Is this LEGO's WORST Decision yet?



  • @BrickfilmPictures
    @BrickfilmPictures Місяць тому +3

    some minifigs look great with no pupial's.
    ahsoka, thrawn, barris, storm, etc.
    but it just looks so off on characters like palpatine and maul, maul now looks like a horror character
    idk, maybe i need to get used to them or something, it still looks off tho

  • @rennythespaceguy7285
    @rennythespaceguy7285 Місяць тому +13

    I think it's them trying to make it more consistent with normal minifigures not having pupils

  • @bennett4789
    @bennett4789 Місяць тому +2

    if i were a lego star wars designer, id probably make design choices specifically to spite m and r. hes such a whiny loser

  • @ThomasReaper1
    @ThomasReaper1 Місяць тому +9

    This conversation over Lego's lack of quality control or questionable decisions on minifigures is more than relevant to have, especially when consumers keep paying excessive amounts of cash for an overall product that, in some regards, was executed WAY BETTER ages ago.
    This just sets an awful precedent for future mistakes on top of validating current ones: it always starts as a little tweak, then slowly progresses into chaos or disorder.
    Before judging a book by its cover, let's all look at actual reference materials, compare to old designs and then reflect

  • @jcrossan1351
    @jcrossan1351 29 днів тому

    They’ve been doing this with the smith as well palpatine looks blind now

  • @HeckBoi-23
    @HeckBoi-23 Місяць тому +6

    DUDE why are people getting so pissed over this topic?! I LOVE the no pupil figures! I think it makes it unique, that's like saying it's inaccurate to not give a sith figure a NOSE, like of course they aren't gonna give a Lego figure a NOSE just for accuracy, I think it's cool to reimagine what these characters might've looked like with creepy solid glassy eyes, y'know? It reminds me of the Hellboy Comics n stuff

  • @carolynmouton6318
    @carolynmouton6318 Місяць тому +1

    In my opinion clone helmet holes are not that bad I mean really its just a tiny hole in a tiny helmet that goes on a lego minifigure

  • @lawnmower...
    @lawnmower... Місяць тому +5

    Salacious is now a sith, who knew?

  • @conwolf08wazhere11
    @conwolf08wazhere11 Місяць тому +1

    I dont see the issue on this. I dont buy starwars legos usually and other then golem, all the other updated figures shown in this video looked pretty good to me. Im more irritated about the lack of new characters in the superhero lines of legos and the insane prices i have to fork out just for an x man jet.

  • @eryvac0074
    @eryvac0074 Місяць тому +46

    This is the smallest, most petty complaint I've ever heard. The new eyes look fine, match normal minifigs better and help get those figs out of the uncanny valley

    • @TheBrickBoyo
      @TheBrickBoyo  Місяць тому +8

      I disagree! I think the faceprint is the most important part of a figure to get right print-wise and making them objectively less accurate for such a senseless reason (and after such a long time) is completely worth complaining about.
      Plus, a figure looking 'fine' after a change isn't good enough. If you're gonna make a change like this, they should look 'better' otherwise the change is a failure.
      Why is them matching normal minifigs a good thing? They're Sith eyes like they SHOULD be distinct, and for molded characters like Salacious or Gollum, was anyone bothered by them mismatching?

    • @eryvac0074
      @eryvac0074 Місяць тому +7

      @TheBrickBoyo I mean, sith eyes are just normal eyes, they're just yellow. Giving some Lego characters pupils and others not just makes them look like knock-offs. Giving them a more unified artstyle works to actually make them all seem like the same product. And it's not like Salacious Crumb has super distinct eyes compared to anyone else in Lego

    • @8numb160
      @8numb160 Місяць тому +2


    • @adambernard7150
      @adambernard7150 Місяць тому +3

      I thought I was crazy and the only one... Thank you for affirming that this is petty.

