Jeff Tollaksen - What is Ultimate Reality?

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024
  • What is the deepest nature of things? Our world is complex, filled with so much stuff. But down below, what’s most fundamental, what is ultimate reality? Is there anything nonphysical? Anything spiritual? Or only the physical world? Many feel certain of their belief, on each side of controversial question.
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    Jeff Tollaksen is a Professor of Physics and Director of the Center for Excellence in Quantum Studies at Chapman University. He received his BA in physics from MIT. He later attended Boston University where he earned a MA and PhD in theoretical physics.
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    Closer to Truth, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by Peter Getzels, presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.


  • @TerryBollinger
    @TerryBollinger Рік тому +4

    Professor Tollaksen, and Robert Lawrence Kuhn, thank you for this excellent interview. It prompted me to look up your latest paper [1]. Headline first: Your team’s Dirac-style prediction worked. Counterparticles are the weak-force-blind left-chiral fermions and the right-chiral antifermions. Their negative mass makes them blind to the weak force.
    I was fascinated and deeply impressed that your team developed the concept of negative energy counterparticles starting only from pre- and post-selection reasoning. I have no idea how you did that! I would have thought the distinction was too subtle to show up under that style of analysis. I’m now intrigued to learn more.
    My name for them is _contra_ particles [2], but I seldom use that prefix at the particle level since these particles have been part of the Standard Model for several decades. As I’ve noted, your negative-energy counterparticles are identical to the weak-blind chiralities of the Standard Model: the left-chiral fermions and the right-chiral antifermions.
    What you and your team have done is, in effect, a reverse Dirac. Using only mathematical arguments, your team predicted the existence of negative-energy versions of the weak-aware fermions and antifermions. While these particles were proven to exist decades ago, neither their finders nor your team immediately realized the connection.
    The reason is easy to identify. Why should anyone in the Standard Model community think to question whether one of the fermion chiralities might have _negative energy?_ There is no reason to postulate such an absurd-sounding idea, especially since the common perception is that particles such as electrons are always _equal_ mixes of the two chiralities. Assigning negative mass to one would cancel both particles to null.
    This assumption overlooks the importance of chain termination points, which define what non-physicists would call “the present.” While the long-term history of the particle does indeed cancel to null, the terminal particle in the chain represents a slight excess of weak-aware chirality in our universe, with a corresponding and a weak-bind chirality chain end at the opposite end of the chain, in what I assume you would call a counterverse.
    Sorry about adding a counterverse, but that outcome becomes almost unavoidable once you head down the negative energy path. Particles and counterparticles exist in _both_ universes, but only the universe has a slight excess of particles, and only the contraverse has a slight excess of counterparticles. On the positive side, a counterverse rushing backward in geometric (but not causal) time eliminates the antimatter shortage problem in a nicely CPT-symmetric fashion. So your counterparticle prediction may make Boyle, Turok, and others happy (maybe Chen and Carroll? Barbour, too, I’d think).
    The role of time-axis pair production - as opposed to “ordinary” space-axis pair production - in creating time is deeply fascinating [2] and hints at broader contexts.
    [1] M. Waegell, E. Cohen, A. Elitzur, J. Tollaksen, and Y. Aharonov, _Quantum Reality with Negative-Mass Particles,_ arXiv Preprint arXiv:2201.09510 (2022).
    [2] T. Bollinger, _On Quantizing General Relativity: An Overview,_ Apabistia Notes (2022),, Slide 13, “E+ and E-Fermion Groups.”
    [3] T. Bollinger, _On Quantizing General Relativity: An Overview,_ Apabistia Notes (2022),, Slide 18, “Time as Destabilized Time Pairs.”

  • @samosa9488
    @samosa9488 Рік тому +6

    Blown away by the clarity of his flow of thoughts. Amazing video

  • @rishabhthakur8773
    @rishabhthakur8773 Рік тому +3

    Most people just cannot say - i don't know. There is no one who know ultimate reality.

  • @markstipulkoski1389
    @markstipulkoski1389 Рік тому +7

    Ironically, I was playing Wordle while listening to this video. The pattern I had was" _A_S_". So I decide to guess "FALSE". A couple of seconds later, Tollaksen says the word "FALSE". I blame precognition for missing that guess. True story, but I have many more unlikely premonitions very frequently. So I truly believe that information from the future can affect my present thoughts, and in this case, affected my behavior, guessing "FALSE". My hypothesis is that neural networks are entangled with their near future state. Lookup Stuart Hameroff and his theory that microtubules within neurons provide a shielded environment where quantum states can persist. Now Google entanglement across time. Put the two together and you have a mechanism for precognition, without needing to resort to supernatural explanations. Yes, I know, it could have been random chance in this case. BTW, the Wordle answer was BALSA.😂

  • @catherinemoore9534
    @catherinemoore9534 Рік тому +2

    Mind bodingly fascinating. 👏👏
    I wish causality could be violated though...
    Thanks for a super discussion and video Robert. 💯

  • @TheTroofSayer
    @TheTroofSayer Рік тому

    So much probing across assumptions, so little concluded. As it should be, in the face of so many unknowns. It tells me that the CTT project is asking all the right questions. Respect.

