Retribution - Flight of the Eldar (IG)



  • @ShadowAimai
    @ShadowAimai 9 років тому +59

    "Flight of the Eldar"? Isn't that their permanent state of being?

  • @Hariarmannaz
    @Hariarmannaz 13 років тому +18

    Uhh, Adrastia 'questions' Eldar? She realy likes to 'question' things, does she?

  • @zebrin
    @zebrin 12 років тому +18

    That is the definition of the Inquisition, yes. My great "Question" is whether we will ever see one of these named characters die quietly, without some half minute long death speech.

  • @Davesknd
    @Davesknd Рік тому +2

    "Nibble at our bodies!"
    "Are you coming onto me?"

  • @SuaveNerd2000
    @SuaveNerd2000 13 років тому +9

    wow... that's a lot of Ogryns... kinda like a Frat party of doom

  • @MrFlyingSloth
    @MrFlyingSloth 13 років тому +8

    hang on Adrastia said that question Eldar line twice O.o she really must wanna question them. Or she decided to become a repetitive person.

  • @mivapusa
    @mivapusa 3 роки тому +5

    Imagine if the Elder ever just said "Hey, so this is what we are doing and why" instead of dancing around with poetry like a bunch'a pansies

  • @BadassHater1
    @BadassHater1 3 роки тому +4

    "Protect the Webway gates! Losing one will slow the Assembly's departure! And i am telling that specifically so you can protect them better and NOT for our enemies to know what they need to do to stop us! WE ARE NOT STOOPID! I REPEAT - WE ARE NOT STOOPID!"

  • @SomeCrapChannel
    @SomeCrapChannel 11 років тому +2

    It's a turret emplacement.

  • @Sneraptor
    @Sneraptor 12 років тому +2

    I believe it's a turret.

  • @viliboy
    @viliboy 13 років тому

    @Extraintrovert is awesome

  • @FreddeX91
    @FreddeX91 12 років тому

    I'm unsure, the cannon seems to be too long for a regular Leman Russ, but it could be a special version.. I dunno i haven't played Retribution yet so i cannot say for certain :)

  • @Qwepir
    @Qwepir 12 років тому +1

    is that a leman russ half buried in the ground?

  • @TheKingofnoob
    @TheKingofnoob 13 років тому

    Hey, life in the Inquisition can be lonely!

  • @503leafy
    @503leafy 13 років тому

    Got enough Ogryns?