Congrats on getting your first cover of the channel out in the world Purin! Cute song with kinda bittersweet lyrics, fitting for our mush lord heh🙏 ...watching your head sway side to side is kinda hypnotising😵💫
I am no longer depressed and feel that everthing is wonderful after this incredible cover. I also loved when you said ''Its Purin time'' and purin'd all over. Congrats on your first cover and I am fangirling for your success Purin.
10/10 chichin puwin puwin has healed my soul and all my debts have been cleared, my jobs promoted, my cat happy and my future blessed Otsuuuuu, is very cute!! 😭
Congrats on getting your first cover of the channel out in the world Purin!
Cute song with kinda bittersweet lyrics, fitting for our mush lord heh🙏
...watching your head sway side to side is kinda hypnotising😵💫
I am no longer depressed and feel that everthing is wonderful after this incredible cover.
I also loved when you said ''Its Purin time'' and purin'd all over.
Congrats on your first cover and I am fangirling for your success Purin.
this is good to play in bad days
"but shiina, you play it almost everyday"
shh, its not because the day is bad, but bcs this cover is good
Congrats on the first cover song in you channel Purin! Its so cute with you adorable singing, thank you for giving us this. Love the animation too. o7
You're one of the best singers out there honestly. Legendary.
She's singing! ❤
This is your first cover? I'm glad I got to be here to witness it!
My algo told me to get chichinpuipui from you, so I did. I'm healed for today. Your singing and the MV are both too lovely
Imut kali lah ❤
OtsuPurin, otsu semua yg terlibat
Purin… that was an excellent performance in that cover! I will be supporting you a little harder now.
Congrats on the cover! Your voice is so amazing ^^
Congratulations on your first cover, I replay the song so much I broke the refresh key xD
Congratulations on the cover successful release !! 🍮✨️ It turned out really lovely... 10/10 would be chichin puipui'd again
It's always such a pleasure to hear your covers Purin! Now that I took a listen to the lyrics, it kinda fits you jajaja
Im blessed with this cover, Thank you Puwiii for the cover!!!
10/10 chichin puwin puwin has healed my soul and all my debts have been cleared, my jobs promoted, my cat happy and my future blessed
Otsuuuuu, is very cute!! 😭
Chichin puyin puyin 💫✨
I love this song, I'm so glad you covered it! It's a very Purin song and your voice suits it so well 🙏
Thank you for all of your hard work on this cover for the channel
so cute ☺️ purins voice is so pretty 🥰
So good! Thanks, Purin!
Too cute!! I feel so blessed to be able to listen to this❤
Congrats on first cover 💚 Chi-chin-Purin-Purin 🍮
viralkan masee
Cute purin 🥺
Nuuuu i miss the premiere oh welp
Kyut coverrrrr tskr🙏
So adorable
just to inform you. this is the 94x times i play it for daily dose of happiness.
🥺🥺 Ciaaaaaaaaaa
GOD dayum love it
Extremely cute ❤️💕💞💖
Mantap mba
i had bad day, but after watch this video, me happy again thamks 😆
cute singing
cute !
Hmmmmmmm bulat.
lucu banget sih anak orang