Knitting Tutorial - SKEINO Miss Grace Shawl

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @bbartlett1055
    @bbartlett1055 7 років тому +3

    I love your clear instructions. I'm going to be doing this soon. A lady in my knitting group at the library in the town I live in did this. She wore it last week. Unbelievably gorgeous. Thanks so much for doing this tutorial. I know you did this a couple years ago, but still greatly appreciated. I've learned so much from your tutorials.

  • @veni.vidi.reliqui7946
    @veni.vidi.reliqui7946 9 років тому +16

    Thanks for this in depth tutorial. I confess I think I would have been overwhelmed if I tried to figure this out on my own, but you make everything seem so doable! Thanks again.

  • @terryannsweeney4428
    @terryannsweeney4428 2 роки тому +3

    Wow… what a beautiful shawl! I am so looking forward to making this, and absolutely could not do it without your tutorial! Thank you so much 😊.

  • @JillWisemanDesigns
    @JillWisemanDesigns 9 років тому +9

    I'm so very thankful for this video explaining all my questions on the fabulous shawl! the pattern overwhelmed me looking at it by myself. But Staci does an amazing job of stepping you through it all piece by piece! I'll start my kit in the next week or so thanks to this video!

  • @GaminGawdess
    @GaminGawdess 9 років тому +3

    You go Staci taking on the shawl challenge. I love this shawl and the fact you are working with Skeino.

  • @roximol9829
    @roximol9829 2 місяці тому +1

    Could you, please, show us how to knit pattern B as clear as for pattern A? The tutorial is excellent, but a demonstration would be gorgeos!

  • @lindaboggess7634
    @lindaboggess7634 7 років тому

    I want to thank you for doing this tutorial on this shawl!!! My niece talked me into it and when I looked at the directions after I bought the yard I thought for sure I had done something to her that she needed to enact revenge on me in the form of an impossible to read shawl knitting pattern. I have not started it yet but it is next on my list after the sweater I am working on for my husband. I have watched your tutorial and it answered so many questions!!! I cannot wait to get started!!!
    Also think you for your channel!!! Yours is my favorite and my go to channel when I have questions! You do a great job!!! Keep up the good work that y'all are doing...from a fellow Texan!!!

  • @sister1165
    @sister1165 9 років тому

    Holy Cow, Stacey! I must be soooo dense. Were it not for your fantastic, easy to follow tutorial, I would have lost my feeble mind!! This shawl is knitting up wonderfully. Without your explanations/demos, my shawl would be a hot mess. Thank you soooo much, Stacey!

  • @dianay2909
    @dianay2909 9 років тому +6

    this is gorgeous!! SKEINO is dangerous, I love all the video tutorials and end products.

  • @trixiepettman-south8500
    @trixiepettman-south8500 5 років тому


  • @BMGroulx
    @BMGroulx 9 років тому +2

    What a fun new pattern, technique and yarn! Yeah - my kit has arrived. Thank you so much for sharing this, Staci.

  • @lindaboggess7634
    @lindaboggess7634 7 років тому +1

    Thank you for this video!! I could not make heads or tails of the pattern instructions! You make it look doable and I am doing!! I am an intermediate beginner and I love your video help!!

  • @awenbunny
    @awenbunny 9 років тому +1

    Such an amazing look to this technique! Love how it looks so much like woven fabric. Your hair looks fabulous Staci.

  • @HappyGnoux
    @HappyGnoux Рік тому

    this shawl is gorgeous and I love the colours scheme!

  • @lindas5964
    @lindas5964 Рік тому

    I’m not knitting the shawl but some other free form style project and this is really helpful. I know how to do short rows but want to be able to “paint” with them rather than mindlessly follow a pattern. So THANK YOU for taking the time to really go into detail some theory behind what is going on here.

  • @chafalala
    @chafalala 9 років тому +2

    Since you first posted about this on Facebook, I have been so looking forward to seeing this tutorial - and your video does not disappoint! All I need to do now is find some time to actually make it (oh and buy the kit!). Thank you again for a wonderful video Staci! And greetings from across the pond x

  • @jeanetteElizabeth61
    @jeanetteElizabeth61 9 років тому +2

    Wow this is a fantastic tutorial very informative and clear...I am confident with your assistance I will be successful in knitting this project...Well done and Thanks to you and Skeino.

