What Happened To Lovely Peaches?! (Out Of Jail..)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 6 тис.

  • @hisisters4616
    @hisisters4616 3 роки тому +6080

    "She's gone, whatever." is literally the MOST disgusting thing I have heard a parent say about their child.

    • @iloveytboys
      @iloveytboys 3 роки тому +13

      As she should

    • @nikab4532
      @nikab4532 3 роки тому +64

      shes SICK

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +26

      @The Big Bea Fr they gonna comment on peaches than give more publicity to James.

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +16

      You have no room to talk.

    • @cherrybomber3328
      @cherrybomber3328 3 роки тому +44

      @@Thatbishinyourcomments I’m pretty sure his pfp and user and just for a meme don’t get pressed

  • @meelboter278
    @meelboter278 3 роки тому +5491

    If you're wondering about cora, she only lived with peaches for like 2 months and has lived with her dad and grandparents since then, she's safe:)

    • @ayoo2190
      @ayoo2190 3 роки тому +213

      I'm glad shes safe

    • @kawaiirat2787
      @kawaiirat2787 3 роки тому +33

      She was with other family a while ago

    • @ayoo2190
      @ayoo2190 3 роки тому +128

      @Grammarly trolling abt racism isnt even funny😐 massa will not pick you

    • @Its_nautiee
      @Its_nautiee 3 роки тому +98

      That’s good, but however, even if peaches never did anything harmful to cora, it still doesn’t excuse the fact that peaches still threaten her for views and claim it as a “joke” that’s still such a disgusting messed up thing to do.

    • @editsandstuffcoolbish4672
      @editsandstuffcoolbish4672 3 роки тому +6

      @Raihan Alhadi I think max is safe

  • @vorshu9928
    @vorshu9928 3 роки тому +3399

    "She's gone whatever" literally so disgusting and horrifying. Peaches daughter deserved WAYY better. She needs serious help.

  • @obviouslyollie2049
    @obviouslyollie2049 3 роки тому +1511

    Forget “lovely” peaches, call her nasty peaches. it’s even disrespectful to the fruit calling her “peaches” 😃

    • @lovelypeachy4533
      @lovelypeachy4533 3 роки тому +56

      i feel mad at myself.. 😭 i didn't even know who lovely peaches was before i made my user

    • @cynthiataylor1908
      @cynthiataylor1908 3 роки тому +33

      @@lovelypeachy4533 lmao better change it before the bots start saying something…

    • @nicole_8116
      @nicole_8116 3 роки тому +5

      also i love ur pfp :)

    • @obviouslyollie2049
      @obviouslyollie2049 3 роки тому +1

      @@nicole_8116 yea really- ty btw :]

    • @dominique5631
      @dominique5631 3 роки тому +1

      Fr tho

  • @avalowenicolas6854
    @avalowenicolas6854 3 роки тому +1727

    I feel so bad for cora, she really doesn't deserve a mother who will just abuse her and embarrass her. That child is definitely screwed and scarred for the rest of her life. I'm so thankful that peaches no longer has custody over her.

  • @aislinkate2660
    @aislinkate2660 3 роки тому +937

    I’m crying that poor puppy. I feel so bad that poor baby!

    • @bardonna8599
      @bardonna8599 3 роки тому +16

      Totally forgot to mention the actual baby

    • @lucasdrass
      @lucasdrass 3 роки тому +9

      I feel bad for the poor puppy peaches will go to hell for it

    • @hopelessromantic777
      @hopelessromantic777 3 роки тому +2


    • @lolathebunny6735
      @lolathebunny6735 3 роки тому +4

      @@lucasdrass that’s not how it works

    • @lucasdrass
      @lucasdrass 3 роки тому +4

      @@lolathebunny6735 so shes just gonna go to heaven for it wtf

  • @xaamcdx
    @xaamcdx 3 роки тому +468

    Idc if she's faking this façade of hers or not, she scares the SHIT out of me.

    • @nikkinulu5499
      @nikkinulu5499 3 роки тому +2

      @[∆Mi!k∆] same

    • @mizzdeanabanana
      @mizzdeanabanana 3 роки тому +2

      Most is not fake ,but Cora is not dead and I belive peaches went to jail ,but yes she abused animals and her daughter and she has actually live streamed her doing a lot of those things

    • @nikkinulu5499
      @nikkinulu5499 3 роки тому

      @@mizzdeanabanana peaches makes me sick. She literally ruined the fruit

  • @vivianagalvan5440
    @vivianagalvan5440 3 роки тому +110

    She’s 19 years old I thought she was like 40 or 50 I just can’t believe people still support her from what she has done

    • @WowwowLulu
      @WowwowLulu 3 роки тому +1

      What’s your opinion on CupcakKe?

    • @frankruledge1733
      @frankruledge1733 3 роки тому

      Most of the time it's the pink people who look old as f***

    • @zoey101_stuff2
      @zoey101_stuff2 3 роки тому


    • @Bxrben_Dr1p
      @Bxrben_Dr1p 3 роки тому +1

      @@WowwowLulu WHAAT?? 😳 I- Omg i'm a big fan of cupcakke like wow i love her she's so amazing and sweet and content 🥰

    • @WowwowLulu
      @WowwowLulu 3 роки тому

      @@Bxrben_Dr1p yeah. It sucks how she privated all of her videos before I could even watch all of them. Someone should make a dvd out of CupcakKe”s music videos including the videos about sex

  • @jadetremblay7444
    @jadetremblay7444 3 роки тому +1095

    I heard that apparently she was sexually assaulted/abused when she was a kid, I understand that is something very bad, but that doesn't give a valid reason to harm ANYONE. she needs proper help and punishment. there are so many people that get away with literal murder. Our system needs to do better!!

    • @delilah8297
      @delilah8297 3 роки тому +17


    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +96

      she has untreated childhood trauma and it shows

    • @jadaaurie7696
      @jadaaurie7696 3 роки тому +9

      @@Thatbishinyourcomments definitely

    • @jadetremblay7444
      @jadetremblay7444 3 роки тому +31

      @qlowingraeeツ exactly. Tiktok is filled with toxic and problematic influencers. It’s so stupid. There are so many other good people that literally deserves to be where they are.

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +11

      @qlowingraeeツ This! 👏🏾 Why is everyone ignoring the fact that if ppl wouldn’t have showed her attention in the first place this wouldn’t have happened.

