Arts and crafts is a waste of time on this spastic boy. Please stop filming him. It is distracting from the Engineer ´s and Parvanehe’ s current problems.
Надоела инженеру Парване и ее дети,хочет свободы и молодую женщину к сажалению нельзя доверять молодым психологам 😊,вызровел быстро рядом с молодой девицей
Ерундой занимаются. С какой стати доктор намерен построить домик для инженера на своей земле? И это в то время, когда у инженера своей земли достаточно. Тут что-то не стыкуется.
@@irmashmidt1536 Земля жены брата а не доктора. Пусть строят отдельно жить будет жена бедная устала ещё и беременна. Это врач такое придумала. Я болела короновирусом и живу на съёмной квартире что то ни один врач мне не предложил дом построить😂
I think Bahme needs some kind of responsibility by making tea, thus relieving Parweneh a little bit while getting the feeling of achievement, his contribution to the family.
My God 🙏 I can't believe that this man that was so lovable with his wife and children he's like a complete person. I feel so bad for her. She loves him dearly.
Hello, from Ontario, Canada there was a time I saw Butterfly and her father-in-law saying and doing their traditional prayer on the little mat and I believe that it's what the Engineer needs along with the family. I hope to see this happen, with that being said note I will continue my Prayers for the family.🙏❤🙏
Как Парване забеременила он начинает не не видеть этих двоих детей он уже разлюбил их Видна на его поведении когда он гулял доктором он был как прежде другим а дома как маленькая собачка без защитная Парване слишком разбаловала его с уходом ❤😂!!
Parvane,vi ste jako pametna osoba i dobrica,ne nasedajte na inzenjerove hirove ,kad on kaze doktorki da vi i vasa deca mu stvarate nemir,to je covek koji misli na sebe,a sto je najgore uvek je takav i bio.zasto ga pidrzavate za kolibu od koga bezi ,ima brata aliju koji zivi bedno kao niko što se ne seti da ode kod njega d mu pomogne i neka zivi sa bratom ,šta ima on da se poverava ovoj mladoj mladoj doktorki ,napolju mu ništa ne sneta kada je sa njom ,malo sednite pa razmislite ,i trece vam je dete na putu, a on nerazmišlja baš o ničemu ,dosta je dobar igrač
народ это кино, я тоже думала и переживала за них, он здаров как бык как арёт на детей у нас вся родня болели кавидом и ни кто не сашёл сума бред какойта, придумали, на сказку похожа это всё. ЧЕЧНЯ.
That female doctor looks about 16yrs of age - no way she’s a doctor for start. She hasn’t once used a stethoscope to check his breathing or taken his pulse…🤣… she pretends to scribble notes .. this is so pathetic-Same actress has been on at least 2 other storylines., one of which she played the character of harrassing the engineer and wanting to marry him 🙄… other one where she’s a new second wife. If she’s a trained Doctor , I’m a Horse. Next part of storyline will be the Engineer having an affair with this young girl in the Hut!… Engineer has had a nervous breakdown.. and is totally receiving wrong treatment so much so it’s laughable. His poor wife suffers again being left coping with her children. Storyline is now absurd and disturbing in direction it’s going. I’m sure other viewers feel the same. Must be other pleasant storylines you can make your money off - ridiculous.
@zalifaali1240 I totally agree with you. Omg I was thinking she was the same girl that fell in love with him. If the operator has red yr comments he should act fast an do a check on her to see if she is really a doctor
mi dispiace suo marito non epiu malato chisa cpsa gita nella suo testa lrma amava molto il binbo adesso non lo vuolle nianche vedere chi sa cosa pensa pquesto gioco non mi piace come si comporta luo a qualcosa ma non la vule dire a sua moglie non e ammalatl tutta una finta di bugie
Good job Butterfly .. letting him go to get him back .. thats what i ment last weak wen i said let him go .. and stop pampering .. helping oke .. but he is not a baby .. its easy to get used on pampering .. love you ALL 🙏
The “doctor” is the same girl in this show that played the girl earlier who stalked him and kidnapped Parvanah. I went back in episodes and magnified both faces of this girl and they are one in the same. This is just a ‘ fictional story’ with many actors playing different roles.
I am getting fed up with the Engineer moaning about himself all the time. He thinks only about himself. Who will he get to build it? He is good with promises to other people but he is not good at practical work.
