Dan always does an excellent job with his Rules Schools. We were very pleased with his explanation of this game, as well as his videos on our other games, like Freedom and 1754 - Conquest. -Aiden
you probably dont care but if you guys are stoned like me during the covid times you can stream all the new series on instaflixxer. Been watching with my brother for the last couple of weeks xD
This was a great explanation. Question - If I'm the viking, I flip up a leader, move the leader onto the board, and then play a movement card to move him. Then do I play a second movement card?
Great video!
I gave the link to some friends so they can learn the game and we can play it as soon as the game gets to Europe :)
Top notch as usual
This is great!
Dan always does an excellent job with his Rules Schools. We were very pleased with his explanation of this game, as well as his videos on our other games, like Freedom and 1754 - Conquest. -Aiden
very well-done, thanks
you probably dont care but if you guys are stoned like me during the covid times you can stream all the new series on instaflixxer. Been watching with my brother for the last couple of weeks xD
@Jaylen Yousef yup, I have been using instaflixxer for since november myself :D
@Jaylen Yousef yea, I have been using instaflixxer for months myself :)
Thanks for the vid ,want to buy this , but i only play solo ( can this work for me somehow ? )
This was a great explanation. Question - If I'm the viking, I flip up a leader, move the leader onto the board, and then play a movement card to move him. Then do I play a second movement card?
HI Scott, can you please place the question in the link in the description so the publishers can also be involved? Thanks
I actually got an answer on BGG. www.boardgamegeek.com/article/26785408#26785408