Improve your English speaking skills with INVERSION! | Advanced English Grammar!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @SabineHossenfelder
    @SabineHossenfelder 4 роки тому +27

    I can't fathom how this doesn't have millions of views.

  • @qwiglydee
    @qwiglydee 5 років тому +176

    Holy cow!
    Not only have you made a brilliant video, but also gave us quite a challenging lesson.
    Not often do we come accross such great classes!

    • @papateachme
      @papateachme  5 років тому +13

      rocking the examples mr qwigleedee!

    • @os.a.m.a
      @os.a.m.a 4 роки тому +2

      Not often do we see such comment. You nailed it👍

  • @surbhisingh3282
    @surbhisingh3282 5 років тому +130

    It was fun of watching prime minister mimic😁.you are really a good actor to.

  • @mgztt
    @mgztt Рік тому +1

    You’re the best English teacher I’ve ever met 😊 Congratulations

  • @lembergsohn
    @lembergsohn 5 років тому +2

    to tell you the truth, I was reluctant to click on your vid at first, but little did I know how illuminating it was gonna be. it made me realise that hadly ever do I use any inversions in my every day life and that no way in hell should I be sorry for the time that I spent learning using them from you because not once have I ever seen such a brilliant, scintillating and riveting explanation of something as boring as grammar. in fact, not only have I learnt something new, but I've also had a whale of time watching your English teaching show (what you do is more than just a lesson, it's a show) and no sooner had I been done watching it that I started practising all sorts of inversions. absolutely brilliant.

  • @kurde710
    @kurde710 5 років тому +120

    Man, you've just made me understand English 2 times better than 20 minutes ago. I'm shocked I didn't know about this way to say things after so many years of studying, watching movies, videos on YT etc. You're an incredible actor btw 😂

  • @qiangzhang2537
    @qiangzhang2537 5 років тому +12

    Never have I ever seen such a talented charming English teacher like you!

  • @caroleoriol8687
    @caroleoriol8687 5 років тому +23

    Not once have I ever watched such an amazing English video. You’re a great teacher. Not only have I learned a lot but also I laughed a lot!
    Thanks ever so much!

  • @joecortizo
    @joecortizo 5 років тому +14

    "Should you have any further questions, please contact Papa Joris Bohnson".
    One of your best videos, mate.

  • @mojtabababoli
    @mojtabababoli 2 роки тому +5

    Not only are you a gifted teacher , but also you are an amazing artist!

  • @piefunk98
    @piefunk98 5 років тому

    Not only are you a good teacher but also an incredible actor!

  • @andthegirllives
    @andthegirllives 5 років тому +25

    🤣🤣🤣🤣 The way he walks in is epic. The funniest English teacher ever🤣🤣. Love from Nepal 🇳🇵 ❤️

  • @sayswag5656
    @sayswag5656 5 років тому +51

    No sooner had i seen your video than I clicked the like button

    @CLANDESTINOCHANNEL 5 років тому +23

    You are the best mate !!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @Maria-yi7fo
    @Maria-yi7fo 4 роки тому +1

    Never would I watch the YT series if wasting my time
    Not once have I found the English lesson in a funny way
    Not often do I meet a great teacher like you!
    Notes: I just went through a recruitment process, which always stated "should be you have any further questions..", not "If you have any questions, our team will ready to be contacted". I was confusing, and no sooner had I saw that pattern than I found this as an Inverse Pattern. Such a great class, Mr. Aly

  • @francesco5313
    @francesco5313 5 років тому

    NEVER WOULD I stop following your UA-cam channel

  • @andreerasmo6386
    @andreerasmo6386 4 роки тому

    In no way should people avoid this video. It's so useful. Lots of guys complicate this topic, but it's so easy.

  • @darcysparkle2026
    @darcysparkle2026 2 роки тому +1

    Little did I know you are such a good teacher! Not only did I enjoy the lesson, but also I had fun!

  • @VERA4515
    @VERA4515 2 місяці тому +1

    man, I swear to god you're enough for anyone who would want to improve their english!!! i still go back to your videos even after years, I'm indescribably thankful..

    • @papateachme
      @papateachme  2 місяці тому +1

      Thank you! ✌️🤓 glad to be of service

  • @giuliazago8702
    @giuliazago8702 3 роки тому +6

    Great job Papa English! You've transformed such a confusing grammar topic into something fun and easy to understand! I've sent your video to my students to help them get the idea behind Inversions. Thank you so much 🙏

  • @imenefourrour8382
    @imenefourrour8382 3 роки тому +1

    Little did I know inversion was that easy to master thanks to our brilliant teacher Ally I've been watching ur videos since I a started college I was majoring in English, now I'm a teacher at middle school and I still enjoy every video / content u share lots of love from Algeria and god bless u

  • @rehabalsaleh166
    @rehabalsaleh166 5 років тому

    Under no circomstances should a brilliant teacher like you stop teaching!

