I lot of these apostates claim to be awake but they fail to find the difference between 'being inspired by Holly spirit' and being influenced by Holly spirit.
@@tebogomangwane6377 Thank you for your heartfelt reply. I truly appreciate you replying and sharing your thoughts. 😊 However, I suggest you fully familiarize yourself with synonyms and things that are synonymous. 1. If Holy Spirit influenced something then it also inspired it. 2. If Holy Spirit didn’t influence something then it also didn’t inspire it. (You must read the Bible as it is stated exegesis and not read what you want to see; John 5:39.) Jesus “inspired” others to be like him and he “influenced” others to be like him-synonymous. 1Peter 2:21. Jesus had divine influence and divine inspiration! He always said where the source of his power came from and he proved it! However, you can lead with a false sense of influence from Holy Spirit and you can also lead with an uninspired self-appointment that wasn’t influence by Holy Spirit. If Holy Spirit truly influenced something then it also divinely inspired it. “Reading comprehension” is a must and understanding hermeneutics, exegesis, eisegesis, and the etymology of words. Please look up “inspired” in several dictionaries and you will see the word influence used in sentences as well. Some dictionaries even say “divine influence” when defining inspiration. Again, please thoroughly familiar yourself with what synonyms are and when things are synonymous before replying to things. Proverbs 18:13,17. People whom are inspired by Holy Spirit when they speak in God’s name they get prophecies/scriptural interpretations correct. Matthew 7:15-21-23 (prophesying and identifying false prophets) 2Peter 1:20-21. People whom appoint themselves and convince themselves that they are “influenced” by Holy Spirit 2Thessalonians 2:8-11 constantly get things wrong and are guilty of this Matthew 7:15-21-23 (prophesying and false prophets) 2Corinthians 11:4; Proverbs 4:18. @tebogomangwane6377 Definition from one dictionary: adjective aroused, animated, or imbued with the spirit to do something, by or as if by supernatural or divine influence: an inspired poet. I hope you noticed the word “influence” in this definition.”
@ all my speeches are extemporaneous so nothing is editing or prerecorded. I just do one take and then I listen after I post it. So I am listening to it for the first time while others are listening as well. But I’ll do a mental note
I’ve heard the elders ask people in judicial committees that are brave enough to question the doctrine who they label apostate “How do you think this makes Jehovah feel” well in the moment the person doesn’t know how to respond, but I know how to respond if they ever asked me that and it’s simply by telling them this, “I don’t know, why don’t YOU ask him? I can only imagine the dumbfounded look they will all have on their faces like how dare you speak to us like that. See the interesting thing is they can be critical of you and your motives, but there’s no way you can be critical of anything that they do and if you dare go there, then they’ll just retaliate by labeling you an apostate the worst thing they could possibly label you as.
@Toroloco777 I like that approach but lol I don’t think it would make a difference in most cases which is why I couldn’t even waste my time meeting with them. But I embrace being labeled because it’s a badge of honor 😊🙏🏾. I’m built differently. 😉
Definition of "apostate" "a person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle" (Oxford Languages) No more, no less. If JW's persuade, for example, a Catholic, a Methodist or a Muslim to join them, then that person is by definition an apostate. CT Russell, the founder was himself an apostate, having left the Congregational Church at age 19. The Watchtower cult has created a new definition of the word to instill fear in its members of hearing the truth about the organisation from those who have left or researched its history.
If elders were to ask, "How do you think this makes Jehovah feel?", a different, equally logical and impactful response could be: "I believe Jehovah would want us to seek truth and ask questions to ensure our faith is strong and sincere. If the truth can’t stand up to questioning, then maybe it’s not the truth after all. Wouldn’t Jehovah prefer genuine understanding over blind obedience?"
@gloriabebop5313 Hi, thank you so much for your kind acknowledgements. I give all Glory to My Heavenly Father. How are you and your family? I pray that all is amazing. 🙏🏾😊 Isaac
Props to Isaac for this video and the fascinating topic being discussed! It’s great to see conversations like this that make us think deeply. Now, some people may or may not believe in the Bible, but the ideas of free will and critical thinking aren’t exclusive to one belief system. They’ve been part of philosophy, science, many religions, and even secular perspectives. For example: • Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living," emphasizing the importance of questioning and self-reflection. • René Descartes taught, "Doubt is the origin of wisdom," reminding us that healthy skepticism is a path to understanding. • Albert Einstein stated, "The important thing is not to stop questioning," encouraging curiosity and critical thinking in all areas of life. • Many religions, from Buddhism to Islam, emphasize personal reflection and seeking truth. • Secular thinkers, like Carl Sagan, promoted the scientific method and the idea that "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." These examples show how the value of free will and critical thinking is a universal concept, crossing cultures and beliefs. Now, for those who are interested in what the Bible says on this topic, here’s a look at its take on free will, critical thinking, and not being gullible: • Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:21: "Test all things; hold fast to what is good." Paul’s telling people to check things out for themselves and only hold onto what’s true. • John in 1 John 4:1: "Don’t believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they’re from God." This is a warning to be cautious and test claims before trusting them. • The Bereans in Acts 17:11: They didn’t just take Paul’s word for it. They checked everything he said against Scripture, and they’re praised for it. • Solomon in Proverbs 18:15: "The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out." Solomon’s saying that wise people are curious and dig deeper. • Joshua in Joshua 24:15: "Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve." Joshua reminds people that belief is a personal choice, not something to be forced on them. The message is clear: don’t be naive or gullible. Use your free will to investigate, question, and make informed decisions. Blind faith isn’t the goal; understanding and thoughtful belief are!
@@DrunkenSpidey Thank you so much for quoting some of my favorite philosophers, I love all of the people you quoted-I love it so much. You highlighted a lot of really good points. Thank you so much for taking the time to type all of this. Keep up the fine work 😀.