  • @carolm7606
    @carolm7606 9 років тому

    You're a terrific instructor, Stacey. I linked to this from your email and was captivated. I've seen this shawl but wasn't inspired to knit it until I watched your video! Many thanks.

  • @janlizKnit5968
    @janlizKnit5968 9 років тому +2

    I ordered yarn yesterday from Skeino because of your awesome tutorials and got it today (I happened to live in florida)!! So excited!!

  • @sewdiane1266
    @sewdiane1266 8 років тому +1

    Forgot to say what a great video and another technique to add to my knitting repertoire. Can't wait to try it out.

  • @bluebutterflies821
    @bluebutterflies821 9 років тому +2

    Thank you for the tutorial, Staci. I can't wait to try this. I downloaded the pattern and I think it might have been overwhelming and confusing without your tutorial. I'm sure I'll be back to view this again after I get started.

  • @shahedabegum4030
    @shahedabegum4030 6 років тому

    Hi Stacey, love the shawl pattern, will definitely give it a try. Ur a very good knitting guru & ur knitting is very carming in a therapeutic way, makes me want to knit, which I do to relax n distress myself as well doing it for fun & enjoyment which I love. Happy knitting xoxo.

  • @anitaott-swick2295
    @anitaott-swick2295 8 років тому

    I am getting ready to start Miss Grace shawl. Thank you for your tutorial.

  • @SusanaLobosGarcia
    @SusanaLobosGarcia 9 років тому +4

    I love the colors... great design.I was waiting for the video, it's a spectacular design and earthy colors, amazing!! Hello from Chile

  • @kingshillbillies
    @kingshillbillies 2 роки тому

    Oh my goodness! What a gorgeous shawl! 😍

  • @fran4636
    @fran4636 7 років тому

    Off topic but Staci, your hair in this video is EVERYTHING.

  • @soniabell1594
    @soniabell1594 2 роки тому +1

    es un bello tejido, original y maravillo, gracias por compartir esta belleza.

  • @gracezeng6506
    @gracezeng6506 9 років тому +2

    The shawl is very elegant, nice tutorial!

  • @wollhandkrabbe4583
    @wollhandkrabbe4583 9 років тому +1

    Thank you so much for all your perfect instructions. Weiter so : ) ! Hello from Germany

  • @ОленаБас
    @ОленаБас 8 років тому +3

    Very interesting beautiful scarf! Thanks for the video tutorial.

  • @robynegriffith
    @robynegriffith 9 років тому +2

    Very nice. Looking forward to making this shawl.

  • @imafranklin5029
    @imafranklin5029 9 років тому

    Thank you so much for the tutorial! I saw this pattern and downloaded the free one to take a look at it. I admit it was a little intimidating but after watching your tutorial, I'm ready to make one. Now to just decide which colorway to start with.

  • @karenshepherd8924
    @karenshepherd8924 2 роки тому

    This shawl is stunning! I enjoy watching you knitting even tho I am hopeless on needles. Maybe I could try applying the concept in crochet. Thank you 🙂

  • @SkeinoYarn
    @SkeinoYarn 8 років тому +16

    Just wanted to let you know that we've recently published the 2016 collection for Miss Grace. We newly interpreted the existing colorways and added 9 brand new ones. This makes it a total of 31 (!) colorways available now.
    Yikes! :)

    • @kjrussell8831
      @kjrussell8831 7 років тому +1

      I just went to the SKEINO site to view the colorways, but the colorway "Sherri" which Staci used was not there.

    • @maureenmealings9869
      @maureenmealings9869 7 років тому

      Skeino Yarn knitting kits grace shawl

  • @Melatina77
    @Melatina77 9 років тому +3

    Your hair looks beautiful, Stacey!

  • @DorieH
    @DorieH 3 роки тому +1

    Very pretty shawl.

