@@thekornreeper LOL this ones cooler dj lol sv , Swedish "Facit" = /fɑːsɪt/ A.K.A en /ˈfɔːsɪt/ or /ˈfɑsɪt/ a.k.a Faucet! translated into English as Fact! lol
I love those hand-drawn traces on the PCB. That would've been drawn at a larger scale with felt tip pens and then photoreduced and put on an acrylic transparent sheet to photo-etch the PCB.
Hi Sam, I'm glad the calculator arrived in one piece. As far as I know, the half-height zero was used because this machine does not blank out the leading zeros in the display. So it makes it easier on the operator to see where the number actually starts. The green bit in front of the display did not fall off, I took that off so that one could see the tubes better :-) Forgot that was still in there. To put it back on you unscrew the mesh, put the green bit in front of the mesh and put the mesh back in. I like the Acrylic box idea, it would definetely be cool to have it running and being able to see the inside. Have fun with it!
aha!!! yes of course blanking it does not do that. very interesting! and I thought it was a bit odd how that green thing fell off when getting posted now that makes a lot of sense!!
Great video! There are some more Swedish people here so I don't have mention the pronunciation again. Fun fact... Until ca 1970 Facit only made mechanical calculators and had ~10,000 of employees. Then the electronic calculator was introduced and Facit was left behind. The kind of calculator you have was a "me too" product. The business went down and 1973 Facit was sold to Electrolux (the vacuum cleaner company).
I think it is pronaunced fasit, in Norwegian is means something like the solution or right awnser. Like for the math books in schools, the teacher has a special copy with all the right awnsers, and that is called a "fasit" in Norwegian. Swedish is not the exact same language, but words usually have a similar or atleast related meaning. :) Think I have seen a similar device, or with that type display when I was a kid.
Link the number buttons (0-9) to a simple square wave oscillator, hook each one up to a note in a decatonic scale, make it beep in key. Bonus points if you can make the oscillator read the numbers from calculations on the screen to create a really impractical sequencer.
I’ve seen that, or a display like it, somewhere before. What a wicked cool idea for a museum. Were I not on the wrong side of the planet, I’d def visit.
Reminds me of a friend of mine having one of the first pocket calculators way back in 68 or 69. It was a Sharp brand one and it showed exactly the same sort of (imho) very elegant green display. I remember too that it was worth then quite a hefty bunch of money.
Facit (yes, you said it correctly the first time) was a Swedish producer of office machines (such as typewriters and calculators), but it all went south for them quite fast when office electronics took over in the early 70:ies. Under new ownership they tired to market a PC in the early 80:ies, but with no real success. Some parts of the company was sold to Nokia others to Ericsson. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facit
I’m only halfway through but I’m hoping, at some stage, you’re going to input the numbers 55378008 and turn it upside down, like any good school boy would! 😂
I have a similar but smaller FACIT 1115 from 1971, with the same odd VFD digits. I have another 1115 where the only difference is it has the usual 7-segment digits and I guess it's newer. Interesting to hear about this odd display from the brochure! I don't really buy that argument that the odd 8- or 9-segment display is easier to read. Maybe that's the entire truth, but what if the reason is that it makes the decoding electronics cheaper? Perhaps there is a really easy trick to drive these odd digits, saving a lot of expensiv silicon?
Really cool display, I find the digits very legible, quite a bit more readable then normal 7 segment displays. I was wondering where the + button went untill you demonstrated it with the = button.
The Name of this thing is pure gold. :D FACIT sounds a little bit like the german word "Fazit" wich means "conclusion"... What would even make sense for a calculator...
The word in Swedish means ”a collection of correct answers”, like the ones found at the end of a math text book. It’s originally latin though so it surely has the same origin as german Fazit.