  • @noname3478
    @noname3478 5 років тому +1

    Hardly ever am I inspired by such a great teacher like u. Not only do I use these expressions in my daily conversations but also apply them into ielts speaking skill.
    On the first day when I came across your videos, no sooner had I finished some of your videos, I recommended your channel to my friends

  • @sgsg9251
    @sgsg9251 2 роки тому

    No sooner had you finished explaining the whole lesson than I completely understood.

  • @GiselePessanha
    @GiselePessanha 5 років тому

    Never Have I seen such a brilliant teacher. Not only do I sharpen my English, but also I have an enjoyable time. Not once have I found loads of amazing online English lessosn like yours.

  • @rasiyapkr5272
    @rasiyapkr5272 5 років тому +17

    In no way, could I miss your video...Not only did I watch your videos but I also shared your amazing videos... No sooner had I seen the notification than I watched video ☺️

    • @papateachme
      @papateachme  5 років тому +4

      Amazing 🤟😁

    • @rasiyapkr5272
      @rasiyapkr5272 5 років тому

      Thanks ever so much 🥰

    • @patrickhodson8715
      @patrickhodson8715 4 роки тому +3

      Great sentences! The only thing is that the first sentence shouldn’t have a comma. Other than that, great job! This guy’s videos are informative for sure.

    • @rasiyapkr5272
      @rasiyapkr5272 4 роки тому +1

      Patrick Hodson ..thanks.yes his teaching is amazing

  • @smy693
    @smy693 5 років тому +2

    For the very first time, I played your video today three times to get the point. Not once have I ever done this before. Thank you for the inversion things PaPa

  • @gennadiyzhidkov5737
    @gennadiyzhidkov5737 Рік тому +1

    Man, that's brilliant. Never have I seen such an engenious performance from a teacher!

  • @seyyedalimusavi1271
    @seyyedalimusavi1271 2 роки тому +1

    No way in hell could I find a better elaboration on verb inversion. Thank you. I like you soooo much

  • @donggeunkwak3110
    @donggeunkwak3110 3 роки тому

    You are a genius. Not only did I learn Inversion fro you but also I got inspired by your teaching passion.

  • @nataliamorozova1251
    @nataliamorozova1251 5 років тому +3

    Aly, not only are you a great teacher but also an amazing actor🔥 thank you so much for this class! So easy it turned out to be 😊

  • @bobtang617
    @bobtang617 5 років тому

    Not only did I watch today's lesson, but also I kept a note.

  • @williamdias6487
    @williamdias6487 5 років тому +1

    thank you papa english!!

  • @alicerossi_ap
    @alicerossi_ap 5 років тому +6

    I can not believe it! Inversion in affirmative sentences! I've always wanted so much a video on this topic. Aly, thank youuuu! (I'm really happy 😃) And in addition, I enjoyed the best performance of "Joris Bonson" 👏
    You are a LEGEND, Teacher. Never ever will I miss one of your lessons 😗 (on your right cheek)

  • @satashinacumoto8962
    @satashinacumoto8962 5 років тому +5

    Hey man i say with my whole heart
    This video deserve at least 1m views. I can see your effort your all videos.
    God bless u

  • @zainhummamy4272
    @zainhummamy4272 5 років тому +4

    It is my first time to know about his. I've seen this pattern several times before and felt it wrong or strange, but now it's clear

  • @mojtabababoli
    @mojtabababoli 2 роки тому

    This is truly glorious, Aly!
    The GOAT of teaching English.
    I DO mean it!

  • @toufikder6420
    @toufikder6420 5 років тому +14

    Thank's man for this helpful lesson......... Yr fan from algeria ✊👌

  • @fitboy5851
    @fitboy5851 2 роки тому +2

    WOW. Not so often do i write comments but this is exception. Both cognitive and hillarious way to convey the informations to the learners like me. Big thanks.

    • @fitboy5851
      @fitboy5851 2 роки тому +1

      sorry, i missed an article before exception. Of course it had to be ''an'', right? ( btw, can you check my sentences for grammar pls?)

    • @papateachme
      @papateachme  2 роки тому +1

      Cheers bud! 🤟🤓

  • @jauharmaksum1765
    @jauharmaksum1765 2 роки тому

    never will i forget your lesson, because this is really important for me. i do love your teaching and you all.

  • @dileepkful
    @dileepkful 5 років тому

    I love learning English and have been strolling UA-cam channel offering English lessons . I saw ur channel only recently. I would like to appreciate u for your style of conveying information which I feel very simple and at the same time effective and interesting.

