
  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • 《非你莫屬》職場性和娛樂性兼具,為受眾樹立健康的求職觀,引導正確價值觀,並在節目中製造較好的良性精彩沖突!每期12名企業高管組成波士團現場招聘,具有不凡身世背景及奮鬥經歷的他們,將對應聘者進行最犀利的評判和最嚴格的挑選。《非你莫屬》有一定的娛樂性但又兼顧了職場人生、職場話題與爭議等一系列「沖突」元素,直指全球的熱點和難題、中國社會婚戀之外的熱點--就業問題!歡迎你的訂閱及轉發!"Must be you" is both professional and entertaining. It sets up a healthy outlook on job hunting for the audience, guides the correct values, and creates better benign and wonderful conflicts in the program! In each phase, 12 senior executives form a Boshi group for on-site recruitment. They will make the sharpest judgment and the strictest selection on the candidates who have extraordinary life background and struggle experience. "Must you" is entertaining to a certain extent, but it also takes into account a series of "conflict" elements such as career life, career topics and disputes. It directly points to global hot spots and problems, and the hot spot outside marriage and love in Chinese Society - employment! Welcome to subscribe and forward!


  • @user-fw6rh1ud9r
    @user-fw6rh1ud9r 18 днів тому


  • @sunjane8481
    @sunjane8481 18 днів тому

    10 分的人,不该出来相情。

  • @user-fw6rh1ud9r
    @user-fw6rh1ud9r 18 днів тому


  • @kevinpin8393
    @kevinpin8393 17 днів тому

    第一对,大爷口味那么刁还找啥对象,自摸多好!又不花钱,又不被自己看不上的女性糟蹋了贵体,省精省力,又不惹闲气。第二对,大爷71 还那么年轻,反观大妈,68却显得比大爷大一轮,还说大爷像个娘们。其实,人家配她绰绰有余。我觉得挺纳闷,人都这么大岁数了,对性还能这么上瘾吗?老头老太太们胃口都够好的。