@@julieellis2076 Hi, Julie, how are you ? How is the UK treating you? And thank you very much for your kind compliment. I love the UK…I went to London back in 2022. I love London. How is the former JW community doing in UK?
You was really led by the Spirit on this one! For everything you said was 🔥 Unfortunately most love the organization more than they do God Himself which is why even thou they are presented with biblical discrepancies they'll always choose the organization over the Bible and God Himself.. Also in Matthew 17:21 as well as Mark 9:29 Jesus said that "This kind only comes out by prayer AND fasting." With the fasting part taken put of most Bibles in Mark and the entire verse taken out in Matthew in most Bibles but the KJV and several others including the NWT except for the footnote in the brown reference Bible which makes me surmise that fasting and prayer is very important in a Christian's life that affects our spirit and the spiritual realm greatly. Something that we were NEVER taught in the organization among many other things! Just thought I'd mention that
@@ADP2085 Hi, how are you? And thank you for sharing more context on things. I love when people give me things to look up and do further research on. I definitely pray for the witnesses’ and even the governing body members’ on a regular basis. Isn’t that something they think that I am an evil person but yet I pray for them and their well-being and for God to unblock their hearts.
@JustWakeUp2704 exactly they have tricked JWs to fear the very ones that can help them. It reminds me of the movie Oblivion with Tom Cruise.. but that's wonderful that you pray for thr GB also i pray for the rank and file as well although if I'm being honest I do feel as if the GB are purposely misleading it's members being a direct tool of the enemy and so as such I pray for them to be exposed for the lucifarian/satanic/masonic false prophets they are and that the spirit of deception is binded in christ name while the spirit of truth is loosened for all those who love God and truth! But yea we're the evil ones 😒 and like u said it hurts my heart for those who have already died being mislead but even more so for the many ppl that I know and love knowing that there is only so much i can do to help them come out of this religion and into a relationship with Christ who is our ONLY savior
@@JustWakeUp2704exactly they have tricked JWs to fear the very ones that can help them. It reminds me of the movie Oblivion with Tom Cruise.. but that's wonderful that you pray for thr GB also i pray for the rank and file as well although if I'm being honest I do feel as if the GB are purposely misleading it's members being a direct tool of the enemy and so as such I pray for them to be exposed for the lucifarian/satanic/masonic false prophets they are and that the spirit of deception is binded in christ name while the spirit of truth is loosened for all those who love God and truth! But yea we're the evil ones and like u said it hurts my heart for those who have already died being mislead but even more so for the many ppl that I know and love knowing that there is only so much i can do to help them come out of this religion and into a relationship with Christ who is our ONLY savior
based on the bible the watchtower fulfills Luke 21:8: "See that you are not led astray. For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am he!' and, 'The time is at hand!' Do not go after them".
My husband is a witness who was disassociated prior to us meeting and his family has no contact with him at all. I am a follower of Jesus Christ and I believe in the trinity. My husband is working on being reinstated and we can't even talk about religion very much at all. I can hear his meetings and i can listen to his doctrine but he cannot and will not with mine. He won't read the full bible word for word and i have asked him to just pick a bible besides the NWT and he wont. He says I just need to keep reading and searching for the truth like its treasure. I Love God more than life itself. God helps me every day I talk to him. I feel hopeless that my husband will wake up from the brainwashing but still I pray God will remove the veil from over his eyes.
@@JesusSavedMe1988 Hi, thank you for sharing your experiences. Hmm, you are in a precarious situation. I would avoid these topics with him: trinity, hellfire, soul, spirit, Christmas, birthdays, and voting. You have to reach him through well-placed questions and let him teach you. You should also accept a Bible study with the witnesses’ but only if your husband is present, cleverly using it as an opportunity to ask questions where the witnesses’ will have to use the Bible alone to show support for. (Do not allow the witnesses’ to reference the magazines but keep them in the Bible alone saying things like: I need to know where the Bible teaches and says what you are saying, so that I can defend what I am learning solely from God’s Word.) Feel free to reach out to me via email and I can help you come up with a list of well-placed questions to ask while also not blowing your cover. Are you managing okay? I’m sorry that the organization is negatively impacting your family. Since he was disassociated what made him return if I may ask? Wishing you much success, Isaac
@Splendiphy Hi, yes but verbally right now to ensure that I don’t already know you. Sometimes people have different motives. The Holy Spirit has trained me to stay silent publicly for now regarding my beliefs. But family and friends may be looking for things to approach with a biased view that has nothing to do with objective truth and why I left, and it could keep them indoctrinated longer or permanently. So I am following my intuition. 🙏🏾😊
I respect the wisdom in your choices. I don’t know you, but I’m on a similar journey. I’m really interested to get your perspective and to examine your reasoning.
Hello Isaac. Not sure what things you plan to discuss in future videos but here is something that might help regarding what you said about the destruction of Jerusalem in the first century and prophecy. In Daniel chapter 7 there are four beasts. Daniel 7:3. These beasts represented four kingdoms; 1.Babylon 2. Medo-Persia 3. Greece 4. Rome The fourth beast, Rome, had ten horns/ kings. One horn which was small rose up and replaced three. Right before Jerusalem fell to Rome there was what some call the year of the four emperors; Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and Vespasian. Galba, Otho, and Vitellius all fell quickly, but Vespasian rose up through the army ranks and took power. This happened right before Jerusalem fell. Vespasian was the last head of the seven headed beast in Revelation 17:10. 1. Julius Caesar 2. Augustus Caesar (Luke 2:1) 3. Tiberius Caesar (Luke 3:1) 4. Gaius Caesar 5. Claudius Caesar (Acts 18:2) 6. Nero Caesar (Acts 26:32) 7. Vespasian Caesar So it could be in the Daniel prophecy that Galba, Otho, and Vitellius are included in the ten, but not included in the seven in Revelation.
