Guided Missile Tutorial in Plane Crazy Roblox || duckster

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @stup1d634
    @stup1d634 Рік тому +47

    The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is - whichever is greater - it obtains a difference or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviation to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is, to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position that it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't. In the event that the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation. The variation being the difference between where the missile is and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was. The missile guidance computer scenario works as follows: Because a variation has modified some of the information that the missile has obtained, it is not sure just where it is. However, it is sure where it isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It now subtracts where it should be from where it wasn't, or vice versa. And by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where it shouldn't be and where it was, it is able to obtain the deviation and its variation, which is called error.

    • @orangeflyy-hq8op
      @orangeflyy-hq8op Рік тому +1


    • @robertmachielsen2954
      @robertmachielsen2954 Рік тому

      Real FBIIII???

    • @stup1d634
      @stup1d634 Рік тому

      @@robertmachielsen2954 Federal Bureau of Investigation, you are hereby halted by the feds, we will search you if you have any contrabands and illegal weapons on you real quick then your good to go

    • @Skibidiytoile
      @Skibidiytoile Рік тому +2


    • @NulzSWE
      @NulzSWE Рік тому

      war tycoon

  • @Pwraal
    @Pwraal Рік тому +3

    This is too Cool deserve a sub. keep up the good work👍

  • @joshyy9189
    @joshyy9189 Рік тому +4

    very rare to find a plane crazy tutorial where they actually use their voice, its so much easier than reading text that disappears in less than a second

  • @glavenus0825
    @glavenus0825 3 роки тому +13

    It is perfectly balanced, as all missiles should be

  • @muhammadzuhairi8843
    @muhammadzuhairi8843 Місяць тому

    Good vid the first missle tutorial that works after years keep it up

  • @makarameach7358
    @makarameach7358 2 роки тому +6

    I find this very easy and useful for my planes or tanks. Thanks for the tutorial

    • @Darky226
      @Darky226 Рік тому

      How do I launch it on a plane?

    • @Шяя
      @Шяя Рік тому

      Tanks ?

  • @joshuadavis3799
    @joshuadavis3799 2 роки тому +2

    Yeah I was really looking for a tutorial and this one is perfect😁

  • @ciangabrieljocson7998
    @ciangabrieljocson7998 2 роки тому +5

    Perfectly works fine, But if you put super rocket engine instead it will be shaky.

  • @real_packhead
    @real_packhead Рік тому

    The way it goes ”"- KABOOM! -"”

  • @NicklePickle25
    @NicklePickle25 3 роки тому +1

    Epic content!!! Gotta love roblox!! My friends just were turning into Psychopaths while FILMING!

  • @spicyicedcoffee1150
    @spicyicedcoffee1150 2 роки тому

    new subscriber very good video!

  • @semaborhan165
    @semaborhan165 Рік тому +1

    oh my god so much thanks, im were bad at jet pvp and now i can blow up air vehicles with just a jet carrying few of those!

  • @AttackAce
    @AttackAce Рік тому +1

    This is it, the proposed start of shredders

  • @m1ngyt
    @m1ngyt Рік тому

    Thank you very much for this build! I put this on my Mig-15 and it was pretty accurate.

  • @cloroxdisinfectingwipes7065
    @cloroxdisinfectingwipes7065 3 роки тому +1

    This is actually really interesting and creative - disinfects -

  • @badralsamamedicalcenter7210
    @badralsamamedicalcenter7210 29 днів тому

    Question: if i make many of these on land will they follow the missile im guiding?

  • @Jon-ix9tc
    @Jon-ix9tc Рік тому +1

    It did the oppostie of what i was doing i was aiming for right guess what it turns into left

  • @slavplays9407
    @slavplays9407 2 роки тому

    thx bro now i can finnaly destroy those airport cameprs

  • @ddd0638
    @ddd0638 7 місяців тому

    For anyone who wants better controll over the missile, use control 2x1 panels instead of delta 2x1 pannel

  • @Vrtexxvr
    @Vrtexxvr Рік тому

    My chair started flying instead of the rocket

  • @charlie_jaycoop1215
    @charlie_jaycoop1215 2 роки тому

    OMG thanks it fits so well on my mini HAWKER vtol

  • @jamesonbartley5775
    @jamesonbartley5775 Рік тому

    added this to my space station ill be defended now perfectly

  • @feli999_
    @feli999_ Рік тому

    thanks now i can make a army of guided missiles

  • @cosmocode75
    @cosmocode75 8 місяців тому +1

    The whole server got nuked by a gigantic shredder... I am looking for a way to protect players from it

  • @ryantutor7908
    @ryantutor7908 Рік тому +1

    Great explanation 10/10

  • @PigGoesBrr
    @PigGoesBrr Рік тому +1

    possible improvement: a system with suspension for automatic explosion, because pressing f at the wrong time is a huge issue

    • @Pilotsisthebest
      @Pilotsisthebest Рік тому

      make it on impact

    • @annlakes24
      @annlakes24 Рік тому

      actually, onimpact does nothing. either the camera or the delta wings will block the impact.

