In Space Marine (second game after old Titanicus), a medium titan like a Reaver (three weapons IIRC) could destroy several stands of infantry or a few tanks, depending on the weapons selected. Also infantry had poor or no armor saves and while vehicles had a better save, one hit destroyed them. I ran Eldar and the Phantom could dish out a ton of laser firepower with two pulsars and the lascannon wing weapons; even better was the pulsars area effect (the blast template, good against infantry) or a D6 direct fire shots (good against Titans, Gargants, demons, etc.)
We don't always have similar takes, Jay, but I think your idea of Epic as the exclusive design-space of "things that wouldn't fit on a table in 40K" is spot-on. It really makes 'what they're delivering instead' seem safe and insipid, if less likely to lose GW buckets of money...
I imagine it was a fight to get even this out, so they want to make it as risk adverse as possible. If it sells well we may see it expanding to 40K. I don't think Nids or Necrons were near as popular as they are now (or even existing) last time they were making Epic, and I would love to see what they do with giant Necron minis.
well, history is repeating itself, back in the 80's it started with Titans before going into 40K. The box had a bunch of building and space marines in Mark 6 armor and then they just added on different races and including Mark 7 marines so there is nothing stopping them from doing the same. I'm sure it won't take much to adapt the rules. I had a big Blood Angel and Eldar army which sadly I sold off years ago. I even had the Nurgle upgrades for the Titians. They looked great. Anyway, great Channel you've inspired me to start painting again, I just pulled out my 1974 Warhammer first edition Goblins. rug Longtooth will be taking to the battlefield again. To know who that is you need the supplement forces of fantasy.
I loved the way that there were no bases on vehicles back when I was playing Space Marine…in 1989 or something like that. Maybe I played though to the 90s on and off. Thé scale lends itself to Ork and other canon fodder forces without remortgaging the house. The orders system for Space Marine (Epic 40k) was amazing as it puts you as the player in a commander role more than 40k. Going to look over the rules for this. Of course legions was chosen to stamp out the legions name for Star Wars Legion…maybe? “Wanna play legions this weekend? “
Something small scale like this feels perfect for university students. Moving to and from university all the time i dont wanna slog around boxes upon boxes of minis and terrain. Something small like this however, a couple armies and some terrain could fit in a relatively small box, and could be so easily packed up, moved, and played anywhere. I wish there was more variety in the models so yeah maybe 40k wouldve been a better setting but im still very interested
Think you’re getting a bit mixed up with the years and there were multiple editions of “Epic”. Epic Armageddon was the final official version of Epic and was released in the 2000’s. The game released in 1988 was the original Adeptus Titanicus which was followed in 1989 by Space Marine. This is considered 1st edition. They then changed up the rules and made a 2nd edition of Space Marine in 1991 and added to it with Titan Legions in 1994. This was 2nd edition. They changed the rules again and released Epic 40K in 1997. That was 3rd edition. Then in the 2000’s released Epic Armageddon which is 4th edition.
I'm going to give it a shot, though when depends on price, having just splashed out on Leviathan. Though I wonder if this box will be like the Age of Darkness one and stick around. They say there's no plans for epic 40k but I bet they'll be judging it on the success of this version, though even then, it'll probably still be 3-4 years away. Also important to note that they say Epic Scale on the side of the boxes which could be them leaving the door open
That is my suspicion too. Launch Epic in 30k to limit the number of factions. If it does well enough, expand to 40k and other races. Hell, it is compatible with Aeronautica Imperialis, where you already have the likes of Orks and Eldar.
I think Horus Heresy Epic is the only way I would play Horus Heresy. I already have some 40k armies. I don't want to build another one with different rules. If they make fliers good in this Epic scale, I am in. Fliers are almost too hard to do in 40k.
I think with bringing back The Old World and pushing 30K, GW are trying to have the option for two time periods in each of their two main lines. The main time period where they have legends of the near mythical before time and the actual before times where you can see just how those legends really played out.
Back in the original Titanicus we had other races, they existed and there was conflicts with them during the Heresy, so Eldar and Ork armies should be released at least.. I think them going Horus Heresy doesn't *have* to exclude many of the other races, but of course that doesn't mean we'll see them, this is probably it, Imperials vs Heretic only
I liked the ease of army creation of Space Marine; pick a point value, get your cards and start laying out company, support and special cards (each company allowed five support and one special cards). Only played a couple games of Epic 40K but didn't care for the army 'host' creation but blast markers (representing disruption) and the morale clock (a game timer) were good touches. One of my favorite games at a convention were my Eldar alongside Space Marines against Orks in a massive city fight; huge city blocks and not a lot of lines of sight. The Ork player used (cunningly to my surprise) his Gargants gut-buster cannon to knock down buildings to crate fire zones and open up the board. I ran down a flank with my Phantoms, got side and rear shots with pulsars and lascannons to easily strip power fields and put a bunch of fires on them. One of the Phantoms got a perfect rear shot with its heat lance, destroying a Gargant by blowing out its engine and causing a chain reaction. Ah yes, the good old Squat Landtrain with two 'nuke cars' and that Colossus was cool.