@@wantingtolearn2732 Hi, how are you? And amazing commentary! Thanks for putting this in the comments for all of us to read and research. Thank you for very much 🙏🏾😊❤️.
Not receiving that appointment until almost 10 years later is synonymous with their understanding that Jesus didn't begin ruling in heaven until 1914 when Jesus's own words upon his resurrection was that "all authority had been given him in heaven and on earth. " His rule began then. It's makes no sense that authority had been given him then, but his rule didn't start there. One thing about the org is that they are proficient at being consistently wrong.
@@HealerLightBringer Yes, when one really thinks about so many of their unique doctrines it is so ridiculously stupid, I hate to say it like that but it really is. The information is right there for the taking but most will never ever do their objective research, so sad 😭.
In South Africa you are judged for all those. My husband and I and our new born baby were shunned for being spiritually weak because we're both working full time professional jobs. And he barely reached out to do anything. And I was not volunteering to pioneer.
@HoldenSharpner Hi, yes you are shunned no matter what continent you live on. I can’t believe they shunned a new born baby too. That’s despicable and cruel. How are you all managing now? Do y’all need help with anything???? Much love, Isaac
@JustWakeUp2704 I do need help because my husband still believe it is the truth. He's been inactive because of the treatment he got. He still occasionally goes to the meetings during the memorial and conventions. His mother is a staunch believer and he trusts his mother so much that he believes that she can't be tricked so it must be the truth. Unfortunately he won't listen to anyone who tries to reason with him but I am hopeful that God will answer my prayers soon so the veil of deception can fall off him.
@ Hi, have you read Mark 9:29? Read it in several other translations too. You need to pray for him privately, asking for the demonic spirit of illusion, trickery, and deception to be casted out in Jesus name (remember all demons were expelled in Jesus’ name.) 2Cor4:4. Also, look for opportunities to ask questions rather than make statements! (Statements condemn and questions convict.) Get him to think through questions where is he the teacher and can only use the Bible to provide you with answers. As an example, highlight how can we take fractions from donated blood but we can’t donate blood? (Mentioned that someone in the ministry asked you this question-always put I on someone else that sparked you to think of a question that may be deemed as critical or critical thinking.) Say, I missed that about not in the Bible about take fractions from donated blood from other people but we can’t donate blood for others to take blood fraction-can we do a family worship session on that? Rewatch video 4 of why I left Jehovah’s Witness. I think I will make a video with some humble suggestions on how to plant seeds with indoctrinated JW’s. Also, you have to accept the reality that he may never wake up, unfortunately 😥. But prayer and God’s Word along with your powerful example can do wonders. 1Cor 3:6
@@JustWakeUp2704 I get you when you say statements condemn. I always wondered why he becomes so offended when I try to show him their lies. I will use questions from now on. Thank for the tip. ☺️
@@JustWakeUp2704 I said 5 times not in verse 5. You can search the NWT and find religion in 2 Kings chapter 17: 26, 27, 33, 40. In verse 26 it uses religion twice
In 1919 when they claim Jesus chose the Bible Students as his only true followers, those Bible Students (now called JWs) worshipped Jesus. They don't worship him anymore!!! You couldn't make it up!!
@krism5575 Honestly, I don’t think there is one thing that will do it. However, I do think it’s best to ask questions and let them teach you, play the dummy. (Statements condemn and questions convict.) Also, I think it best to get them to study groups like Scientology, two by two’s, and other high demand groups so that they can see the parallels since it’s neutral. But I like to get them to stick with the Bible with proving their beliefs without using magazines, etc. I avoid using the C word lol because I think it turns people off to face that reality although it’s true. 😊🙏🏾 I think the most important doctrines to get them to prove are: 1914, 607 B.C.E, the appointment of the faithful slave in 1919, and 1935 paradise earth teaching, highlighting that paradise is only mentioned 4 times in the Bible-and when it is described paradise is in heaven and the two words of paradise-earth are never mentioned together, etc, and asking why the paradise earth teaching didnt start until 1935?; getting them to research it regarding 1935. ARC-Austria Royal Commission is a must discuss too.
. The Organization’s Claim of Being God’s Sole Channel Question: “If the Governing Body is guided by Jehovah, why has it made significant doctrinal errors and reversals over the years?” Example: The changing teachings about "generations," failed end-of-the-world predictions (e.g., 1914, 1925, 1975), and shifts in blood transfusion policies. Impact: Encourages them to think critically about whether an infallible God would allow His "sole channel" to make mistakes.
God is going to just hand over understanding without proper work and respect for His word. Proverbs 2:4 and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure,
I don’t know about that because Jesus prayed over his disciples and Judas ended up betraying him. Free will means people can choose to work against the Holy Spirit which is an unforgivable sin, like Judas.
i failed couldnt even make it to be baptisd in jw not there fault we spend half our lve collecting addiction and rest of my life getting rid of them owwell maybe one day
@@ghettotech9617 God is on your side and He will help you with your struggles. You have free will so live your life as you please. You can become a JW but just do your research first to have full transparency, and I respect and support your decision for your life but just remember Proverbs 22:3; Proverbs 18:13,17.
I have so many questions… you pass judgement on the people in this organization but God behaves in a similar fashion and a pass is given. If free will is making a choice without punishment why would it be okay for a God and not the organization? If it’s okay for a God to withhold information and have you confused why is it wrong for a organization? If you truly want a relationship with this God and he wants one with you why would you have to look for something that is everywhere at all times? I have asked these questions to other people and the answer is always the same, his ways are higher than ours or he’s God and he can do whatever he wants.
@@StayChill-yk7ou Hi, I am happy that you asked me this. I have put this in my queue to address. Don’t let me forget either, hold me accountable. How are you? And I don’t believe in cliche’ answers so it needs to be addressed. I truly appreciate you brining this up. I need time for the Holy Spirit to teach me so I can give the proper answer and I know that He will provide it.