  • @os.a.m.a
    @os.a.m.a 4 роки тому

    Not only have I been to the gym, but also I ate a salad today.
    Thank you Papa Ally for the beautiful lesson
    You're exceptionally brilliant. No sooner had I seen your channel than I fell in love with it😍.
    If only could I have a teacher like you😄

    • @os.a.m.a
      @os.a.m.a 4 роки тому

      Note: I heard that this form of writing is very formal and can't be used a lot even when writing an essay!. Is that true?

  • @AmoRemViagens
    @AmoRemViagens 4 роки тому

    Dude... This is the best english teaching channel EVEEEER!

  • @FabianChavez593
    @FabianChavez593 4 роки тому

    Only we I saw you explaining the last example could I understand how to use "little did I now" Not only has the example been clear enough, but also it's been super fun.

  • @yasmineelhadi5511
    @yasmineelhadi5511 5 років тому

    Not only have I been to the gym, but I also ate a salad.
    _Only when I checked the lesson did I realize how useful it is.
    _Little did I know my fellow was stealing my stuff while I was eating
    _Not often do I see such an outstanding lesson
    _Hardly ever do I miss one of your lessons
    _No sooner had I received the notification than I jumped into the video

  • @Love_Honor89
    @Love_Honor89 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you very much! It was not only very informative and understandable but also funny and easy to learn! Much inspiration for the new videos! 😊🤗

  • @Cristinglish
    @Cristinglish 5 років тому +5

    Like always! Amazing Aly! You inspire students, teachers, and students who want to be teachers.

  • @annahermannova2432
    @annahermannova2432 5 років тому

    I was sitting on a train in the silent part, in the carriage where you're supposed to be completely quite when I played this video. I promise I'd burst out laughing if I were at home while watching it 😅😅😅😅😅 it was sooo difficult not to, I had to literally swallow my breath to keep quiet 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ali, you're such a great, funny, smart and entertaining teacher, I've been subscribing to your account for more than a year now and I still look forward to every single new video you make. Thanks so much! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @erenerdem3854
    @erenerdem3854 5 років тому +3

    Yes you are right it is always Maria. :)

  • @Mhentrepre21
    @Mhentrepre21 5 років тому +2

    Congratulations for 1M!!!
    Keep going, God bless You..

  • @ryandavid739
    @ryandavid739 5 років тому +2

    I'm a ESL writer and this is going to help me spice up my sentences.

  • @fenkjehad2938
    @fenkjehad2938 8 днів тому

    Never have I seen such a useful video about inversion like this one

  • @liviafmatos
    @liviafmatos 5 років тому +1

    Are you a teacher or an actor??? You're the best! I'm learning I lot with you, thank you!

  • @arahimikh6382
    @arahimikh6382 5 років тому +1

    Not only are you a good teacher but also you are a good actor!

    • @papateachme
      @papateachme  5 років тому +1

      Hahah thanks! Great example

  • @guillaumeromain6694
    @guillaumeromain6694 5 років тому +1

    Fabulous piece of work. Absolutely brilliant! Teaching and acting skills right there! You are very talented Aly

  • @ijustcarryon
    @ijustcarryon 5 років тому +7

    WOW how brave you are! Anyone can learn English wathever topic you do. I love this type of videos! Next one would about Brexit... Thanks Aly:)

  • @sebastian1200
    @sebastian1200 3 роки тому +1

    I’ve been taught inversion at school, albeit in not so complex way as you’ve taughed me with this quite short, however awesome video. Only when I watched this video did I realise I didn’t know so many different fixed expressions related to inversion 😄👍. Thx. You’re legend!

  • @LovelyJames-l3y
    @LovelyJames-l3y 5 років тому +1

    Cheers, mate!

  • @alisus3448
    @alisus3448 3 роки тому +1

    i like some of english channel, but this is should be the best ali, you are really best english teacher !! ever

  • @zerotoone2243
    @zerotoone2243 5 років тому +5

    I love you Aly for teaching English😀😀😀😀😀

  • @valentinkavalentinka8936
    @valentinkavalentinka8936 5 років тому +1

    Hollywood is definitely waiting for you!!!!!

  • @LilPozzer
    @LilPozzer 5 років тому +2

    Literally brilliant video, it was

  • @rehabalsaleh166
    @rehabalsaleh166 5 років тому +1

    You're amazing! You're ausome! You are the best!

  • @tunufaese8385
    @tunufaese8385 5 років тому +4

    I learn a lot from this channel. Thanks❤️

  • @darekszpak725
    @darekszpak725 3 роки тому

    Brilliant! That's better than any grammar books

  • @hotmaulinababan7007
    @hotmaulinababan7007 5 років тому

    Thank You papa English... You are So Great....

  • @esraeserkaya4031
    @esraeserkaya4031 5 років тому

    You are an Amazing Teacher!!!!

