Beliefs are utterly meaningless. Taking action is the only way to influence one's environment. The exception to this is when a person is wealthy, powerful, popular, and influential (such as 3lon, Chump, Bankman-Fraud, Theranos chick, Bezoz, Madeoff, etc.)... in which case, things happen FOR them because their schlaves do things as tribute and in honor of subservience. 💪😎✌️
Beliefs are utterly meaningless. Taking action is the only way to influence one's environment. The exception to this is when a person is wealthy, powerful, popular, and influential (such as 3lon, Chump, Bankman-Fraud, Theranos chick, Bezoz, Madeoff, etc.)... in which case, things happen FOR them because their schlaves do things as tribute and in honor of subservience. 💪😎✌️