@@andracadicecrawford4256 What’s up? How are you? And I appreciate your thoughts. I welcome dissent lol and I love to learn from others. I am happy that my videos have brought some joy to you. You share very insightful things and I truly appreciate it.
There s a remnant.listen to through the bible les feldick. Good teacher .Dom t toss the. Aby out w the bathwater. Jesus is replete w historisity, archeology, epistemology, read evidence thar demands a Verdict Josh mcdowell. An atty who didn't believe, came to believe. Vol I, II. Particularly vol I fulfilled prophecy ( not j w s ). It's irrefutable. Don t let a mere man chsrles russell ruin your relationship with the way, truth and life, Jesus.
@trinny881 Hi, how are you? There are thousands of Christian religions, and I can assure you that they know about the scriptures you just mentioned and they actually agree with some things that JW’s teach. What you typed simply isn’t true overall what so ever, though. (You are about 10%-20% correct.) Most Christian religions acknowledge the Heavenly Father as Yahweh or Jehovah and the son of God as Jesus. There is a difference between Modalism and the trinity. WT does not give the real meaning of how most Christians view modalism, and usually JW’s aren’t aware that they are debating with people about stuff that they don’t even believe. And non Jehovah’s Witnesses aren’t aware that the WT organization has trained its members’ to believe that most Christians outside of JW’s believe that God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are exactly the same person-and that’s not what a lot of Christians believe! Do your research on modalism versus the trinity and the counsil of Nicaea and then talk to at least 500 to 100 people (pastors) from various Christian denominations and you will see that WT has grossly misrepresented what they believe.
@ Hi, I truly appreciate third replies and I’m sure you are a great individual. I say this with love: I suggest you objectively research what you are saying. Modalism versus the trinity and then understand what people are actually teaching versus what someone else tells you they believe. You have to look at it with an unbiased view and fully understand these three words: 1. hermeneutics 2. exegesis 3. eisegesis I
@JustWakeUp2704 Hello! I don't study Man's Doctrine Mark 7:7-9 KJV and Scripture tells us the God of Israel is THE GOD Ezra 1:3 KJV the Trinity is false.......
@ Firstly, are you a Jehovah’s Witness? If you are, then the following is applicable but if you aren’t then it’s still applicable, just not as much to you personally: Hence, I agree the Trinity is false regarding your current understanding of it-Study modalism though… (Also, I never said that I believed in the trinity or the understanding that you have of it-so that should be clear too-but you are/were responding as though I explicitly said that.) 😊🙏🏾 If you are a JW then you do study man-made doctrines. If you are a JW then please use just the Bible alone as you mentioned to prove that Jesus appointed Jehovah’s witnesses in 1919? (Give me the scriptures where this date of 1919 is mentioned along with Joseph Rutherford going to jail, and with the literature that the JW’s were printing at that time? (And they weren’t JW’s at that time they were considered just sincere Bible students’ like all other Christians.) Also, show me in the Bible where an “overlapping generation” is discussed in Matthew chapter 24?? Show me in the Bible alone…where it speaks of 11 men from the United States being the only people that God is using?And I can go on-and-on with things that I want you to “only” use the “Bible to prove JW doctrines” and you will find that 80% of their doctrines “absolutely” is no where in God’s written or inspired word The Bible. Proverbs 30:5-6; 1Corinthians 4:6; Revelation 22:18. @trinny881
@leejohnson6328 I agree with you here too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, they are always welcome on my page no matter if they agree or disagree with things that I say. God can use anyone to correct you, me, or anyone else if we have taken a false step, genuinely or disingenuously. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾❤️ Much luv, Isaac
I lot of these apostates claim to be awake but they fail to find the difference between 'being inspired by Holly spirit' and being influenced by Holly spirit.
@@tebogomangwane6377 Thank you for your heartfelt reply. I truly appreciate you replying and sharing your thoughts. 😊
However, I suggest you fully familiarize yourself with synonyms and things that are synonymous.
1. If Holy Spirit influenced something then it also inspired it.
2. If Holy Spirit didn’t influence something then it also didn’t inspire it.
(You must read the Bible as it is stated exegesis and not read what you want to see; John 5:39.) Jesus “inspired” others to be like him and he “influenced” others to be like him-synonymous. 1Peter 2:21.
Jesus had divine influence and divine inspiration! He always said where the source of his power came from and he proved it!
However, you can lead with a false sense of influence from Holy Spirit and you can also lead with an uninspired self-appointment that wasn’t influence by Holy Spirit. If Holy Spirit truly influenced something then it also divinely inspired it. “Reading comprehension” is a must and understanding hermeneutics, exegesis, eisegesis, and the etymology of words. Please look up “inspired” in several dictionaries and you will see the word influence used in sentences as well. Some dictionaries even say “divine influence” when defining inspiration. Again, please thoroughly familiar yourself with what synonyms are and when things are synonymous before replying to things. Proverbs 18:13,17.
People whom are inspired by Holy Spirit when they speak in God’s name they get prophecies/scriptural interpretations correct. Matthew 7:15-21-23 (prophesying and identifying false prophets) 2Peter 1:20-21.
People whom appoint themselves and convince themselves that they are “influenced” by Holy Spirit 2Thessalonians 2:8-11 constantly get things wrong and are guilty of this Matthew 7:15-21-23 (prophesying and false prophets) 2Corinthians 11:4; Proverbs 4:18. @tebogomangwane6377
Definition from one dictionary: adjective
aroused, animated, or imbued with the spirit to do something, by or as if by supernatural or divine influence:
an inspired poet.
I hope you noticed the word “influence” in this definition.”
lol I always forget to say this in my videos: “Please like, share, comment, and subscribe to my UA-cam channel.” Thank you.