  • @markuswolf8683
    @markuswolf8683 5 років тому

    You are an Inspiration. Thank you so much.

  • @vantungha155
    @vantungha155 5 років тому +1

    I really love your videos.
    From Vietnam with love

    • @papateachme
      @papateachme  5 років тому

      I’m literally on my way to Vietnam right now 😂🤟 if you see me in Hanoi say hello

  • @wiwinw5479
    @wiwinw5479 5 років тому +1

    Not only do I love the way you teach, but also I love your acting. You should play in the next Fast and Furious movie 😍😍😄

  • @asoameen5837
    @asoameen5837 3 роки тому

    Rarely do I come across a lesson like your supperb lesson, so my hat's off to you.

  • @LAFRAN1985
    @LAFRAN1985 5 років тому +1

    Wow! This lesson is absolutely brilliant! If only I had watched it before I sat my CAE test...I find it really easy now!! Thanks!!

    • @papateachme
      @papateachme  5 років тому +2

      Wait for next Saturday's video and rewrite this comment on THAT video ;)

  • @landingli
    @landingli 5 років тому

    Omg this Video is soooo helpful! The inversion is always complicated for me and never did I use it in my daily conversation! Thank you Papa!

  • @disguisearmy7945
    @disguisearmy7945 3 роки тому

    I was literally laughing out loud during this lesson.
    You're the best.

  • @nathansantos2539
    @nathansantos2539 5 років тому +1


  • @thuongtran798
    @thuongtran798 5 років тому

    little did I know how to use Inversion. thank you for your helpful video

  • @linhphamquang
    @linhphamquang 5 років тому

    Never have i heard about this INVERSION, thank you so much!!!

  • @mamymimma
    @mamymimma 5 років тому +1

    Never will I get bored of your lessons!

    • @leen8175
      @leen8175 5 років тому +1

      You could have added the word (ever)😊😉

    • @leen8175
      @leen8175 5 років тому +1

      You could have added the word(ever)😊😉

  • @kcampista
    @kcampista 5 років тому

    Under no circumstances would I ever miss your videos. Not only have I learned English but I also fell in love with you... 😚😗...😄

  • @sgsg9251
    @sgsg9251 2 роки тому

    Great lesson Aly! Thanks a lot!

  • @maznihanim8851
    @maznihanim8851 4 роки тому

    My favourite teacher !!!!

  • @jeni-yaguar
    @jeni-yaguar 4 роки тому

    I love the introduction, the explication and the examples

  • @abdulsarfaraj9017
    @abdulsarfaraj9017 5 років тому +1

    Wow! it is really fantastic

  • @federicacaovini4328
    @federicacaovini4328 5 років тому

    Thank you so much TEACHER!

  • @t2john63
    @t2john63 5 років тому +1

    You were born to teach us 😃

  • @slcistanbul4612
    @slcistanbul4612 3 роки тому


  • @antonellar.s.1900
    @antonellar.s.1900 5 років тому

    You are the best teacher :D Regards from Argentina

  • @valentinkavalentinka8936
    @valentinkavalentinka8936 5 років тому

    You're incredibly talented!!!!

  • @olalekanmandela
    @olalekanmandela Рік тому


  • @vaniamiranda8492
    @vaniamiranda8492 5 років тому +4

    Você é muito engraçado, e um excepcional professor kkkk amo assistir seus vídeos. Muitíssimo obrigada

  • @eduardoedo97
    @eduardoedo97 5 років тому

    Thank you so much for the inversion video . Now I understand.

    @POWEROVERWWW 5 років тому

    Never have I ever disliked your videos. (Just practice. I like your videos)

  • @Klara_Alex
    @Klara_Alex 5 років тому

    Thanks for pause exercises👍

  • @AlineWelch
    @AlineWelch 5 років тому +2

    Oh, good heavens, how awesome was this lesson! Not only did I have fun, but also I learned a lot 😁 You rock, Aly! Never ever have I found a cooler teacher 😊 (Correct me, please!) xxx

  • @stop_climate_lie
    @stop_climate_lie 5 років тому

    Little did i know when i subscribed that your channel became useful for me!

  • @paolabonaga5691
    @paolabonaga5691 3 роки тому

    you are such a cool teaacher! Not often do I really listen to brilliant explanations such as yours🌻😊

  • @romariopichardo4630
    @romariopichardo4630 5 років тому

    The funniest English teacher ever!!!! I love you. haha

  • @estivenrodriguez6749
    @estivenrodriguez6749 5 років тому

    Hey Aly, congrats on the million subscribers, you do deserve it!

  • @gutermann4227
    @gutermann4227 5 років тому

    No sooner had I watched this video than I happened to get everything it was all about perfectly.

  • @dianasuarez2304
    @dianasuarez2304 3 роки тому

    Me encantan tus clases. I love your classes