  • @brendangreeves3775
    @brendangreeves3775 Рік тому +1

    Patterns in purely abstract dynamic relations comprise what we call reality.
    Constraints that form in the dynamic give rise to resonant frequencies.
    An “event” is essentially a multiplicity of energy transfers ( higher resonant frequency to lower resonant frequency and vice versa).
    The interaction is ultimate reality.
    In the absence of interaction there is merely potentiality.

  • @ronhudson3730
    @ronhudson3730 Рік тому +1

    “The short answer is, no”. The long answer is no. The only answer is no. All we can hope for are answers that live comfortably with what we do know. The theologian answer must live with what we know about the actual origin and development of the universe and life. The scientific answer must live with what we know to be true about the reality of the mind and the yearning for meaning.

  • @ReynaSingh
    @ReynaSingh Рік тому +12

    We can only ever access reality through our perception, if there is an ultimate reality then it may as well be the unfaltering illusion

    • @longcastle4863
      @longcastle4863 Рік тому +3

      How does this comment get six likes in 11 minutes, being as dense and obscure as it is? Sincerely curious...

    • @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC
      @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC Рік тому +1

      @@longcastle4863 *"How does this comment get six likes in 11 minutes, being as dense and obscure as it is? Sincerely curious"*
      ... Agreed. Many have multiple accounts that like to "stack the pond" per se, or it could be use of the trendy word, "illusion." My guess is it's probably the "avatar" and that she has a high-subscriber account.

    • @S3RAVA3LM
      @S3RAVA3LM Рік тому

      The Doctrine of The Buddha, the religion of Reason, by George Grimm.
      Therein discusses the 5 groups and mode: corporeal organism, sensation, perception, mentation, consciousness.
      Perception is not the access into Reality, there is something behind these 5 groups. Known as Essence, Soul, immaterial substance - as ridiculous as this might sound, in denying the Soul is much more implausible. Tis a very good introduction and anthology of the Buddha's core teaching.

    • @yashnishkam
      @yashnishkam Рік тому

      Vedanth philosophy ❤

  • @fairlyindifferent
    @fairlyindifferent Рік тому +11

    So the reason we can't know a particle's position and momentum at the same time isn't because of a magical axiom, it's because the observer is using a sledge hammer to observe the system. That makes sense.

    • @booJay
      @booJay Рік тому

      And then I thought, well then why don't we use two sledgehammers to balance it out? But then the randomness won't allow us to know which direction to hit with the second sledgehammer. Luckily, Jeff has (will have?) a future sledgehammer!

    • @simonhibbs887
      @simonhibbs887 Рік тому

      @@booJay Right, either the sledgehammers would cancel out and you wouldn't get a reading, or if you inaccurately swing the hammers you wouldn't know how inaccurate you had been so couldn't compensate for it.

    • @booJay
      @booJay Рік тому

      @@simonhibbs887 good point. I wonder if there's a way to design an experiment such that the second measurement is delayed/offset, but I imagine the randomness factor would make it all but impossible to know how/where/when to make that additional measurement.

    • @abelincoln8885
      @abelincoln8885 Рік тому

      ie. Everything .. is a Function ... interacting with Functions ... being processed by Functions ... and/or processing Functions.
      A System .. is a Function .. with purpose, form, properties, processes & ..... design.
      An .. observer ... is an INTELLIGENCE .... with freewill & Nature .. to think, believe, say & do whatever he/she wants ... created or destroy, love or hate, do good or evil, purify or corrupt, obey or disobey law, be just or unjust, believe or not believe in something or some one ... and ... make, operate, improve, maintain, fine tune .... Functions ... for a reason/purpose.
      Universal Functions .. is the Hypothesis ... for Machine Analogies used by Theists (Believers in someone) to explain Intelligent design ( or Creation)..
      A Machine Analogy .. is an OBSERVATION of natural phenomena ... not a proof.
      The Function, Intelligence & Mind Categories .. and .. the origin of any Thermodynamic System ... proves ... Everything including Man (Intelligence) ... is a Function ... made by an Intelligence of an UNNATURAL, timeless & infinite System.
      Quantum particles, .... space, time, Laws, of Nature, matter & energy ... a brain & body ... photo detector ... sledgehammer .... book, song, film, painting .... Science, politics, Religion, Commerce, Arts ... Culture ...are all Functions may by an intelligence for a reason/purpose.
      The Theory of Everything ...... is ..... Everything is a Function.