the thing about the Heresy era games... the armies can be either traitor or loyalist... well for those who became traitor anyway, same with renegade... Horus has Loyalist and Traitor rules
@6:17 agreed, also bumbed. epic 40k had so many more races. also chaos dwoorfs. those tanks were freeking awesome. idn care. where are my chaos tanks!? also the tyranid modles were dope, that tyranid dude, mrpink
Honestly, as a necron player myself, I kind of disagree. The war in heaven and the shattering of the C’Tan lasted 5 million years. I would rather leave the whole time as a mysterious legend, and nothing more, because there’s no way GW can make something that lives up to that scale.
My main concern is because its Horus Heresy setting only a lot of people will pass on playing it and that may give GW the idea that people just arent as interest and so not pursue a 40k setting. I hope it does well cos I want to see it expand into 40k mainly
Epic Armegeddon was release in the 90's. The '88 release was the original Adeptus Titanicus which did eventually add rules for Heresy era infantry and tanks. Shortly after that they released the ruleset for Space Marine which used the same scale and added some of the xenos and full chaos.
I personally was Very excited for the new Epic ! Loved to See Crons in Epic Scale 🤩 But with the Release only for 30k i felt pretty dissapointed, too. Well. Saves me at least the Money 😂
@@angelnaranjo7534 definitely ! I were super excited, when the First teaser dropped 🤪 Maybe there will be a new Version of Gothic, which is more based on the original 🤔
I'm excited to go back to the small scale. SM/TL era Epic was my first GW game and Epic:Armageddon is my favorite set of rules to ever come out of GW. So far we haven't heard that much about the rules, but it seems like the new rules have both hidden order placement like SM/TL had and alternating activations like E:A. I hope we also see the risk/reward mechanic of maintaining innitiative to activate two units in a row, with a higher chance of the unit refusing to follow orders from E:A. That would mash some of the most unique mechanics of these games into something that could be quite interesting. SM/TL played with hidden information in a way other GW games haven't, while the E:A style activation system really made you go into the tank, trying to exploit units that already had their activation and were somewhat misplaced, trying to figure out if that in turn would leave your units in a position that units that hadn't activated yould make use of. And the maintaining initiative rules allowed for things like moving a unit behind the enemy to cut off lines of retreat and then charging in with another unit, which would have the enemy flee right into the set-up. If the rules generate these types of strategic options, it'll be worthwile to get into the system. As for the setting, Epic started as a game based on Titans in the heresy (well, the heresy was invented to justify having Warlord Titans facing off against one another) and then got expanded with the Legions. It was the success of that version, which only had Titans and Marines, which led to the expansion to other forces - The first Edition of Space Marine ("Epic Battles in the age of Heresy") got Orks and Eldar releases with rules printed in WD, which was then followed by SM 2nd Ed. ("Epic Conflict in the War Torn Universe of the 41st Millennium"), which brought in the other factions seeing expansions for Eldar, Guard, Marines, AdMech, Knights, Tyranids, Chaos, Orks and Squats. With E:A they went with 3 factions on release (Marines, IG and Orks) with another 3 in an expansion (Eldar, another flavor of IG, another flavor of Orks). I think the Heresy setting allows for plenty of releases to check if there is a market and we might see an expansion to other forces later on. But as I said, I expect the rules to be really different from everything else.
Tbh I do like it alot definitely getting titanicus and imperalis and splitting it with a friend. It's slightly disappointing to see no xenos scum , but having many titans and planes is pleasing. Definitely gonna build a hive city for a gaming board for this.
I bought 2 titan walkers about 6 months ago standing the same height as a dreadnought with the cities on back sitting in my pile o is emperors children colors and they took time to paint stained glass windows on the legs (I just wonder if that was pre heresy) before fulcrum turned?
I've seen some folks convert various Ork stuff to use in Adeptus Titanicus (Just with knight rules) and that is something I thought about trying out. Dunno if I'd get into this, but I'd LOVE to have some tiny tiny ork minis (like the Squiggoth)
I was so excited when I was told Epic was making a return. I was prepared to go digging for my old Ork army from 20 years ago. Then I was told that it was going to be 30K and I just felt deflated.
