IELTS SPEAKING PART 2: Describe a person who likes to buy goods with low prices

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • Sample Answer
    Firstly, I’d like to introduce the person in question, who is my close friend, Sarah. She is a remarkable individual who has had a significant impact on my life. Furthermore, I met this individual through a mutual friend during our university days, and our friendship has grown stronger over the years. Moreover, this person is not only interested in various hobbies like reading and hiking but also has distinctive characteristics such as being very budget-conscious and practical.
    First of all, this person comes from a background of modest means, which has shaped her frugal mindset. She grew up in a small town where thriftiness was a common value. Secondly, in terms of professional status, she works as an accountant, which suits her meticulous and organized nature. Lastly, this person plays a significant role in my life as a confidante and advisor, especially when it comes to financial matters and making cost-effective choices.
    To begin with, this person generally prefers to buy practical and necessary items rather than luxury goods. Her shopping habits reflect her inclination towards functionality and utility. Additionally, she often purchases items such as groceries, household essentials, and everyday clothing. She tends to avoid impulsive buying and focuses on what is truly needed. Moreover, she has a particular liking for brands like IKEA and Uniqlo, which offer quality products at affordable prices.
    Essentially, this person prefers to shop at discount stores and outlets where she can find good deals and save money. She often visits local markets and second-hand shops for various items. Furthermore, she often chooses online shopping because it allows her to compare prices and read reviews before making a purchase, ensuring she gets the best deal. Moreover, in particular, she frequently visits online marketplaces like Amazon and eBay for their wide range of affordable products.
    First and foremost, this person is very budget-conscious and prioritizes financial stability, which is why she prefers to buy cheap goods. She believes that spending wisely is crucial for long-term financial health. Additionally, she has a practical mindset and believes in getting the best value for her money, which leads her to opt for more affordable items. She always looks for sales and discounts to stretch her budget further. Moreover, she prefers buying in quantity rather than focusing on brand names, often choosing generic brands to save more money. This approach allows her to maintain a comfortable lifestyle without overspending.
    In summary, this person is significant to me for several reasons, including their influence on my shopping habits and financial decisions. Additionally, their preference for cheap goods stems from their budget-conscious nature and practical approach to spending. Ultimately, this preference not only shapes their lifestyle but also influences those around them, including myself. Her frugality has taught me the value of money and the importance of making smart financial choices.