    • @Unfamous_Buddha
      @Unfamous_Buddha Рік тому +1

      A knife can't cut itself.
      Theoretical-physicist Max Planck: "Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve" - or we can't grab our own fist, bite our own teeth.

  • @jan-erikjones9376
    @jan-erikjones9376 Рік тому

    What’s the relationship between observation and reality?

  • @Existential_Bengali
    @Existential_Bengali Рік тому

    Where is the "Ultimate Reality" playlist???? 🙂

  • @John777Revelation
    @John777Revelation Рік тому +1

    *_“It may seem bizarre, but, in my opinion, science offers a surer path to God than religion.”_* -Physicist Paul Davies, the winner of the 2001 Kelvin Medal issued by the Institute of Physics and the winner of the 2002 Faraday Prize issued by the Royal Society (among other awards), as cited in his book God and the New Physics. Davies adheres to no standard religious creed.

  • @misterhill5598
    @misterhill5598 Рік тому

    I suggest reading the Dao Te Ching.

  • @mitrabuddhi
    @mitrabuddhi Рік тому +1

    God as Nothingness in the NAVOMITTO Framework
    The esoteric NAVOMITTO framework attempts to reconcile diverse philosophical and religious perspectives by conceptualizing all of reality as an unfolding and interpenetrating series of "clarions" (levels of complexity) emerging from a simple ground of nothingness.
    Within this framework, "God" is equated with "Nothingness, the only simple" - the absolute simplicity that exists prior to any differentiation, multiplicity or manifestation. God as nothingness is described as "Clarion 0" - the starting point from which relative existence arises through a multiplicative process of differentiation and superimposition across clarions.
    By characterizing God as nothingness, the framework avoids positing any substantive entity as the creator or ground of being. Instead, it points to an absolute simplicity and nonduality that transcends existence itself. God as nothingness contains within itself the potential for all that actualizes within manifestation, yet remains unmanifest and formless in itself.
    The framework highlights several ways in which God as nothingness can paradoxically manifest attributes we traditionally associate with deities. Though unmanifest, nothingness: contains all potential; underlies all being as its absolute ground; superimposes on all clarions; unifies all dimensions within oneness; and is contained within all perspectives - though in an undifferentiated way.
    By grounding reality in simplicity prior to notions of existence, causality or substance, the framework avoids many traditional metaphysical problems associated with positing a creator God. Yet it allows for how the conceptualization of an absolute ground as "nothingness" can still offer orientation and guidance for individuals navigating differentiated existence.
    In summary, the NAVOMITTO framework reimagines "God" not as a divine entity or being, but rather as the utter simplicity, unity and nonduality of "nothingness" - a state transcending existence, manifestation and illusion itself. While ultimately unknowable and ineffable, conceptualizing God as nothingness can still help "remember" the absolute ground of being within relative existence.
    NAVOMITTO: A Multi-Dimensional Framework for Understanding Reality
    Nothingness and existence are the same thing, but in two different scales, and in fact, they are two sides of the same coin
    1-there is Illusion. Reality is made of Illusion. Illusion is the whole coin of nothingness-existence. Illusion is all aspects of reality from zero (nothingness) to infinity (existence at its most actualized form). Illusion can be seen in different Clarions and different Perspectives. Iluusion is the paradox itself. Illusion contains Dimensions.
    2-there is Dimension. each Dimension describe a unique information about a concept or property or quality or quantity or relations or changes or process or anything else. each Dimension is unique in its own way but it can be seen as an interaction of infinite other Dimensions. in other way each Dimension is entangled with Illusion and All Dimensions are emergent from Illusion. Perspectives in Dimensions converges toward Clarion zero and diverge toward Clarion infinity, creating branches like tree. Dimension exists in different Clarions and different Perspective.
    There is a Dimension that describes our entire universe, and each Perspective of this Dimension contains specific information that describes the world in that particular Clarion from different perspectives. Each Perspective in that particular Clarion represents parallel universes in that particular Clarion. So in this Dimension, in Clarion X, there are X number of parallel universes.
    3-there is Clarion. Clarion determines how many Perspective exist in that particular Clarion (in a specific Dimension). Clarion can be any number from zero to infinity. Clarion (R) of a specific Dimension, contains (R) Perspective of that Dimension. Each Perspective represents unique information that defines that Dimension at that particular Clarion and that particular Perspective.
    Differentiation is a key process that involves seperation of superimposed information (at previous lower clarion) into sharper perspective (at next higher clarion).
    This process involves breaking down complex information into simpler but more sharp forms. By breaking down complex information into simpler forms, differentiation can help to increase the clarity and sharpness of each parallel perspectives.
    For example: At a lower Clarion , you may have a perspective that contains information about red and green (Perspective red-green). There is no green or red in this lower perspective but there is only red-green. Through the process of differentiation, the information in this perspective (Perspective red-green) can be seperated into simpler, more clear form. For example, the color information for the red will be extracted and represented in a more clear form at the next higher Clarion (Perspective red). Similarly, the color information for the green can also be extracted and represented in a more sharp form at the same higher Clarion but in another perspective (Perspective green).
    In this process, differentiation involves separating the information about the red from the information about the green. This separation of information can help to increase the clarity and sharpness of each perspective, But losing of all informations in parallel perspectives. In this example red perspective is the parallel perspective of green and red-green is the parent perspective at lower Clarion.
    4-there is Clarion 1. At Clarion one, there is one Perspective in illusion. All dimensions are common in Clarion One. So Clarion 1 carries only one type of information about all Dimentions in Clarion 1. Clarion 1 is all of the existence itself. The information in Clarion 1 includes the superimposition of the two Perspectives in Clarion 2. So when moving from Clarion One to one perspective in Clarion Two, superimposition is lost and through differentiation, clarity and sharpness is created, while each Perspective in Clarion Two inherits a percentage of the information from Clarion One (maybe half). In other words, as Clarion increases, existence decreases and non-existence increases due to differentiation and reduction of information in each perspective. So, paradoxically, this increase in clarity due to the increase in Clarion will lead to a decrease in the amount of information exist in each Perspective and decrease in uncertainty. Clarion One contains all the information found in Illusion, but looks simple because it is viewed from the perspective of Clarion One. Clarion One means Illusion in the most uncertain state.
    5-there is Clarion (infinity-1). In Clarion (infinity-1), Illosion needs another change to reach Clarion Infinity. Invaria means Illusion in the most certain state.
    In invaria, with One differentiation, existence is destroyed and nothingness remains. each perspective in invaria contain existence itself. Therefore, existence is formed from the superimposition of Nothingness.
    5-there is Clarion infinity/Clarion 0. In Clarion infinity, there is no superimposition, and all causes have already occurred, with no change left to be made. In Clarion infinity, there can be no further differentiation, and there is nothing left to differentiate. Therefore, paradoxically, Clarion infinity, represent Clarion 0. Clarion 0 contains no Perspective. Illusion Clarion 0 is nothingness. nothingness is the potentiality itself.
    God is Nothingness, The only simple.