I started working on a knight army in 7mm scale and its been very cool so far. Im looking forward to playing regular 40k on a 7mm scale board so I can carry it around with me easily. I'll buy this starter set probably. But im going to use them as extras for tiny 40k. Tiny 40k is gonna be great.
I owned the original "Space Marine" game which i picked up in 1989 i think. I never played anything bigger than Company-sized Marine v Marine games but i recall enjoying it. I look forward to mixing Aircraft & Titans into mass Tank formations. Glad its back. Im especially hyped for the 30k setting. I could care less about the Xenos Armies in Epic. Fingers crossed for an October release.
Just wanted to mention a thought you had on your other vid about box sets not having compartments built in for game sets. Crack open your battletech box and you'll see the form-fit plastic holders for their pre-built miniatures, you'll also find the the A Game of Armoured Combat box not only contains 8 miniatures with form-fit holders as well as several goodies included such as cardboard cut-outs to slap together multiple miniature action as well as rules, map sheets and info decks for quick-start rules and world building. (side note I had a dream where I was hanging out with you and your mates and you seemed like really cool dudes)
Makes sense, there is industrial printers that more bells and whistles than consumer equipment. Also, part of the point with 3d printed prototyping is to design it and quickly print it so you get to see it for real.
@@samwhitaker8809 Injection moulds are made of metal, not resin. It needs a CNC machine and is the slow, expensive bit of miniature manufacture. Prototype miniatures are direct prints in resin, I believe.
Also for people not willing to spend the amount of money on 200+ miniatures you could use standard 40k/30k rules for the space marines and infantry models to save money on the full scaled models! And adding titans/knights would be easy as well
Can't say I agree with your criticism of the names....Heresy is the "historical wargaming" sub brand of GW, and they go full roman on all the names...I think that the Liber Hereticus would lose a lot of its charm if it was just called Traitor Army Book etc....
Agreed Legions and aeronautica sound quite fancy. Like the stuff you’d expect to get muttered by lord generals, and imperial nobles around a holo table in a war room. Makes it feel fancy.
Agree with all those who are saying they would prefer this for WH40k rather than 30K. Plus disappointed to see that Adeptus Titanicus and Imperialis Aeronautica have both been dropped - or at least most of the ranges are no longer available which amounts to the same thing
I gotta say, I love this! I'm a SPACE MARINE fan. I have the 2nd Edition of Epic SPACE MARINE with Space Marines, Orks and Eldar and some buildings, and the 3rd Edition Rules and Epic Armageddon Rules. I have that same box of Titans you have, I also have a few random tanks and Dreads. I have spent a lot of time researching and trying to figure out what rules I wanted to use and how I wanted to base them. I also found people who run their armies using alternate rules like DRAGON RAMPANT and HORDES OF THE THINGS. Now I'm even more torn on what direction to go with that old 6mm stuff. Just let it languish? Use a rule set that enables me to use everything I have? I'm having a hard time resisting wanting to buy this, as I did when the Age of Darkness Box came out. I don't need anymore of this stuff. I have a lifetime supply. I will sell things off at time. Then I feel justified in buying more, newer, cooler stuff. I imagine it's going to be expensive and suck me down a rabbit-hole of spending I don't need to go. lately I've been using the excitement of new releases to inspire me to pull out and work on/finish similar projects. Seeing all the things I have, reminds me that I really shouldn't buy more stuff. If it is still available after I finish a few more projects, maybe I could reward myself with a big new box of stuff. You have to embrace FOMO. Yes, you might miss out. You could end up paying more, down the road. But if you have patience, you can usually find a reasonable deal after a few years. Better yet wait at least 3 years, then it might be obsolete anyway.
I agree. I am the right demo for this. I have been circling micro size games for sooo long, and I would love a reboot of epic Armageddon. I have no interest in heresy and I am baffled by the name. I was so close to jump the gun on warmaster, but now settled for Argatoria a polish babarian rank and flank 10mm game. I’m happy supporting a new game from a small company. If GW keeps going and people play it, I would be tempted to jump the gun
My first game of Warhammer was epic, I painted a blue and a red team. At the time it only had troops and tanks, it advertised on the box of titans coming. Never played Warhammer again after that box until like 5 years ago. I would love for them to come out with a 40k epic.
The original Epic games from GW were 'Titanicus' and 'Space Marine - the Horus Heresy'. All the Xenos races got added in later editions; so GW is sort of following in their own old footsteps. I suspect if it does well, they will expand it like they did before. I just wish the scale of the new game was a bit closer to the scale of the old game so I could use all my old infantry and tanks from the original Epic games.