Ok thanks guys... All that makes a lot of sense. Facit and Fazit mean basically the same and are probably based on the same latin origin... Thats my Fazit :D
you could probably cut a pressfit enclosure out of some plexiglass or whatever those sheets of acrylic that come with paper stuck to prevent scratching them are called
A funny coincedence that you as well as FranLab did a very similar device at same time (I believe her's is slightly older) btw this display font is sick!
why not make a "sandwich" out of the facit calc, built an acrylic spacer and have the original shell and buttons as the top "lid" with the bottom either standing inside or being the real bottom? that way you can see the display through the acrylic front without blocking them like the black front plate would, use the original buttons and see the internals. it would also be somewhat smaller than a full on enclosure :P
Noooooo, now I'll never be able to find these tubes :( These tubes were made by itron, as well as a the ussr, called the iv-2, but the Russian ones are extremely rare This font was made to stand out, and in fact on many old regular 7 segment vfd calculators they would make the 0 an o, i believe it was to emulate these snazzy tubes
Sounds likely, kinda like Volvo. But it’s also a common Swedish word, roughly translates to “answer sheet” or similar. So wouldn’t be surprise if the person naming the company thought it was clever:) The Swedish pronunciation is different from Sam’s attempt. Two syllables, second one sounds like “sit”, and the first having the typical long Swedish a. It’s like when you doc goes “say aaah” but with an F before it. Faaah-sit.
It's a shame that you are enforcing timeslots at the museum. It's not possible to even contemplate arriving for a 1 hour timeslot after a 300-350 mile drive. I've had the journey to roughly your area vary by as much as 7 hours depending on traffic and the number of accidents that day. Are the timeslots just because of the Rona? Will it be general admission in the future?
its made to keep an eye on capacity, we put half the capacity worth of tickets on for each hour, that means it might only get to full capacity after 2 hours, but this has not yet happened. some people stay for half hour, some people stay for 3 or so hours
Yah.. ummm.. I looked it up! lol Most everyone would never guess the Pronunciation! Here we go sv , Swedish "Facit" = /fɑːsɪt/. en Eglish word equivalent /ˈfɔːsɪt/ or /ˈfɑsɪt/ a.k.a Faucet! English translation sv "facit" = en "fact"
Open Day Tickets for Sundays :-
@@thekornreeper LOL this ones cooler dj lol sv , Swedish "Facit" = /fɑːsɪt/ A.K.A en /ˈfɔːsɪt/ or /ˈfɑsɪt/ a.k.a Faucet!
translated into English as Fact! lol
I love those hand-drawn traces on the PCB. That would've been drawn at a larger scale with felt tip pens and then photoreduced and put on an acrylic transparent sheet to photo-etch the PCB.
Hi Sam, I'm glad the calculator arrived in one piece.
As far as I know, the half-height zero was used because this machine does not blank out the leading zeros in the display. So it makes it easier on the operator to see where the number actually starts.
The green bit in front of the display did not fall off, I took that off so that one could see the tubes better :-) Forgot that was still in there. To put it back on you unscrew the mesh, put the green bit in front of the mesh and put the mesh back in.
I like the Acrylic box idea, it would definetely be cool to have it running and being able to see the inside.
Have fun with it!
aha!!! yes of course blanking it does not do that. very interesting! and I thought it was a bit odd how that green thing fell off when getting posted now that makes a lot of sense!!
Great video! There are some more Swedish people here so I don't have mention the pronunciation again. Fun fact... Until ca 1970 Facit only made mechanical calculators and had ~10,000 of employees. Then the electronic calculator was introduced and Facit was left behind. The kind of calculator you have was a "me too" product. The business went down and 1973 Facit was sold to Electrolux (the vacuum cleaner company).
"Fah-sit" is correct. It means "answer" or "key". :)
facit (said fah-kit) also means ‘makes’ in latin
Oh, so have we had an official name change for the museum? They both sound cool so no worries. Thanks Sam!
for someone who hasn't gone to school for electronics I'm always really impressed by your knowledge and appreciation of the field
this stuff is just so cool! Those switches for the keys are just beautiful - not to mention those gorgeous tubes
I think it is pronaunced fasit, in Norwegian is means something like the solution or right awnser. Like for the math books in schools, the teacher has a special copy with all the right awnsers, and that is called a "fasit" in Norwegian. Swedish is not the exact same language, but words usually have a similar or atleast related meaning. :) Think I have seen a similar device, or with that type display when I was a kid.