He very is very shewd, in getting what he wants. He does not want to live with his famly amymore and will not go into hospital. So he is etting her to let him go and she has no clue. When he come back with a second wife, he will blame her for it.
That doctor is not to be trusted. She told his wife she needs to go to hospital. Then she tells him to go build a hut like he want to in the forest. Then she tells is wife that she wans to help him and her build it n her brother land for his treatment. She will be the one to treat him of course. Wife two in the making. Come on ghoncie this do you think we viewers are that gullble? It is no doctor in her field that would do such a thing. I have already unscribed and will stop watching. If dont they will persuade me to over there to help them build his treatment hut. This is satire and my corny sense of humour.😢 I am sad to leave because I started to watch the same time his came into the storyline. They had such great chemistry and a happy family.
Parvaneh and family, your doing a good job. The engineer is not going to die. This is a fact. Make life as normal as you can for the family. Encourage the engineer to get up and do things to change his mood. If he does not accept leave him alone. He'll be tired at one point, and sort out his problems. Take care of yourself and remain healthy ❤❤❤❤
Parvenah tu es très aimable et très attentionnée envers l’ingénieur mais aller vivre ailleurs loin de toi c’est vraiment autre chose L’ingénieur est entrain de revenir comme avant bon courage à madame et à l’opérateur ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Bu Parvanesh jaga kesehatan semangat terus unruk kesehatan pak Bahman semoga semua baik2 saja trimakasih mas operator untuk vidionya semangat terus Tuhan Memberkati kalian semua
Omg is it just me over thinking or is the doctor falling in love with the engineer. Shes is really insistance for him to move to a forest where only she can see him. Apolgies if im wrong.
Вы будете ему дом строить а он туда эту девушку приведёт. Я болела короновирусом, мои знакомые по два раза переболели в тяжёлой форме, но никто так себя не вёл как этот инженер. С самого начала было видно по его лицу ещё до болезни что что-то с психикой связано.
Ont ne sait pas se que les autres personnes disent je ne lit pas leurs langues n y l anglais il faut que Baman comprenne que le gouvernement ne le prendra s plus s'il est dépressif Parvaneh 🙏 svp vos enfants sont trop bruyant ils ne s arrête pas de crié ou de parler trop fort ils hurles Amir à un problème de comportement et sa se n est pas la faute de Bamanh
Désolée j ai était mal polie tout d abords bonjours de France de la camargue où se trouve les taureaux et les flamands rose et beaucoup d autres espèces d'oiseaux protégés
La psicóloga se está equivocando, porque sugiere una cabaña? Su rol es la salud mental del paciente,no que le construya una cabaña, cambien urgente de psicóloga, busquen otra con más experiencia en salud mental, lo que tiene que sugerir es que de a poco se inserte en el mercado laboral, terapia conductual, ver el porque de su actitud, que perder el trabajo, tiene que trabajar ese tema y de a poco presentar CV en empresas pero construir una cabaña? Por favor!!
Saludos queridos Sr. Operador, señor Ingeniero y familia ❤ sería muy beneficioso que el querido Sr. ingeniero se tome un tiempo fuera de su casa, para poner sus ideas claras, están esperando un hijo, así que tienen que sentarse ellos dos solos para hablar de sus sentimientos y de lo que les disgusta uno del otro, sino no va a funcionar ningún tratamiento, ni su matrimonio, les deseo muchas bendiciones de parte de Dios 🙏🙏🙋♀️🙂❤🌹
Senhora tome cuidado com esta médica ela vai tirar seu marido arrume um médico homem ele vai te deixar e você esta grávida dele não deixa essa garota te tirar o marido
dalla traduzione non si capisce a chi appartiene il terreno una volta al fratello di parvaneh,una volta al fratello di bahman,un altra volta addirittura al fratello della dottoressa
Creo que la terspista se está involucrando sentimentalmente, no tiene porque poner terreno para una cabaña los padres de ingeniero tienen tierras y una cabaña que están contrullendono hay pretextos párese de esa cama
Lamento mucho lo que está sucediendo, espero que Bahman se mejore. Yo amo esta familia ! Y no me gusta verlos en conflictos. Que Bahman recupere su estabilidad mental que tanto necesita. Su familia lo necesita urgentemente, viene un bebé en camino. Espero que Bahman consiga su empleo anterior.