  • @millieo.5325
    @millieo.5325 5 років тому

    Beautiful! Thank you for explaining this pattern...😊

  • @ghdosheesam5632
    @ghdosheesam5632 5 років тому

    Thanks very very very much , you make it easy and clear 🌺🌺🌺🌺

  • @rosalindnewman1254
    @rosalindnewman1254 4 роки тому

    Your tutorial is wonderful. Will you do one for Miss Grace scarf? It’s very interesting & a little different.

  • @annnessa7441
    @annnessa7441 7 років тому

    Working on Miss Grace. Sure glad I have the video. I do have a question . I have A done and the 1st half form, and the 6 ridge rows. All if the slipped stitch in the short rows are elongated.Which makes for an open looking stitch not like the rest of the garter stitches.

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  7 років тому

      The video should answer most questions about the pattern, but your question sounds like a tension issue. You might want to try using a smaller needle. If you have questions on the pattern, you can also contact Skeino directly for pattern support, Facebook or UA-cam message is a good way to reach them.

  • @janicemartin1580
    @janicemartin1580 9 років тому +4

    Stacy, a few clarifications, please. Knitting instructions state "The number 2 in the white circle indicates that you have to start a half form or full form right after the first stitch." But in your video, you start the count at the end stitch, for both. So knit 1 stitch then count, or it doesn't matter?Also confused on the row count for Pattern at beginning of WS row. We change yarn to correct color, knit across and increase, turn work, then start counting Row 1, knit 21 etc? So we are actually knitting 1/2 a GSTR not counted as a row? Thanks, Janice

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  9 років тому +2

      +Janice Martin - to answer your first question, the "2" instructions say to start the form "after the first stitch". I started those forms right at the edge. You can start at the edge or two stitches in, it will not make a difference. Regarding counting the rows of the forms, knit across to the angled side, knit up to where the form starts, knit the setup stitches (if it is a full form), then just use your row counter to and work starting at Row 1 of the instructions. Row 1 is your first row of the ridge.

    • @janicemartin1580
      @janicemartin1580 9 років тому +1

      +VeryPink Knits Got it, thanks. Back to video to watch full form. I enjoyed learning more about Skeino, the company and their employing special needs workers. It's 1st time I've used this yarn, but won't be the last. It is wonderful yarn to knit with. Thank you for all the work you put into these videos. They really help.

  • @castermetal
    @castermetal 9 років тому

    very nice video.I always liked your instruction very much.

  • @pinksocksinsandals8016
    @pinksocksinsandals8016 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you very much this great video.

  • @ankelenaerts2866
    @ankelenaerts2866 2 роки тому

    Thank you for this tutorial. It helps me already a lot! But I have a question. For the border, do you make the kfb and kfb stich in the same stitch or in 2 separate stitches? I've already tried several methods, but can't get a nice straight stitch line. How do you do the purl part?

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  2 роки тому +1

      Sorry you're having trouble. Please contact SKEINO directly for pattern support. You can reach them on Facebook or via their website.

  • @carmenzegarra8657
    @carmenzegarra8657 2 роки тому +1

    Love this lady

  • @nl2766
    @nl2766 4 роки тому +1


  • @allisonbyrd
    @allisonbyrd 7 років тому +1

    Hi, Staci! I was wondering if you have any advice about how to go around the two sharper corners of the Miss Grace Shawl when working the bindoff. Did you just keep binding off in the standard fashion (using one needle size larger, as you mentioned in the video), or did you make more than one knit stitch into the corner stitches to keep the corners sharp? Thanks in advance for any suggestions you have about that!

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  7 років тому +1

      Just a normal bind-off, I believe I used one needle size larger when I did mine.

  • @kimeikoraevision5446
    @kimeikoraevision5446 2 роки тому

    30:12 half form at the beginning of Wrong side row (2 in white cicle)
    35:18 Knitting a full form after 10 in white circle

  • @vrto3961
    @vrto3961 6 років тому +1

    Wow - I see that most people watching this seem to totally understand how this pattern works! Chart A is a breeze, but once I get to Chart B, it's really difficult to keep track of those tiny color rows. How do I know where I am in the pattern when I have to put it down to, say, cook dinner?? Did I miss the place where you said to put a marker on the RS (or on the WS)?I could put a mark on the pattern, but the print is so tiny that I would have to reprint it each time I wanted to knit the shawl. I'm sorry, the shawl is amazingly gorgeous, but this does not seem like a relaxing project at all...