I‘m already set to getting a box, even if it is just for decoration next to my AT titans. I used some old epic stuff for their bases, but being able to play with combined arms in that scale excites me. Sure, it is unfortunate that we won’t get xenos anytime soon even though Eldar have an established set of designs. But imo AT18 is the best game GW offer at the moment and if LI manages to be good as well, this might be my permanent fix for 40k cravings after the disappointment of 10th. And 9th. And 8th… 😊
Can’t wait for these minis. It’ll be a nice pallet cleanser from all the aos that I paint. Also I’m really happy that it’s 30k . I like 40k an all but I just really like the legions. It is a good idea to do the great crusade to. Good video jay
Horus heresy makes perfect sense for epic and I'm super excited for it. The wars were grandiose with tens of thousands of space marines all at once. But I absolutely love the Horus heresy and have been wanting an Epic version for it for a long time. I want epic versions of the primarchs now. But I would also love if they had stuff for the great crusade. That would be a lot of fun.
It will really take off when they release Orks for it. I think that people that will be on the fence for it will become immediate buyers if/when Orks are added.
The fact they're Mark VI armour makes it less appealing too, because it really locks you into one specific period and design aesthetic too. That said, epic scale primarchs could be amusing models.
Rogue Trader 40K era Space Marines all apparently wore Mark VI armour for whatever reason so you can get away with that. I'd prefer them to be in Mark V as that's a bit more era specific.
The thing you have to remember is that Horus Heresy, Aeronautica and Titanicus are all run by the specialist game studio. Epic 40K would just be such a big ask for a small-ish team. At least with 30k it’s marines vs marines or Titan vs Titan, there’s capacity for variation in list building or army rules but you know that one faction isn’t outright broken due to its units alone. We can see just off the back of the 10E indexes that 40K is super hard to balance, some armies are broken whilst others are eating dirt and that was the efforts of a much larger studio.
I agree with you. The new names suck. And the 30k setting is a bummer. I agree that it was prolly the ammount of sprues needed that dipped the scales on the setting. Still as you pointed out. EPIC is still around and its great... but maybe thats another reason for the 30k setting? Due to neglect by GW Epic fans got creative and yeah most of 40k EPIC models are available as 3D Printfiles for free or as homecast "forumware"... that might be a reason why predicted sales for 30K were looking more lucrative. And yeah if you want to play EPIC, grab the PDF, crank up the 3D printer and you are ready to go in no time. I would love to watch an EPIC BatRep from you guys.
From a business standpoint, it kinda makes sense to set the first edition during the Heresy. Space Marines are the most popular faction, and the poster child of GW. I think if it does become popular enough, they will probably expand into being Epic.
I agree with you. I don't really care for the name but can live with it. But I am bummed out by the fact that its in 30k. I understand, easier to print, easier to balance, nothing too weird, but damn does it feel like a bit of a let down. I know marines are the poster boys but the opportunity to field a bunch of Stompas or more sleek tau ships and robots. Such a shame. I also do worry a bit about rules for the legions. I know you can paint your models anyway you want to but it feels a bit more taboo to do so for 30k times (maybe thats just me). And painting such small models looks like it might be dificult if you want to re-paint an army. I look forward to some of the rules and it might tempt me back into Gamesworkshop games (I recently stepped away from 40k for a while).
I also know Battletech guys can't print in PLA. Battletech is at about the same scale as Epic - a tank or a section sits on a little piece of plastic the size of your fingernail, since the focus is meant to be on piloted giant robots.
GW, in my opinion, tries way to hard to make 30k a thing, while it isn't a thing. And in addition, they use resin, which many people hate. Some more love to the 40k & AoS old armies would be much nicer imho.
I think they're starting with HH because that's the rules overlap crowd. Work on it over there, tighten up the rules, drum up excitement and then if it does (probably unrealistically) well they might port to 40k.
Dude Horus Heresy is super fun. Highly recommend. Just get the age of darkness box as a starter. That's more than enough to get started. It's super chunky and visceral.
I feel that. I have left sprues I have won in their boxes due to lacking the correct kind of base for them and not finding it relaxing to break the linearity of assemble, plan, paint, base.
I 3d print my epic, currently got a 4000 point imperial guard army and it has only cost around 20 AUD in resin. Not worth spending tones of money for plastic epic kits
I’m actually looking forward to it. I wasn’t too interested in Age of Darkness because it felt too much like 40K but I think this is enough different to be enjoyable for me. I also think that eventually they will have 40K rules and whatnot for this since everyone is talking about/wishing for it. All they would have to do is an expansion box that’s was focused on 40K to flip it over for anyone who would want it. 🤷🏻♀️ We shall see :D
The New Epic (Newpic?) launch box would have been so much better if it contained just the Space Marine Legion doubled up (much like the Age of Darkness box) so you could paint it as one huge army or two competing forces. The could have released the Solar Auxilia force as a separate army box instead.
