Hello, if the non diagonal modal MAC value in the MAC rectangle is large, but the experiment has been completed, are there any remedial measures?? If you don't want to get a large MAC value, can you only test as many points as possible before the test? Thank you and look forward to your reply
After the test is done, there are no remedial measures. Best would be to do checking of the MAC during the test periodically to see if the off diagonals are low and the mode shapes look proper. By period checking of the result while the test is in progress, remedial measures can be taken as needed before test object and equipment are torn down.
Hello, if the non diagonal modal MAC value in the MAC rectangle is large, but the experiment has been completed, are there any remedial measures?? If you don't want to get a large MAC value, can you only test as many points as possible before the test? Thank you and look forward to your reply
After the test is done, there are no remedial measures. Best would be to do checking of the MAC during the test periodically to see if the off diagonals are low and the mode shapes look proper. By period checking of the result while the test is in progress, remedial measures can be taken as needed before test object and equipment are torn down.
@@SimcenterTesting OK, I see. Thank you very much for your reply. Thank you