• @martaloc85
    @martaloc85 3 роки тому +2

    Hi Postal! Very good that you dont give up on the Swift. I was a very bit disapointed when i have her after the many Spitfires and the great Attacker. You didnt make a mistake with this equipment, i have the exat same on my J8M japanese fighter and i will use this on the Swift when i specialize her. The trick was for me that these nasty 30 mm autocannon works that i reasembled the bonuses on the gyro and on the goa modul. On gyro i rolled the 10%fire chance,5%Accuracy at moving targets and 3%forward accuracy. On the gas operated action 10%cooldown,5%forward accuracy and 2,5% rate of fire. You must sacrafice the fire or criticalchance on the gyro and the 5% CD on the GOA but after that youre accury become very persistent. But this is very expensive in credit and goldnuget but worth it. This is my opnion only, but for me worked.
    Good video as always, just keep it up as always.

  • @CameronRoberson427
    @CameronRoberson427 3 роки тому +3

    Like you, the Swift was my first T10. Best way I can describe flying it: frantic. You really can't try to stick with one sector to defend or cap because your speed is so great you just get pulled around the map by the engine. I still haven't quite figured out the best way to manage really have to mind the map in a very different way because the whole map comes into play.

    • @PostalMonkey
      @PostalMonkey 3 роки тому

      Agreed, in this battle even I attacked the Garrison simply because I was already there!

  • @CANNONLOWY_LP_Archive
    @CANNONLOWY_LP_Archive 3 роки тому +1

    The Swift was also one of the first tier 10s that I ever owned as well. When I first got it, I really disliked the guns because they overheated too quickly and also were not super accurate either. This made the plane really uncomfortable to use. Specialization though pretty much completely fixed all the issues I had with it once I got the equipment to ultimate. Regarding your question about the gas operated action vs bolt carriers, I personally use the bolt carriers (calibrated to have +20% burst length -14% accuracy) because that mostly solved any issue I had with burst length especially with if you get the 2 cooldown mods (15% cooldown) and then the 5% accuracy to reduce the penalty to 9% helps a little as well. Over all from my experience the guns seem to be much more cooperative if you get your accuracy to +15% or higher. In all honesty though GOA vs RBC really is personal preference do you want to have more more time to adjust your aim before they overheat or just spraying more shots out in a shorter time, I prefer the burst length on aircraft like these.

  • @hansclaw
    @hansclaw 3 роки тому +2

    ace in a swift! my respect!

  • @SgtZak_
    @SgtZak_ 3 роки тому +1

    ‘Dont come crying to me.......”. Lol

    • @PostalMonkey
      @PostalMonkey 3 роки тому +1

      Did I really say this?

    • @SgtZak_
      @SgtZak_ 3 роки тому +1

      See 25:25 of video

    • @PostalMonkey
      @PostalMonkey 3 роки тому

      I'm such a goof sometimes

    • @SgtZak_
      @SgtZak_ 3 роки тому

      You were on a roll.....kinda like your comment in this video about sitting behind a bomber “like a moron”. Loved it

  • @Sigismund74
    @Sigismund74 3 роки тому +1

    Brilliant battle.

  • @malikiori
    @malikiori Рік тому +1

    Although this video is a year old, but I just researched the swift so had to look at the experts flying it. Although I didn't like the attacker before, but i have grown to use it good, but I have no qualms about selling it to make up the price for this one. Maybe I should just grind some premiums with the silver boost, but guns on the wings on a jet doesn't sit right with me. xD

    • @PostalMonkey
      @PostalMonkey Рік тому +1

      Wong mounted guns can be annoying. Effective against heavies, GAs, and Bombers, but less so versus fighters and MRFs

  • @airfight10
    @airfight10 3 роки тому +1

    realy cool played men :))

    • @PostalMonkey
      @PostalMonkey 3 роки тому

      Thanks! It took me a while, but I love the Swift

  • @grimkupid8478
    @grimkupid8478 3 роки тому +1

    Don't forget to account for the optimal distance of the guns when doing the calculation on accuracy. If you are inside the optimal range, your accuracy goes down.