  • @samah.m1803
    @samah.m1803 3 роки тому +2787

    Every child deserves a parent but not every parent deserves their child

  • @CallMeKhari
    @CallMeKhari 3 роки тому +967

    She doesn’t need to be in jail, she needs to be institutionalized. Something’s very wrong with her and I’m more than positive she’s not gonna stop her disgusting behavior any time soon.

    • @nx1100
      @nx1100 3 роки тому +35

      Exactly no offense but these people are as bad as her this woman clearly needs help and jail cant really do anything for her as she won't understand her wrong

    • @rebeccahojo8584
      @rebeccahojo8584 3 роки тому +25

      @CIA: Central Intelligence Agency um no one deserves to die. you can clearly see that there's something mentally wrong with her, she doesn't deserve the death penalty. y'all don't even know what she's personally going through, its just because of what she post online. she only started acting like this after her mom died, so there's definitely something more going on with her.

    • @Idk-tk2hu
      @Idk-tk2hu 3 роки тому +3

      God loves you so much ☺️

    • @Idk-tk2hu
      @Idk-tk2hu 3 роки тому +3

      God loves you so much ☺️

    • @Idk-tk2hu
      @Idk-tk2hu 3 роки тому +2

      God loves you so much ☺️

  • @kittyxai
    @kittyxai 3 роки тому +451

    No one:
    Lovely Peaches’s teeth: *Social Distancing*

    • @Livth3p3rson08
      @Livth3p3rson08 3 роки тому +46

      😭😭😭 they’re social distancing from her because they don’t wanna be apart of her anymore

    • @Lucas-uu9ut
      @Lucas-uu9ut 3 роки тому +5

      Me with a coin: Mind if I put it between your teeth

    • @lolathebunny6735
      @lolathebunny6735 3 роки тому

      Wow thx 😔

    • @frhoglogy4077
      @frhoglogy4077 3 роки тому +6

      Didnt have to roast her THAT HARD 💀💀💀💀

    • @crescients
      @crescients 3 роки тому +3

      this joke: **overused**

  • @iivanna2980
    @iivanna2980 3 роки тому +4471

    The fact that people support her even after ALL the things she’s done, Is just sick.

    • @jess1e-
      @jess1e- 3 роки тому +109

      I know people think she’s funny but trying to SA an influencer for no reason is actually discusting

    • @Ohhhoneyyy
      @Ohhhoneyyy 3 роки тому +23

      Period. I was just saying this the other day..

    • @brittneysherman9600
      @brittneysherman9600 3 роки тому +47

      YALL KNOW WHY?! Bc demons are real and their are alot here! THE THINGS SHE EATS IM TELLING YALL ITS ALL REAL AND ITS BC SHE IS A DEMON!! That's why people support her! THEY ARE REAL DEMONS!!

    • @jess1e-
      @jess1e- 3 роки тому +10

      @@brittneysherman9600 yes , I do spiral things and that is a valid point 😂

    • @giannarufo544
      @giannarufo544 3 роки тому +2


  • @munch4DILFS222
    @munch4DILFS222 3 роки тому +12665

    If I'm gonna be honest, I forgot about Peaches for a sec.

  • @ritasscandal7135
    @ritasscandal7135 3 роки тому +1906

    The fact that it’s people that still supports her even after all the disturbing and dangerous stuff she has done. This generation has gone down BAD.

    • @cherrybomber3328
      @cherrybomber3328 3 роки тому +65

      Ikr! Some of these comments are supporting her it’s disgusting

    • @Hi-tx2zb
      @Hi-tx2zb 3 роки тому +13

      Ikr she has done so many disgusting things and ppl think that acting stupid and being disgusting is funny

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +4

      you’re apart of the problem. by making videos and talking about her 24/7 you’re giving her what she wants and enabling this stuff.

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +11

      I forgot about her until this video Anna made. Anna isn’t shutting her down she’s giving her more publicity

    • @hotdogsneed3865
      @hotdogsneed3865 3 роки тому +7

      I never was proud of this generation lol :')

  • @reagangivesuponlife1377
    @reagangivesuponlife1377 3 роки тому +336

    NO- HOW DARE SHE HURT A DOG, I can’t believe she’s a real person.

    • @oanaonitza4081
      @oanaonitza4081 3 роки тому +6

      hello fellow danganronpa fan

    • @Manya15103
      @Manya15103 3 роки тому +1

      I feel the same way !!

    • @murasakino101
      @murasakino101 3 роки тому +30

      What about her own child? I love animals too and wouldn't dare think of harming them but some people care more about their dog than her own child. The dog AND her child need to be as far away from her as possible

    • @reagangivesuponlife1377
      @reagangivesuponlife1377 3 роки тому +7

      @@murasakino101 yeah, I do agree. I see where you’re coming from. And I didn’t mean to make it seem like the dog was all I cared about, I just have a special place in my heart for animals, from past experiences. But yes of course I care about Cora, the child too.

    • @murasakino101
      @murasakino101 3 роки тому +7

      @@reagangivesuponlife1377 no it's ok, I love animals too which is why I dislike peaches even more lol. Being abusive to your own child is bad enough but animals too? Usually m$urders start off hurting animals so it's concerning. Sorry if I came off rude btw. I just saw a lot of comments that only mentioned the doggy

  • @sophiawahdan
    @sophiawahdan 3 роки тому +1762

    Peaches really doesn’t care about her child AT ALL.

    • @felix_brownies6748
      @felix_brownies6748 3 роки тому +35

      Or animals it's sad 😢

    • @bluecreamedsmoothie8202
      @bluecreamedsmoothie8202 3 роки тому +10

      @@felix_brownies6748 Right she needs to pray for forgiveness

    • @Cupidz_u
      @Cupidz_u 3 роки тому +8

      Shes so disgusting.

    • @not_me8360
      @not_me8360 3 роки тому +6

      She doesn’t care about anyone or anything

    • @euphovin
      @euphovin 3 роки тому +14

      @@bluecreamedsmoothie8202 nah even the devil won’t accept her in hell

  • @ikickchildrensforliving4740
    @ikickchildrensforliving4740 3 роки тому +1567

    It’s been awhile since we heard about the psycho girl

  • @tiramisu333xyz
    @tiramisu333xyz 3 роки тому +258

    This woman is getting out of hand, I feel so bad for her daughter, Cora, to have such a mother.
    She definitly needs to be locked up in jail for others sake.

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +6

      “Getting out of hand” you’re a little late. She was in jail and was bailed out already.