  • @traviskent1968
    @traviskent1968 3 роки тому

    Hey Just started this project yesterday. Video was SUPER helpful. I am having trouble with my wrap & turns in the short rows though. They all leave these super long stitches that leaves a gap between the "top" of the forms and the next row. Maybe someone who has worked on this can 1) advise me how to fix this and/or 2) prevent this from happening on future short rows?

  • @JaneyJenks
    @JaneyJenks Рік тому

    Hi Staci. Thank you for a fabulous tutorial. In the video you said fingering weight yarn but on ravelry it says dk weight. Please help I really want to knit this for my mum. Many thanks. X

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  Рік тому

      It's been years, but I'm sure I used fingering weight yarn on mine. The Ravelry listing says Sport weight. It really doesn't make much of a difference, you can use any yarn weight you like as long as it's creating a nice fabric with the needle size you're using. If you would like more clarification, I recommend contacting Skeino directly.

  • @beehumblewithmevicky2792
    @beehumblewithmevicky2792 4 роки тому

    Love all the work you've done to show us this. Ive followed their blog and their yarn sales have great prices. Do you get all the Hanks pictures in the photos? It doesnt specify. Thanks! Lovely yarn!

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  4 роки тому

      All of the yarn that I show in the video as color options are from SKEINO. If you have questions about the yarn, please contact SKEINO directly.

  • @bikrgran
    @bikrgran 8 років тому

    What, exactly, is the "Tapestry method"? Is that just the short-row "bubbles" ? Very interesting.

  • @ОльгаБормотова-г7ч

    Спасибо за подробное объяснение.

  • @natalieg7637
    @natalieg7637 8 років тому

    Staci - thank you so much for this video! Quick border-related question - on the 90 degree angle, I am doing the kfb, slip marker, kfb every other row as you suggest. How do I get this to be the nice line of "v"'s like on the 45 degree angle since it's every other row AND on the row without increase, you purl on one side of the marker and then knit on the other side of the marker? I hope that makes sense! Any feedback would be great. :)

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  8 років тому +1

      I knit this over a year ago, and I don't see that I made notes on the way I did the border...but if memory serves me, I did not do the purl stitches that the pattern calls for, and I got the effect that you see on my shawl in the video.

    • @natalieg7637
      @natalieg7637 8 років тому

      VeryPink Knits thank you!! :)

  • @GurjeetKaur-iy6kk
    @GurjeetKaur-iy6kk Рік тому


  • @Rhiun
    @Rhiun 9 років тому

    I love your tutorials! However, here in Germany the skein yarn isn't available: which gage/thickness is the yarn? And which needles did you use? Thanks again :)

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  9 років тому

      +Rhiun - SKEINO ships should contact their customer service if you're having trouble ordering in Germany.

  • @caitlinulmer-long8637
    @caitlinulmer-long8637 8 років тому

    Stacy, when you do your 2 KFBs in the border - are those in the same stitch? Or 1 KFB in one stitch, and another in the next stitch?Thank you!

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  8 років тому

      +Caitlin Ulmer-Long - I believe it's kfb, k1, kfb - they are not in the same stitch.

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  8 років тому

      +Caitlin Ulmer-Long - if you find it confusing, you can also follow the written pattern and the way the increases are written out there. What I've done is a modification, I explain it in the video.

  • @claudiareginateixeira1825
    @claudiareginateixeira1825 9 років тому

    Hi there!!!!!
    I am in love with SKEINO! But I am afraid I really can not afford its products!!!! Their yarns are wonderful!!!!

  • @HH_The_Great
    @HH_The_Great 9 років тому

    Staci, is the pattern you show in your video the one that came with the kit from Skeino? It's nice and large. The downloaded pattern needs to have sections blown up and printed separately to be useable, so I'm hoping I'll get one like yours when I order the kit (eventually).