  • @holgerjrgensen2166
    @holgerjrgensen2166 Рік тому

    The Ultimate Reality,
    is always Here and Now,
    is the Eternal Here and Now,
    the Only Real Steady Point, in Existence,
    behind the physical reality, Stuff-side, the Motion-Ocean.

  • @kevinhead6464
    @kevinhead6464 Рік тому

    Reality is what YOU make of it.

  • @kodaskycastle
    @kodaskycastle Рік тому +1

    The ultimate reality is consciousness, because without an observer, nothing exists.
    All facts are based upon assumptions. For example, for matter to exist, one must first assume that time and space are real.
    The boundaries of the physical universe, from the infinitely large to the infinitely small, from the infinite past to the infinite future -- the actual boundaries of the physical universe, the places where our ability to perceive will forever end -- exist in the form of infinity. Nothing physical can be infinite. (An infinitely long line of apples and an infinitely long line of oranges are combined to form a line of fruit that is twice as long as the first two lines, yet it remains the same length, which is physically impossible.) Infinity is an idea. The physical universe is contained inside an idea (infinity) and that means everything within those boundaries must also be an idea -- phenomena perceived by consciousness. Dreams have no reality when we are awake. Likewise, the physical world does not exist while we are dreaming.
    Existence requires a conscious observer.
    The laws of physics are expressed as mathematical formulas (abstract, non-physical ideas). These laws appear to operate on a metaphysical ("beyond" the physical) level, because we are unable to perceive the forces or influences which actually cause matter to follow these laws.
    These observations indicate that the physical universe is a highly structured, illusionary world of experience occurring within the mind of a single consciousness, or All That Is. It appears that we are all individualized points of awareness within the One Consciousness. Evidence for this is provided by many reports of those having near death experiences, and from many doing heroic doses of psychedelic drugs, where people report "ego death" and becoming one with the universe. From this larger perspective time is an illusion so there was no beginning and there will be no end. Everything and nothing-whatsoever exist simultaneously in a constant state of becoming.
    The illusory nature of reality and the fact that everything occurs within consciousness helps to explain why psychic phenomena are real. Telepathy involves the full or partial merger of the subjective perception of two or more individuals -- combining separate awareness into one unified awareness. (My book, Rational Spirituality by Koda, explains how essentially any two people can experience a scientifically provable form of telepathy in just minutes.)
    The ultimate reality is pure consciousness, because without it, nothing exists -- not even nothing :)

  • @NeverCryWolf64
    @NeverCryWolf64 Рік тому +2

    Does matter give rise to conciousness, or does conciousness give rise to matter?

