The Police, 1970's - Film 6720

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2014
  • Police and their work, directed at children.
    A dog being stroked by two girls in a playground. Irish ? (who, the children or the dog?) A teacher walks up to them and starts talking to them. The dog is lost. The teacher says to take the dog to a police station. He ties a piece of string to the dog's collar. One of the girls, Anne, agrees to take the dog to the police station. The other girl, Pamela, goes off with the teacher.
    Police Station. Anne walks up steps with the dog to the entrance. Inside, she comes to the front desk. Policemen working behind it. A sergeant comes to the desk and asks Anne what she is after. She reports that she has found a lost dog. He looks at the dog. The dog. He looks in a book to see if it has been reported. Anne. It has not been reported the policeman takes her name and when she found the dog. He asks her the sex of the dog. The policeman checks - it is a bitch. A notes down all the details. A poster of dog breeds. Picture of a Pekinese. A pug. A Yorkshire terrier. A bloodhound. A wire-haired dachshund. A greyhound. A whippet. The lost dog is a whippet. The sergeant takes Anne and the dog into the police station to show her where the dog will be kept. A policewoman. the sergeant asks her to take Anne and the dog to the kennel. They are in a courtyard. The woman police constable takes the dog and they go to the kennel. A 1970's police car in background . The dog in the kennel - a dark cell. The door is shut. Anne and the W.P.C. leave the kennel, which the W.P.C. locks behind them. Anne looks at her uniform. Anne tries the woman police officer's hat on. Anne sees the W.P.C.'s whistle - this looks like before the police carried radios. The W.P.C. blows the whistle. A policeman gets out of the car and asks if they are all right. The policewoman shows Anne the police car. The police constable in the car turns on the car's flashing light. Anne has got into the car. The police constable shows Anne his pocket radio. He demonstrates its use. A policeman on a motorcycle pulls up by the police car. The motorcycle and the policeman's uniform. Anne gets on the motorcycle. he shows her the motorcycle's radio. Anne and the motorcycle policeman in mirror. He lets her try the radio. He drives her round the courtyard it's a G suffixed bike registered 1968/69. A J registered car in the background. The motorcycle stops and they get off. Police stables. A policeman curry-combing a horse. There are two horses in the stable. A dismounted mounted policeman with moustache brushing a horse. Anne and woman police constable at stable door. The whippet reunited with its owner led out of kennels. The sergeant locks the door behind them. They go to talk to Anne. Motorcycle policeman. The dog's owner thanks Anne. The sergeant leads Anne and the dog's owner off. The policewoman talks to the motorcycle policeman. The dog. Credits. Mounted policeman on horse.