Kingdom Hearts is a tragic story that, unlike Notis, is less tragic because Sora literally represents and plays the Yugioh magic card Reincarnation of Hope. Sora and Yusei Fudo both become stronger through the bonds of friendship. Both bring hope to those who no longer have it.😁
I mean some scenes are really sad in Kingdom Hearts but I still love the game
There are some really sad Kingdom Hearts scenes but they make the game amazing from its impact
@@jditty150 That's what I mean actually
KH is truly tragic because Sony won't release a physical copy of the remakes outside the cloud version.
That is truly tragic 😥
Noctis is just jealous. He knows Kigdom Hearts is a tragic tale but he thinks his suffering is more tragic.
Noctis is truly jealous cause he died in the end while Sora has a chance of coming back alive
Kingdom Hearts is a tragic story that, unlike Notis, is less tragic because Sora literally represents and plays the Yugioh magic card Reincarnation of Hope. Sora and Yusei Fudo both become stronger through the bonds of friendship. Both bring hope to those who no longer have it.😁
Why y’all gotta be so 👀🥰🤫