    • @cherrybomber3328
      @cherrybomber3328 3 роки тому +8

      @@Thatbishinyourcomments I honestly can’t tell if ur a hater or a supporter at this point-

    • @djsowksksw1440
      @djsowksksw1440 3 роки тому

      @@cherrybomber3328 they were just saying that she was already in jail

    • @queennisha6829
      @queennisha6829 3 роки тому +1

      @@cherrybomber3328 same

    • @dy6foundation697
      @dy6foundation697 3 роки тому +3

      Cora is living with its father and grandparents recently for the past 2 months so she’s fine,yall might know this :)

  • @_phong.huynh_
    @_phong.huynh_ 3 роки тому +361

    The fact that she started abusing her own dog makes me want to go to veterinary school and earn a degree just so I could help animals and my opinion towards this is valid.

    • @cinnamxndeadaccount7538
      @cinnamxndeadaccount7538 3 роки тому +20

      Yes i wouldve been so sad, thank goodness the dog was saved.

    • @Jeremy-jw7qb
      @Jeremy-jw7qb 3 роки тому +4

      @@cinnamxndeadaccount7538 Does anyone know where she lives, I have a bunch of friends who take care of things like this. We try to get rid of people that don't contribute anything to society, I've heard she lives in the Baton Rouge area does anyone know anything more?

    • @jadzia2098
      @jadzia2098 3 роки тому +2

      I hope you do get into vetenary school and get your degree and become a vet. I cant understand myself why people do these awefull things to animals. I love cats. I dont mind dogs but im more into cats and i just cant comprehend as to why people abuse dogs like this. That tells you a lot right there that she is not right in the head, thats a very bad sign when someone abuse animals like this.

  • @yadeecami4345
    @yadeecami4345 3 роки тому +589

    It's sad how people are bailing her out of jail. It's just disgusting!
    edit: what in the bloody hell did i start here-

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +19

      What’s disgusting is the fact that if y’all wouldn’t have gave her all this attention she wouldn’t have been doing this shit in the first place.

    • @Adriana-o5y
      @Adriana-o5y 3 роки тому +35


    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +9

      @@Adriana-o5y I’m talking to the people who did give her attention 🙄

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +5

      @@Adriana-o5y you slow ash give your moms phone back to her.

    • @Adriana-o5y
      @Adriana-o5y 3 роки тому +13

      @@Thatbishinyourcomments 🥱 this is my phone. 🤠

  • @billieeilishstan2003
    @billieeilishstan2003 3 роки тому +5503

    As a part of the black community I'm proud to say, WE DON'T CLAIM HER!!

    • @multi3ditz
      @multi3ditz 3 роки тому +213

      I agree

    • @crypticfairy7930
      @crypticfairy7930 3 роки тому +374

      As a member of the Indian and Desi community, we will not allow her into our culture.

    • @simonechloe_
      @simonechloe_ 3 роки тому +102

      I AGREEE

    • @user-xm2ou4pb1i
      @user-xm2ou4pb1i 3 роки тому +140

      Yeah we're also not allowing her into our Korean traditions

    • @ghiaccio1885
      @ghiaccio1885 3 роки тому +97

      As part of the Polynesian culture we will not even let her near us

  • @ayshaalhassani1512
    @ayshaalhassani1512 3 роки тому +596

    Ok I’m scared cuz no one is talking about her anymore 😍😭

    • @amor7886
      @amor7886 3 роки тому +5

      i don’t care

    • @pastel4014
      @pastel4014 3 роки тому +27


    • @kawaiirat2787
      @kawaiirat2787 3 роки тому +5

      Probably because she didnt do much

    • @ayoo2190
      @ayoo2190 3 роки тому +23

      @@amor7886 your comments are mad cringey

    • @taylor_nevaeh5815
      @taylor_nevaeh5815 3 роки тому +9

      idk how to feel about this, im confused if ur a supporter of Peaches..🤢

  • @Brynn.Zultanky
    @Brynn.Zultanky 3 роки тому +50

    Omg! Poor baby! We need to get that dog out! And thank god, Cora is safe! 💕

  • @Ogspotlite
    @Ogspotlite 3 роки тому +2166

    To the “early people” you’re a legend and adorable also a true “fan” God bless you

  • @ladycapri34
    @ladycapri34 3 роки тому +471

    Peaches needs serious help. I mean it. People only ever act like this when something is SERIOUSLY wrong with them. I'm sure Peaches was a victim of bullying, @bu$e, neglect and jusst everything horrible, really. And she only got "positive" attention by making herself the laughing stock since that was the only attention she could ever get. SHE NEEDS HELP. SHES A YOUNG ADULT THERES STILL TIME.

    • @wholethedogsout880
      @wholethedogsout880 3 роки тому +50

      She needs help in prison

    • @dissqueen7281
      @dissqueen7281 3 роки тому +12

      Help? Yeah in a looney bin. Young ADULT she's an adult and regardless of age she's mental even when she was seventeen before she'd turned eighteen she was crazy, there's no point in pretending she wasn't and went this crazy because of everyone else. Many people get abused but they don't act like a crazy person.

    • @DanzigFan-vq3zf
      @DanzigFan-vq3zf 3 роки тому +7

      @@dissqueen7281 YES, And just because you have a rough childhood doesn't justify doing the bad stuff that Lovely Peaches does

    • @natitheartsywitch442
      @natitheartsywitch442 3 роки тому +9

      @@dissqueen7281 honestly nobody develops that behavior out of the blue and I'm truly concearned about baby Cora being raised by the same people who "raised" peaches, that poor little baby 😥

    • @goldenalex100
      @goldenalex100 3 роки тому +1

      Wow you got it 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 🤨 OBVIOUSLY 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

  • @viqtoriea
    @viqtoriea 3 роки тому +2192

    I know tiktok banned her, but the problem with tiktok is that they waited until the very last bit when she started to get really disturbing. Tiktok should start being more responsible

    • @amor7886
      @amor7886 3 роки тому +6

      i don’t care

    • @cutesyleah937
      @cutesyleah937 3 роки тому +79

      @@amor7886 that’s gay

    • @browniiiii
      @browniiiii 3 роки тому +171

      @@amor7886 no one told you to care sweetie...

