddumlauf9241 is an Anglican, trying to assert that he is therefore a Catholic. I recommend to people the site Catholic Answers. Pax
@@dougy6237I read from some writings of Msgr. Hugh Benson that Anglicans also call themselves Catholic? They are being lied to by their leaders. That's why Msgr. Benson we should always distinguish ourselves as Roman Catholics not just Catholic.
Very wise and helpful views on the Pope and the Papacy. Thanks 👍😊
Good interview. I thought this guy’s name sounded familiar, then I found a dusty old copy of his ‘Upon this Rock’ on a book shelf that I got over 20 years ago and never read. I will put it into the rotation.
great testamony, so glad you are part of our faith. Our Lord has brought so many good people to our faith, praise God
30:08. I can’t even imagine Steve Ray in RCIA. LoL.
Thank you both!
Thoughtful man and Wonderful testament to Gods love.
For over 70 years I have belonged to the most catholic episcopal church in America. We are shunned by all. I hold entirely to the teachings of YOUR catechism. But by you, I must first admit to being non-catholic in order to become Catholic. Therfore, I shall reluctantly remain in exile. Jesu mercy, Mary pray. Thank you.
Excellent.....,thanks ❤❤
Steve Ray is THE MAN! What a story!!
My twins and I have watched several episodes of Steven’s show called “The Footprints of God” on Formed. We used them as education videos in our Catholic homeschool. They are highly entertaining. I really recommend them!
Oh my, Steve Ray! I watched all his speaking engagement. love it.
👍 Steve Ray
He was a big inspiration for me. I hope to one day put a book in his hands 😁
Thank you Eddie, for another great story regarding conversion. As a cradle Catholic, I understand how little I know, and feel as if I'm one of those Catholics who doesn't know enough about my faith. I've taken the next steps in the last four years to learn and know more, and as Steve Ray said, I'm on deck, I'm part of the Catholic faith. Thanks so much for all you do...
Thanks for sharing!
Wow!! God bless you both and both your families!
Steve, I praise God for your beautiful testimonial, may god bless you and your beautiful family ❤🙏🙏
Thank you for your sober words!
I’ve heard your story before and it’s like walking through it with you again. Thank you for your passion for the Truth!!! ❤
Amazing! Always educational, insightful, helpful. Thank you for this interview. love it! ❤❤❤
24:24 that stool analogy also parallels the Trinity. Authority/Father God, the Logos, and Sacred Tradition guided by the Holy Spirit
Excellent. Thank you.
What parish does Steve Ray go? I would love to meet him one day. His story is amazing🙏
❤❤❤❤❤Love it thank you Steve 💯💓💓💓
Beautiful wisdom here. Thanks Steve Ray!
Amazing. Thank you 😊
The word “Protestant”speaks itself … Protest vs Catholic teachings the truth
Great. Thanks
Gosh I want a big family like this dude
good, psalms 1 and 127 tell you how to do it
Thank you, God Bless us all...
Not all cradle taking for granted their faith...because i know lots of cradle Catholic has very strong in my place since we were kids we attend doctrines sometimes somedays after mass or anydays so until now we didnt forget all what we have learned...❤
Thanks 🙏 ❤
I would be interested in hearing from former Catholics.
Maybe we can learn from them. Why they left. Did they miss something? Thanks!
Yeah! For sure. I love chatting with reverts so they can explain why they left and why they came back. Here’s my story:
@@CatholicReCon Not necessarily reverts, but people still OUT of the Church.
Steve's always great!
Where can i watch those movies???
John 6-47 " Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life."
Same chapter: Amen amen! I say to you that unless you eat of the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.
@@kimfleury Oh dear, eating my Lord & Saviour are you? Jesus died "once & for all" & that one sacrifice was enough to save every person on earth. Jesus was referring to his word as contained in the Holy Bible. I will pray for you.
Edith Schaeffer's L'Abri was impactful to me as well. Francis' worldview teaching was impactful for my pursuit of study in how people take on their views and biases, things that either confirm or interfere with Christian views and faith. I've gotta say, as a Protestant (who is discerning regarding Catholicism), that it's not the historic Protestant view that each person's their own authority, that everyone can always receive the correct interpretation of a text. And I'm not interested in remaining Baptist or Reformed or whatever, yet as I read the earliest fathers, I'm not becoming entirely Catholic. It's had an effect, for sure. But it takes me in the direction of Orthodoxy more, seeing the accretions of Catholicism-Catholics aren't today what they were in the beginning either. Anyway, there's little biblical charity in the Orthodox church. It's got me stuck, satisfied (not really the right word) for now to remain as I've been for a long time, unwilling to fly any flag higher than the Kingdom flag in my life and my family's life. I definitely appreciate this talk, and find Steve to be more charitable here than usually. But this thing where we brethren fight over this or that (even important things) instead of, I don't know, participating together in the ministry of reconciliation we've been given... Also, I've gotta say, RCIA makes sense. But the Ethiopian Eunuch also said to Phillip "there's water, what's preventing me from being baptized?" Why not allow someone to be saved who wants it (not that Steve, for example, wasn't saved before conversion)?
