Yeah, Nogla is that friend that just pisses you off 90% of the time and wont shut the fuck up or fix it... but hey we need to have a sped kid in every youtube gaming group so I don't want him to go
Yo tyler i know you get this alot but i love you and the crew you guys genuinely helped me grow up and got me through a lot of hard times. You will always be my favorite youtuber dawg
I don't know how to describe it so perfectly in words but, you and Pasta somehow just *click in-game* when you get paired up as Impostor teammates. Similar to how you & Nogla would steamroll lobbies back then, you & Pasta just throw the lobby curveball after curveball with every kill.
Hey Tyler recently got your stimpack sampler tried cyber sunrise and electric lemonade so far SOOO good I absolutely love it and I stay focused and game at my best I love Glitch energy.❤❤
@@TheOmegaRiddler I find that unlikely, since Jester was the one that was voted out and also marked Ozza as a jester. Its possible that it's a glitch in the mod due to not accounting for the possibility of both Jester and Survivor technically teaching their win conditions at the same time
@@carlosrosado6130 Is that not what I said. I just simplified it. In a situation where you have a survivor and a jester in the final 3, the survivor role overrides the jester role and hijacks the role. Both met conditions to win but only one could win so it gave it to the survivor.
Ozza was Arsonist, all he had to do was kill himself and the game was done. Court was Survivor, but the fact that Wildcat (Jester) got voted out should have given Tyler the win, so why did Ozza win when he didn't kill himself via Arsonist?
@@draconismaximus4102 all good dude, I looked up a video on UA-cam about transcript give aways and it showed hos to see if scammer and I knew right away, thank tho ❤❤❤
I somehow knew you were going to upload. So the next time you upload, I think it is COD. Since it’s Monday, you might be filming for another Among us video.
What if the glitch have the ability to hack an imposter and take the ability to call sabotages. Or when the glitch kills an imposter they hit that ability
Pasta’s ending scream of betrayal is wonderful
Do you guys think pasta is fine af?
@@___MilkMan___ never seen her real face so idk
@@___MilkMan___ Don't be a creep
@@N.P.C. I agree here. It ain’t relevant
@@___MilkMan___ she’s so pretty!!! Look up “pasta roni ravioli face”
the pasta wildcat friendship is amazing
4:00 Himi's sounds of Disappointment and Defeat sounds so satisfying. 😂😂
Pasta and Wildcat cause amazing chaos together and I love it. Also nice glitch win.
Keep up the good work Tyler, glad to see you find a game that you enjoy and that you can constantly make amazing content with
You hear how vibrant Moo's laughs are when there's no Nogla around
Yeah, Nogla is that friend that just pisses you off 90% of the time and wont shut the fuck up or fix it... but hey we need to have a sped kid in every youtube gaming group so I don't want him to go
@@thatoneleaf9895 he's literally autistic, be nice.
Wonder why that is
Noglas still better, he only does it because he knows how easy it is to piss him off
@@thatoneleaf9895 yeah that’s why you are allowed on this platform
The meeting where Himi was brought back to life just to get voted out hilarious
3:58 That’s the sound of someone hopeless and backstabbed 💀💀
Yo tyler i know you get this alot but i love you and the crew you guys genuinely helped me grow up and got me through a lot of hard times. You will always be my favorite youtuber dawg
Same bro I relate to you
Wildcat here. Wildcat here. Hey guys it's wildcat.
attention seeker bruh
22 now and still watching this bullshit after 9 years. Idk if it's Stockholm or nostalgia
Thanks again for more content Tyler, always manages to get me howling.
*barks at you*
The way pasta said "oh my brains"burnin" and the little hands had me dying
Is the moment you can hear his voice as he gives up on life
I don't know how to describe it so perfectly in words but, you and Pasta somehow just *click in-game* when you get paired up as Impostor teammates.
Similar to how you & Nogla would steamroll lobbies back then, you & Pasta just throw the lobby curveball after curveball with every kill.
Haven't had a Pasta sidebar death in a while. Love those.
Pastas scream at the end hilarious
I love pastas scream at the very end
"My brain is burning." Me too, Pasta, me too.
i’d love to do a collab with pasta cuz my laugh and her laugh together would just be a chefs kiss😭
Love the vids never complained about a video having any lacking features because everythings awesome and that still stands🤘🏽
Is this the first time Pasta & Wildcat won together?
Watching a Hello Fresh integration while also working at Hello Fresh is such a strange feeling.
Porkit and HORKIT!