    • @freakinthesewer5784
      @freakinthesewer5784 3 роки тому +7

      They shouldn't have banned her

    • @kawaiirat2787
      @kawaiirat2787 3 роки тому +84

      They should of banned her when she stared doing her Weird things

  • @idk-ew7mx
    @idk-ew7mx 3 роки тому +70

    "every child deserves parents, but not every parents deserve a child"

    • @jommisalami
      @jommisalami 3 роки тому +5


    • @palerider2143
      @palerider2143 3 роки тому +1


    • @christopherlockery9629
      @christopherlockery9629 5 місяців тому +1

      I think that in this day and age you should have a licence in order to raise children.
      After all, you wouldn't be allowed to just simply get into a car and start driving it around town, without first being tested and approved and then as legal proof that you have carried out such a task and as a result having been vetted as a further result and then, and only that you have been given a LEGAL DOCUMENT which proves that you have been seen as fit to drive, can you drive.
      Yes, it is true that people who have drivers licences do indeed become reckless drivers, one must remember that the reason why drivers don't really care often is due to the fact that it isn't really all that much of an issue to not be able to drive (with all the money it costs in order to simply own a car it's cheaper to just simply remain a passenger or a pedestrian, as it happens that is the main reason why I don't drive) there is always the public transport system to use then that wouldn't really be much of an issue.
      But, with regards to having ones very flesh and blood (or indeed loved ones as a whole, in the case of those who have adopted their children, as it happens I was adopted and I loved my dad and my other family members who belong to his flesh and blood clan, to bits, in fact I don't even believe one bit about the myth about 'blood being thicker than water' because I see my 'adopted family' as simply my family though and though, as they are my family in sprit which is thicker than blood) taken away from them would fill parents minds and hearts with absolute fear and dread, thus in order to keep their children they would do anything, regardless of their own views or mental state to avoid that emotional pain, which often leads to suicide and drug use, among other things...
      Likewise if people tried to apply for such a series of tests and failed then, in some cases, there would be people who would be glad that they had checked that they would be fit to be parents first, before protenally having a child, finding out that such a thing wasn't right for them and possibly leading to abuse their child.
      You see, not all abusers actually hate their own children, yes there are some who clearly do, such as this horrible thing shown on this very video, and take a lot of pleasure in harming children.
      But also, and I dare to say that this is most likely the case of most parents, including a great many who do do go out and end up abusing their children, really do love their children and that they really do want the best for their kid's, but for almost any number of reasons they fail to put good parenting into proper practice.
      Maybe it could be due to pure and simple lack of proper awareness on how to actually go out do all of the things needed to rase a child. But if they are informed they will then know what to do and what not to do.
      Or maybe they have mental issues, and cannot cope with rasing children, even if they did truly love them, in such a case they would then be able to send their children away to families who didn't have mental issues as a way to do what's right for them.
      Or maybe they come from communities (eg the Amish or Muslim communities rase their children in ways, that let's just say that they do a lot of things I personally don't approve of which includes they way they bring up their kids, to name but two, gypsies I can also say the same things about while I am at it...) which believe that they are 100% in the right, or maybe they were raised in a way that is also clearly morally wrong or abusive, but due to the fact that they wouldn't be willing to listen to advice, no matter how sane it was and wicked their own style of parenting was, they would stubbornly stick to their guns. However with the sword of Damocles of having their children taken away from them and the resulting mental and emotional torment that they would get afterwards, then after a little tantrum, they would end up simply going though the motions, and more or less the kids would be fine.
      After all, let's just say that it was a hot day and felt like stripping off all of my clothes and go shinny dipping in the local lake.
      Now let's also just say, that said lake was in a public area, and I wished that I wanted to do so in broad daylight and in full view of the entire population of the city of Liverpool.
      Well, yes I could very much go and do just that, but do you know what would then happen?
      I would be arrested for public indecency and I thus find myself facing in various situations that I would have had much rather not found myself in.
      Thus all I can do is to look longingly at said lake, dream and hope for the laws that prevent me from doing such an activity without finding myself being arrested.
      And guess what? I would be OK.
      I mean many of those people only do what they do due to their own personal religious beliefs and yes although I myself am a Christian and there still are man made laws which I don't approve of, you won't find me trying to break such laws, as I know that one day the evil that exists in this world will end, after all it does say so in the Bible, so really all I have to do is sit amuse myself and wait.
      And if that can be said of the Christian Faith, why can't the people who belong to all of the evil cults that, let's just say approve of child marriage, or of human sacrifice in order to please their gods simply do the same as us Christians?
      People will break this kind of law, I am fully aware of that, but if enough pressure is put onto people to behave in a certain way, then they would do it regardless of how much they hated doing it or how little they understood about it.
      History is filled with people who would be told what to do and them going out and doing it and hating every moment of it all, but at the end of the day, they did it.
      I mean we don't like paying taxes, but we still pay them, don't we?
      We didn't enjoy being kept away from our loved ones (unless one had distractions to keep one going, like I did, but even so that also wore thin as well) in 2020, but most of us stayed indoors, didn't we? (I'm no uncle tom, but I did in fact I actually think that for some people it may have been good for them to just spend time at home, because in the case of those who were shielding with family and loved ones, they were more able to connect with them, plus it also helped humble the human race a little too...)
      And yes you could say there would be people who would rebel, rise up and then be crushed like ants by the governments, but after awhile people would sit back, submit and accept it all as just being 'normal' and maybe perhaps even a good thing, like the way people accept the fact that one must wear safety belts when using a car, or paying a toll fee in order to cross bridges or to go though tunnels, back when people began doing so, there was outcry!
      Believe me you should just take one brief look at a history regarding the matter and there was absolute bedlam over it all! Yes to be fair, a lot of the people who were forced to pay were very much hard up so they did have a point as many families ended up starving to death as ALL of the family budget endedup on toll fees.
      But now, tolls are considered perfectly normal and acceptable facts of life, we pay tolls, and I don't know about you but I don't look very starved, do I?
      I rest my case.

  • @whitefamily2228
    @whitefamily2228 3 роки тому +1115

    i cant believe she actually has supporters.

    • @SavanaSkye-sv3lc
      @SavanaSkye-sv3lc 3 роки тому +47

      Those people are just sick in the head like she is. Inhumane.

    • @umhguj567
      @umhguj567 3 роки тому +25

      yeah they think its cute

    • @rihabluv
      @rihabluv 3 роки тому +27

      They're crazy like her

    • @ily2371
      @ily2371 3 роки тому +5

      I like her clips tho

    • @giannadel1764
      @giannadel1764 3 роки тому +19

      @@ily2371 huh? I think you should rethink what you said sis-

  • @kyls7167
    @kyls7167 3 роки тому +639

    As soon as I saw Peaches in the titles I was like...
    Put ur safety belt honey, its gonna be a rough ride 🤡✨

  • @abroom3908
    @abroom3908 3 роки тому +531

    I swear I hate people harming animals and babies...