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  9 років тому +1

      +Holly Hurley - yes, they ship a copy of the pattern with your yarn kit. The easy way to print from the free download link is to print on tabloid sized (11 x 17") paper. That way you can easily read the beautiful chart.

  • @allisonbyrd
    @allisonbyrd 8 років тому

    Hi, Staci! I'm currently working the border using one 60" circular needle, but going around the 45-degree corners is difficult. The angle makes the fabric very tight. I tried pulling out a loop of cord at those corners, but there are so many stitches that even getting a big enough loop is challenging! Do you have any tips or advice for working those angles? Thanks! -- Allison

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  8 років тому

      Sorry, no tips for you, beyond using the cord to hold those stitches, as you already have. The subsequent rows will get easier.

    • @allisonbyrd
      @allisonbyrd 8 років тому

      +VeryPink Knits That's good to know! Thanks for your quick reply!

  • @bpurly7775
    @bpurly7775 8 років тому

    beautiful shawl but unable to get pattern. the site allows me to get their other patterns but don't want that one. will try tomorrow

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  8 років тому

      You can also contact Skeino customer service - they'll get back to you right away.

  • @marbrisson
    @marbrisson 8 років тому

    Hi Stacy, I am beginning the border and have a quick question: Do I cut the other 2 strands of the 3 that I'm using once I begin to knit around for the border or leave them hanging for later use? Sounds stupid and I'm guessing cut, but please clarify. Thank you!

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  8 років тому +1

      It's up to you - if you want to include more than one color in the border, you can leave them attached. If you're planning to knit the border in one color only, you can cut the other two.

    • @marbrisson
      @marbrisson 8 років тому

      Thanks for your quick response, Stacy

  • @xen_ninj4
    @xen_ninj4 9 років тому

    Stacy, hi! I have a question! You use the Knit method (right - wrong side). So I wonder, does this work as well as if you use the Purl method?

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  9 років тому +1

      +green zanty - yes, you can achieve garter stitch by either knitting every row, or purling every row.

  • @johnsun5075
    @johnsun5075 3 роки тому

    Great shawl. Great explanation. But... the writing on the bottom covers the lower chart, and we can not see it when you explain.

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  3 роки тому

      The writing you see is an overlay can click the little X to close it, or you can drag it to a different part of the screen.

  • @princessjenrn
    @princessjenrn Рік тому

    Unfortunately ive lost one of the skeins of skeino yarn now that they are out of business any ideas on a yarn to replace one

  • @calmingwaters1981
    @calmingwaters1981 7 років тому

    I have a question Stacey. when I start the #4 full form, do I knit 44 sts on the rs, then turn and begin the set up row on the ws? If so, would I do my w&t after I knit the 44? this one is a little tricky for me. also would I knit 44 sts from the beginning, then knit a additional 20 for the setup. I only have 79sts on my needle, so I'm trying to figure out how that would work out with the w&t's

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  7 років тому

      Sorry, it's been a while since I did this tutorial...I know I explain in the video how to approach the numbers in the circles, but I can't remember now how it works. You can contact Skeino for pattern support, they're really good about getting back to folks. A good way to reach them is through Facebook message.

    • @mariannebelanger5838
      @mariannebelanger5838 7 років тому

      did you ever figure out the answer to your question - I am at the same spot and have emailed & called Skeino and posted my question on the Skeino facebook page and I have not received a reply - very discouraging!

  • @sabrahardy
    @sabrahardy 2 роки тому

    How do you pick up wraps?

  • @lindabyrd7025
    @lindabyrd7025 Місяць тому

    On the outside chance someone sees this, I have a question. Is Skeino still in business and making this Italian Ladies line of yarn? I made one from their kit some years ago, and would love to do another. If their yarn kits are no longer available, has anyone made the shawl with other merino yarn they love?

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  Місяць тому

      It's my understanding that Skeino is no longer in business. I'm not familiar with that pattern knit, but you may be able to find more information on Ravelry, including alternative yarn ideas.