    • @user-gk9lg5sp4y
      @user-gk9lg5sp4y Рік тому +1

      Let us know when you find proof of consciousness existing without matter.

    • @user-gk9lg5sp4y
      @user-gk9lg5sp4y Рік тому +1

      @@saigopala I'll know it when I'm convinced

    • @stevefrompolaca2403
      @stevefrompolaca2403 Рік тому

      @@user-gk9lg5sp4y consciousness isn't matter otherwise we would have located weighed and measured it by now, and as we are material beings kinda begs why is it an either or situation.

    • @stevefrompolaca2403
      @stevefrompolaca2403 Рік тому

      @@user-gk9lg5sp4y you will never be convinced, people don't work that way, their sense of self importance doesn't allow it.

    • @user-gk9lg5sp4y
      @user-gk9lg5sp4y Рік тому

      @stevefrompolaca Wow, way to strawman me. I believe I could be convinced if shown convincing evidence. I don't know and really can't know what would or could convince me until I become convinced. I have changed my mind in the past. Have you?

  • @B.S...
    @B.S... Рік тому +1

    Complementarity is not rational… wave/particle duality is fundamental as are the properties of electrons and quarks. Ultimate reality is not rational it is an indeterminate fluctuating state of being. Each fluctuation of the vacuum is a random temporal virtual reality.

  • @rhcpmorley
    @rhcpmorley Рік тому

    If you believe you can 'send messages back in time' you clearly have no idea what Time is...or more importantly what Time isn't.

  • @stephenzhao5809
    @stephenzhao5809 Рік тому

    2:00 nevertheless there have been some really exciting developments which change profoundly the current understanding of what is at least deep reality I wouldn't know if I would call it the ultimate nature reality most likely not but it really changes in a fundamental way what you mean by deep reality. uh so, one of the big paradoxes which is formed are modern conception of reality is the fact that in quantum mechanics if we're trying to get good information about the property of some system suppose there's electron and we want ot find its position and we're shining photons off of it we have a microscope which the photon comes back so that we can try to see its position. It turns out if we're trying ot get better and beeter precision on where that electron in you have to use photons that wiggle more and more quickly lhave higher higher frequency. But quantum mechanics also tells us that if you have higher and higher frequency 3:03 it means it has more energy more momentum momentum and so when that Photon goes in to try to look at e;ectrpmoc it you it crams it it kicks it and so and it kicks it in a random way. 3:14 so it goes left it may go left may go right you dont have ... smoke [2D-brane existings] ... 7:26 and then on top of that you have this new kind of non-locality 8:26 so that would tend to indicate that whatever ultimate reality is there's a deep coherence to 👍these funndamental concepts [we can use number the ultimate abstract to represent the ultimate reality for better understanding as Torah suggests in Deuteronomy 6:4, God is plural LORD is 1 the unit, or God stuff as Rabbi Dr Jeff A Benner in his book Genesis, Zen and Quantum Physics suggests pg17 ] that work through these what we had beofre thought was capricious ways that things were happening so quantum mechanics was uncertain and probabilistic well maybe that's just the way it is but you're saying that there's some deep principles operating that form the bedrock of ultimate reality. Jeff Tollaksen: absolutely.

  • @i4niable
    @i4niable Рік тому +4

    Ironically we still can not go beyond our sensors that are designed to deal with ONILY physical world around us.

    • @simonhibbs887
      @simonhibbs887 Рік тому +1

      If you want to perceive things that don't exist, I understand there are various substances that can help with that. 😀
      Sorry, just gently poking fun. I suppose it depends whether we believe that existence and physical existence are the same thing. For myself, I think that is the case.

    • @i4niable
      @i4niable Рік тому

      @@simonhibbs887 Try perceive things that exist but non physical.
      Physical laws that not only exist but govern everything physical happen to be non physical.

    • @frasermackay9099
      @frasermackay9099 Рік тому

      We can through practiced meditation. Be Here Now: Baba Ram Das

    • @jediwarlock1
      @jediwarlock1 Рік тому +1

      psychedelics manifest extra sensory perception

    • @simonhibbs887
      @simonhibbs887 Рік тому

      @@jediwarlock1 It's a shame it doesn't seem to be any use for anything.