Say it in the beginning and the end
@ Yes, thank you. That usually is the farthest thing from my mind so I am working on remembering to say it. 🤦🏾♂️😎
@ I’m sure, but was just thinking if you schedule to say it twice you may at least say it once if not both times. Your message needs to be heard!
@ all my speeches are extemporaneous so nothing is editing or prerecorded. I just do one take and then I listen after I post it. So I am listening to it for the first time while others are listening as well. But I’ll do a mental note
@ wow you’re amazing I would be all over the place doing that!
Wisdom Speaks
You are overflowing with Gods holt spirit. We are blessed to hear you speak Truth
@@paztribe437 Thank you for your kind acknowledgments and all Glory to my Heavenly Father 😊🙏🏾.
I'm an exJW myself lived that life for many many years so I gotta say this; This man is.. COOKING!!🔥😎
@@BruceLeon83 what up! And thank you. 🙏🏾
I’ve heard the elders ask people in judicial committees that are brave enough to question the doctrine who they label apostate “How do you think this makes Jehovah feel” well in the moment the person doesn’t know how to respond, but I know how to respond if they ever asked me that and it’s simply by telling them this, “I don’t know, why don’t YOU ask him? I can only imagine the dumbfounded look they will all have on their faces like how dare you speak to us like that. See the interesting thing is they can be critical of you and your motives, but there’s no way you can be critical of anything that they do and if you dare go there, then they’ll just retaliate by labeling you an apostate the worst thing they could possibly label you as.
@Toroloco777 I like that approach but lol I don’t think it would make a difference in most cases which is why I couldn’t even waste my time meeting with them. But I embrace being labeled because it’s a badge of honor 😊🙏🏾. I’m built differently. 😉
Definition of "apostate"
"a person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle" (Oxford Languages)
No more, no less. If JW's persuade, for example, a Catholic, a Methodist or a Muslim to join them, then that person is by definition an apostate. CT Russell, the founder was himself an apostate, having left the Congregational Church at age 19.
The Watchtower cult has created a new definition of the word to instill fear in its members of hearing the truth about the organisation from those who have left or researched its history.
@@bryn6000 You are absolutely correct on this and it’s so sad that they do this to good people. It truly breaks my heart. 😥
If elders were to ask, "How do you think this makes Jehovah feel?", a different, equally logical and impactful response could be:
"I believe Jehovah would want us to seek truth and ask questions to ensure our faith is strong and sincere. If the truth can’t stand up to questioning, then maybe it’s not the truth after all. Wouldn’t Jehovah prefer genuine understanding over blind obedience?"
@ that’s an excellent response but I think some of the elders wound say, “Yes, Jehovah loves blind obedience.” lol 😂
Great video and reasoning!! Glad you are awake and free.
@@jaredpetersmith914 Thank you so much, yes it feels good. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 God is good 😊.
You are so enlightening! You give people so much to think about, could listen to you all day😊 so glad your channel came up on my youtube
@gloriabebop5313 Hi, thank you so much for your kind acknowledgements. I give all Glory to My Heavenly Father. How are you and your family? I pray that all is amazing. 🙏🏾😊
Phenomenal Phenomenal Video!! An ABSOLUTE 💯 MUST WATCH❤
@@tammyg8031 Thank you for the compliment. I hope you are well? 💯
@@JustWakeUp2704 Do you have an email address?
You have no idea how much i appreciate you taking the time to do these videos. God is good!!! He provides just what we need at the proper time.
@faithandgrace8244 You are welcome. I am happy that you benefited from the message. 😊🙏🏾❤️
Props to Isaac for this video and the fascinating topic being discussed! It’s great to see conversations like this that make us think deeply. Now, some people may or may not believe in the Bible, but the ideas of free will and critical thinking aren’t exclusive to one belief system. They’ve been part of philosophy, science, many religions, and even secular perspectives.
For example:
• Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living," emphasizing the importance of questioning and self-reflection.
• René Descartes taught, "Doubt is the origin of wisdom," reminding us that healthy skepticism is a path to understanding.
• Albert Einstein stated, "The important thing is not to stop questioning," encouraging curiosity and critical thinking in all areas of life.
• Many religions, from Buddhism to Islam, emphasize personal reflection and seeking truth.
• Secular thinkers, like Carl Sagan, promoted the scientific method and the idea that "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
These examples show how the value of free will and critical thinking is a universal concept, crossing cultures and beliefs.
Now, for those who are interested in what the Bible says on this topic, here’s a look at its take on free will, critical thinking, and not being gullible:
• Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:21: "Test all things; hold fast to what is good." Paul’s telling people to check things out for themselves and only hold onto what’s true.
• John in 1 John 4:1: "Don’t believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they’re from God." This is a warning to be cautious and test claims before trusting them.
• The Bereans in Acts 17:11: They didn’t just take Paul’s word for it. They checked everything he said against Scripture, and they’re praised for it.
• Solomon in Proverbs 18:15: "The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out." Solomon’s saying that wise people are curious and dig deeper.
• Joshua in Joshua 24:15: "Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve." Joshua reminds people that belief is a personal choice, not something to be forced on them.
The message is clear: don’t be naive or gullible. Use your free will to investigate, question, and make informed decisions. Blind faith isn’t the goal; understanding and thoughtful belief are!
@@DrunkenSpidey Thank you so much for quoting some of my favorite philosophers, I love all of the people you quoted-I love it so much.
You highlighted a lot of really good points. Thank you so much for taking the time to type all of this. Keep up the fine work 😀.
You bring up some very interesting logical reasoning. I thoroughly enjoyed your video. 👍👍👍❤ xjw from uk.
@@julieellis2076 Hi, Julie, how are you ? How is the UK treating you? And thank you very much for your kind compliment. I love the UK…I went to London back in 2022. I love London.
How is the former JW community doing in UK?