Batman si tu eres ingeniero haz lo que dice paverna y es tu estudio para construir casas o apartamentos y así no piensas nada mas que en tu trabajo sal a la naturaleza y cambia a como eras antes un hombre orgulloso de su familia y alegre todo saldrá bie sigue así y veras que tienes fuerzas para vecer todo como siempre
Now that he has a baby on the way with 2 other children , it is too much responsibility for him. He doesn’t want anyone relying on him. Should have thought about that before he got married and his wife pregnant!
Operatore stai facendo il tuo lavoro!! Ma secondo me la dottoressa e' contraddittoria quando l' ingeniere era meglio che andasse in una struttura dove poteva essere curato no ma la capanna lontano dalla famiglia si!! Non lo sta aiutando per niente!! Sta rovinando la famiglia e non e' bello la Signora Parvaneh che dovrebbe fare accettare tutti i suoi capricci!! Mi auguro che vada a finire bene!!❤
Je trouve que le regard de l ingénieur à changer il fait presque peur son regard est méchant j ai de la peine pour sa Femme ses enfants ils sont tellement gentils sans oublié vous opérateur toujours là pour aidé pour soutenir la dame papillon vraiment l ingénieure est dans l incompréhension pffff
Мне одной кажется, что образовывается треугольник. Парване должна на это обратить внимание. Ещё заметно, что Бахман злопаметен, не может забыть ссору с Захрой. Дети как дети, должны играть, шуметь, но ему все мешают спать. А спит он всегда... и всегда чем то недоволен, вот так 😴😠😒
Thats true he only thinks of him self what about you wife she has to work cook ,clean, baby you ,your son is just a kid he want to play yes his a little loud but you just tell him he will be quite yes I'm also tier of this story his always in a bad mood his a smart and kind man he help so much people he told all those addicted father find you self a job and take care of you family he. Believes in god he has something for you out there I hope you do the right thing. God bless you!!!
Camarógrafooooooo!!!! Cuál divorcio???? Por qué manejas esos títulos? La historia del ingeniero se terminó, con su actitud, ya nadie le creerá que sea bondadoso!! Su canal se vino abajo, yo jamás aceptaría la ayuda de un malvado que le hizo daño a su propia familia 😡😡😡😡 por más títulos atractivos, esta historia ya cansó.
Miss Pravana you deserve better than him. He treats you like garbage you have stayed by his side. I have Mire you, but he hast to get his act together. There’s been millions of people affected by this virus and they don’t treat their spouses and the way that you shame on him.
Creo que el ingeniero está solo actuando no le creo nada ya no quiere salir a trabajar el no está enfermo ya no quiere a sus esposa y actúa esi para poder deshacerse de ella y los hijos
Ta jego choroba jest wymyślona dobrze potrafi udawać.Wez się chłopie do roboty nomadzi teraz cię zatrudnią.Moze wreszcie coś się nauczysz ,bo jak do tej pory tylko dużo mówisz.
B día, no me gusta mucho la idea de compartir propiedades por un tiempo, los padres del sr ingenieros también poseen tierras, porque tener que mezclar sentimientos con su enfermo, no es profesional, se está entrometiendo en el vivir y actuar de esta familia, mucho cuidado mariposa de nuevo das mucho confianza a personas que ni conoces, quiero verlos felices pero creó que está no es la mejor solución busquen un pedazo de tierra en los yerrenyse sus padres, además que está más cerca de los cerros y más bonito, mis bendiciones ❤❤
Нормально, решил себе хижину, отдельно находиться, чуть что в хижину, а потом скажет валите все, я здесь буду один, вы мне не нужны, черте че, придумал, ну разве он умный?!
Doesn’t need to be in a cottage loan he needs to be a psychiatric hospital so he can be watched these people have no common sense whatsoever even the doctor
Rồi anh chàng kỹ sư này cũng giống như những người đàn ông sống ở đất nước anH ấy cũng sẽ phản bội, Bỏ vợ con chạy theo mối tình trẻ Và anh ta cũng dở thói vũ phu với vợ mình cô giáo rất tốt xinh đẹp ❤❤❤lại giỏi hiểu chuyện và rất ngoan ,nếu có một ngày anh ấy rời khỏi em và các con em lên ở vậy chăm sóc cho các con và bản thân chị chúc gia đình em Luôn mạnh khỏe bình an hạnh phúc xinh đẹp ❤❤❤❤
Porque ele si ajudar também a borboleta ajudar de todas formas enfrentar juntos si feixou uma porta Deus abre outra melhor procurar outro emprego confiar nele nunca abandona aquele que confia Jesus te ama ♥️🇧🇷🇧🇷
Camarógrafo,dediquese a grabar y no se intrometa en las relaciones de esta familia, usted no es familiar directo,hasta habla con los medicos, se esta equivocando, sino muestrese como un personaje mas, la verdad ya no tengo ganas de ver esta historia sin fin
I have watched many channels and I keep on finding that everything was nothing but lies. They are fake. I now truly believe this channel is fake. On another channel stated that I was only making comments just to get them kicked off of UA-cam. Well shortly after that message they are no longer making new videos. They took old videos and reposted them being current. In 24 hours this site will lose me as a subscriber.