    • @alayatheanimallover4life871
      @alayatheanimallover4life871 3 роки тому +25

      Same like what the puppy or baby ever do to you?

    • @weebvibes6739
      @weebvibes6739 3 роки тому +11

      It makes me want to throw up about what people will do to LIVING THINGS!!!! THEY HAVE FEELINGS TOO

    • @snowcatapeller
      @snowcatapeller 3 роки тому +3

      I mean no shit, people like that are evil

    • @Julessteenbergen
      @Julessteenbergen 3 роки тому

      U vegan though

    • @abroom3908
      @abroom3908 3 роки тому +1

      @@Julessteenbergen hahaha funny 😐

  • @alexstone1808
    @alexstone1808 3 роки тому +35

    Peache's behavior makes you believe she's going to kill somebody soon.

  • @Yesmypfpismeirl
    @Yesmypfpismeirl 3 роки тому +5906

    Wait- SHE’S 19💀😭 i’m so sorry for everyone that is her age.
    Edit:Mother I am famous😂

    • @amor7886
      @amor7886 3 роки тому +50

      you’re not funny-

    • @divbani
      @divbani 3 роки тому +658

      @@amor7886 it wasn't supposed to be funny troll

    • @jasira1891
      @jasira1891 3 роки тому +1188

      I thought she was 38 bye 😭

    • @kawaiirat2787
      @kawaiirat2787 3 роки тому +664

      She looks 30😭😭

    • @user-rm4ns7mu8k
      @user-rm4ns7mu8k 3 роки тому +437

      no way I- she looks like she is in her thirty's

  • @tracy5507
    @tracy5507 3 роки тому +222

    tbh ion even know why she isn't locked up, it's actually disgusting that she's still free.... it's a shame on her frr

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +2

      Did you miss a few chapters? She keeps getting bailed out.

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +2

      You should be shaming the ppl who bailed her out.

    • @cherrybomber3328
      @cherrybomber3328 3 роки тому +1

      @@Thatbishinyourcomments Not all the shame goes to them peaches still went to jail for a reason stop acting like she didn’t do anything wrong either

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +4

      @@cherrybomber3328 I didn’t say that. y’all acting like her supporters aren’t to blame. She wouldn’t even be where she was if y’all didn’t keep feeding her attention.

    • @djsowksksw1440
      @djsowksksw1440 3 роки тому +1

      @@Thatbishinyourcomments fr

  • @taleahdorsett3201
    @taleahdorsett3201 3 роки тому +169

    Imagine Cora growing up and finding out this was her biological mother and watching all the videos of her mother. I am so happy she is no longer with peaches but now we need to save the dog.

    • @amazinriah1420
      @amazinriah1420 3 роки тому +8

      Maybe they might not tell Cora who her real mother is

    • @uwuash1019
      @uwuash1019 3 роки тому +1

      If I was Cora I wouldn’t want to know. I feel so bad for her dog. She should be sentenced to life in prison

  • @zeezeejackson5704
    @zeezeejackson5704 3 роки тому +102

    I'm just shocked because after all she's done... people still call her "Lovely Peaches"

    • @S0l4r.8
      @S0l4r.8 3 роки тому +12

      Dont even call her lovely she's not lovely and don't call her peaches it's disrespectful to the fruit call her nasty

    • @Bob-il2lu
      @Bob-il2lu 3 роки тому +5

      I have a new name for her "Disgusting abuser"

    • @aldcwaterfall9218
      @aldcwaterfall9218 3 роки тому +4

      Disgusting peaches

    • @lolathebunny6735
      @lolathebunny6735 3 роки тому

      @@S0l4r.8 that was literally the point of this comment

    • @hehehehe6126
      @hehehehe6126 3 роки тому +4

      Call her rotten peaches or moldy peaches

  • @Ok-wb4du
    @Ok-wb4du 3 роки тому +694

    Note to self: Don't watch videos about peaches while eating

  • @princesscobbina7859
    @princesscobbina7859 3 роки тому +463

    Who else forgot about her because off the nasty terrible disgusting horrible abusive actions

    • @dylankane8823
      @dylankane8823 3 роки тому +9

      they just made me remember her even more 🙄

  • @s.voy__
    @s.voy__ 3 роки тому +2627

    Heavenly Father I pray that he person reading this will be protected and healthy and financially blessed 🥰💯💕

  • @isabellaaa17643
    @isabellaaa17643 3 роки тому +379

    “I’m happy that I no longer have to worry about a child” that’s so fucking wrong. Glad Cora is safe now 💞

    • @milly_m123
      @milly_m123 3 роки тому +16

      Ikr!? Shes only a baby...

    • @siimxlyfroggy5727
      @siimxlyfroggy5727 3 роки тому +2

      @@milly_m123 she’s dead :(

    • @siimxlyfroggy5727
      @siimxlyfroggy5727 3 роки тому +2

      Coras dead 😢

    • @milly_m123
      @milly_m123 3 роки тому +2

      @@siimxlyfroggy5727 wait what?! Omg, poor child 😭😭😭😭

    • @isabellaaa17643
      @isabellaaa17643 3 роки тому +15

      @@siimxlyfroggy5727 No she’s not. Peaches faked Coras death. Her grandparents have custody now.

  • @Lawless.butterflies
    @Lawless.butterflies 3 роки тому +207

    Y’all, stop bailing this maniac out of jail. She is there for a REASON!! The facts Y’all supporting her is sickening 🤢

    • @googlemeets9672
      @googlemeets9672 3 роки тому

      Imma keep supporting her idc about a fucking dog

    • @unexpected320
      @unexpected320 3 роки тому +25

      @@googlemeets9672 imagine supporting a disgusting person 😬

    • @googlemeets9672
      @googlemeets9672 3 роки тому

      @@unexpected320 ikr it feels good

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +8

      You telling them to stop will only make people do it more.

    • @sh9429
      @sh9429 3 роки тому +11

      @@googlemeets9672 Im glad i dont know you. The rest who reads this, have a blessed day😊

  • @Callmesans.111
    @Callmesans.111 3 роки тому +176

    dont call her "lovely" call her "psycho peaches"

    • @iliodora25
      @iliodora25 3 роки тому +7

      No, psycho is like an illness, not insane killer or something, but i am really bad at explaining most times, call her "evil peaches" it fits her better.