    • @gutdupois2809
      @gutdupois2809 Місяць тому +1

      I think some faces should have an uncanny feel to them. Like Palpatine and maul since they have such striking appearances. It doesn’t work for everyone though

  • @johndesenhista4381
    @johndesenhista4381 Місяць тому +2

    I noticed that with the Gollum and orcos minifigures from the Bara-Dur set, the lack of eye pupils removes the charm from them making it worst versions of the characters based on the old versions, i can see how every character will now have the same treatment like Grievous, Pythor or any other non human minifigure, its not a huge deal, but its definitively a bad thing

    • @Spaggetabout_It
      @Spaggetabout_It Місяць тому +1

      Exact opposite for me, I think it adds charm, the old figs were a bit uncanny with their realistic faces slapped onto the cartoony proportions of the lego minifigure, the new face prints fit them a lot better I think

  • @ReasonableRadio
    @ReasonableRadio 15 днів тому

    Ok i appreciate all the points you're making (no pun intended) but... I like the new eyes. They're cute and they fit the low poly aesthetic sort of inherent to lego. I don't see them as pupils and I would be annoyed if they started adding pupils again. I don't see the "objective" side to hating this design change except hating change itself or simply not vibing with it while others clearly do (including the art directors clearly)

  • @HondaOhnaka
    @HondaOhnaka Місяць тому +5

    it's a weird choice for sure... but like it's technically consistent since lego's design for eyes goes as: one main color circle, then a white dot to show the highlights. the whit dot is not a pupil, just a highlight.

  • @jackkemp7256
    @jackkemp7256 Місяць тому +1

    To be honest, I like the “upgrades,” but even I know, you don’t change something that you don’t need to change especially on iconic characters.

  • @flumperflip2614
    @flumperflip2614 Місяць тому +1

    What if this happens if they bring back SpongeBob?

  • @FabuBrik
    @FabuBrik Місяць тому +10

    I fully realize I'm in the minority but the new crumb looks way better. No more thousand yard stare off into the distance.
    I also like the new sith eyes. Minifigs should have never had pupils, they have a glint highlight. Same is true for your very own Brick Boyo character so I don't really get the outrage.

    • @TheBrickBoyo
      @TheBrickBoyo  Місяць тому +1

      I do like the coloured eyes! They're perfect for like Ahsoka, Thrawn, and like Bib Fortuna even. I picked em for myself cus the character looks way better with that splash of colour.
      I just think the Sith eyes looked much more accurate and interesting with the black pupils and that its completely senseless to remove them from molded alien characters like Salacious

    • @FabuBrik
      @FabuBrik Місяць тому +2

      @@TheBrickBoyo Totally fair. The green looks great, but the white and yellow does kinda blend together. I still personally like it.
      I can agree that the same rules should not apply to molded heads even though I do think the new salacious and new gollum look way better than the old ones... Gollum is not even close and the old one was cursed nightmare fuel. If they did a Jabba without pupils though, it just wouldn't work.

  • @AWOLbriks47
    @AWOLbriks47 Місяць тому +1

    Lego is making a lot of money saving decisions. Tbh i think that's why they decided to print waistcapes as a money saving decision. Look at the new cape element in marvel and DC. Won't be long and they'll start using that instead of cloth capes across the board. Its coming

  • @alanchao6169
    @alanchao6169 Місяць тому +2

    Nope, black pupil is the most terrible thing that could've happened to a minifigure's face. Pupiless figures make it more crude and toylike imo

  • @Chris_Elric
    @Chris_Elric Місяць тому +8

    Okay MandR

  • @micejoint132
    @micejoint132 Місяць тому +2

    i think the new eyes look better

  • @menstrualdissonance
    @menstrualdissonance Місяць тому

    if the black pupils look so superior why does your lego avatar have the style you are complaining about