I love it!!! in any case, facit!
Haha not quite a dx7 though!!’ 😁😁😁😁
Link the number buttons (0-9) to a simple square wave oscillator, hook each one up to a note in a decatonic scale, make it beep in key. Bonus points if you can make the oscillator read the numbers from calculations on the screen to create a really impractical sequencer.
I’ve seen that, or a display like it, somewhere before.
What a wicked cool idea for a museum. Were I not on the wrong side of the planet, I’d def visit.
Reminds me of a friend of mine having one of the first pocket calculators way back in 68 or 69. It was a Sharp brand one and it showed exactly the same sort of (imho) very elegant green display. I remember too that it was worth then quite a hefty bunch of money.
"Facit" is the correct solution to a math problem in some languages. Probably of Latin origin.
Gettin' Dutch with those angles!
That is one awesome calculater.
No Sam, what are you doing!! You don't do it like that, you do it like this!!! Nice find there mate!
Cool piece. I had an original Sharp Micro Compet from 1969 that had the same display tubes. I took it apart because I was an idiot back then
video: there be strange VFD tube
me: bet it's not really that strange
video: wonky numbaaa
me: oh, bless
I have some spare original nixie tubes and a vintage (portable) calculator with Nixie tubes you would love.
Facit (yes, you said it correctly the first time) was a Swedish producer of office machines (such as typewriters and calculators), but it all went south for them quite fast when office electronics took over in the early 70:ies. Under new ownership they tired to market a PC in the early 80:ies, but with no real success. Some parts of the company was sold to Nokia others to Ericsson. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facit
Hello, swedish person here. Facit: "Fa" as in "father", and "cit" as in "sitting".
I’m only halfway through but I’m hoping, at some stage, you’re going to input the numbers 55378008 and turn it upside down, like any good school boy would! 😂
Those reed switch buttons must be pretty reliable! It's such a cool way to make a numberpad
I have a similar but smaller FACIT 1115 from 1971, with the same odd VFD digits. I have another 1115 where the only difference is it has the usual 7-segment digits and I guess it's newer. Interesting to hear about this odd display from the brochure! I don't really buy that argument that the odd 8- or 9-segment display is easier to read. Maybe that's the entire truth, but what if the reason is that it makes the decoding electronics cheaper? Perhaps there is a really easy trick to drive these odd digits, saving a lot of expensiv silicon?
I've done a lot of research on those tubes, the ones you have are actually dg12b :)
Really cool display, I find the digits very legible, quite a bit more readable then normal 7 segment displays. I was wondering where the + button went untill you demonstrated it with the = button.
I don't know why, but the shapes of the digits remind me Comic Sans.
The Name of this thing is pure gold. :D FACIT sounds a little bit like the german word "Fazit" wich means "conclusion"... What would even make sense for a calculator...
The word in Swedish means ”a collection of correct answers”, like the ones found at the end of a math text book. It’s originally latin though so it surely has the same origin as german Fazit.
Adding to my comment, I guess it means "it is done" for this particular use. A bit like QED, but for the whole collection of problems.
@Adrian More like "Phachit", I guess. it's a soft C, not an S.
@@TDOBrandano Swedish pronounciation for Facit is: plain old F + long A as in ’far’ + ’sit’.
Ok thanks guys... All that makes a lot of sense. Facit and Fazit mean basically the same and are probably based on the same latin origin... Thats my Fazit :D
adam savage has some great videos about making plexi cases and vacuforming!
you could probably cut a pressfit enclosure out of some plexiglass or whatever those sheets of acrylic that come with paper stuck to prevent scratching them are called
I guess they were trying to make it look more like handwriting instead of electronic. I like it.
A funny coincedence that you as well as FranLab did a very similar device at same time (I believe her's is slightly older) btw this display font is sick!
