Thanks for the video! It actually helped me a lot, i got it installed thanks! do you think there is something similar but instead of usernames it would be emails? thanks again!
right click on the maigret file in your desktop go to properties, under location it might say "onedrive" or something similar if you have that issue then you have to enter cd OneDrive, then cd desktop. Im pretty sure. "How to Solved System Cannot Find The Path Specified In Windows 10 || Cd Desktop command not working" look that up on youtube to see for yourself
Did you save the file as a PDF or HTML format?..if you did - Just use the command "open" + the file name on you terminal and the file will pop-up with you search report📄
That's stupid. This information is already openly available. Anyone with a mind to do it can make their own software and then do whatever malicious actions they want. All this does is make it easier for your mom to find out about what weird sites you visited. By the way, this is effectively a search engine. So you are calling Google and Bing illegal sites.
It works for a few sites and then gives a long error report due to an unhandled exception. How do I fix this?
Thanks for the video! It actually helped me a lot, i got it installed thanks! do you think there is something similar but instead of usernames it would be emails? thanks again!
Try holehe
when I open the file, it says "no usernames to check" and closes itself, what can I do about it?
Me toi
When i type cd Desktop i just get red errors been trying for ages please help!!!
That's odd, it should work. You can try using the command; cd "C:\Users\YourUsername\Desktop"
right click on the maigret file in your desktop go to properties, under location it might say "onedrive" or something similar if you have that issue then you have to enter cd OneDrive, then cd desktop. Im pretty sure. "How to Solved System Cannot Find The Path Specified In Windows 10 || Cd Desktop command not working" look that up on youtube to see for yourself
Or just avoid the problem altogether by not just copying what you see and stick the thing in the c drive
the report file is empty there nothing in there? why?
Did you save the file as a PDF or HTML format?..if you did - Just use the command "open" + the file name on you terminal and the file will pop-up with you search report📄
Using windowspower shell and the cd stuff wont work!!
is outdated by any chance because its not working for me
This tool should be illegal
That's stupid. This information is already openly available. Anyone with a mind to do it can make their own software and then do whatever malicious actions they want. All this does is make it easier for your mom to find out about what weird sites you visited.
By the way, this is effectively a search engine. So you are calling Google and Bing illegal sites.
If you people don't even know how to use cd then maybe don't bother with this tool