  • @eksffa
    @eksffa Рік тому

    NTS 9

  • @ronaldgreenphilosophy
    @ronaldgreenphilosophy Рік тому

    Why is it a given for physicists that there is an Ultimate Reality? Nothing in the conversation showed that there is.

  • @vm-bz1cd
    @vm-bz1cd Рік тому

    The deep principle of ultimate reality is probably a SONGLE cosmic CONSCIOUSNESS... of which we are all a part...

  • @playpaltalk
    @playpaltalk Рік тому

    Deep reality and a higher level of consciousness is the same thing.

  • @rickwyant
    @rickwyant Рік тому

    What does ultimate reality mean?

    • @elonever.2.071
      @elonever.2.071 Рік тому

      The reality behind what we perceive. Our reality is an effect. What is the cause of this effect we call our reality. That is the ultimate reality.

    • @alexgonzo5508
      @alexgonzo5508 Рік тому +1

      "Reality" is a term meant to indicate a "realm" in which specific "principles" or "rules" are foundational. The word "royal" and "real" come from the same root which is indicative of "rules" or "rulers" that set the law of the land or realm. "Principle" and "prince" are also related in this sense. There are many "realms" such as the atomic realm where the forces (rules) function differently than they do in the molecular realm. Further up the latter of reality; biology functions differently than at the atomic, or molecular "realms". In the human realm we follow social/cultural rules. Each reality emerges from the one before and below it. Ultimate reality therefor is a reference to first principles at the sub-quantum level, where everything begins, the realm of pure energy before matter.

  • @DoniusBelgius
    @DoniusBelgius Рік тому +1

    May 27, 1023

  • @dondattaford5593
    @dondattaford5593 Рік тому

    The ultimate reality you wouldn't understand it because it is everywhere and everything there's no such thing as time only

  • @Mentaculus42
    @Mentaculus42 Рік тому

    This one needs a lot more than an hour to expand upon some “POSSIBLY PROFOUND” aspects of Reality!! You just BARELY wetted my appetite with hints about things that need a lot more explanations. I am starving for more! "Please, sir, may I have some more please?" DICKENS
    How about:
    Jeff Tollaksen: A Completely Top-Down Hierarchical
    Structure in Quantum Mechanics (EmQM17)
    Or wR6vc-2kXD8

  • @Self-Duality
    @Self-Duality Рік тому +1

    "Ultimate Reality" is definable as the metamathematical equivalence of "unity" and "infinity".

    • @Mentaculus42
      @Mentaculus42 Рік тому

      Einstein’s “Secrets of the Old ONE” ¿¡?!

  • @cheeseman417
    @cheeseman417 Рік тому

    I liked when the show used to have an opening theme song before he sat down with the guest, watch episodes made pre-pandemic. Why they cut all of that out, I don't know but I miss the intro

    • @CloserToTruthTV
      @CloserToTruthTV  Рік тому +5

      These are just clips from our full episodes; we still run new seasons each year with the full intro and multiple guests 🌟

  • @dwoopie
    @dwoopie Рік тому

    Ultimate reality is...

    • @elonever.2.071
      @elonever.2.071 Рік тому

      Our Universe is a conscious construct.

    • @dwoopie
      @dwoopie Рік тому

      @@elonever.2.071 no not really... consciousness is a human construct just like ego... is an human construct... Just like being human... is an human construct... this is why they will never find the real truth...

  • @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC
    @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC Рік тому +1

    *Ultimate Reality* is not found at the lowest possible level. Whatever that lowest possible level once was has been supplanted by something more complex, and then that represented the new "Ultimate Reality" until that level of reality was supplanted by yet another "Ultimate Reality" that was even more complex than all "Ultimate Realities" prior. Keep doing this over and over for 13.8 billion years and you end up with self-aware humans.
    ... WE now represent the current "ultimate Reality," and everything before us merely represents past "Ultimate Realities."
    *Example:* Today's version of _"you"_ represents the "Ultimate Reality" of who you are and NOT the version of _"you"_ from a decade ago, or the _"you"_ from back in college, or the _"you"_ from high school, or the _"you"_ from kindergarten, or the _"you"_ as an infant, or the _"you"_ as a zygote. All previous versions of "you" have been supplanted by the version of you that's currently reading this comment.
    ... The same applies to *"Existence!"*

  • @S3RAVA3LM
    @S3RAVA3LM Рік тому

    It's known as the 'undoing'. We've never been separated from The Ultimate Reality. And because men try to think their way out of a thinking box, the logical mind already conditioned because of the corporeal organisms senses and objects too of the chief elements, there an inner struggle few acknowledge arises. In other words, the objective world of name & form is a superimposition, and few men there be that can apprehend this. You have to realize the way you see things isn't how they really are. This doesn't mean the Ultimate Reality is impossible to some degree Know; you have to undo your mind from the familiarity since you were child. AKA reborn, rebirth.