You was really led by the Spirit on this one! For everything you said was 🔥 Unfortunately most love the organization more than they do God Himself which is why even thou they are presented with biblical discrepancies they'll always choose the organization over the Bible and God Himself.. Also in Matthew 17:21 as well as Mark 9:29 Jesus said that "This kind only comes out by prayer AND fasting." With the fasting part taken put of most Bibles in Mark and the entire verse taken out in Matthew in most Bibles but the KJV and several others including the NWT except for the footnote in the brown reference Bible which makes me surmise that fasting and prayer is very important in a Christian's life that affects our spirit and the spiritual realm greatly. Something that we were NEVER taught in the organization among many other things! Just thought I'd mention that
@@ADP2085 Hi, how are you? And thank you for sharing more context on things. I love when people give me things to look up and do further research on. I definitely pray for the witnesses’ and even the governing body members’ on a regular basis. Isn’t that something they think that I am an evil person but yet I pray for them and their well-being and for God to unblock their hearts.
@JustWakeUp2704 exactly they have tricked JWs to fear the very ones that can help them. It reminds me of the movie Oblivion with Tom Cruise.. but that's wonderful that you pray for thr GB also i pray for the rank and file as well although if I'm being honest I do feel as if the GB are purposely misleading it's members being a direct tool of the enemy and so as such I pray for them to be exposed for the lucifarian/satanic/masonic false prophets they are and that the spirit of deception is binded in christ name while the spirit of truth is loosened for all those who love God and truth! But yea we're the evil ones 😒 and like u said it hurts my heart for those who have already died being mislead but even more so for the many ppl that I know and love knowing that there is only so much i can do to help them come out of this religion and into a relationship with Christ who is our ONLY savior
@@JustWakeUp2704exactly they have tricked JWs to fear the very ones that can help them. It reminds me of the movie Oblivion with Tom Cruise.. but that's wonderful that you pray for thr GB also i pray for the rank and file as well although if I'm being honest I do feel as if the GB are purposely misleading it's members being a direct tool of the enemy and so as such I pray for them to be exposed for the lucifarian/satanic/masonic false prophets they are and that the spirit of deception is binded in christ name while the spirit of truth is loosened for all those who love God and truth! But yea we're the evil ones and like u said it hurts my heart for those who have already died being mislead but even more so for the many ppl that I know and love knowing that there is only so much i can do to help them come out of this religion and into a relationship with Christ who is our ONLY savior
@JustWakeUp2704 I'm good my brother! It is something
@ I’m glad you are well and what is something?
based on the bible the watchtower fulfills Luke 21:8: "See that you are not led astray. For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am he!' and, 'The time is at hand!' Do not go after them".
John 6:68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life
@@dpsuperduper Yes, thank you. I knew it was John chapter 6 or 8 lol. I’m tired today… so I had a brain fart.
My husband is a witness who was disassociated prior to us meeting and his family has no contact with him at all. I am a follower of Jesus Christ and I believe in the trinity. My husband is working on being reinstated and we can't even talk about religion very much at all. I can hear his meetings and i can listen to his doctrine but he cannot and will not with mine. He won't read the full bible word for word and i have asked him to just pick a bible besides the NWT and he wont. He says I just need to keep reading and searching for the truth like its treasure. I Love God more than life itself. God helps me every day I talk to him. I feel hopeless that my husband will wake up from the brainwashing but still I pray God will remove the veil from over his eyes.
@@JesusSavedMe1988 Hi, thank you for sharing your experiences. Hmm, you are in a precarious situation. I would avoid these topics with him: trinity, hellfire, soul, spirit, Christmas, birthdays, and voting.
You have to reach him through well-placed questions and let him teach you. You should also accept a Bible study with the witnesses’ but only if your husband is present, cleverly using it as an opportunity to ask questions where the witnesses’ will have to use the Bible alone to show support for. (Do not allow the witnesses’ to reference the magazines but keep them in the Bible alone saying things like: I need to know where the Bible teaches and says what you are saying, so that I can defend what I am learning solely from God’s Word.)
Feel free to reach out to me via email and I can help you come up with a list of well-placed questions to ask while also not blowing your cover. Are you managing okay? I’m sorry that the organization is negatively impacting your family. Since he was disassociated what made him return if I may ask?
Wishing you much success,
Where will you “privately discuss” your current beliefs? I’m very interested!
@Splendiphy Hi, yes but verbally right now to ensure that I don’t already know you. Sometimes people have different motives. The Holy Spirit has trained me to stay silent publicly for now regarding my beliefs. But family and friends may be looking for things to approach with a biased view that has nothing to do with objective truth and why I left, and it could keep them indoctrinated longer or permanently. So I am following my intuition. 🙏🏾😊
I respect the wisdom in your choices. I don’t know you, but I’m on a similar journey. I’m really interested to get your perspective and to examine your reasoning.
@@Splendiphy We can verbally soon. Hit me up on Instagram. 😊. I promise I will speak with you but I follow my intuition on things now.
Hi 👋🏽 I tried to click the link to your social media but they didn’t work
@@NurturedByArt Justgetupwithisaac
@ found it, thanks!
@ Yw 🙏🏾👍🏾
Hello Isaac. Not sure what things you plan to discuss in future videos but here is something that might help regarding what you said about the destruction of Jerusalem in the first century and prophecy.
In Daniel chapter 7 there are four beasts. Daniel 7:3. These beasts represented four kingdoms;
2. Medo-Persia
3. Greece
4. Rome
The fourth beast, Rome, had ten horns/ kings.
One horn which was small rose up and replaced three. Right before Jerusalem fell to Rome there was what some call the year of the four emperors; Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and Vespasian.
Galba, Otho, and Vitellius all fell quickly, but Vespasian rose up through the army ranks and took power. This happened right before Jerusalem fell. Vespasian was the last head of the seven headed beast in Revelation 17:10.
