Mass Communication (Code: BSCS-111) ~ 2nd Semester ~ Paper 2015 Solution

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • #exam #pastpapers #foryou #masscommunication #mass #punjabuniversity #foryou #2ndsemester
    Important Questions
    Differentiate between Encoding and Decoding with the help of
    Explain the language barriers in Communication?
    What is folk media ?
    What is Framing in Communication ?
    What is the importance of Opinion Leader ? Elaborate with the help of
    suitable example?
    What do you know about the process of Communication ? Explain in
    detail ?
    Write down a detailed note on Agenda Setting theory ?
    What is the Importance of TV as a tool of Mass Communication ?
    Name any five psychological barriers of communication process ?
    What are the requisites of successful sender ?
    Explain four functions of mass media ?
    What is the importance of Opinion Leader ? Elaborate with the help of
    two examples ?
    Name and explain any three formats of Newspaper ?
    What do you know about the process of communication elaborate its
    elements in detail ?
    Explain role of mass media in Agenda Setting ?
    Explain different types of barriers in communication ?
    Define communication and state its types ?
    Write a note on the importance of opinion Leader ?
    What are the essentials of effective communication ?
    Highlight the basic functions of mass communication ?
    What is the importance of feedback in the process of communication
    Explain the process of communication and elaborate all the elements
    with relative examples ?
    Media sets agenda in the mind of people. Explain the idea with current
    situation of Pakistani media ?
    Barrier in the communication process hinders the way of
    understanding the message . Put some light on general
    communication barriers ?
    Define the term communication also explain the types ?
    Draw the process of Communication?
    How is mass media playing its role in opinion formation ?
    Differentiate between encoding and decoding ?
    State any two essentials of effective communication ?
    Write a detailed note on agenda setting role of mass media elaborate
    your argument with the help of suitable example ?
    Infotainment is a special form of communication used by media . Put
    some light in the context of Pakistani media content ?
    Opinion leader has important place in the society. Highlight their
    roles stating the socio Political situation of Pakistan ?
    Elaborate the concept of communication ?
    State the importance of feedback in the process of communication ?
    Elaborate a few functions of mass communication with relevant
    examples ?
    Draw a comparison between print and electronic media which one is
    more effective these days ?
    Draw the process of communication stating various aspects involved
    in it .
    Agenda setting is the backbone of any communication on media ?
    Elaborate the levels of agenda setting how it is exhibit in media
    platform ?
    Explain various types of communication state examples to elaborate
    the concept ?
    What is included in print media write its types
    Which medium is the most effective medium of communication in the
    current time ?
    Which medium is the most effective medium of communication in the
    current time ?
    What is the importance of feedback in the process of communication
    What is extrapersonal communication give examples
    Give example of communication without the use of words what is it
    called ?
    Differentiate between print and electronic media ?
    Differentiate between intrapersonal and interpersonal communication
    Define agenda setting in mass media ?
    Explain development function of mass media ?
    What is the importance of feedback in communication process ?
    Define communication explain the process of communication ?
    What are the barriers hurdles or obstacles in the process of
    communication explain the language and psychological barriers ?
    What are the functions of mass communication in a society explain
    with relevant example ?
    Differentiate between communication and Mass Communication ?
    What is semantic barrier in communication process ?
    Explain Barradock Extension ?
    Define agenda setting in mass media ?
    Explain elaborate SMCR model of communication ?
    Define communication explain different types of communication with
    relevant examples ?
    Explain the Shannon and Weaver model of Communication ?
    What are the functions of mass communication in a society explain
    with relevant examples ?
    What are the different barriers in communication ?
    Explain process of communication ?
    Write a short note on traditional
    media ?
    Briefly explain the effect of mass media on society ?
    Discuss the significance of newspaper in today's era with example ?
    Describe the key functions of media ?
    Discuss the role of media in agenda setting with reference to political
    conflicts of Pakistan ?
    Discuss the pros and cons of new media in present times ?
    Write down the importance of books with examples ?