Getting a vacuum form wouldnt be that hard as long as you can find a place that can do it. a transparent top piece would be awesome tho
This would be a good calculator to be featured on Numberphile.
Facit isn't strange. You are strange! -- All Swedes
Ah FAC IT, just put it in a clear box! LOL
i think i had a dream about LMNC having a video about a synth that had VFDs in it??? why are my dreams like this?? lol
Hahaha I’d say more of a premonition than a dream
@@LOOKMUMNOCOMPUTER lol yeah i think so!
why not make a "sandwich" out of the facit calc, built an acrylic spacer and have the original shell and buttons as the top "lid" with the bottom either standing inside or being the real bottom?
that way you can see the display through the acrylic front without blocking them like the black front plate would, use the original buttons and see the internals.
it would also be somewhat smaller than a full on enclosure :P
Lol I thought the slanted camera and commentary was a play on the italic style of the font
Those could be Hall effect switches
Certainly a very interesting device. I’m not sure I have ever seen a keyboard using reed switches.
Fran Lab?
Oooosh! Whatta beauty :O
Noooooo, now I'll never be able to find these tubes :(
These tubes were made by itron, as well as a the ussr, called the iv-2, but the Russian ones are extremely rare
This font was made to stand out, and in fact on many old regular 7 segment vfd calculators they would make the 0 an o, i believe it was to emulate these snazzy tubes
first thing tgat came to me when hearing about Facit was Faceit
I am pretty sure the name comes from the Latin "facere", "doing". It literally means "it does".
If so the pronunciation is the same C as in "chips".
Sounds likely, kinda like Volvo. But it’s also a common Swedish word, roughly translates to “answer sheet” or similar. So wouldn’t be surprise if the person naming the company thought it was clever:)
The Swedish pronunciation is different from Sam’s attempt. Two syllables, second one sounds like “sit”, and the first having the typical long Swedish a. It’s like when you doc goes “say aaah” but with an F before it.
It's a shame that you are enforcing timeslots at the museum. It's not possible to even contemplate arriving for a 1 hour timeslot after a 300-350 mile drive. I've had the journey to roughly your area vary by as much as 7 hours depending on traffic and the number of accidents that day. Are the timeslots just because of the Rona? Will it be general admission in the future?
Indeed but like I say in the description you can stay for as long as you want, it’s more a rough capacity check.
its made to keep an eye on capacity, we put half the capacity worth of tickets on for each hour, that means it might only get to full capacity after 2 hours, but this has not yet happened. some people stay for half hour, some people stay for 3 or so hours
Also if people are late we aren’t gunna turn people away. It’s just a rough thingie sure can make it work if poop hits the fan
Yah.. ummm.. I looked it up! lol
Most everyone would never guess the Pronunciation! Here we go
sv , Swedish "Facit" = /fɑːsɪt/. en Eglish word equivalent /ˈfɔːsɪt/ or /ˈfɑsɪt/ a.k.a Faucet!
English translation sv "facit" = en "fact"
Having a hard time not to have a little Chuckle at The Swedish word for fact! lol facit lol Faucet tee hee hee!
Id worry about lost keys if you expose the keys to interactivity.
That’s why I went for this one they are pretty solid never really experienced such chunky keys ha
6 my fav.
I have a VFD clock in my room
Not the same numerals as this calculator though. VFDs are underrated technology. :)
Suprr cool charakters
We germans have learned Not to call a device *fuck it*
I have the Facit 1125 here at home, that one is with nixie tubes and magnetic core memory
EDIT: I once uploaded some pictures of it: imgur.com/a/nhGAf
My wife said we need a calculator and i said , naaah facit
Any CS players out there notice the FACEIT vibes?
You should try google translator with sounds! It pronounces Finnish and Swedish NOT the dirty word as you pronounced it in English.
someone showing off a calculator and not typing in 80085? blasphemy :)
It's pronounced fah-sid
this is the 66th comment. good day !
Its a 6 segment display. Not this 7 segment rubbish