1. Julius Caesar
2. Augustus Caesar (Luke 2:1)
3. Tiberius Caesar (Luke 3:1)
4. Gaius Caesar
5. Claudius Caesar (Acts 18:2)
6. Nero Caesar (Acts 26:32)
7. Vespasian Caesar
So it could be in the Daniel prophecy that Galba, Otho, and Vitellius are included in the ten, but not included in the seven in Revelation.
@@wantingtolearn2732 Hi, how are you? And amazing commentary! Thanks for putting this in the comments for all of us to read and research. Thank you for very much 🙏🏾😊❤️.
the power over control thing is a identity ive been chosen by God to judge you
Thank you 🙏🏾.
Not receiving that appointment until almost 10 years later is synonymous with their understanding that Jesus didn't begin ruling in heaven until 1914 when Jesus's own words upon his resurrection was that "all authority had been given him in heaven and on earth. " His rule began then. It's makes no sense that authority had been given him then, but his rule didn't start there. One thing about the org is that they are proficient at being consistently wrong.
@@HealerLightBringer Yes, when one really thinks about so many of their unique doctrines it is so ridiculously stupid, I hate to say it like that but it really is. The information is right there for the taking but most will never ever do their objective research, so sad 😭.
In South Africa you are judged for all those. My husband and I and our new born baby were shunned for being spiritually weak because we're both working full time professional jobs. And he barely reached out to do anything. And I was not volunteering to pioneer.
@HoldenSharpner Hi, yes you are shunned no matter what continent you live on. I can’t believe they shunned a new born baby too. That’s despicable and cruel. How are you all managing now? Do y’all need help with anything????
Much love,
@JustWakeUp2704 I do need help because my husband still believe it is the truth. He's been inactive because of the treatment he got. He still occasionally goes to the meetings during the memorial and conventions. His mother is a staunch believer and he trusts his mother so much that he believes that she can't be tricked so it must be the truth. Unfortunately he won't listen to anyone who tries to reason with him but I am hopeful that God will answer my prayers soon so the veil of deception can fall off him.
@ Hi, have you read Mark 9:29? Read it in several other translations too. You need to pray for him privately, asking for the demonic spirit of illusion, trickery, and deception to be casted out in Jesus name (remember all demons were expelled in Jesus’ name.) 2Cor4:4.
Also, look for opportunities to ask questions rather than make statements! (Statements condemn and questions convict.)
Get him to think through questions where is he the teacher and can only use the Bible to provide you with answers. As an example, highlight how can we take fractions from donated blood but we can’t donate blood? (Mentioned that someone in the ministry asked you this question-always put I on someone else that sparked you to think of a question that may be deemed as critical or critical thinking.) Say, I missed that about not in the Bible about take fractions from donated blood from other people but we can’t donate blood for others to take blood fraction-can we do a family worship session on that? Rewatch video 4 of why I left Jehovah’s Witness.
I think I will make a video with some humble suggestions on how to plant seeds with indoctrinated JW’s. Also, you have to accept the reality that he may never wake up, unfortunately 😥.
But prayer and God’s Word along with your powerful example can do wonders. 1Cor 3:6
@@JustWakeUp2704 I get you when you say statements condemn. I always wondered why he becomes so offended when I try to show him their lies. I will use questions from now on. Thank for the tip. ☺️
@ you’re welcome 😉
The word religion is in 2 Kings chapter 17 (5) times according to the NWT
@@dpsuperduper lol are you pulling my leg I just looked up 2Kings 17:5 in the NWT and I did not see the word religion there. 😊
@@JustWakeUp2704 I said 5 times not in verse 5. You can search the NWT and find religion in 2 Kings chapter 17: 26, 27, 33, 40. In verse 26 it uses religion twice
@ Thank you very much for this.
And on 'being appointed in 1919', they were celebrating Christmas. A lot of rules Jw follow are from man, not scripture.
In 1919 when they claim Jesus chose the Bible Students as his only true followers, those Bible Students (now called JWs) worshipped Jesus. They don't worship him anymore!!! You couldn't make it up!!
@@debraalexander9535 Facts, it’s so ridiculously wrong 🤦🏾♂️. 🙏🏾😊
@@bryn6000 It’s so laughable wrong isn’t it? 🤦🏾♂️
What is the best topic to make a JW think about their beliefs?
@krism5575 Honestly, I don’t think there is one thing that will do it. However, I do think it’s best to ask questions and let them teach you, play the dummy. (Statements condemn and questions convict.)
Also, I think it best to get them to study groups like Scientology, two by two’s, and other high demand groups so that they can see the parallels since it’s neutral. But I like to get them to stick with the Bible with proving their beliefs without using magazines, etc. I avoid using the C word lol because I think it turns people off to face that reality although it’s true. 😊🙏🏾
I think the most important doctrines to get them to prove are: 1914, 607 B.C.E, the appointment of the faithful slave in 1919, and 1935 paradise earth teaching, highlighting that paradise is only mentioned 4 times in the Bible-and when it is described paradise is in heaven and the two words of paradise-earth are never mentioned together, etc, and asking why the paradise earth teaching didnt start until 1935?; getting them to research it regarding 1935.
ARC-Austria Royal Commission is a must discuss too.
@JustWakeUp2704 thank you ☺️
@@krism5575You’re welcome 😊
. The Organization’s Claim of Being God’s Sole Channel
Question: “If the Governing Body is guided by Jehovah, why has it made significant doctrinal errors and reversals over the years?”
Example: The changing teachings about "generations," failed end-of-the-world predictions (e.g., 1914, 1925, 1975), and shifts in blood transfusion policies.
Impact: Encourages them to think critically about whether an infallible God would allow His "sole channel" to make mistakes.
@ I love how you think. Keep sharing your commentary for people that read the comments…it will be helpful for them. 😊🙏🏾
God is going to just hand over understanding without proper work and respect for His word.