I have a question Mr AK 71(my high school graduation as well)--are you BORN AGAIN? (John 3.3-5, 33,34)--'BORN AGAIN' is the 2nd birth (spirit) & Sealed w/the HOLY SPIRIT?
Is there a link for Dr Ray's Ten Steps Series?
Tell me again the name of your movies, please.
That’s a beautiful house too by the way
Mr. Steve Ray is very passionate and very documented in what he's saying. But regarding the last part about the infallibility of the Pope, isn't that an eastern orthodox christian way of thinking? No one is infallible but Christ and God?
Plenty of Catholic videos on this.
What I want to know as a Catholic is that is there anything thing written in the Old Testament or New Testament revealing that throughout time that Jesus or the apostles mentioned about a reformation of his church that started in year one upon the Apostles and their disciples who in turn were ordained to be their Successor’s can any Protestant or Catholic reveal that?🤔🙄😟👀
No one can show from the bible that Christians need a bible. No Christian IN the bible HAD a bible. No one can explain that. What Christians need is the GOSPEL. A tiny fraction of the Gospel is written. There are so many bible idolaters today....
@@HAL9000-su1mz then why did those Hebrew’s of the Old Testament write what they have written as well as the Jews or apostles write the New Testament???🤔
I would like to reply but I don't really understand your question.
@@johnchung6777 I was countering the 'bible alone' types that always chime in with innovations. The scriptures are irreplaceable, but the Church was not founded on any writing.
Frances Shaffer wrote “ How should we then live”.
You got it right about typical Catholics coming in late and sitting in the back row. My parents did this when we were kids😂
Thank you
Interesting Steve got to skip RCIA while others have to go through it, it could have been a good and humbling experience for him.
Not everyone has to go through OCIA (it's not called RCIA since last year). If you know the Faith and profess to believe everything that the holy catholic and Apostolic Church teaches, you can be received into the Church at any time that the Bishop determines.
Praise God Almighty ☝️🙏
Viva Cristo Rey
We can all find comfort in friends and we can all find comfort in communities, when our family rejects us.
Protestantism, by and large, is the result of a parent who was, quite frankly, bereft of Christianity... at the level of leadership.
The Mother Church was a bastion of corruption. Her actions - through the power of those who led her - were intolerable. She was an unfit mother.
Yet, amid the hypocrisy, The Word never changed; the guiding principles of the founding fathers were never forgotten and the faith was left unshaken. Man is imperfect. The Holy Mother Church is not, because Christ is the cornerstone and St. Peter was the foundational rock.
"Faith of our fathers, living still in spite of dungeon, fire and sword..." was such an inspirational hymn/anthem to me - as an English Catholic. But, I had not been told the whole story, either.
When the faithful were put through the protestant crucible they were only reaping what they had sowed.
Who was more sinned against? Who was more sinning? All of us and all of us, for we are all Christians and we are 'one'.
27:10 - that is pivotal.. and brings to mind John 6:66. Yes, 666 :)
Every Catholic should stay away from those who spoke against the Pope on the Internet.
We will be judged on our obedience. Otherwise we devolve into Protestantism.
Personally I have never heard a Catholic say everything the pope says is infallible. Infallibility relates to doctrinal matters and I think has been exercised on two occasions. But the pope has supreme authority in the church and really serious consideration has to be given to what he says before dismissing it. In Pope Francis I see a Pope who lives the gospel teachings and appeals greatly to those within and outside the Catholic Church with the exception of some who seem mainly to be Americans attached to the TLM.
The Pope and the Magisterium are guaranteed not to teach error in matters of faith and morals. The Church will never teach anything that could endanger souls. I like what you said about Pope Francis. He loves to be around the poor, the common people. He reminds me of Jesus eating with tax collectors and sinners. It shocked people then, and it still shocks people today. I think it makes people uncomfortable because they don't want to do that themselves. But it's a good reminder that we will be judged by Jesus' words: "What you have done for the least of these, you've done for Me."