  • @adrianamagalhaes7846
    @adrianamagalhaes7846 8 років тому

    sou do brasil ... estado de
    são paulo amo seus videos parabens

  • @sewdiane1266
    @sewdiane1266 8 років тому

    For some reason in Google Chrome, the link in the Ravelry site and the link for the Skeino-Miss Grace under the video goes to the page of patterns and I have to Load More twice to get to the Miss Grace pattern. Once on the pattern page, I copied the link, which appears to be the same links you posted, pasted it in a new web page and it goes directly to the pattern page. However, the links work properly in Internet Explorer. Is cyberspace (or is it Chrome) acting up?

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  8 років тому

      Hmm...I just tried it, and it worked properly for me. The link to the pattern on Ravelry took me right to the Miss Grace page. Maybe Chrome is cropping the link or something? Not sure. Glad you were able to find the pattern!

  • @annabrandt2347
    @annabrandt2347 5 років тому

    Hola, soy de Argentina,pueden poner subtítulos a la explicación, gracias! Soy Ana

  • @haydeed1
    @haydeed1 9 років тому

    Staci, I'm not sure if I'm following this right I ran out stitches on increasing side when making the first full form and I'm only at 8 ridges

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  9 років тому

      +Haydee Dawson - please make sure you have the most recent version of the pattern. If the numbers in the yellow circles are anything less than 44, you need to download the new version of the pattern.

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  9 років тому

      +Haydee Dawson - that said, you can finish the form, just allow yourself to run out of stitches and for the short side to butt up against the straight edge. No need to rip out.

    • @haydeed1
      @haydeed1 9 років тому

      +VeryPink Knits thank you that makes sense now

  • @zahraeftekhari6803
    @zahraeftekhari6803 Рік тому

    بسیار زیبا و آموزش تون عالی ممنونم

  • @samrenee6632
    @samrenee6632 8 років тому

    Watching this video, and knitting, I heard Bjorn. LOL Thats my brothers name. Our grandfather was full blood swede, and his wife was full blood scot. Just was cool to hear his name. :)

  • @ursulatigra
    @ursulatigra 5 років тому

    Hi. I am.kust picking stiches for finishing edge. Let me ask what means 'kfb'? Im not a native speaker and these abbreviations confuse me... Thank you

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  5 років тому

      KFB is "knit front/back", a one stitch increase:
      You can always search my channel if you have a question on a stitch, I have over 600 knitting videos available!

  • @jenniferwoods430
    @jenniferwoods430 6 років тому

    It seems that none of your links work any longer. Bummer as I have been very impressed with all the other videos that have been posted and I really wanted to make this shawl. Oh well, off to find something else.

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  6 років тому +1

      Sorry you're having trouble - all of my links work (I am active on my channel every day), and if I find out that a link doesn't work, I'm on it! It looks like Skeino has removed all of their Miss Grace links (this is new to me). I did a search on their website, and I don't see any information about this project anymore. The Ravelry link with the free pattern is still active: If you have more questions, I recommend contacting Skeino directly.

  • @manelknits
    @manelknits 8 років тому

    nice tutorial

  • @kellyfrost-cook4932
    @kellyfrost-cook4932 9 років тому

    loved the tutorial! as I wasn't looking at my pattern when I viewed this my only question is do you knit the wraps? I would have liked to see the row after the last wrap and turns..

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  9 років тому +1

      +Kelly Frost-cook - thank you! I didn't demonstrate it, because there is no need to pick up the wraps. I love that about garter stitch. Just knit the wrapped stitches normally, and get on with your knitting. Just leave the wraps where they are. (Isn't that great?)

    • @kellyfrost-cook4932
      @kellyfrost-cook4932 9 років тому

      +VeryPink Knits yes! that's wonderful! I hate picking up wraps.

    • @allisonbyrd
      @allisonbyrd 8 років тому

      +VeryPink Knits Hi, Staci! I was thinking of substituting German Short Rows in place of the Wraps-and-Turns (loved your video on GSRs, by the way!), but if there's no need to pick up wraps, maybe GSRs aren't necessary. Just curious -- why does garter stitch not require the wraps to be picked up, but stockinette does?