Proverbs 2:4 and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure,
@leejohnson6328 Luke 21:8 definitely applies to WT.
@leejohnson6328 AMEN, I agree with you here too.
when you put the publication of humanoids on the same level as the holy words this is the recipe for disaster
@leejohnson6328 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
I don’t know about that because Jesus prayed over his disciples and Judas ended up betraying him. Free will means people can choose to work against the Holy Spirit which is an unforgivable sin, like Judas.
@@NurturedByArt excellent point.
i failed couldnt even make it to be baptisd in jw not there fault we spend half our lve collecting addiction and rest of my life getting rid of them owwell maybe one day
@@ghettotech9617 God is on your side and He will help you with your struggles. You have free will so live your life as you please. You can become a JW but just do your research first to have full transparency, and I respect and support your decision for your life but just remember Proverbs 22:3; Proverbs 18:13,17.
I have so many questions… you pass judgement on the people in this organization but God behaves in a similar fashion and a pass is given.
If free will is making a choice without punishment why would it be okay for a God and not the organization?
If it’s okay for a God to withhold information and have you confused why is it wrong for a organization?
If you truly want a relationship with this God and he wants one with you why would you have to look for something that is everywhere at all times?
I have asked these questions to other people and the answer is always the same, his ways are higher than ours or he’s God and he can do whatever he wants.
@@StayChill-yk7ou Hi, I am happy that you asked me this. I have put this in my queue to address. Don’t let me forget either, hold me accountable. How are you? And I don’t believe in cliche’ answers so it needs to be addressed. I truly appreciate you brining this up. I need time for the Holy Spirit to teach me so I can give the proper answer and I know that He will provide it.
@ thanks for taking time to think on it and trying to come up with something logical.
@ Lol I won’t force logic if I don’t have a reasonable response I’ll just say I don’t know. 😊🙏🏾😉
@ awesome!
@ 😊😊😊😎😉
@@andracadicecrawford4256 What’s up? How are you? And I appreciate your thoughts. I welcome dissent lol and I love to learn from others. I am happy that my videos have brought some joy to you. You share very insightful things and I truly appreciate it.
There s a remnant.listen to through the bible les feldick. Good teacher .Dom t toss the. Aby out w the bathwater. Jesus is replete w historisity, archeology, epistemology, read evidence thar demands a Verdict Josh mcdowell. An atty who didn't believe, came to believe. Vol I, II. Particularly vol I fulfilled prophecy ( not j w s ). It's irrefutable. Don t let a mere man chsrles russell ruin your relationship with the way, truth and life, Jesus.
Hello! The JW's know who God is Exodus 6;3 KJV and they know Jesus is the son of the highest Luke 1;32 KJV no other religion knows this.
@trinny881 Hi, how are you? There are thousands of Christian religions, and I can assure you that they know about the scriptures you just mentioned and they actually agree with some things that JW’s teach. What you typed simply isn’t true overall what so ever, though. (You are about 10%-20% correct.)
Most Christian religions acknowledge the Heavenly Father as Yahweh or Jehovah and the son of God as Jesus. There is a difference between Modalism and the trinity. WT does not give the real meaning of how most Christians view modalism, and usually JW’s aren’t aware that they are debating with people about stuff that they don’t even believe. And non Jehovah’s Witnesses aren’t aware that the WT organization has trained its members’ to believe that most Christians outside of JW’s believe that God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are exactly the same person-and that’s not what a lot of Christians believe! Do your research on modalism versus the trinity and the counsil of Nicaea and then talk to at least 500 to 100 people (pastors) from various Christian denominations and you will see that WT has grossly misrepresented what they believe.
@@JustWakeUp2704 Hello! Most religions believe Jesus is God! or they say Jehovah is Jesus, both are wrong.
@ Hi, I truly appreciate third replies and I’m sure you are a great individual. I say this with love: I
suggest you objectively research what you are saying. Modalism versus the trinity and then understand what people are actually teaching versus what someone else tells you they believe.
You have to look at it with an unbiased view and fully understand these three words: 1. hermeneutics
2. exegesis
3. eisegesis
@JustWakeUp2704 Hello! I don't study Man's Doctrine Mark 7:7-9 KJV and Scripture tells us the God of Israel is THE GOD Ezra 1:3 KJV the Trinity is false.......
@ Firstly, are you a Jehovah’s Witness?
If you are, then the following is applicable but if you aren’t then it’s still applicable, just not as much to you personally:
Hence, I agree the Trinity is false regarding your current understanding of it-Study modalism though… (Also, I never said that I believed in the trinity or the understanding that you have of it-so that should be clear too-but you are/were responding as though I explicitly said that.) 😊🙏🏾
If you are a JW then you do study man-made doctrines.
If you are a JW then please use just the Bible alone as you mentioned to prove that Jesus appointed Jehovah’s witnesses in 1919? (Give me the scriptures where this date of 1919 is mentioned along with Joseph Rutherford going to jail, and with the literature that the JW’s were printing at that time? (And they weren’t JW’s at that time they were considered just sincere Bible students’ like all other Christians.)
Also, show me in the Bible where an “overlapping generation” is discussed in Matthew chapter 24??
Show me in the Bible alone…where it speaks of 11 men from the United States being the only people that God is using?And I can go on-and-on with things that I want you to “only” use the “Bible to prove JW doctrines” and you will find that 80% of their doctrines “absolutely” is no where in God’s written or inspired word The Bible. Proverbs 30:5-6; 1Corinthians 4:6; Revelation 22:18. @trinny881
@leejohnson6328 I agree with you here too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, they are always welcome on my page no matter if they agree or disagree with things that I say. God can use anyone to correct you, me, or anyone else if we have taken a false step, genuinely or disingenuously. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾❤️
Much luv,