How Any Non-Resident Can Get a US Credit Card (Step-by-Step)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @JamesBakerCPA
    @JamesBakerCPA  2 дні тому +1

    Get Your Tello Account Here -

  • @ONeilGordon-y9c
    @ONeilGordon-y9c 17 годин тому

    Thanks man for the info your conent is always helpful i trid firstcard and it was great

    • @JamesBakerCPA
      @JamesBakerCPA  15 годин тому

      Thanks a lot for watching and for the comment I hope it works out. Share anything else you find

  • @sonny8085
    @sonny8085 2 дні тому

    I've heard that US Bank will accept an ITIN for their "secured" credit card, which in time could lead to one of their better cards with perks, but those cards won't accept ITIN if you're new to them.

    • @EduardJenco-q2s
      @EduardJenco-q2s 2 дні тому +2

      US Bank accepts ITIN just in case if you have a valid existing credit history with main credit bureaus.

  • @mike.snider
    @mike.snider День тому

    chime doesn't seem to work with ITIN, it won't let me proceed with sign up

    • @JamesBakerCPA
      @JamesBakerCPA  20 годин тому

      Thanks for trying man. Try to contact their customer support and see if they can help you anyways. It seems like a pretty cool account

    • @EduardJenco-q2s
      @EduardJenco-q2s 2 години тому

      ​@@JamesBakerCPAChime accetps US citizens and legal US residents only.

  • @NeXusAarenAiT
    @NeXusAarenAiT День тому

    Good morning.
    What is the cost of opening an LLC in Wyoming, complete with a physical bank account, opened remotely?
    is it possible or am I asking for the moon?
    thanks anyway... greetings

    • @JamesBakerCPA
      @JamesBakerCPA  20 годин тому

      Schedule the call with the team to see if you qualify for this. It can be done sure.

  • @Tinaclemens-k7n
    @Tinaclemens-k7n 4 години тому +3

    Future looks bright when the needful are being done, I never regretted using part of my salary to start up my investment

    • @JohnPaul-b8s
      @JohnPaul-b8s 4 години тому

      Investment as multiple stream of making money shouldn't be taking for granted, I secured an apartment with a nice car from my earnings I withdrew recently

    • @Mike-k9b-g8d
      @Mike-k9b-g8d 4 години тому

      Procrastination has indeed dealt with me, thank God I came across this comment, I needed to start up with part of my salary, I have procrastinated enough.

    • @Ruth-r9u
      @Ruth-r9u 4 години тому

      That is true my dear, investment is the best idea presently and without it, human struggles are worthless.

    • @Riana-p7n
      @Riana-p7n 4 години тому

      Truly if you don't multiply your income, you might end up regretting everything sincerely.

    • @benita-b1p
      @benita-b1p 4 години тому

      Identify with a renowned financial advisors, especially in the U.S., we first identified all firms registered with the SEC in the country.

  • @yousseflaghrissi3157
    @yousseflaghrissi3157 День тому

    James please as a moroccan perso. Having llc in new mexico with bizee virtual address how can i get proof of address