Monsieur l'ingénieur, vous faites le gros bébé malade c'est dingue vous n'êtes pas fatigué de ce scénario, personnellement j'en ai marre de ces vidéos de misère vous ne méritez pas une famille aimante, votre femme est enceinte et vous vous voulez monter à la montagne vous savez vous êtes un égoïste et un lâcheur, au final dégagez vous êtes NOCIF POUR CETTE FAMILLE, allez bon vent
Naine sa jääd ilma varsti oma mehest, ta ju ütles selgelt, et sina ja su lapsed ei lase tal puhata te segage teda ja varsti on ta läinud selle tohtri juurde.
Честно,уже надоело смотреть на этого горе-мужчину:дети его раздражают,все должны тихо сидеть и не шуметь,не разговаривать громко,не противоречить . Бедная беременная жена разрывается между ним и детьми,между родственниками. Она как пчелка все время что-то делает,а этот муж хоть бы помог, хоть бы сам стакан чая налил себе. Противно смотреть. Пора отписываться
That kid needs to stop screaming and running like a wild kid. Never holds a real conversation. He seems like he's hyperactive.
Arts and crafts is a waste of time on this spastic boy. Please stop filming him. It is distracting from the Engineer ´s and Parvanehe’ s current problems.
Надоела инженеру Парване и ее дети,хочет свободы и молодую женщину к сажалению нельзя доверять молодым психологам 😊,вызровел быстро рядом с молодой девицей
Y para que quiere cabaña Póngase a buscar trabajo va a ser padre de fam y ni párese pobre sra parvaneh
Ерундой занимаются. С какой стати доктор намерен построить домик для инженера на своей земле? И это в то время, когда у инженера своей земли достаточно. Тут что-то не стыкуется.
Приданое, метит на, вторую жену
@@irmashmidt1536 Земля жены брата а не доктора.
Пусть строят отдельно жить будет жена бедная устала ещё и беременна.
Это врач такое придумала.
Я болела короновирусом и живу на съёмной квартире что то ни один врач мне не предложил дом построить😂
I think Bahme needs some kind of responsibility by making tea, thus relieving Parweneh a little bit while getting the feeling of achievement, his contribution to the family.
My God 🙏 I can't believe that this man that was so lovable with his wife and children he's like a complete person. I feel so bad for her. She loves him dearly.
Rosario Brasil, este ideia de cabana é ficar longe da esposa e das crianças
Qu’est ce que c’est que ces réponses mR opérateur
Ez a hölgy nem pszichológus. Miért nem viszik egy tapasztalt orvoshoz?
Hello, from Ontario, Canada there was a time I saw Butterfly and her father-in-law saying and doing their traditional prayer on the little mat and I believe that it's what the Engineer needs along with the family. I hope to see this happen, with that being said note I will continue my Prayers for the family.🙏❤🙏
Как Парване забеременила он начинает не не видеть этих двоих детей он уже разлюбил их
Видна на его поведении когда он гулял доктором он был как прежде другим а дома как маленькая собачка без защитная Парване слишком разбаловала его с уходом ❤😂!!
Parvane,vi ste jako pametna osoba i dobrica,ne nasedajte na inzenjerove hirove ,kad on kaze doktorki da vi i vasa deca mu stvarate nemir,to je covek koji misli na sebe,a sto je najgore uvek je takav i bio.zasto ga pidrzavate za kolibu od koga bezi ,ima brata aliju koji zivi bedno kao niko što se ne seti da ode kod njega d mu pomogne i neka zivi sa bratom ,šta ima on da se poverava ovoj mladoj mladoj doktorki ,napolju mu ništa ne sneta kada je sa njom ,malo sednite pa razmislite ,i trece vam je dete na putu, a on nerazmišlja baš o ničemu ,dosta je dobar igrač
народ это кино, я тоже думала и переживала за них, он здаров как бык как арёт на детей у нас вся родня болели кавидом и ни кто не сашёл сума бред какойта, придумали, на сказку похожа это всё. ЧЕЧНЯ.
