Recent Trip Update - Israel 2022

  • Опубліковано 11 чер 2022
  • Hello, All! I recently got back from a three week trip to Israel. Sorry for the space in the content. I shot some for the channel, so, soon you will have more content. Cheers


  • @eprohoda
    @eprohoda 2 роки тому +1

    Biblle,What'up,Wow- top , all the best! )

  • @coreysmith8489
    @coreysmith8489 2 роки тому

    if you want to be with Jesus you do not need to travel to where he was two thousand years ago. Where two or three are gathered he is there. If you are blessed enough to have thousands of dollars available consider doing something to make your community a better place. When you met Jesus face to face, he will not ask you where you went sight-selling. He will ask what you did for the least of his people. Matthew 25:31-46

    • @brevinweaver6509
      @brevinweaver6509 2 роки тому +1

      Agreed, that if you want to be with Jesus and be in his presence, than you absolutely don’t have to go to Israel or do sight seeing in areas he was in. However, I don’t believe that God values money as much as we do. Sure it can cost a couple thousand dollars to go on a trip like this, however the impact of a renewed perspective is extremely valuable. In my opinion, us people put way too much emphasis/priority on money. Jesus is much more interested in our heart, and I think an investment like this can be heart/life changing. I totally understand that it is probably not everyone’s interest or desire to go and that’s totally fine, but I believe he has put that desire in my heart as well as many others to go. I have been blessed to be able to go twice now, and it has been a life changing experience for me and my mindset in life. I am 100% for giving and tithing if something is laid on your heart, however God can do so much more with a heart than a few thousand dollars.

    • @bibletruthproject
      @bibletruthproject  2 роки тому +1

      That is true, people generally spend money somewhere, vacations, hunting etc. going to Israel is my hobby. I have found that when I trust the Lord for the resources to do it he opens doors for me to be able to. Blessings