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  8 років тому

      Allison Byrd - garter stitch doesn't require w&ts only because the turns won't show in the fabric, so they're not necessary.

    • @allisonbyrd
      @allisonbyrd 8 років тому

      +VeryPink Knits Oh! I just saw your response to another commenter about GSRs! Still wondering, though, why picking up wraps isn't necessary in garter stitch. I always thought picking up wraps was structurally necessary to avoid holes, but is it really just for aesthetics -- not picking up the wraps in stockinette would leave an obvious horizontal bar, but in garter stitch, since there are horizontal bars all over the place, there's no aesthetic benefit to picking up the wraps?

  • @ellamarie2258
    @ellamarie2258 8 років тому

    Hello, I was wondering if you could answer a question since you're so talented at knitting. Im starting to knit a sweater from a Pattern, i've never done this before and after i cast on 98 stitches the the second set of instructions to start the 1stRow is: K0 (0, 2,0,0) then P2, K2 1 time. Well if its K0 how can i move forward. I have a very general understanding of patterns, I can figure it out enough, but K0 is really throwing me off. Its a Berroco Sweaterpattern by Emily Nora O'neil: Drift Its purple. There is a PDF for this online , its a free pattern. Nobody on UA-cam can explain this and I've researched it online and Everyone says different things.....I just want to know what K0, without knitting how do i move forward or maybe I'm just supposed to go straight to P2,K2
    Thanks you so much.

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  8 років тому

      +Ella Marie - this is something you will commonly see in patterns. The series of numbers that you see after the "K", "0 (0, 2, 0, 0)" are for the different sizes. In most patterns, the first number (0 in this case) is for the smallest size, the next number is for the next biggest, then the next biggest, etc. I'm going to go ahead and assume the sweater is sized in XS, S, M, L, XL. Only the size M needs to knit two stitches. The other sizes do nothing, and move on to the next line of the pattern. This is usually done to get the numbers for the size (size M in this case) to match up with the rest of the pattern, the way the numbers in the rest of the sizes will. (I don't know the specifics of your pattern, but this is usually the case.) If you want to know the specifics of why your pattern calls for this, you'll need to contact the pattern designer directly. Good luck, hope that helps.

    • @ellamarie2258
      @ellamarie2258 8 років тому

      VeryPink Knits hello, Thank you very much...yes this makes and I thought so too but wasn't sure....ive started making the pattern but had to draw it out to understand it since I'm new to this...but your explanation is great. I was thinking of contacting the pattern designer directly and Berocco. But for now i'll continue ....have a great evening and thanks again, your response is invaluable. Very much appreciated.

  • @haydeed1
    @haydeed1 9 років тому

    Staci, would a all stockinette border laid flat?

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  9 років тому

      +Haydee Dawson - no, a stockinette border would curl.

    • @haydeed1
      @haydeed1 9 років тому

      +VeryPink Knits
      Thank you, trying to finish the border

  • @shivalinimohapatra6892
    @shivalinimohapatra6892 9 років тому

    excellent. .. !

  • @GoddesseyCreations
    @GoddesseyCreations 7 років тому

    Please tell me where you bougbt your mannequin from. Please !!!!😁😁

  • @JMOAboutEverything
    @JMOAboutEverything 9 років тому

    Why arent you using the yarn Skeino provided?

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  9 років тому +2

      +Shiohban Royster - I always use thicker yarn and bigger needles in my tutorials, so that you can easily see the stitches I'm working. This shawl is worked with fingering (sock) weight yarn, and it isn't as easy to see the smaller stitches on camera. (But the smaller stitches make a beautiful shawl!)

  • @petrons5384
    @petrons5384 2 роки тому

    SKEINO is currently off line due to upgrading website

  • @Maddie-jx2sv
    @Maddie-jx2sv 4 роки тому +1

    O.M.G O.MG O.M.G

  • @kaybertieri7694
    @kaybertieri7694 9 років тому

    Where is the pattern.