You make my smoke seshs so much better when u post💜
Brocks giggles are one of my favourite things ever 😂😂
Keep doing these, mister wildcat
God i love Brock's laugh 😂
Pasta's screams get me every time an that one at the end just killed me 😂😂
That Play by speedy tho Lmao Straight cleaned house in one turn
Love your videos Wildcat keep up the good work. You and your friends make me laugh.
Brock's giggle is the best. XD
Hey Tyler recently got your stimpack sampler tried cyber sunrise and electric lemonade so far SOOO good I absolutely love it and I stay focused and game at my best I love Glitch energy.❤❤
11:27 well said
Love the Pasta Team Work
yessirrrr i’m hyped every time i see a new vid
Among us videos are the best it reminds me of gmod days 😂
this new call of duty dlc is crazy
Whenever you get a wildcat notification you just got to click☺️
I felt so bad for Himi when he was swapped xD
imagine being jester with a swapper lover
Love the vids 💛💙❤️
I still need to know why ozza won as jester while wildcat was jester
Survivor trumps Jester?
@@TheOmegaRiddler I find that unlikely, since Jester was the one that was voted out and also marked Ozza as a jester. Its possible that it's a glitch in the mod due to not accounting for the possibility of both Jester and Survivor technically teaching their win conditions at the same time
@@carlosrosado6130 Is that not what I said. I just simplified it. In a situation where you have a survivor and a jester in the final 3, the survivor role overrides the jester role and hijacks the role. Both met conditions to win but only one could win so it gave it to the survivor.
@@TheOmegaRiddler you are so confidently incorrect… Ozza was arsonist
Ozza was Arsonist, all he had to do was kill himself and the game was done. Court was Survivor, but the fact that Wildcat (Jester) got voted out should have given Tyler the win, so why did Ozza win when he didn't kill himself via Arsonist?
I love when you team up with pasta
3:59 needs to be clipped right now
I thought it said swooper instead of swapper and I was so excited for the forbidden lover killer duo
Happy early 8 mill
Merry Christmas
Love this Content
Love your video Wildcat
Yo W Horkit and Porkit 👑
An entire Glitch round as a Sheriff. So he never even had to hack. Lmfao
That was the most big brain play
Awesome person have a fun playing your game wild cat 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷
Pasta gives me tiny tina vibes😂
Daaaaammm gg my man wel played 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
đón chờ những ca khúc tiếp theo của Phúc, càng nghe càng thích giọng ca của Phúc ❤️
what is that song called at 8:30?
Very Nice Bro! Get Good Gamers!
Perfect glitch game
Yessir thanks wildcat
Wildcat know how to cook amazing
lying was on point this game
Welp, at least you didn't lie about getting the imposters out XD
0:04 me when someone Giggle without say anything
Love you wildcat keep doing what you are doing! Also may I add what a sexy outro video to your ad 😏😏
can we all get bigjigglypanda to 2 mill subs hes been at 1.9 mil this entire year
Whats the song at 5:20
Very intrigued how Hello Fresh and Factor have no issue being advertised by the same channel
As I've heard many of the crew there say but Glitch is hard to win with nice win Wildcat
Caring 2022 fr
Ayooooo new upload
I burnt my Hello Fresh while watching this
Hello fresh is pretty lit I’ve been using it for while now and it makes cooking pretty easy and fun
8:12 uhhh wtf happened 💀
So close to 8 mill
Thank you
@@littleraygunm2701 it’s a scam bro sorry, it’s happening all over UA-cam
@@draconismaximus4102 all good dude, I looked up a video on UA-cam about transcript give aways and it showed hos to see if scammer and I knew right away, thank tho ❤❤❤
When all else fails, vote HORKIT!!!!
I somehow knew you were going to upload. So the next time you upload, I think it is COD. Since it’s Monday, you might be filming for another Among us video.
Congratulations on rank 69
Norkit and corkit
bark bark!
video good
Tyler’s iq is crazy
What if the glitch have the ability to hack an imposter and take the ability to call sabotages. Or when the glitch kills an imposter they hit that ability
Pasta in the thumbnail=insta click
why the hell did the confetti last so long for
is wildcat the new Officer Porkchops?
We doing duos now? This isn’t war zone 😂
So turns out in among us I use the same costume as wonton the lab coat and crown combo while being yellow or banana color
I'm at school 2 periods away from my lunch and that hello fresh add makes my stomach angry
Early to the video let's goooo
So you got paired with Horkit then?
Swapper + Jester or Swapper + Executioner though...