Bhakti Shatak | Part 2 | Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj | Radha Kunj

  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024
  • सब साधन जनु देह सम, रूप ध्यान जनु प्रान ।
    खात गीध अरु स्वान जनु, कामादिक शव मान ||१०||
    Sab sȧḍhan janu ḍeh sam, roop ḍhyȧn janu prȧn.
    Khȧṭ geeḍh aru swȧn janu, kȧmȧḍik shav mȧn. [10]
    (All the forms of spiritual practices (such as gyan, karm, yog, austerity, rituals) are like a dead body without soul if they are done without the loving remembrance of Krishn.)
    जग महँ सुख दुख दोउ नहिं, अस उर धरि ले ज्ञान ।
    सुख माने दुख मिलत है, सुख न जगत महँ मान ||११||
    Jag mahaṇ sukh ḍukh ḍou nahiṇ, as ur ḍhari le gyȧn.
    Sukh mȧne ḍukh milaṭ hai, sukh na jagaṭ mahaṇ mȧn. [11]
    (Have a firm understanding in your mind that there is no joy or sorrow in this world. When you think that worldly objects are the source of happiness, then, in their absence, you will feel sad. Accept this fact that there is no real happiness in the world.)
    जग विराग हो तितनोई, जितनोई हरि अनुराग ।
    तब हो हरि अनुराग जब, गुरु चरनन मन लाग ॥१२॥
    Jag virȧg ho ṭiṭnoi, jiṭnoi Hari anurȧg.
    Ṭab ho Hari anurȧg jab, Guru charanan man lȧg [12]
    (Only after surrendering to the lotus feet of a true Spiritual Master, (with his Grace) a devotee experiences affectional affinity (bhao or love) for Krishn; and whatever amount of detachment from the world a devotee has, the same amount of attachment he could have for Krishn.)
    जग सों विमुख होय जब, साँचो सद्गुरु पाय ।
    करत सतत सतसंग तब, हरि सनमुख है जाय ॥१३॥
    Jag soṇ vimukh hoya jab, sȧṇcho saḍguru pȧya.
    Karaṭ saṭaṭ saṭsang ṭab, Hari sanmukh hwai jȧya. [13]
    (Only after finding a true Spiritual Master, with his Grace, a devotee becomes detached from worldly attractions. Then, by continuous association of the Spiritual Master (and by doing proper devotion regularly) the devotee will begin to feel real affinity for Krishn.)
    हरि अनुराग विराग जग, आपुहिं आप न होय ।
    मन ते भजन किये बिना, भक्ति न पावे कोय ॥१४॥
    Hari anurȧg virȧg jag, ȧpuhiṇ ȧpu na hoya.
    Man ṭe bhajan kiye binȧ, bhakṭi na pȧve koya. [14]
    (Attachment to Krishn and detachment from the world does not happen automatically. Without single-minded and wholehearted devotion to Radha Krishn no one can experience the bliss of bhakti.)
    साँचो दास न कबहुँ चह, पाँचहुँ मुक्ति बलाय ।
    चहई युगलसेवा सदा, तिन सुख सुखी सदाय ॥१५॥
    Sȧṇcho ḍȧs na kabahuṇ chah, pȧṇchahuṇ mukṭi balȧya.
    Chahai Yugal sevȧ saḍȧ, ṭin sukh sukhi saḍȧya. [15]
    (A true devotee of Krishn does not want any of the five kinds of liberation. His only desire is to serve Radha Krishn all the time and be happy in Their happiness.)
    जो स्वामी सों चहइ कछु, सो नहिँ दास कहाय ।
    सोउ स्वामी न कहाय जो, दासहिँ आस लगाय ॥१६॥
    Jo Swȧmi soṇ chahai kac̣hu, so nahiṇ ḍȧs kahȧya.
    Sou Swȧmi na kahȧya jo, ḍȧsahiṇ ȧs lagȧya. [16]
    (A devotee is not a true devotee if he desires anything (as a material benefit) from his Master. Similarly, a Master is not a true Master if he desires anything from His devotees for his own self.)
    हरि को नाम रूप गुन, हरिजन नित्य निवास ।
    सबै एक हरि रूप हैं, सब में सब को वास ॥ १७ ॥
    Hari ko nȧm roop gun, harijan niṭya nivȧs.
    Sabai ek Hari roop haiṇ, sab meṇ sab ko vȧs. [17]
    (Krishn's name, form, virtues, Saints and abode are all one and the same, because all of these always reside in each other.)
    सबै शक्ति है नाम में, मन ! निशिदिन आराध ।
    पै नहिँ शक्तिन लाभ तिन, किये नाम अपराध ॥१८॥
    Sabai shakṭi haiṇ nȧm meṇ, man! nishiḍin ȧrȧḍh.
    Pai nahiṇ shakṭin lȧbh ṭin, kiye nȧm aparȧḍh [18]
    (Radha Krishn with all of Their powers reside in Their name. O mind! Remember and chant Their name all the time. But be careful not to commit spiritual transgressions (because transgressions obstruct the receptivity of the heart to experience the Bliss of the name).
    बंधन और मोक्ष का, कारण मनहिं बखान ।
    याते कौनिउ भक्ति करु, करु मन ते हरिध्यान ॥१९॥
    Banḍhan aur mokc̣h kȧ, kȧraṅ manahi bakhȧn.
    Yȧṭe kauniu bhakṭi karu, karu manṭe Hari ḍhyȧn [19]
    (The mind is the cause of bondage as well as the liberation from maya. Thus, it is important to attach the mind in the loving remembrance of Krishn while doing any kind of devotion.)
    राम नाम सब सत्य कह, जब लौं जात मसान |
    लौटत ही पुनि जगत कहूँ, सत्य मान धनि ज्ञान ॥२०॥
    Rȧm nȧm sab saṭya kah, jab laun jȧṭ masȧn.
    Lautaṭ hi puni jagaṭ kahaṇ, saṭya mȧn ḍhani gyȧn. [20]
    (People (in India ) say, “ Ram nam satya hai,” (the name of God Ram is the only truth) when they accompany a dead body for cremation. But as soon as they return home (from the cremation ground) they still believe that the worldly attainments are the only truth. So what is good in making such an ignorant statement.)
    तीन रूप श्रीकृष्ण को, वेदव्यास बताय ।
    ब्रह्म और परमात्मा, अरु भगवान कहाय ॥२१॥
    Ṭin roop Shree Krishṅ ko, Veḍvyȧs baṭȧya.
    Brahm aur Paramȧṭmȧ, aru Bhagwȧn kahȧya. [21]
    (Ved Vyasji has described three forms of supreme God Krishn (in the Bhagwatam). These are: brahm, paramatma and bhagwan.) | |