    • @Drdogeytprime
      @Drdogeytprime Рік тому

      ​@@annlakes24side hit it

  • @Alfexo
    @Alfexo Рік тому

    can you make a video on how to make a nuke

  • @Just.a_yeepguy
    @Just.a_yeepguy 2 місяці тому

    This helped thanks

  • @forgottenfronts6945
    @forgottenfronts6945 Рік тому

    time to annoy people with my new missile sub >:)

  • @DetailAEgg
    @DetailAEgg Рік тому

    Is it possible if i could build mutliple of these

  • @Edward_Grumley
    @Edward_Grumley 5 місяців тому

    Best tutorial ever made

  • @Edil1978
    @Edil1978 2 роки тому

    Thx it helps my s400 and I will do showcase

    • @kingtigertheheavy2708
      @kingtigertheheavy2708 6 місяців тому

      Showcase when? I want to take inspiration for my Pansir

    • @Edil1978
      @Edil1978 6 місяців тому

      @@kingtigertheheavy2708 well Its been a year and I just forgot to do somethin about it but be sure I will do someting

  • @ChrisGavinYama4o
    @ChrisGavinYama4o Рік тому

    i actrually love this guy missle its so simple

  • @Warthunder_blud
    @Warthunder_blud Рік тому

    thx bro know i can finalyget revenge

  • @ConnorHudson098
    @ConnorHudson098 11 місяців тому

    Thanks man!

  • @Ironbat752.
    @Ironbat752. 2 роки тому

    crazy question. but would you be able to put this missile on a bomber or plane like a air to ground missile?

    • @HighExplosiveOP
      @HighExplosiveOP Рік тому +1

      I have done it with other missiles , this one should be no different

  • @AstroicalDwyane
    @AstroicalDwyane 3 роки тому

    Hello New Subscriber

  • @muricahampster
    @muricahampster 7 місяців тому

    i used this design to base my nuclear missile off of, and i exploded a shredder cube first try

  • @imjustbetter-c9r
    @imjustbetter-c9r 8 місяців тому

    im trying to make a strike package with multiple missiles, but I'm at around 40 and when they get too fast, they now wobble and become unstable. know how to fix this and wat is happening?

      @DUBPLAYS 7 місяців тому

      Fps is common issue

  • @Boombast1cJoe
    @Boombast1cJoe 2 роки тому

    Thanks man

  • @sometimes9032
    @sometimes9032 2 роки тому

    this video is the best for a guided missile

  • @yaninaalba1666
    @yaninaalba1666 Рік тому

    ajusted in 5 speed ) in the 4 motors 2

  • @magdalenasroczynska6855
    @magdalenasroczynska6855 Рік тому


  • @user-qg3fu7nh2d
    @user-qg3fu7nh2d 8 місяців тому

    why is my rocket not working i pressed w and nothing happened i setted it to w but still didnt work how do i fix this?

  • @BrennanFurneaux-Olford-zk8pk
    @BrennanFurneaux-Olford-zk8pk Місяць тому

    Ummmmmm my one just explodes when i click on the fly botten without me doing anything

  • @yaninaalba1666
    @yaninaalba1666 Рік тому

    super recomiended
    ajusted speed in 5

  • @DevTriesToScript-me1gl
    @DevTriesToScript-me1gl 3 місяці тому

    its wobbling?

  • @Darky226
    @Darky226 Рік тому

    How do I launch it on ur plane?

  • @Quality2882
    @Quality2882 Рік тому

    The missles can barely destroy a plane and ranks

  • @rykrlaskoskie2514
    @rykrlaskoskie2514 6 місяців тому


  • @Lukas2022GR
    @Lukas2022GR Рік тому

    i cant not controle it it goes at random place

  • @ghostliteraclly2312
    @ghostliteraclly2312 2 роки тому

    timestamp cause i made this too late lol *2:47*

  • @AmericaForever-s5r
    @AmericaForever-s5r 7 місяців тому

    Yo! It works Bro!!❤❤

  • @Help_i_am_low_on_star_jellies

    How the shredder is made:

  • @prodbycrimewatch
    @prodbycrimewatch Рік тому +1

    mine wobbles uncontrollably at all levels of throttle

  • @generalgordon167
    @generalgordon167 3 місяці тому

    how di i make it not shake?