So the doctor is building a hut on her brother land. How interesting. Dr and engineer are falling in love
I am glad to see that I am not the only one that thinks this.
Ese niño es muy maleducado y el ingeniero se está volviendo adicto a los medicamentos.
Está totalmente dopado de medicación y eso no es bueno , le crea dependencia a los ansiolíticos
inzynierze zachowujesz sie jak dupek
That female doctor looks about 16yrs of age - no way she’s a doctor for start. She hasn’t once used a stethoscope to check his breathing or taken his pulse…🤣… she pretends to scribble notes .. this is so pathetic-Same actress has been on at least 2 other storylines., one of which she played the character of harrassing the engineer and wanting to marry him 🙄… other one where she’s a new second wife.
If she’s a trained Doctor , I’m a Horse.
Next part of storyline will be the Engineer having an affair with this young girl in the Hut!…
Engineer has had a nervous breakdown.. and is totally receiving wrong treatment so much so it’s laughable. His poor wife suffers again being left coping with her children.
Storyline is now absurd and disturbing in direction it’s going.
I’m sure other viewers feel the same.
Must be other pleasant storylines you can make your money off - ridiculous.
@@teresamalinowska7110 I thought the same thing 💔
Why is Amir sitting on table he can sit beside his mom ,on floor.
@zalifaali1240 I totally agree with you. Omg I was thinking she was the same girl that fell in love with him. If the operator has red yr comments he should act fast an do a check on her to see if she is really a doctor
Vrlo ljubazna žena.Osječajna i pono ljubavi❤❤❤❤
mi dispiace suo marito non epiu malato chisa cpsa gita nella suo testa lrma amava molto il binbo adesso non lo vuolle nianche vedere chi sa cosa pensa pquesto gioco non mi piace come si comporta luo a qualcosa ma non la vule dire a sua moglie non e ammalatl tutta una finta di bugie
Todo es mentira!es una farsa
Good job Butterfly .. letting him go to get him back .. thats what i ment last weak wen i said let him go .. and stop pampering .. helping oke .. but he is not a baby .. its easy to get used on pampering .. love you ALL 🙏
Это не та девушка, с которой он ходил на тайные свидания перед свадьбой?
Нет, парване бы ее узнала
А кто этих актёров разберёт, та в маске была и эта тоже...😂
The engineer is a selfish narcissistic person.His wife should just walk away from him.because everything is about him....
Pues con todo el tiempo que lleva enfermo, flaco no está.
The “doctor” is the same girl in this show that played the girl earlier who stalked him and kidnapped Parvanah. I went back in episodes and magnified both faces of this girl and they are one in the same. This is just a ‘ fictional story’ with many actors playing different roles.
Dnule inginer curaj aveți o familie care suferă pt dvs🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏
I am getting fed up with the Engineer moaning about himself all the time. He thinks only about himself. Who will he get to build it? He is good with promises to other people but he is not good at practical work.
He very is very shewd, in getting what he wants. He does not want to live with his famly amymore and will not go into hospital. So he is etting her to let him go and she has no clue. When he come back with a second wife, he will blame her for it.
That doctor is not to be trusted. She told his wife she needs to go to hospital. Then she tells him to go build a hut like he want to in the forest. Then she tells is wife that she wans to help him and her build it n her brother land for his treatment. She will be the one to treat him of course. Wife two in the making. Come on ghoncie this do you think we viewers are that gullble? It is no doctor in her field that would do such a thing. I have already unscribed and will stop watching. If dont they will persuade me to over there to help them build his treatment hut. This is satire and my corny sense of humour.😢 I am sad to leave because I started to watch the same time his came into the storyline. They had such great chemistry and a happy family.
TRUE story
Whow is me😮
El subtitulo no tiene relación con las imágenes.
Todavía no veo al ingeniero pedirle el divorcio a la señora mariposa
Parvaneh and family, your doing a good job. The engineer is not going to die. This is a fact. Make life as normal as you can for the family. Encourage the engineer to get up and do things to change his mood. If he does not accept leave him alone. He'll be tired at one point, and sort out his problems. Take care of yourself and remain healthy ❤❤❤❤
Essa história não está bem contada.Como assim, uma psicóloga construir uma cabana no terreno de seu irmão?
