IRyS Watched ALIEN Off Stream with Calli and Biboo 【Hololive EN】

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @marcosramos9129
    @marcosramos9129 2 дні тому +69

    Ah yes Chestbursters, truly the cutest creatures in cinema's history

    • @EfrainMan
      @EfrainMan 2 дні тому +10

      Just needs a straw hat and cane so it can sing Hello Ma Baby!

  • @Just_Some_Guy_with_a_Mustache
    @Just_Some_Guy_with_a_Mustache День тому +17

    I guess the chestburster is pretty cute when it puts on its top hat, cane, and starts singing and dancing.

  • @karloexe
    @karloexe 2 дні тому +3

    Reminder that: For the Chestburster scene none of the actors knew that it would break Kane's chest.

  • @stevenkranowski5141
    @stevenkranowski5141 2 дні тому +18

    If IRyS wants to see a really scary flick involving an extraterrestrial, then she needs to check out John Carpenter's 1982 version of The Thing.

    • @DanielGonzalez-vo5ni
      @DanielGonzalez-vo5ni 2 дні тому

      Think Advent actually did a watchalong of The Thing

    • @DoctorNeko
      @DoctorNeko 2 дні тому +1

      ​@@DanielGonzalez-vo5ninot sure about the others but Biboo did a member watchalong

  • @TF_NowWithExtraCharacters
    @TF_NowWithExtraCharacters 2 дні тому +3

    Well, yeah of course it's not scary. It's a horror suspense film, and while the film is building up the atmosphere Irys was talking

  • @metra4346
    @metra4346 2 дні тому +12

    The body horror aspect is what gets me. The idea of parasitized and killed when the parasite leaves my body in a gruesome way is whats scary to me.

    • @hieioni3354
      @hieioni3354 День тому

      That's the idea. Zoomers are too desensitized to care.

  • @imperiallarch7610
    @imperiallarch7610 2 дні тому +20

    "It's a little slow"-It's called building suspense! smh

  • @theoverlordbear
    @theoverlordbear 2 дні тому +15

    This threw me back to how Bettel and Shinri are down bad for the Xenomorph. Also, the talk about Aliens has me wondering about how much IRyS knows about the first two Terminator movies. And I think I kinda understand how IRyS sees Ash as creepier compared to the Xenomorphs: the elements of surprise and of humanity, as in while we easily know that the Xenomorphs are bad news from the start and learn how squicky they can be as the movie goes on, Ash is out there betraying the crew.

    • @crimsoncrusader4829
      @crimsoncrusader4829 2 дні тому +4

      Everyone know the true villian of the two movies is Wayland yetani, which Ash represent

  • @PlushLordOfTheSeas
    @PlushLordOfTheSeas День тому +2

    well, it's a suspense movie, not a jumpscare-fest.

  • @telefrag.
    @telefrag. 2 дні тому +20

    Alien seems tame today, but back when it came out it raised the bar for horror films.

    • @billygoatguy3960
      @billygoatguy3960 2 дні тому +4

      It remains to be my favorite horror movie as someone that's 2 generations ahead of anyone that actually watched it in theatres.
      Talking through the slow parts really does it a disservice when the purpose is building up suspense, character and world building. You get to know everyone in the ship as if they were your coworker.

    • @hieioni3354
      @hieioni3354 День тому

      @@billygoatguy3960 Yep. Zoomers don't know how to watch movies properly.

  • @Luffy_Al
    @Luffy_Al 2 дні тому +7

    01:33 Riley Scott be like :(

  • @Mr.Frizwall
    @Mr.Frizwall 2 дні тому +5

    0:30 That sound like an heresy by some alien lovers.
    1:27 0 days until she being sus again.:v

  • @lonewolfgaming3625
    @lonewolfgaming3625 2 дні тому +3

    FINALLY! Someone else FINALLY gets it! I've been trying to convince people that the xenomorphs are just particularly murderous cats for years ever since I played the 2010 Aliens vs Predator game where the xenomorph AI would sometimes just crouch on all fours in front of you with their adorable mouth mouths out, hissing and swishing their tails from side to side. Ahhh, pure bliss!

  • @daniel18gamerdw
    @daniel18gamerdw 2 дні тому +11

    I've seen Alien Romulus, man, that was amazing. The chest burster in that movie gave me one hell of a jumpscare, even though I was expecting it, which is a bit embarrassing

    • @benhicks9481
      @benhicks9481 День тому +3

      but thats why I think AR is so good, you know whats coming but it has that thrill from the earlier movies. Didn't feel that from Covenant or Prometheus, although I did enjoy their stories (which could still have been improved). Romulus went back to its roots, very good watch

  • @AlexanderTripiten
    @AlexanderTripiten 2 дні тому

    Well core idea of the film was about evil corporation. Creators of Alien creature wanted him be more mysterious and beautiful and at the same time be a cause of primal fear.