  • @PlayerboyGamer-l3s
    @PlayerboyGamer-l3s 21 день тому

    I builded the entire thing but am I blind or what I can’t find the camera

  • @yaninaalba1666
    @yaninaalba1666 Рік тому

    for one best movility

  • @carlcoyoteleg7444
    @carlcoyoteleg7444 3 роки тому

    Does it work on phone

  • @frigginrakefan1035
    @frigginrakefan1035 Рік тому

    I cant control if it should go left or right at all Even tho i followed everything

  • @yhanitucay8653
    @yhanitucay8653 2 роки тому

    can i make more

  • @Felixxdito
    @Felixxdito 17 днів тому

    por que el titulo esta en español y el video en ingles?

  • @robertmachielsen2954
    @robertmachielsen2954 Рік тому

    For mobile too?

  • @BandJ-YT
    @BandJ-YT 8 місяців тому +1

    It doesn’t work but I think it’s because I’m on mobile

  • @mr.dowy3294
    @mr.dowy3294 2 роки тому

    i find it better if you add guns

  • @johnsmith2136
    @johnsmith2136 Рік тому

    I followed it exactly and it doesn't work even the commands

  • @2.5productions
    @2.5productions Рік тому

    When I tried my bomb dozent explode

  • @nizarelbekri2966
    @nizarelbekri2966 Рік тому

    i cant seem to use it well

  • @Ch33ze0
    @Ch33ze0 8 місяців тому

    I don’t think it’s easy as it’s so hard to control and I keep smashing into the ground and it stops working

  • @thepanther9163
    @thepanther9163 5 місяців тому

    is this a shredder

  • @AIdiotAccount
    @AIdiotAccount Рік тому

    For mobile?

  • @vibermilk1995
    @vibermilk1995 3 роки тому +1

    mine keeps exploding as soon as i take off can anyone help me out?

  • @astroivosimamora8678
    @astroivosimamora8678 10 місяців тому +1


  • @rykrlaskoskie2514
    @rykrlaskoskie2514 6 місяців тому

    Have a blessed day and jesus loves you

  • @youneer
    @youneer 10 місяців тому


  • @FilipMaslowski
    @FilipMaslowski 8 місяців тому

    well this tutorial didnt help me much, i love the controling and stuff but the real damage that it does is so small, it made me think that plane crazy added blast protected blocks

  • @adamsproject5224
    @adamsproject5224 Рік тому

    It didn’t follow my mouse

  • @demedytabelisma4144
    @demedytabelisma4144 5 місяців тому


  • @susmango1591
    @susmango1591 Рік тому

    I want a nuke one

  • @ipq-bx7mz
    @ipq-bx7mz Рік тому

    You promised for it to be balanced nah it just spins

  • @OliLechowicz
    @OliLechowicz 28 днів тому

    my missle didnt explode >:(

  • @Barry-tr8cb
    @Barry-tr8cb 5 місяців тому +1

    The missile doesn’t work😡😡😡

    • @blacknack_817
      @blacknack_817 5 місяців тому

      If the missile didn't work for you, you must have done something wrong because it works perfectly for me.

    • @microwave-c4u
      @microwave-c4u 4 місяці тому


  • @EnchantedCalamity
    @EnchantedCalamity 3 місяці тому

    the explosions don't work

  • @timmoon674
    @timmoon674 3 роки тому +1

    no this is a dumb scam it doesent work with my missile truck

  • @daskeptwocal2657
    @daskeptwocal2657 2 роки тому +1

    My bombs wont explode

  • @Hohohomoni
    @Hohohomoni 2 роки тому

    This thing bad i keep on teleported to the voidw hen using it

  • @butterfliege885
    @butterfliege885 2 роки тому

    it doesnt explode oh well.

  • @FrRome
    @FrRome 2 роки тому

    it doesnt explode for me

  • @fentmeister
    @fentmeister Рік тому

    Mine is not exploding

  • @FlipaClipMusicMaker
    @FlipaClipMusicMaker Рік тому

    In Moblie It Donest Work

  • @hexsiongaming4462
    @hexsiongaming4462 3 роки тому

    doesnt work for me its unbalanced asf

  • @GrandaLoogie
    @GrandaLoogie 3 роки тому

    nice :)

  • @AmedeusFazliu
    @AmedeusFazliu 7 місяців тому

    yea bro its fake its not even possible to control i cant even do it to go straight in ipad it doesent work it just gos wobbly and nothing else

      @N0TH1NGTOSEE 6 місяців тому

      Its prob just hard in ipad or mobile since im in mobile and its preety hard to control but i could get the hang of it

  • @epicmangames823
    @epicmangames823 Рік тому


  • @slimtickett
    @slimtickett 3 роки тому


  • @chaivozz5387
    @chaivozz5387 3 роки тому


  • @timmoon674
    @timmoon674 3 роки тому


  • @bbbaalllss
    @bbbaalllss 11 місяців тому

    because its so wobbly there is 0% im going to hit anything with this thing garbage

  • @timmoon674
    @timmoon674 3 роки тому


  • @timmoon674
    @timmoon674 3 роки тому