I've been looking forward to this for a while since there have been rumours going around. I still am but luckily I didn't paint my space marine Aeronautica stuff as Black Templars since they aren't really going to be in it. It is a bit disappointing. I do hope they add Orks and Eldar since they were about at the time but it's going to depend on the popularity of the game. Hopefully enough people who have got into Aeronautica and Titanicus will buy in to make it worthwhile for GW to expand into other factions.
Definitely should have left the name as WH epic. It would be cool if they had 30k and 40K mini minies. I feel like they are doubling down on 30k with age of darkness and legion imperialis. I don’t know. Maybe I should start a 30k arm………….MOM CAN I GET AN ADVANCE ON MY ALLOWANCE!?!?!?! I never had risk. I did just want it to play with the dudes though. Maybe it was bring you kids to work day when they painted the mini 30k dudes and the kids got to dunk the models in Agrax. Lol. Thanks gents! Fantastic as always! We're streaming again! Follow us to get notified when we go live! Tuesday/Thursday 5:30pm to 8pm CT
As someone who plays Titanicus, I can't wait to see what kind of devastation a titan can bring to a target that isn't another titan or knight!
In Space Marine (second game after old Titanicus), a medium titan like a Reaver (three weapons IIRC) could destroy several stands of infantry or a few tanks, depending on the weapons selected. Also infantry had poor or no armor saves and while vehicles had a better save, one hit destroyed them.
I ran Eldar and the Phantom could dish out a ton of laser firepower with two pulsars and the lascannon wing weapons; even better was the pulsars area effect (the blast template, good against infantry) or a D6 direct fire shots (good against Titans, Gargants, demons, etc.)
We don't always have similar takes, Jay, but I think your idea of Epic as the exclusive design-space of "things that wouldn't fit on a table in 40K" is spot-on. It really makes 'what they're delivering instead' seem safe and insipid, if less likely to lose GW buckets of money...
I imagine it was a fight to get even this out, so they want to make it as risk adverse as possible. If it sells well we may see it expanding to 40K. I don't think Nids or Necrons were near as popular as they are now (or even existing) last time they were making Epic, and I would love to see what they do with giant Necron minis.
well at least we can expect GW to always pick the worst of two options XD
Happy cause models are cross-compatible, sad cause no itty bitty xenos titans.
Compatible with Titanicus/Aeronautica, not with old Epic
Also pretty much all the files you'd want are free if you printed them. And net Armageddon is well supported
Not completely compatible with aeronautica and some of it's models are disappearing for a dumb reason
Gotta love when they make models cross platform
Yet. None yet.
Unification Wars would have been the post-apocalyptic, wasteland-punk world war I'm still hoping for. there are insanely cool Artworks out there.
You either die an EPIC hero. Or you live long enough to become a Villain Imperialis.
well, history is repeating itself, back in the 80's it started with Titans before going into 40K. The box had a bunch of building and space marines in Mark 6 armor and then they just added on different races and including Mark 7 marines so there is nothing stopping them from doing the same. I'm sure it won't take much to adapt the rules. I had a big Blood Angel and Eldar army which sadly I sold off years ago. I even had the Nurgle upgrades for the Titians. They looked great. Anyway, great Channel you've inspired me to start painting again, I just pulled out my 1974 Warhammer first edition Goblins. rug Longtooth will be taking to the battlefield again. To know who that is you need the supplement forces of fantasy.
Happy Monday folks
I’d love for this to expand into 40k. Just keep creating boxsets, starting with a 40k box, since most of the factions did exist during HH
Get in on the Epic Armageddon community. You should do a video painting an army and playing. You could even do Orks vs Necrons.
I loved the way that there were no bases on vehicles back when I was playing Space Marine…in 1989 or something like that. Maybe I played though to the 90s on and off.
Thé scale lends itself to Ork and other canon fodder forces without remortgaging the house.
The orders system for Space Marine (Epic 40k) was amazing as it puts you as the player in a commander role more than 40k.
Going to look over the rules for this. Of course legions was chosen to stamp out the legions name for Star Wars Legion…maybe?
“Wanna play legions this weekend? “
The little marines are so adorable that I HAVE to get this. I hope you’ll get some to paint on the channel some day!
Something small scale like this feels perfect for university students. Moving to and from university all the time i dont wanna slog around boxes upon boxes of minis and terrain. Something small like this however, a couple armies and some terrain could fit in a relatively small box, and could be so easily packed up, moved, and played anywhere. I wish there was more variety in the models so yeah maybe 40k wouldve been a better setting but im still very interested
This isn't Epic. This is Titanicus with troops, tanks and planes.