  • @yesyes-yt7fm
    @yesyes-yt7fm 3 роки тому +23

    It’s so weird to me how Peaches was arrested for joking about harming her dog (throwing him out the window), but she wasn’t arrested, apprehended, anything when she made the jokes about cora. why is a dog’s life more important than a human child’s???

  • @chloe-christy8552
    @chloe-christy8552 3 роки тому +343

    She’s 19- I’m done I can’t do this anymore 💀
    Edit: omg thanks for the likes!

  • @gabrielhernandez3972
    @gabrielhernandez3972 3 роки тому +349

    Everyone should stop calling her "lovely" peaches

  • @nayayoussef2145
    @nayayoussef2145 3 роки тому +156

    I can't believe Peaches does not LIVE in jail.

    • @bela3993
      @bela3993 3 роки тому +6


  • @idonttellyoumyname6727
    @idonttellyoumyname6727 3 роки тому +6

    I'm so glad that Cora is safe now💕

  • @amistt
    @amistt 3 роки тому +260

    I hope everyone who sees this is having a good day and if you aren’t i hope it gets better soon 💞

    • @amor7886
      @amor7886 3 роки тому +3

      get a job

    • @pastel4014
      @pastel4014 3 роки тому +8


    • @deebs6721
      @deebs6721 3 роки тому +1

      @@pastel4014 BYE WHAT

    • @chuu2567
      @chuu2567 3 роки тому +1

      @@amor7886 😐

    • @pastel4014
      @pastel4014 3 роки тому


  • @justaregularpersonn
    @justaregularpersonn 3 роки тому +69

    This is beyond scary. Like Peaches needs to stay in jail. Shes a danger to the public.

  • @jluvzcatz
    @jluvzcatz 3 роки тому +167

    i gasped so hard when you said "19". I forgot she was that damn young-

  • @madisongordon6361
    @madisongordon6361 3 роки тому +13

    Omg I’m literally crying over her dog and daughter 😭😭 literally she is sick

    • @Gabby-oi4dz
      @Gabby-oi4dz 3 роки тому

      Don't worry the daughter is only lived with her for 2 months she is safe with her dad
      Idk about the dog but I hope he/she gets new owner that treats it better

  • @Ogspotlite
    @Ogspotlite 3 роки тому +161

    If you’re reading this I hope something good happens to you today. You deserve happiness

  • @bethgarcia1789
    @bethgarcia1789 3 роки тому +435

    "showering is just a trend!" -peaches

    • @cosmicmilk9294
      @cosmicmilk9294 3 роки тому +3


    • @cosmicmilk9294
      @cosmicmilk9294 3 роки тому

      @[∆$tup!d∆] I never said it was 😐

    • @cosmicmilk9294
      @cosmicmilk9294 3 роки тому


    • @cosmicmilk9294
      @cosmicmilk9294 3 роки тому +1

      @[∆$tup!d∆] and my nonfiction said u replied back to me so .. I'm confused 😓 it's maybe just a Glitch or something

    • @cosmicmilk9294
      @cosmicmilk9294 3 роки тому

      Can u say something back bc I don't know If that comment was for me or something 😅

  • @y_ani
    @y_ani 3 роки тому +132

    if peaches wasn’t going to take care of her baby why did she even have one? i feel so bad for cora, my heart goes out to her 🥺💗

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +4

      Ask that to all the people who abuse and neglect their kids

    • @6feet263
      @6feet263 3 роки тому +1

      @@Thatbishinyourcomments they just abuse them and take out their own anger on them,that’s why the get arrested

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому

      @CIA: Central Intelligence Agency How is this comment defending her? All I said was ask that to everyone and maybe you’ll get anwser y’all are soft asf these days

  • @strawberrymilktae7267
    @strawberrymilktae7267 3 роки тому +10

    This is so sad especially what happened with cora and her dog 😢

  • @kyliejenner8215
    @kyliejenner8215 3 роки тому +344

    Peaches: Im just tryna get more followers.
    me: No your tryna get more haters.

  • @LOVE.channel099
    @LOVE.channel099 3 роки тому +125

    Imagine how exited that dog would have been to be getting adopted than this happening to it

  • @scarletasmr1952
    @scarletasmr1952 3 роки тому +84

    I just can't believe that there are people like this in the world. 😢

  • @hilalmahmutoglu4664
    @hilalmahmutoglu4664 3 роки тому +4

    she disgusts me. I hope she will never ever be able to do any of those horrible things to innocent beings again. I hope she pays for what she has done and others take action to stop her.

  • @lance.7124
    @lance.7124 3 роки тому +128

    i'm honestly nervous for her daughter...

  • @munkhzuljargalsaikhan7560
    @munkhzuljargalsaikhan7560 3 роки тому +56

    I’m just so happy that Cora is safe

  • @tairymendez5244
    @tairymendez5244 3 роки тому +149

    “She’s gone... whatever “ this is literally the MOST DISCUSTING THING THAT A PARENT WOULD EVER SAY TO THEIR CHILD-

  • @deadcarnivora8648
    @deadcarnivora8648 3 роки тому +3

    I came to find out if Cora was safe thank you for this update queen.

  • @madameart4375
    @madameart4375 3 роки тому +80

    In my honest opinion, Peaches needs to be LOCKED UP FOR GOOD. No bond, no parole, none of that. She should've gotten locked up and banned from every platform she has when she lost "her" daughter (I put her in quotes cause she ain't her daughter anymore.), but nope. It HAD to escalate before they did something. That's really heartbreaking. Imagine when Cora grows up and finds out her past and what happened to her when she was a baby. That'll hurt Cora till the end of time.
    I'm angriest with TikTok, as they saw that happening, but didn't do a thing until it got REALLY bad. So downright harassment isn't enough to get banned from TikTok, but posting about how some people being discriminated against is?! How is that even remotely fair?!
    But back to my original statement, should Peaches be locked up? YES. Should she keep her platforms? Hell no. I don't even know how she has followers, let alone supporters at this point.

  • @EllasxWorld
    @EllasxWorld 3 роки тому +104

    the thumbnail is a whole ass jumpscare💀

  • @Jasminn11
    @Jasminn11 3 роки тому +75

    Man peaches is just SOMETHING ELSE like who would say they killed their own daughter. Like what now.