Não estou gostando do comportamento do engenheiro.Tenho dó da professora.
Parvenah tu es très aimable et très attentionnée envers l’ingénieur mais aller vivre ailleurs loin de toi c’est vraiment autre chose
L’ingénieur est entrain de revenir comme avant bon courage à madame et à l’opérateur ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Bu Parvanesh jaga kesehatan semangat terus unruk kesehatan pak Bahman semoga semua baik2 saja trimakasih mas operator untuk vidionya semangat terus Tuhan Memberkati kalian semua
Son fils est sur les nerfs. Non il est hyperactif. Cela n a rien à voir.
The cycle of addiction… headache…needs another pill…then he sleeps…GET OFF THE PILLS!
Omg is it just me over thinking or is the doctor falling in love with the engineer. Shes is really insistance for him to move to a forest where only she can see him. Apolgies if im wrong.
Вы будете ему дом строить а он туда эту девушку приведёт.
Я болела короновирусом, мои знакомые по два раза переболели в тяжёлой форме, но никто так себя не вёл как этот инженер.
С самого начала было видно по его лицу ещё до болезни что что-то с психикой связано.
Ont ne sait pas se que les autres personnes disent je ne lit pas leurs langues n y l anglais il faut que Baman comprenne que le gouvernement ne le prendra s plus s'il est dépressif Parvaneh 🙏 svp vos enfants sont trop bruyant ils ne s arrête pas de crié ou de parler trop fort ils hurles Amir à un problème de comportement et sa se n est pas la faute de Bamanh
Désolée j ai était mal polie tout d abords bonjours de France de la camargue où se trouve les taureaux et les flamands rose et beaucoup d autres espèces d'oiseaux protégés
La psicóloga se está equivocando, porque sugiere una cabaña? Su rol es la salud mental del paciente,no que le construya una cabaña, cambien urgente de psicóloga, busquen otra con más experiencia en salud mental, lo que tiene que sugerir es que de a poco se inserte en el mercado laboral, terapia conductual, ver el porque de su actitud, que perder el trabajo, tiene que trabajar ese tema y de a poco presentar CV en empresas pero construir una cabaña? Por favor!!
Saludos queridos Sr. Operador, señor Ingeniero y familia ❤ sería muy beneficioso que el querido Sr. ingeniero se tome un tiempo fuera de su casa, para poner sus ideas claras, están esperando un hijo, así que tienen que sentarse ellos dos solos para hablar de sus sentimientos y de lo que les disgusta uno del otro, sino no va a funcionar ningún tratamiento, ni su matrimonio, les deseo muchas bendiciones de parte de Dios 🙏🙏🙋♀️🙂❤🌹
На улице мачо а дома монстр.
Senhora tome cuidado com esta médica ela vai tirar seu marido arrume um médico homem ele vai te deixar e você esta grávida dele não deixa essa garota te tirar o marido
dalla traduzione non si capisce a chi appartiene il terreno una volta al fratello di parvaneh,una volta al fratello di bahman,un altra volta addirittura al fratello della dottoressa
Что ж он с головой не дружит а за руль сел, смешно прям на дураков смотреть, где таких актеров то нашли?
Con tutto il rispetto x questa sop opera il bambino e troppo iperattivo fategli fare un sport almeno si sfoga 😂
His parents have land in the mountains 😮
Creo que la terspista se está involucrando sentimentalmente, no tiene porque poner terreno para una cabaña los padres de ingeniero tienen tierras y una cabaña que están contrullendono hay pretextos párese de esa cama
Lamento mucho lo que está sucediendo, espero que Bahman se mejore.
Yo amo esta familia ! Y no me gusta verlos en conflictos.
Que Bahman recupere su estabilidad mental que tanto necesita.
Su familia lo necesita urgentemente, viene un bebé en camino.
Espero que Bahman consiga su empleo anterior.
Batman si tu eres ingeniero haz lo que dice paverna y es tu estudio para construir casas o apartamentos y así no piensas nada mas que en tu trabajo sal a la naturaleza y cambia a como eras antes un hombre orgulloso de su familia y alegre todo saldrá bie sigue así y veras que tienes fuerzas para vecer todo como siempre
🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷O Engenheiro Tá Com Depressão Precisa Se Tratar
Now that he has a baby on the way with 2 other children , it is too much responsibility for him. He doesn’t want anyone relying on him. Should have thought about that before he got married and his wife pregnant!