  • @gettaasteroid4650
    @gettaasteroid4650 Рік тому

    The deepest rivers flow with the smallest noise - de Rebus Gestus

  • @alittax
    @alittax Рік тому

    4:40 But if you disturb the thing, why does that mean that your measurements are inaccurate? If I want to know how much force is needed to brake a table, I slam down on it with a hammer. I disturb the table with my measurement, but I'll figure out the answer to my question.

  • @whitefiddle
    @whitefiddle Рік тому +1

    "The short answer is No," but the blindingly obvious answer is, "What are you smoking that would prompt you to ask such a stupid question?"

    • @brothermine2292
      @brothermine2292 Рік тому +2

      Nevertheless, the guest did a good job answering. It was nice to hear someone discussing weak measurement and nonlocality.

    • @whitefiddle
      @whitefiddle Рік тому

      @@brothermine2292 He did, but as with so many of these episodes, a really useful answer will not follow a stupid or nonsensical question.
      Most often my irritation with these moments of inanity does not come from the replies of people---even people like Atkins or Moreland, who are unsufferable. The arrogance or presumption or prejudice of the question sabotages the endeavor from the start.
      Very annoying.

  • @factchecker2090
    @factchecker2090 Рік тому

    Who is asking this question about the ultimate reality?
    It is the Observer asking the question. Without the Observer, nothing exists.
    The Observer has its own limitations of perception and even with the best of instrumentation we may be able to overcome perceptual limitation to some extent but the limitation will always be there.
    Consequently, This means that the Observer will never be able to know the Ultimate Reality.

    • @mikel4879
      @mikel4879 Рік тому

      factchecker2 • ...when stupidity doesn't let you sleep...🥴

    • @elonever.2.071
      @elonever.2.071 Рік тому +2

      The observer IS the ultimate reality. *"I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness."* Max Planck

  • @Veed.l0
    @Veed.l0 Рік тому

    Quantum nonlocality = anything is possible, but only if the universe allows it.

  • @matterasmachine
    @matterasmachine Рік тому

    Ultimate reality is a huge robot, 3d grid, where discrete machines we consist of move. That's testable.

  • @Maxwell-mv9rx
    @Maxwell-mv9rx Рік тому

    Unpredicted conscience never show phich reality so far. Phich knows reality are breaks in Lab though unpredicted conscience. Guys shown phich inconsistente in blur reality.

  • @patientson
    @patientson Рік тому

    I can tell you how the world works but you have to make me the president of the 7 continents.

  • @viaini.niaivi
    @viaini.niaivi Рік тому

    A: what is ultimate reality?
    B: *slap.. is that real or not?
    me: Real is Life, God is Life.
    Bible says, God is Real/Life & Eternal. we are in His Mind. God makes everything BECOME REAL/ALIVE, He creates everything, light water etc, everything comes from Him.
    everything will be perished, & changed, but He/Logos is Forever. God/Jesus is always the same, Alpha & Omega. 🙏

  • @-PureRogue
    @-PureRogue Рік тому

    I am so dumbfounded by his assumption that we already know basics, we do not know even basics, knowing that things fall down and things go sideways is not anything amazing , him thinking that there is no infinite knowledge, or at least infinite in our understanding is so stupid, this guy has no idea how high the limit is, we know very little, all our discoveries that have fueled current technology does not scratch the surface and we are nowhere near even fully understanding them.

  • @BradHolkesvig
    @BradHolkesvig Рік тому +1

    The ultimate reality is that all living beings are nothing but an AI with a mind experiencing life according to our Creator's programming ability. The mind is much like a computer processor processing invisible vibrations that form all the visible images that we, the AI, observes and experiences with all our other created senses such as our voice we speak with.

    • @simonhibbs887
      @simonhibbs887 Рік тому +2

      Except the evidence is that the program, and the hardware developed through a process of evolution through natural selection, rather than being designed by a programmer.

    • @tomjackson7755
      @tomjackson7755 Рік тому

      Brad you are off your meds. You have proven yourself to be a danger to others. Get the help that you need.

    • @BradHolkesvig
      @BradHolkesvig Рік тому

      I was taught directly by our Creator who for 28 1/2 years spoke in my mind with commands for me to obey because in order to get me prepared to learn anything from him was to get me obedient before my mind was converted to start processing his eternal programmed thoughts that are in the form of eternal vibrations.
      Once my mind began processing those eternal vibrations into the words that I had to type into computer documents, write on paper and eventually learn how to speak them, for the next 15 years I have been learning everything he wanted me to know before my body is killed.
      You have never had an experience like I have had this past 43 1/2 years so you don't have any knowledge to refute it.