  • @eldon515
    @eldon515 2 дні тому

    Aliens will always have a top 10 spot on the best movies i see

  • @felixthescholarlytitan4437
    @felixthescholarlytitan4437 2 дні тому +1

    And this is why the males were normally the fighters/hunters, because females would see a baby alpha predator and not kill it because it looks kinda cute. I joke of course, but seriously what part of that thing is cute? Maybe I’m just too stuck on the whole chest bursting part to see it…

  • @evergaolbird
    @evergaolbird 2 дні тому

    Understandable, she's literary playing hide-n-seek with the Alien itself, so seeing him on a big screen isn't so scary anymore.

  • @Knightblade87
    @Knightblade87 2 дні тому +6

    the 2nd film is more of a action movie, also there was only 2 alien films

  • @generalimlerith8356
    @generalimlerith8356 2 дні тому +6

    Don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone call alien slow…..these Gen Z’s have no idea what came before them lol

    • @maksrambe3812
      @maksrambe3812 2 дні тому +3

      To be fair that level of suspense and build up is basically unheard of in modern horror films

    • @zaleost
      @zaleost 2 дні тому +4

      pretty sure IRyS is closer to a millennial, although I can definitely imagine her not having seen that many films where they take a lot of time time build up an atmosphere

  • @AirBatuCampur00
    @AirBatuCampur00 2 дні тому

    No we dont, probally we watching different movie

  • @askylibrarianoftheoceans4102
    @askylibrarianoftheoceans4102 День тому

    I guess... IRyS is too used to Japanese horror that she expects all horror to be like that, I guess? Like, Alien is legit terrifying, but not in the typical way. Most of the horror comes from the antici...

    ...pation of the scares you know are coming.
    Also, I suspect IRyS just made Sora go "so you're the enemy?" because the chest burster is probably sufficiently worm-y to be scary to Sora.

  • @StephenrHamilton
    @StephenrHamilton 2 дні тому +2

    Oh no, who is going to tell her that Alien was the good movie in the series? Ridley Scott has left the building and it is all slowly downhill from there (except I have heard very good things about the latest one).

    • @benhicks9481
      @benhicks9481 День тому +1

      First 3 and Romulus are way ahead of the others.

  • @maninredhelm
    @maninredhelm 2 дні тому +6

    It's okay to prefer the sequel, but calling it "the good one" is borderline triggering. The first two are 1A and 1B compared to the next 3, and I stopped watching after that.

    • @meatballdivino8955
      @meatballdivino8955 2 дні тому +2

      New ones pretty good honestly, id reccomend

    • @benhicks9481
      @benhicks9481 День тому

      @@meatballdivino8955 I second this recommendation

  • @t4nkychannel921
    @t4nkychannel921 2 дні тому +1

    Please tell me she saw the Space Balls parody of the chestburster scene.

  • @fatoduragon5622
    @fatoduragon5622 2 дні тому +2

    yea the first alien phasing was pretty slow

  • @Esca_Ch
    @Esca_Ch 2 дні тому

    I didnt really like Aliens that much. Its more of an action film. Irys should watch Romulus instead for the watch along

  • @outsideboxer1448
    @outsideboxer1448 2 дні тому +2

    HUH?? I like Alien 1 much more than 2. 😢😢😢😢 tho i am more a horror fan and dont care about pew pew. Still who told her that 😔

    • @jake33w
      @jake33w 2 дні тому +9

      Alien 1 is more horror alien 2 is more action I personally think they’re equally good it’s just whatever genre you prefer and it seems that a lot of people like action more

    • @meatballdivino8955
      @meatballdivino8955 2 дні тому +1

      2 different movies for 2 different taste, nothin wrong with havin your preferences mate

  • @TheDrexxus
    @TheDrexxus 2 дні тому +4

    Wasn't very scary?
    Only a few jump scares?
    Poor brainrotted child thinks horror = jump scares. Tension, build up, and psychological horror means nothing to young people with their ADHD. :(

    • @coffeetea5915
      @coffeetea5915 2 дні тому +1

      I find it hilarious how the older generation is always getting triggered by the younger for petty reasons such as just not liking an older movie LOL

    • @meatballdivino8955
      @meatballdivino8955 День тому +1

      @@TheDrexxus No, the bar for horror just went up, Alien is a good movie, its just no longer that scary, you're just pulling an absolute boomer move

  • @foopygoopy1860
    @foopygoopy1860 2 дні тому

    IRyS just like me 😂 i watched all the Alien movies and was kinda meh about all of them.