When Regulation Becomes Code



  • @Fuego958
    @Fuego958 День тому

    If regulation is made into code it should be written in Rust so it takes forever to compile.

  • @Sydra.
    @Sydra. 2 дні тому

    This is an underestimation of the regulatory problem. As more and more regulations are introduced, they eventually start to conflict with each other. And many regulations also mandate specific actions, which come with constant costs. An AI cannot solve this.

    • @sp00l
      @sp00l 2 дні тому

      So you're telling me we could use unit tests to make sure there are no regulatory conflicts? 🤔

    • @Sydra.
      @Sydra. 2 дні тому

      ​@@sp00l You misunderstand the goal of regulations. If lawmakers had good intentions, there wouldn't be more than 1,000 pages of laws and regulations.

    • @seductivewalrus5587
      @seductivewalrus5587 День тому

      AI can solve this, but it will have to learn to prioritize which laws to follow.