Le gamin joue avec un plat et la mère ne dit rien 😡😡
Тарелка не стеклянная, лёгкая, и ничего страшного нет в этом. Что всё привязались к этому мальчишке, нормальный пацан, активный, растёт, развивается.
Esta muy hermoso ese terreno para hacer una casa y cultivarla
Si, pero es construir castillos en el aire,ese terreno no les pertenece 😅 es mejor ver la realidades!
Operador lleve al ingeniero a dar un paseo a la montaña para q despeje su mente un poco
Operatore stai facendo il tuo lavoro!! Ma secondo me la dottoressa e' contraddittoria quando l' ingeniere era meglio che andasse in una struttura dove poteva essere curato no ma la capanna lontano dalla famiglia si!! Non lo sta aiutando per niente!! Sta rovinando la famiglia e non e' bello la Signora Parvaneh che dovrebbe fare accettare tutti i suoi capricci!! Mi auguro che vada a finire bene!!❤
I think this will be my last look for a while.
kobieto opusc tego swojego inzyniera
In my opinion I truly believe that the he will get together with the doctor.
Je trouve que le regard de l ingénieur à changer il fait presque peur son regard est méchant j ai de la peine pour sa Femme ses enfants ils sont tellement gentils sans oublié vous opérateur toujours là pour aidé pour soutenir la dame papillon vraiment l ingénieure est dans l incompréhension pffff
He walks like a zombie monster
it is a true doctor?? i see a very young girl accompanied the Engineer hhmmn
i think doktor fake,pervanneh change the doktor
Мне одной кажется, что образовывается треугольник.
Парване должна на это обратить внимание.
Ещё заметно, что Бахман злопаметен, не может забыть ссору с Захрой. Дети как дети, должны играть, шуметь, но ему все мешают спать.
А спит он всегда... и всегда чем то недоволен, вот так 😴😠😒
Operator je praat te veel, het is jou taak niet, je bemoeit je te veel met alles
O engenheiro muito frio com sua esposa.E dando muita atenção para a psicóloga.Algo que não é comum.
Thats true he only thinks of him self what about you wife she has to work cook ,clean, baby you ,your son is just a kid he want to play yes his a little loud but you just tell him he will be quite yes I'm also tier of this story his always in a bad mood his a smart and kind man he help so much people he told all those addicted father find you self a job and take care of you family he. Believes in god he has something for you out there I hope you do the right thing. God bless you!!!
Camarógrafooooooo!!!! Cuál divorcio???? Por qué manejas esos títulos? La historia del ingeniero se terminó, con su actitud, ya nadie le creerá que sea bondadoso!! Su canal se vino abajo, yo jamás aceptaría la ayuda de un malvado que le hizo daño a su propia familia 😡😡😡😡 por más títulos atractivos, esta historia ya cansó.
Miss Pravana you deserve better than him. He treats you like garbage you have stayed by his side. I have Mire you, but he hast to get his act together. There’s been millions of people affected by this virus and they don’t treat their spouses and the way that you shame on him.
منم فکر میکنم بیشتر باید روی امیرحسین کار کنین
خیلی داد میزنه
اصلا نمیتونه آروم حرف بزنه
Para tratar una depresión mayor se necesita ayuda psiquiatra , además de un psicólogo, asi no avanza para salí a flote
I'm so disappointed in the engineer parents . This is their responsibility too
Creo que el ingeniero está solo actuando no le creo nada ya no quiere salir a trabajar el no está enfermo ya no quiere a sus esposa y actúa esi para poder deshacerse de ella y los hijos
Porque no traducís no me entero de lo que hablan
Asta cuando se cura el ingeniero ya cansa ver lo agresivo k esta pork no le ponen en español por favor en español ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Why did he get married if he wants to go the forest for a few months?He cant handle is responsibilities. He is selfish
Да что за бред, какой участок, причем тут доктор с братом? Кино прям
سيد المهندس ليس له ارض حثى تعطيه دكتورة الارض هذه الاشياء لاتدخل في العقل ان هذه الدكتورة تدور حول المهندس سيدة برفانة كن على بال 😮😮😮😊😊😊
ليست دكتورة فقط متدخلة
Ta jego choroba jest wymyślona dobrze potrafi udawać.Wez się chłopie do roboty nomadzi teraz cię zatrudnią.Moze wreszcie coś się nauczysz ,bo jak do tej pory tylko dużo mówisz.