    • @TheBrickBoyo
      @TheBrickBoyo  Місяць тому

      I think the intent of the video got lost somewhere in the edit cus I absolutely don't hate the 'coloured pupils' style. For characters with coloured eyes like Ahsoka, Thrawn, Bib Fortuna, the newest Ezra, and (as you said) my own avatar, I really like the colour and how much it adds to the faceprint. That's not my issue with this change at all.
      My issue is that for specifically the Sith eyes, I think the black pupils add the perfect amount of 'evil' to the design as well as some extra accuracy in the process. The Palpatine figure from 2012 is the perfect example of how well it can work imo because that figure just wouldn't read as well if he just had the yellow eyes alone.
      And my issue with Salacious and Gollum is that I think it's nonsensical to apply this rule to moulded characters like that because it's basically implying that they had sith eyes the entire time or something, and I just don't like that design decision as a rule going forward. If Jabba doesn't have printed pupils then I think my complaints will make more sense in hindsight.
      I had a few lines about that originally but cut em for brevity. My bad!

  • @nicklockk
    @nicklockk Місяць тому +1

    Why do you act like the design guidelines are some weird scapegoat or conspiracy? Every bigger company has a design bible for corporate consistency. And they were very open with us that some figures needed an update in order to comply to the design philosophy of figures. Palpatine having pupils would be like the Mandalorian and only the Mandalorian having printing on the side of the torso. minifigures just don't have that. Like they don't have black pupils. Period. Why is that such a crazy thing to you?

    • @nicklockk
      @nicklockk Місяць тому

      I continued watching the video and I'm sorry this is such a pathetic complain. You act like they stole your dog.

    • @nicklockk
      @nicklockk Місяць тому

      That the white in the eyes is supposed to be a white pupil and that "everybody thinks it is" is such a stupid argument too. You think all minifgures look up? You honestly always believed that? Are you listening to yourself?

    • @TheBrickBoyo
      @TheBrickBoyo  Місяць тому

      Ofc LEGO have design guidelines, I wasn't denying that. My conspiracy was that LEGO have been doing the sith eyes with black pupils since at least 2012 and it was never an issue. Like, if the guidelines say otherwise, then theyve been willfully ignoring them for 12+ years and seemed to only pull them out now to justify a design decision that people didn't like
      The picture in my head was this like dusty old book sitting the corner for over a decade, then after people started complaining about Palpatine, they start looking at it and picking out some random line to blame for it. Thats why I mentioned the Grand Inquisitor figure because they had already made the design change. I think its an unverifiable and convenient-for-them claim that somewhere in this book is the perfect justification for their actions, and that they have decided only now to treat as gospel
      Think of it this way, back before LEGO added this glint/reflection you had the pre-2010 figures with the pure black eyes and simple af prints. Like they were in The Complete Saga. You can argue that THAT was the time they were following their guidelines and doing it 'properly', but then what about the Clone Wars face prints? Those were ~2008 and had the most detailed eye prints we've ever seen. SURELY if the guidelines specified otherwise (and they were following them at the time, or at least consulting them when designing the CW faces) there'd be no way they make it into production while the modern Sith eyes can't

    • @nicklockk
      @nicklockk Місяць тому

      @@TheBrickBoyo you clearly never worked in a real company. You already got so far as to acknowledge that design principles in minifigures changed over time. These design changes were of course in accordance to the guidelines OF THE TIME. 2000s minifigs looks very distinct and different from todays but they all look like they are from the same company. But design guidelines change. Minifigure designs changed a lot in the past decade alone. This is a symptom of changing guidelines. The guidelines aren't some dusty old book (lmao) they are ever changing and often-discussed company-wide policy. Additionally, they openly communicated with us why this change took place so late: the designer said they one day realized that the sith eyes don't comply with the guidelines. Yeah they have been doing them like that, but some day they realized it isn't technically in accordance to the design bible. It's a technicality. Changes happen over long stretches of time. Different departments work on different themes and different aspects of the manufacturing process and changes take time to seep through all of them. Nobody hated or disliked the sith eyes in the company and so nobody realized that they aren't compliant with their own internal guidelines. Until they did. Again, the only way to not understand this simple reality is if you never actually worked in a company that implies a corporate design bible. Which is 99% of all companies these days.