Think you’re getting a bit mixed up with the years and there were multiple editions of “Epic”.
Epic Armageddon was the final official version of Epic and was released in the 2000’s.
The game released in 1988 was the original Adeptus Titanicus which was followed in 1989 by Space Marine. This is considered 1st edition.
They then changed up the rules and made a 2nd edition of Space Marine in 1991 and added to it with Titan Legions in 1994. This was 2nd edition.
They changed the rules again and released Epic 40K in 1997. That was 3rd edition. Then in the 2000’s released Epic Armageddon which is 4th edition.
Totally. And in my view, there is quite enough 40K going on.
The fan community has been making 40k epic proxies for years.
The most successful GW games always carry on, just look at Armies Project and fantasy ^^
yeah there are, even have Tau and Necron proxies. This is based in 30k but I'm sure if this does well GW will bring on the Aliens!
Looking forward to watching you paint a whole load of legions imperialis models…
I'm going to give it a shot, though when depends on price, having just splashed out on Leviathan. Though I wonder if this box will be like the Age of Darkness one and stick around.
They say there's no plans for epic 40k but I bet they'll be judging it on the success of this version, though even then, it'll probably still be 3-4 years away.
Also important to note that they say Epic Scale on the side of the boxes which could be them leaving the door open
That is my suspicion too. Launch Epic in 30k to limit the number of factions. If it does well enough, expand to 40k and other races. Hell, it is compatible with Aeronautica Imperialis, where you already have the likes of Orks and Eldar.
The Horus Heresy went from an epic story from the age of heroes to a tedious slog
I think Horus Heresy Epic is the only way I would play Horus Heresy. I already have some 40k armies. I don't want to build another one with different rules. If they make fliers good in this Epic scale, I am in. Fliers are almost too hard to do in 40k.
I think with bringing back The Old World and pushing 30K, GW are trying to have the option for two time periods in each of their two main lines. The main time period where they have legends of the near mythical before time and the actual before times where you can see just how those legends really played out.
Mmm 30k is more a way to get FW models to plastic, don‘t expect Legion Imperialis to get much support after a few months like 30k
GW just want to sell models, I don't think that they care about time periods
Back in the original Titanicus we had other races, they existed and there was conflicts with them during the Heresy, so Eldar and Ork armies should be released at least.. I think them going Horus Heresy doesn't *have* to exclude many of the other races, but of course that doesn't mean we'll see them, this is probably it, Imperials vs Heretic only
For the scale, and having had epic back in the day (plus dropzone now) they are fantastically painted! 😊
I liked the ease of army creation of Space Marine; pick a point value, get your cards and start laying out company, support and special cards (each company allowed five support and one special cards).
Only played a couple games of Epic 40K but didn't care for the army 'host' creation but blast markers (representing disruption) and the morale clock (a game timer) were good touches.
One of my favorite games at a convention were my Eldar alongside Space Marines against Orks in a massive city fight; huge city blocks and not a lot of lines of sight. The Ork player used (cunningly to my surprise) his Gargants gut-buster cannon to knock down buildings to crate fire zones and open up the board. I ran down a flank with my Phantoms, got side and rear shots with pulsars and lascannons to easily strip power fields and put a bunch of fires on them. One of the Phantoms got a perfect rear shot with its heat lance, destroying a Gargant by blowing out its engine and causing a chain reaction.
Ah yes, the good old Squat Landtrain with two 'nuke cars' and that Colossus was cool.
the thing about the Heresy era games... the armies can be either traitor or loyalist... well for those who became traitor anyway, same with renegade... Horus has Loyalist and Traitor rules
I'm, personally, very excited about this. I already play Adeptus Titanicus, and am looking forward to fighting a tiny battle of Tallarn.
@6:17 agreed, also bumbed. epic 40k had so many more races. also chaos dwoorfs. those tanks were freeking awesome. idn care. where are my chaos tanks!? also the tyranid modles were dope, that tyranid dude, mrpink
I could totally see tyranids in epic where termagaunts are just a blob of pink and purple on the base with most detail being on the sides
Epic 4th edition (Armageddon) was released 2003 and is completely different to the previous editions.
I want a war in heaven game, that would be insane.
Epic Unification Wars could be fun. Lots of psychotronic weirdness with technobarbarians and Thunder Warriors.
Honestly, as a necron player myself, I kind of disagree. The war in heaven and the shattering of the C’Tan lasted 5 million years. I would rather leave the whole time as a mysterious legend, and nothing more, because there’s no way GW can make something that lives up to that scale.