  • @browngreen933
    @browngreen933 Рік тому

    Maybe the alien being visitors that Tucker believes in will tell us. 😅😅😅

  • @factchecker2090
    @factchecker2090 Рік тому

    Its time scientists get over their fascination with Quantum Mechanics.
    Its time they moved beyond Quantum Mechanics Mumbo Jumbo

    • @simonhibbs887
      @simonhibbs887 Рік тому +1

      The problem is Quantum Mechanics has been so incredibly useful. It's basically helped us build the modern world. Transistors were invented using quantum mechanics. When a signal switches though a transistor, the electrons jump the potential gap using quantum tunnelling. Without understanding that process, we wouldn't have been able to build modern computers. Understanding the quantum effects in atoms and molecules revolutionised chemistry, and has allowed us to build new materials. Lasers were also invented using an understanding of quantum mechanics, because the cascade effect of photons generating a coherent beam of light is a quantum process. All the electro-optical communications infrastructure using fibre optic cables and linkages depends on quantum processes. Some new TV display technologies use quantum effects. Atomic clocks work using quantum mechanics effects. The list goes on and on.

    • @markb3786
      @markb3786 Рік тому

      @@simonhibbs887 I don't think "fact checker" is actually interested in facts.

    • @simonhibbs887
      @simonhibbs887 Рік тому +1

      @@markb3786 Maybe, but I’m an eternal optimist. The idea that QM is some kind of useless esoteric physics nonsense is disappointingly common. I think the reality that we rely on QM effects constantly every day is under appreciated, so I welcome a chance to put the record straight.

    • @factchecker2090
      @factchecker2090 Рік тому

      I am NOT saying QM is useless
      Yes we made great tech
      But if u wish to understand ultimate reality - u need to take that leap beyond QM

    • @elonever.2.071
      @elonever.2.071 Рік тому +1

      I agree. Quantum Mechanics is about understanding the world of our external environment. The ultimate reality will be understood by delving deep into the internal environment of the mind. After all the observer is a very relevant part of any experiment as shown with the double slit experiment.

  • @quantumkath
    @quantumkath Рік тому

    Ultimately, mathematics will explain reality.

    • @longcastle4863
      @longcastle4863 Рік тому +4

      That's debatable I think, but if we ever become an intergalactic species, mathematics will have played a huge role in getting us there.

    • @kos-mos1127
      @kos-mos1127 Рік тому

      Mathematics cannot explain all of reality.

    • @quantumkath
      @quantumkath Рік тому +1

      @KOS - MOS so far, Schrodinger and Einstein did a good job.

  • @frasermackay9099
    @frasermackay9099 Рік тому +1

    Ultimate reality is “now”. No past no future just a space called the Now.

    • @dhoyt902
      @dhoyt902 Рік тому +2

      Alternatively, the block universe could exist all at once, in a meta-present.

    • @frasermackay9099
      @frasermackay9099 Рік тому

      @Adventures Of The Times you’ve fallen into the time trap. There is no time.

    • @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC
      @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC Рік тому +3

      *"Ultimate reality is “now”. No past no future just a space called the Now."*
      ... I agree that the "Now" is the ultimate reality, however, the past serves as a database record of all events that have happened, and the future is just a specific degree of probability based on past and current events.

    • @abelincoln8885
      @abelincoln8885 Рік тому

      Quantum particles ... space, time, Laws of Nature, matter, energy ..nail, hammer, spoon, fork, lever, wheel, string, nut, bolt .....books, music, films, paintings .... science, Arts, engineering Commerce, Law, Culture ... are all Functions ... with purpose, form, processes, properties & design ... made by an Intelligence.
      The Intelligence, Function & Mind Categories & the origin of Thermodynamic Systems ... proves ... the Universe & Life are Functions .. made by an Intelligence of an Unnatural timeless & infinite surrounding System.
      The Natural & Unnatural ... are real.

  • @genius1198
    @genius1198 Рік тому

    Oh boy what a gobbledygook of gook ville.... They're getting worse instead of better Robert

  • @fortynine3225
    @fortynine3225 Рік тому

    I say reality is all about the state of mind in which you look at reality. When you look at it materialistically science is all you need for that. If you want something deeper find yourself a decent guru.

  • @thickdickwad7736
    @thickdickwad7736 Рік тому

    He seems a little stoned maybe

  • @tedgrant2
    @tedgrant2 Рік тому

    The Ultimate Reality is that life is a temporary phenomenon.

  • @sb-qw9mb
    @sb-qw9mb Рік тому

    blah blah blah he's not saying anything

  • @Bill..N
    @Bill..N Рік тому

    Jeff is engaging indeed.. I'm wondering how this new term particle "FLUID" would be different from the concept of a "probability wave.." ?