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +5

      A lot of people would and actually have. There are thousands of peaches out here and y’all are giving them platforms

    • @thatsalotofdamage8568
      @thatsalotofdamage8568 3 роки тому +2

      @@Thatbishinyourcomments Source: Trust me, bro.

    • @kyriaisonblast7553
      @kyriaisonblast7553 3 роки тому +2

      Her daughter is with other family members thankfully 😅

  • @mayainfante8869
    @mayainfante8869 3 роки тому +6

    Peaches needs serious help. This is not okay the fact that she doesn’t care that her own daughter died, makes my want to throw up.

  • @heysal230
    @heysal230 3 роки тому +159

    Off topic: I hate having “friends” over

    • @victoria..1272
      @victoria..1272 3 роки тому +5


    • @valkyrae.raymond.307
      @valkyrae.raymond.307 3 роки тому +3

      @ufw.taleah trueeeee

    • @astamaneneka6512
      @astamaneneka6512 3 роки тому +5

      SAME but like when if comes so my cousins it’s cool

    • @iconic_glory5952
      @iconic_glory5952 3 роки тому +1

      Same GURL they are TOO MUCH

    • @heysal230
      @heysal230 3 роки тому +6


  • @gisselmendoza909
    @gisselmendoza909 3 роки тому +63

    Girl I haven’t heard a video about peaches in a whileee

    • @kawaiirat2787
      @kawaiirat2787 3 роки тому +3

      Same its Been long

    • @ayoo2190
      @ayoo2190 3 роки тому +8

      @@userafg7 girl then leave

    • @ayoo2190
      @ayoo2190 3 роки тому +3

      @@userafg7 dont see a reason to complain then😗

    • @ayoo2190
      @ayoo2190 3 роки тому +6

      @Grammarly neither are you 😬

    • @ouju
      @ouju 3 роки тому +1

      @Grammarly I am

  • @crystalhoodieglotch9006
    @crystalhoodieglotch9006 3 роки тому +230

    “Not me thinking she was 21 until this vid 👁👄👁”
    Edit: Not me caring about the dog more then the humans 👁👄👁🥰🙄

  • @taki5802
    @taki5802 3 роки тому +10

    She’s happy that Cora died 😭 but she’s away from cora

  • @Bigfoot_With_Internet_Access
    @Bigfoot_With_Internet_Access 3 роки тому +59

    The humans who spy on me in the forest should go to jail

  • @mazzeyluke1665
    @mazzeyluke1665 3 роки тому +41

    I feel so sorry for her mum and dad that sees what there daughters has become 😒🤢🤢

  • @olivergarrick672
    @olivergarrick672 3 роки тому +128

    Imagine how weird it will be for Cora when she grows up to find out her biological mother was a criminal.

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +14

      Weird? More like traumatic

    • @brittneyblows
      @brittneyblows 3 роки тому

      oh well cora never was harmed

    • @just2random58
      @just2random58 3 роки тому +3

      @@brittneyblows she was many times

    • @brittneyblows
      @brittneyblows 3 роки тому +2

      @@just2random58 she was taken away from her due to other reasons ever since she left she clearly joked about harming her. she literally laughed during the video you guys are so slow. you never seen someone mentally ill before it seems

    • @just2random58
      @just2random58 3 роки тому +6

      @@brittneyblows she made a video of her punching her daughter and making her cry.

  • @_apoorva_07
    @_apoorva_07 3 роки тому +2

    I cried when she mentioned the dog🥺😭

  • @veraduiverman2832
    @veraduiverman2832 3 роки тому +148

    We should honestly stop giving ANY attention to her. If we stop talking and posting about it, giving her likes and views etc, if the fbi is handling it we are able to let it go, and she will probably stop.

    • @Adriana-o5y
      @Adriana-o5y 3 роки тому +6

      If we talk abt it more policies and ppl will get involved and know more.

    • @veraduiverman2832
      @veraduiverman2832 3 роки тому +4

      @@Adriana-o5y That's true but she loves the attention, so she will continue 😬

    • @tianawilliams4760
      @tianawilliams4760 3 роки тому +2

      Totally agreed with this 100%

    • @veraduiverman2832
      @veraduiverman2832 3 роки тому

      @fabrizio lora I think if you see someone doing that contacting them privately (via dm's or something) and explaining everything she did and why they shouldn't support Peaches

    • @lyfe.shenanigans3
      @lyfe.shenanigans3 3 роки тому


  • @Iviex
    @Iviex 3 роки тому +84

    Imma be honest with y’all Peaches need to go to a physiological hospital and stay for a good long while

    • @helenhensman
      @helenhensman 3 роки тому


    • @EdgyMTB
      @EdgyMTB 3 роки тому

      @Saiki simp🤠 psychological not physiological

    • @Iviex
      @Iviex 3 роки тому

      @@EdgyMTB Ok that doesn’t change the fact she still needs to go there😃🤨

  • @MB-bq9vv
    @MB-bq9vv 3 роки тому +51

    Anna: lovely peaches aka Brittany Jhonson
    Me: Oh no,shes back again

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +1

      She’s not back. Anna just had to resurface her. Everyone forgot about her until This video. Anna is one of the reasons she does the shi she does

  • @skyla_thequeenvibes2072
    @skyla_thequeenvibes2072 3 роки тому +6

    The fact that she abused her OWN DAUGHTER then she did the same thing to her OWN dog is just flipping bull shart bro

  • @dystanysam9896
    @dystanysam9896 3 роки тому +116

    I’ve blamed y’all for giving this Peaches a platform, by keep talking about her and of course people are going to keep looking at this girl up .

    • @djsowksksw1440
      @djsowksksw1440 3 роки тому +1

      fr, they giving her attention for what

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +3

      Fr, everyone thought I was “defending” her when I said this. She does this shi for attention. So it’s their fault that they ever payed attention to her in the first place.

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +1

      How about stop giving bad people platforms and this stuff won’t happen

    • @ayoo2190
      @ayoo2190 3 роки тому +1

      Right like as soon as I heard the stuff she was doin in 2019/2020 I knew it was for clout and I erased her from my memory. I forgot ab her until now😔

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +3

      @@ayoo2190 And that’s all thx to Anna. Resurfacing her and giving her the attention and publicity she wants.

  • @olivergarrick672
    @olivergarrick672 3 роки тому +56

    Me thinking preaches is like 58 until I find out she is 20💀😭.