My main concern is because its Horus Heresy setting only a lot of people will pass on playing it and that may give GW the idea that people just arent as interest and so not pursue a 40k setting. I hope it does well cos I want to see it expand into 40k mainly
Epic Armegeddon was release in the 90's. The '88 release was the original Adeptus Titanicus which did eventually add rules for Heresy era infantry and tanks. Shortly after that they released the ruleset for Space Marine which used the same scale and added some of the xenos and full chaos.
I personally was Very excited for the new Epic ! Loved to See Crons in Epic Scale 🤩
But with the Release only for 30k i felt pretty dissapointed, too.
Well. Saves me at least the Money 😂
The big problem is that a lot of people thought that was Epic, but is Titanicus/Aeronatica.
@@angelnaranjo7534 definitely ! I were super excited, when the First teaser dropped 🤪
Maybe there will be a new Version of Gothic, which is more based on the original 🤔
I'm excited! 30k micro machines. I'm gonna start myself a tiny thousand sons army.
I'm excited to go back to the small scale. SM/TL era Epic was my first GW game and Epic:Armageddon is my favorite set of rules to ever come out of GW. So far we haven't heard that much about the rules, but it seems like the new rules have both hidden order placement like SM/TL had and alternating activations like E:A. I hope we also see the risk/reward mechanic of maintaining innitiative to activate two units in a row, with a higher chance of the unit refusing to follow orders from E:A. That would mash some of the most unique mechanics of these games into something that could be quite interesting. SM/TL played with hidden information in a way other GW games haven't, while the E:A style activation system really made you go into the tank, trying to exploit units that already had their activation and were somewhat misplaced, trying to figure out if that in turn would leave your units in a position that units that hadn't activated yould make use of. And the maintaining initiative rules allowed for things like moving a unit behind the enemy to cut off lines of retreat and then charging in with another unit, which would have the enemy flee right into the set-up. If the rules generate these types of strategic options, it'll be worthwile to get into the system. As for the setting, Epic started as a game based on Titans in the heresy (well, the heresy was invented to justify having Warlord Titans facing off against one another) and then got expanded with the Legions. It was the success of that version, which only had Titans and Marines, which led to the expansion to other forces - The first Edition of Space Marine ("Epic Battles in the age of Heresy") got Orks and Eldar releases with rules printed in WD, which was then followed by SM 2nd Ed. ("Epic Conflict in the War Torn Universe of the 41st Millennium"), which brought in the other factions seeing expansions for Eldar, Guard, Marines, AdMech, Knights, Tyranids, Chaos, Orks and Squats. With E:A they went with 3 factions on release (Marines, IG and Orks) with another 3 in an expansion (Eldar, another flavor of IG, another flavor of Orks). I think the Heresy setting allows for plenty of releases to check if there is a market and we might see an expansion to other forces later on. But as I said, I expect the rules to be really different from everything else.
Tbh I do like it alot definitely getting titanicus and imperalis and splitting it with a friend. It's slightly disappointing to see no xenos scum , but having many titans and planes is pleasing. Definitely gonna build a hive city for a gaming board for this.
I bought 2 titan walkers about 6 months ago standing the same height as a dreadnought with the cities on back sitting in my pile o is emperors children colors and they took time to paint stained glass windows on the legs (I just wonder if that was pre heresy) before fulcrum turned?
@3:10 it does however say "EPIC scale" in the corner. leading to the history.
I've seen some folks convert various Ork stuff to use in Adeptus Titanicus (Just with knight rules) and that is something I thought about trying out. Dunno if I'd get into this, but I'd LOVE to have some tiny tiny ork minis (like the Squiggoth)
My copy of Risk as a kid just used wood blocks that were painted different colors
Hopefully we get Epic40k soon so we can do xenos stuff too
As a necron player, ngl I just wanna take out big things with little arrows
I was so excited when I was told Epic was making a return. I was prepared to go digging for my old Ork army from 20 years ago.
Then I was told that it was going to be 30K and I just felt deflated.
IMO its not Epic if you cant play other races. There is a great local community of Epic players I have been wanting to throw my hat in that ring...
I started working on a knight army in 7mm scale and its been very cool so far. Im looking forward to playing regular 40k on a 7mm scale board so I can carry it around with me easily.
I'll buy this starter set probably. But im going to use them as extras for tiny 40k. Tiny 40k is gonna be great.
Fun fact the bases will be 25mm for the infantry
nail on head, a Crusade era game would be amazing. With some 80s Roguie Trader spice too
I owned the original "Space Marine" game which i picked up in 1989 i think.
I never played anything bigger than Company-sized Marine v Marine games but i recall enjoying it.
I look forward to mixing Aircraft & Titans into mass Tank formations. Glad its back. Im especially hyped for the 30k setting. I could care less about the Xenos Armies in Epic.