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  9 років тому

      +Kay Bertieri - all of the links are in the video description field, just below the video. You can find a link to the free pattern on their Ravelry page here:

  • @robinsummers9141
    @robinsummers9141 8 років тому

    Your links are not working :(

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  8 років тому

      The links seem to be working for me - anything that is linked in the video is also linked in the video description field (just below the video). If you don't see the link you're looking for, let me know which one it is, and I can paste a direct link for you.

    • @robinsummers9141
      @robinsummers9141 8 років тому

      I tried the skeino link to see the colorways and the link for accessories needles etc Neither one worked. I just tried them again to no avail. my email is

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  8 років тому

      Oh - you are right, it looks like Skeino moved the link. Here is an updated link:

  • @nerminmaktav4261
    @nerminmaktav4261 2 роки тому


  • @Curlpro
    @Curlpro 8 років тому

    I'm having a problem wrapping and turning. Even though I'm following the video I'm getting a hole.

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  8 років тому +1

      +Curlpro - your gauge may be too loose. Measure your gauge (stitches per inch), and if you're getting too few stitches per inch, go down a needle size or more to match the gauge listed in the pattern. (I'm assuming that you're using the SKEINO yarn, if you're using a different yarn you may not match the gauge listed in the pattern.)

    • @Curlpro
      @Curlpro 8 років тому

      +VeryPink Knits I'm getting 25 stitches per 4". I'm using size 4 needles. I was finding the hole when I was knitting back on the 24 stitch row of chart B. I was winding up on the same stitch for the wrap and turn. I finally just knit the stitch plus one more to "sew up the hole" I must have missed something early on and it made me land in the same place??? I'm on row 14 now, ugh. I could rip it out and start all over if you think it's the gauge, but I'll cry a little. I've only ever made shawls and scarves so gauge isn't such an issue. I've been knitting for about three years and my tension and uniformity of stitches is good as a rule. I'll defer to you. Oh, and I'm using the Skeino yarn.

    • @marbrisson
      @marbrisson 8 років тому +3

      +Curlpro I had the same problem so I switched to German short rows instead of the wrap and turn and voila! holes are gone and easier to knit. VPK has a tutorial on this technique if you don't know how to do it. Hope this helps

  • @carmenclaude3884
    @carmenclaude3884 9 років тому

    very nice.yes is hot in texas

  • @rosarioreguilon1786
    @rosarioreguilon1786 7 років тому

    No podrías traducir en español gracias

  • @soytaina7413
    @soytaina7413 9 років тому

    You have to purchase the yarn in order to get the free pattern, hence the pattern is not free if you must buy the yarn. Thank you but no thank you.

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  9 років тому +1

      +Soy Taina - no, the pattern is free, whether or not you buy the yarn. Free, no strings attached. The link to download is here on their Ravelry page:

    • @soytaina7413
      @soytaina7413 9 років тому

      +VeryPink Knits Thank you for your quick response. I can't find the download link in SKEINO site for the pattern, only the yarn. I went through Ravelry to Skeino but no way to get to the pattern. Thank you again.

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  9 років тому +1

      +Soy Taina - follow the link I provided in the last comment, and scroll down until you see the words, "Download the pattern here". That is the link to the free pattern.

    • @soytaina7413
      @soytaina7413 9 років тому +1

      +VeryPink Knits Got it. Thank you so much. You are so wonderful. I love this shawl - i've been knitting for a year now and love a new challenge - your videos are easy to understand and follow, I've learned so much from you in such a short time. You are a great instructor. This shawl would be a challenge - a beautiful one. Thank you again.

  • @dorisage3515
    @dorisage3515 8 років тому

    Suggestion - in long videos like this, would you please turn off the video instead of watching her knit the entire row. Thank you

    • @verypinkknits
      @verypinkknits  8 років тому +3

      You can skip past it - including bits like that is actually helpful to other knitters.

    • @dorisage3515
      @dorisage3515 8 років тому

      Thanks for suggestion - I try to skip past

  • @5d41k3
    @5d41k3 5 років тому

    Holy crap that looks complicated