Turbosmooth vs OpenSubDiv - Difference and similarity

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @anjoomfaisal
    @anjoomfaisal Рік тому

    thank you!

  • @IgrwOw
    @IgrwOw Рік тому

    in terms of number of quads, both turbo and open gives you the same quantity, right? but for some reason when you apply 1 interaction of turbosmooth it shows 12k quads, and when you apply 1 interaction of open, it shows 6k quads but if you add prooptmizer in top of opensubdiv, it shows 12k quads. weird, right?

  • @glayji
    @glayji Рік тому

    Thank you. I got a lot of help

  • @BioClone
    @BioClone 2 роки тому

    Great video thx!
    By any chance, if you see this comment, In my case when I add the modifier (opensubdiv) I need to click back on the editable poly to being able to access to the crease properties, but the opensubdiv modifier, even activated doesnt get previewed... there is anything to get done to allow this so it can be fine tunned the value easily?

    • @revoconner
      @revoconner  2 роки тому

      Activate show stack. Its a button on the command panel

  • @cgimadesimple
    @cgimadesimple 6 місяців тому

    10x man, useful :)

  • @andresmorelli6196
    @andresmorelli6196 2 роки тому


  • @mes-X
    @mes-X 9 місяців тому

    thx :-)

  • @marianoramirez5435
    @marianoramirez5435 4 роки тому

    muy buen video, gracias!

  • @jamesoliverfarrell1797
    @jamesoliverfarrell1797 4 роки тому

    Thanks a lot mate. Just came across OpenSubdiv and thought wtf was this lol. You could have put in Meshsmooth aswell ha.

    • @revoconner
      @revoconner  4 роки тому

      Already got another video for that