    • @TheBrickBoyo
      @TheBrickBoyo  Місяць тому

      Okay so in 2008 when they designed the CW face prints, that was a change in design principle in accordance to the guidelines of the time. In that case, minifigures clearly can have pupils at least at that point. 2010 rolls along, they add the glint. Its allegedly NOT supposed to be their pupils (but they treat it as a pupil for 14 years anyway), okay. 2012 (or whenever) shows up and they make the sith eyes with a black pupil. Thats fine according to their guidelines at the time. All is well
      If you treat what I just laid out as a fact, that means that LEGO must've changed their guidelines again somewhat recently to accomodate these new figures. If this is the case, then why would the story be that only found out now about them so they changed according to the guidelines? If this was a new design principle, then surely they'd take ownership of the decision instead of passively blaming the guidelines?
      If this is a new design decision, why is it above criticism to you anyway? Its a small change that makes figures much worse. Regardless of what these specific guidelines say, we as the end customers see that these figures are worse now and can complain even without an absurdly in-depth understanding of their guidelines.
      Also, do you think the sith eyes made these figures look like they were from a different company? Did anyone actually have an issue with them not being consistent with the LEGO look? I think youre arguing the use-case for a design guidelines document without considering it's relevancy to this change. Did the CW faces look like they were from LEGO to you, or do you just accept that they do in hindsight because you know they were?
      Also, this change was NOT 'openly communicated'. It was a single extract in a book with a €150 paywall on it. This is the opposite of open communication

  • @pepsicannot
    @pepsicannot Місяць тому +1

    Gonna be honest I think this argument doesn’t matter honestly. I can just understand the change not being a good thing, tho i haven’t seen or read the guidelines of how minifigures work but also, it dosent matter.
    Like Lego Star Wars fans have always been very negatively vocal about a product like holes in a helmet or not having waist capes, but like…..complain about an eye pupil? Like that’s probably the most lame agument they can think of.
    While I can see the criticism surrounding this change it didn’t matter anyways.

  • @ZerostoHeros
    @ZerostoHeros Місяць тому

    Its simple. Your still gonna buy their product but now your gonna complain about it and make more videos thus driving more publicity and free marketing towards their products.

  • @Spaggetabout_It
    @Spaggetabout_It Місяць тому +2

    I don't think I've ever heard a complaint so minor, lego is a brick system toy, the whole point is that the parts are interchangeable, so minifig eyes should look the same across the board to fit their style, the old sith eyes just look wierd and out of place when comparing them to any other characters, this isn't an end of the world type deal, a minifig is a stylised version of a character, and that style doesn't include puples so why should there be weird exeptions like sith or the sail barge creature thing or Gollum

  • @silver_kitten
    @silver_kitten Місяць тому

    honestly i wish they would just stop doing colored eyes at all

  • @christopherstudebaker5002
    @christopherstudebaker5002 Місяць тому

    This the equivalent of Chris Chan getting mad over changing the color of Sonic’s arms. You should not care about this.

  • @killianosuilleabhain1640
    @killianosuilleabhain1640 Місяць тому

    Lego with an emphasized "L"

  • @crankywinter4332
    @crankywinter4332 Місяць тому

    good video man. Well developed argument.

  • @rakeguy7703
    @rakeguy7703 Місяць тому +3

    this thing is really a FunkoPop-ization of Lego. Thanks i hate it...

  • @benjamineriksson8439
    @benjamineriksson8439 Місяць тому

    Good vid man

  • @beastdork19
    @beastdork19 Місяць тому

    least spoiled AFoL:

  • @Qui-GonJinn1234
    @Qui-GonJinn1234 Місяць тому

    Why just why