Again, it's magnificent. If I were to recommend a song from Divide Music for next, it would be Obito Song - All That's Left Among other artists, I can recommend Breaking Benjamin - Feed The Wolf
If you do All That's Left, you can make Obito under Mugen Tsukuyomi Moon. You can put the song effect around the moon and add rain or snowflakes with clouds. Actually, you could have done this for Madara too, but I was a little late. It's been on my mind since then.
Again, it's magnificent.
If I were to recommend a song from Divide Music for next, it would be Obito Song - All That's Left
Among other artists, I can recommend Breaking Benjamin - Feed The Wolf
If you do All That's Left, you can make Obito under Mugen Tsukuyomi Moon. You can put the song effect around the moon and add rain or snowflakes with clouds.
Actually, you could have done this for Madara too, but I was a little late. It's been on my mind since then.