  • @thesleepyweasel3775
    @thesleepyweasel3775 Рік тому +1

    Just unlocked tonight... first game, Winged Legend, Akamatsu, Conqueror, 15640pp, 16 kills, it was a good time. Why didn't I grind this plane sooner?

  • @adamnchapman1985
    @adamnchapman1985 3 роки тому +1

    Just got the swift as my first t10. Loving it so far (bit biased being a brit)
    Would love update if you find a better setup.
    Keep up the good work.

  • @bartlomiejmolczyk8492
    @bartlomiejmolczyk8492 3 роки тому

    Hello Postal. GG AS ALWAYS!. Buy the way do you know what gave you critical hit? How does it look in stats?

    • @martaloc85
      @martaloc85 3 роки тому

      He says in the video from 11 min, he even click on the moduls and you can see the stats on them. You can have 3 bonus from each modul after you specialise the plane, but these are random bonuses. You can change the stats on the moduls but that cost you 400k credit per try and when you have the most desired bonus in the modul one of the 3 slot, you can lock it for 2 goldnuget and try change the second bonus for another 400k credit and exatly same the third bonus. So very expensive when you try min max youre specialised plane.

    • @bartlomiejmolczyk8492
      @bartlomiejmolczyk8492 3 роки тому

      @@martaloc85 l was thinking about what it means critical hit. What extra you get on the site to standard damage. Thanks form answering anyway.

    • @PostalMonkey
      @PostalMonkey 3 роки тому

      I believe my bonus is 10% on the critical hit, 10% on fires

    • @martaloc85
      @martaloc85 3 роки тому +1

      Critical hit means that youre weapons do debuf on the enemy plane besides the standard damage, when you crit the engine the plane cant run away anymore from you and when turn ,lose speed faster and can crash to the ground to. When you crit the wing, tail or pilot the plane drasticaly lose its manouverability. Fire chance give you extra damage and the enemy die faster. You can earn crit and firechanche from the pilot and weaponmoduls, in the hangar click on the weapons and the list show you all damage and crit modifiers on youre weaponry. Thats all.

    • @bartlomiejmolczyk8492
      @bartlomiejmolczyk8492 3 роки тому +1

      @@martaloc85 thank

  • @airfight10
    @airfight10 3 роки тому +1

    wich replay programm do u used postal ?

    • @PostalMonkey
      @PostalMonkey 3 роки тому +1

      I record live using GeForce, it came with the graphics card

  • @Chriseff1
    @Chriseff1 3 роки тому +1

    Hi Postal, why don't you try testing the bolt carriers and long range gun barrels using the TEST option in game. Reduced exp and credits, but won't cost you otherwise.

    • @PostalMonkey
      @PostalMonkey 3 роки тому +1

      Sweet baby jesus why didn't I think of that... lol thanks! I'm an idiot sometimes

  • @TheMrmrdno
    @TheMrmrdno 3 роки тому +1

    How to upload replay to Yt

    • @PostalMonkey
      @PostalMonkey 3 роки тому

      Hey there, sorry for slow response time. Here you go:

  • @airfight10
    @airfight10 3 роки тому

    agains zombie bots easy to kill

    • @PostalMonkey
      @PostalMonkey 3 роки тому

      Yes, ace every game

    • @martaloc85
      @martaloc85 3 роки тому +1

      Somebody envious a little bit no?

    • @PostalMonkey
      @PostalMonkey 3 роки тому

      @@martaloc85 I doubt he is envious about the Aces, possible that he's envious of other things. Either way, just a bored troll doing bored troll things

    • @martaloc85
      @martaloc85 3 роки тому

      @@PostalMonkey i mean airfight10 envious , not me, he is some pathetic troll who exploits the internet anonymity

    • @PostalMonkey
      @PostalMonkey 3 роки тому

      @@martaloc85 omg dude, I'm so sorry, I just woke up and misread who responded. You are right I think