  • @Camille-cd4ih
    @Camille-cd4ih 3 роки тому +116

    I’m just gonna say it. I forgot peaches existed for a min.

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +6

      And it would’ve stayed that way if Anna wouldn’t have made this video.

    • @Camille-cd4ih
      @Camille-cd4ih 3 роки тому +3

      @@Thatbishinyourcomments FR 💀

    • @money300man
      @money300man 3 роки тому

      @✨Azusa Mukami✨ RIGHT

  • @laura_5470
    @laura_5470 3 роки тому +2

    Hopefully that little girl doesn't need major help when she's older.

  • @voilaa2829
    @voilaa2829 3 роки тому +46

    Honestly, Peaches would've had a great career but she's ruined it all just for clout...

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +8

      Pls peaches played y’all idiots she has a career as long as y’all keep saying her name and making videos like these

    • @phatpussytingz1595
      @phatpussytingz1595 3 роки тому +2

      @CIA: Central Intelligence Agency wrd

    • @Idk-tk2hu
      @Idk-tk2hu 3 роки тому +2

      God loves you so much ☺️

    • @Idk-tk2hu
      @Idk-tk2hu 3 роки тому +1

      God loves you so much ☺️

    • @Idk-tk2hu
      @Idk-tk2hu 3 роки тому +1

      God loves you so much ☺️

  • @aspiringcaptain
    @aspiringcaptain 3 роки тому +43

    Anna is out here getting us through school just like she got us through quarantine 😭😩💕

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому

      Girl what? If anything I lose brain cells watching some of her content.

    • @makemyearfquake
      @makemyearfquake 3 роки тому

      @Bish then y are you on thks video then? if you dont like her, keep your opions to yourself

    • @aspiringcaptain
      @aspiringcaptain 3 роки тому

      @@Thatbishinyourcomments then why are you watching

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому

      @@makemyearfquake Anna isn’t getting you through school with that poorly typed sentence.

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому

      @@makemyearfquake You just proving my point.

  • @ectopii
    @ectopii 3 роки тому +35

    I binge watch Anna oop even though I absolutely despise straight tik tok and i absolutely love her

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому

      That’s ironic bc Anna is no better than the tik tokers she reports on.

    • @ectopii
      @ectopii 3 роки тому

      @@Thatbishinyourcomments ikr it's incredibly ironic, I just don't know why her videos entertain me

  • @janeanrice2975
    @janeanrice2975 Рік тому +1

    Thanks 🙏 god is good

  • @fr4nk0cean1over
    @fr4nk0cean1over 3 роки тому +48


  • @kayln_xoxo8700
    @kayln_xoxo8700 3 роки тому +21

    I haven't heard anything about her in a long time. I was happy about that

  • @yesandno9714
    @yesandno9714 3 роки тому +26

    I see a masterpiece and came as fast as I could

    • @amor7886
      @amor7886 3 роки тому +1

      i don’t care

    • @pastel4014
      @pastel4014 3 роки тому +3


    • @yesandno9714
      @yesandno9714 3 роки тому

      @@amor7886 if you didn’t care then why did you comment??

    • @Jennifer-ie6df
      @Jennifer-ie6df 3 роки тому

      @@amor7886 i dont care about your videos so stop posting lol

    • @foodinn4897
      @foodinn4897 3 роки тому +1

      Shut up

  • @noodle9567
    @noodle9567 2 роки тому +1

    As a mother of 2, I could not fathom losing my children. So for her to lie about it and SMILE is freaking horrible

  • @natasharomanoffsavedthewor2779
    @natasharomanoffsavedthewor2779 3 роки тому +29

    I was drinking tea when she posted. The title had peaches and I knew the tea is HOT

  • @khanggfh1327
    @khanggfh1327 3 роки тому +33

    the fact that she still calls her ,,lovely" peaches 😭

    • @kawaiirat2787
      @kawaiirat2787 3 роки тому +1

      Thats the name shes know with so i guess people will just go with it

    • @Hi-tx2zb
      @Hi-tx2zb 3 роки тому +1

      @@kawaiirat2787 Yeah but nothing about her is “lovely”

  • @LexLexxxx
    @LexLexxxx 3 роки тому +125

    When you said she ate her own poop and licked a used tampon I started shaking that is gross 😨😨

    • @amor7886
      @amor7886 3 роки тому +1

      i don’t care

    • @ayoo2190
      @ayoo2190 3 роки тому +27

      @@amor7886 nobody cares ab u

    • @LexLexxxx
      @LexLexxxx 3 роки тому +23

      @@amor7886 I didn't even say nothing to you 😒😒

    • @theyluvvmeemoreee8025
      @theyluvvmeemoreee8025 3 роки тому +9

      @@amor7886 then leave😘

    • @amor7886
      @amor7886 3 роки тому +4

      @@ayoo2190 yet you stay replying to every one of my comments

  • @emman4115
    @emman4115 3 роки тому +4

    she doesnt need jail. she needs solitary confinement.

  • @alishabains5199
    @alishabains5199 3 роки тому +37

    WAIT SHE'S 19 😭😭💀
    not me thinking she's like 30 💀😭

    • @googlemeets9672
      @googlemeets9672 3 роки тому +1

      You’re not funny

    • @alishabains5199
      @alishabains5199 3 роки тому +4

      @@googlemeets9672 i wasnt trying to be funny

    • @Adijones09
      @Adijones09 3 роки тому +1

      @@alishabains5199 same

    • @6feet263
      @6feet263 3 роки тому +1

      I thought she was like 30 or 40

  • @StarStable.Savannah
    @StarStable.Savannah 3 роки тому +23

    Girl the fact that “lovely” is even in her name is just- 🤚🏼😔😔💔

  • @cyrol5860
    @cyrol5860 3 роки тому +20

    Why is she doing all this? THIS IS MADNESS!

    • @Thatbishinyourcomments
      @Thatbishinyourcomments 3 роки тому +4

      She’s doing this shi bc y’all enable it. She wants attention and you bishes are giving it to her.

    • @eliazarpena9942
      @eliazarpena9942 3 роки тому

      @@Thatbishinyourcomments preach it!!!!!!

  • @smilebbyily2445
    @smilebbyily2445 3 роки тому +2

    Anna is the phoniest person on this earth. "My girl charlie" *rolls eyes*

  • @lqxiia
    @lqxiia 3 роки тому +19

    peaches is rlly something else and she used to have a child...