B día, no me gusta mucho la idea de compartir propiedades por un tiempo, los padres del sr ingenieros también poseen tierras, porque tener que mezclar sentimientos con su enfermo, no es profesional, se está entrometiendo en el vivir y actuar de esta familia, mucho cuidado mariposa de nuevo das mucho confianza a personas que ni conoces, quiero verlos felices pero creó que está no es la mejor solución busquen un pedazo de tierra en los yerrenyse sus padres, además que está más cerca de los cerros y más bonito, mis bendiciones ❤❤
Operador debe traducir lo que hablan no nos enteramos de nada
Нормально, решил себе хижину, отдельно находиться, чуть что в хижину, а потом скажет валите все, я здесь буду один, вы мне не нужны, черте че, придумал, ну разве он умный?!
Doesn’t need to be in a cottage loan he needs to be a psychiatric hospital so he can be watched these people have no common sense whatsoever even the doctor
Rồi anh chàng kỹ sư này cũng giống như những người đàn ông sống ở đất nước anH ấy cũng sẽ phản bội, Bỏ vợ con chạy theo mối tình trẻ Và anh ta cũng dở thói vũ phu với vợ mình cô giáo rất tốt xinh đẹp ❤❤❤lại giỏi hiểu chuyện và rất ngoan ,nếu có một ngày anh ấy rời khỏi em và các con em lên ở vậy chăm sóc cho các con và bản thân chị chúc gia đình em Luôn mạnh khỏe bình an hạnh phúc xinh đẹp ❤❤❤❤
En esta pelicula solamente me gusta parvahnet y sus lindos hijos, ya sabemos que es todo mentira. Hace mucho k no veo mentiras
Porque ele si ajudar também a borboleta ajudar de todas formas enfrentar juntos si feixou uma porta Deus abre outra melhor procurar outro emprego confiar nele nunca abandona aquele que confia Jesus te ama ♥️🇧🇷🇧🇷
Engineer will fall in love with young doctor, she is a very pretty lady
yes ,es que es una novela, If it is a novel, not if it were real life
as for me pervanneh pretty than doktor
@@FeRamirez-p3h yes,
Why do you say that I haven’t seen no clue that he’s interested in the doctor
Camarógrafo,dediquese a grabar y no se intrometa en las relaciones de esta familia, usted no es familiar directo,hasta habla con los medicos, se esta equivocando, sino muestrese como un personaje mas, la verdad ya no tengo ganas de ver esta historia sin fin
Ой, завтра уже хижина готова будит, вот это да, вот у нас бы в России вызвать врача на дом и гулять пойти с ним, может коттедж построят
Jajajaja 😂
estas criancas tem o direito de viver.
Doktor mi się nie podoba chce wykorzystać inżyniera jest młode bez doświadczeni zawodowego kamerzysto miej ja na oku
I have watched many channels and I keep on finding that everything was nothing but lies. They are fake. I now truly believe this channel is fake. On another channel stated that I was only making comments just to get them kicked off of UA-cam. Well shortly after that message they are no longer making new videos. They took old videos and reposted them being current. In 24 hours this site will lose me as a subscriber.
Lo quieren aislar a una cabaña no se si no será peor .
Im a bit cnfused about the 😮Dr
Monsieur l'ingénieur, vous faites le gros bébé malade c'est dingue vous n'êtes pas fatigué de ce scénario, personnellement j'en ai marre de ces vidéos de misère vous ne méritez pas une famille aimante, votre femme est enceinte et vous vous voulez monter à la montagne vous savez vous êtes un égoïste et un lâcheur, au final dégagez vous êtes NOCIF POUR CETTE FAMILLE, allez bon vent
Naine sa jääd ilma varsti oma mehest, ta ju ütles selgelt, et sina ja su lapsed ei lase tal puhata te segage teda ja varsti on ta läinud selle tohtri juurde.
Честно,уже надоело смотреть на этого горе-мужчину:дети его раздражают,все должны тихо сидеть и не шуметь,не разговаривать громко,не противоречить . Бедная беременная жена разрывается между ним и детьми,между родственниками. Она как пчелка все время что-то делает,а этот муж хоть бы помог, хоть бы сам стакан чая налил себе. Противно смотреть. Пора отписываться
Porque la Doctora no deja que la acompañe la esposa que es que lo cuida con mucho amor.
He put glue on his hands.he is touching every where so it will become sticky.