Fingers crossed for an October release.
Would love to see the day "The War In Heaven" becomes a game like the Horus Heresy.
"Adeptus Flyaroundicas" is one th funniest things I've heard in a while
I played space marine in the 90s. Loved it. As for this being 30k it could be just a test bed fir sakes. Don't have to make muck in races
Just wanted to mention a thought you had on your other vid about box sets not having compartments built in for game sets. Crack open your battletech box and you'll see the form-fit plastic holders for their pre-built miniatures, you'll also find the the A Game of Armoured Combat box not only contains 8 miniatures with form-fit holders as well as several goodies included such as cardboard cut-outs to slap together multiple miniature action as well as rules, map sheets and info decks for quick-start rules and world building. (side note I had a dream where I was hanging out with you and your mates and you seemed like really cool dudes)
Nope pre-built/pre painted minis are for pu**ies.
According to Peachy on the painting phase much of the 3D printing for prototypes is in house.
Makes sense, there is industrial printers that more bells and whistles than consumer equipment.
Also, part of the point with 3d printed prototyping is to design it and quickly print it so you get to see it for real.
I thought they 3D printed the molds for the prototyping..? Or maybe I am misremembering that statement...
@@samwhitaker8809 Injection moulds are made of metal, not resin. It needs a CNC machine and is the slow, expensive bit of miniature manufacture.
Prototype miniatures are direct prints in resin, I believe.
It's all done in house, surprised Jay is confused by this as GW have been open about it for years and it's part of the companies core manifesto.
Also for people not willing to spend the amount of money on 200+ miniatures you could use standard 40k/30k rules for the space marines and infantry models to save money on the full scaled models! And adding titans/knights would be easy as well
I’m assuming all of these boxes will be soft launches for these numerous board games to get a taster sample of what will sell
"I have to play Imperial Fists like a LOSER" That line killed me 🤣
Can't say I agree with your criticism of the names....Heresy is the "historical wargaming" sub brand of GW, and they go full roman on all the names...I think that the Liber Hereticus would lose a lot of its charm if it was just called Traitor Army Book etc....
In any case I would prefer proper latin and not trademark-gibberish
Legions and aeronautica sound quite fancy.
Like the stuff you’d expect to get muttered by lord generals, and imperial nobles around a holo table in a war room.
Makes it feel fancy.
Agree with all those who are saying they would prefer this for WH40k rather than 30K. Plus disappointed to see that Adeptus Titanicus and Imperialis Aeronautica have both been dropped - or at least most of the ranges are no longer available which amounts to the same thing
Small print on bottom left of cover. - “Epic scale”.
I gotta say, I love this! I'm a SPACE MARINE fan. I have the 2nd Edition of Epic SPACE MARINE with Space Marines, Orks and Eldar and some buildings, and the 3rd Edition Rules and Epic Armageddon Rules. I have that same box of Titans you have, I also have a few random tanks and Dreads. I have spent a lot of time researching and trying to figure out what rules I wanted to use and how I wanted to base them. I also found people who run their armies using alternate rules like DRAGON RAMPANT and HORDES OF THE THINGS. Now I'm even more torn on what direction to go with that old 6mm stuff. Just let it languish? Use a rule set that enables me to use everything I have? I'm having a hard time resisting wanting to buy this, as I did when the Age of Darkness Box came out. I don't need anymore of this stuff. I have a lifetime supply. I will sell things off at time. Then I feel justified in buying more, newer, cooler stuff. I imagine it's going to be expensive and suck me down a rabbit-hole of spending I don't need to go. lately I've been using the excitement of new releases to inspire me to pull out and work on/finish similar projects. Seeing all the things I have, reminds me that I really shouldn't buy more stuff. If it is still available after I finish a few more projects, maybe I could reward myself with a big new box of stuff. You have to embrace FOMO. Yes, you might miss out. You could end up paying more, down the road. But if you have patience, you can usually find a reasonable deal after a few years. Better yet wait at least 3 years, then it might be obsolete anyway.
I agree. I am the right demo for this. I have been circling micro size games for sooo long, and I would love a reboot of epic Armageddon. I have no interest in heresy and I am baffled by the name. I was so close to jump the gun on warmaster, but now settled for Argatoria a polish babarian rank and flank 10mm game. I’m happy supporting a new game from a small company. If GW keeps going and people play it, I would be tempted to jump the gun
My first game of Warhammer was epic, I painted a blue and a red team. At the time it only had troops and tanks, it advertised on the box of titans coming. Never played Warhammer again after that box until like 5 years ago. I would love for them to come out with a 40k epic.
I have some old Epic Genestealers and one of those old mini Magnetic Chess sets. Now with this I can make Travel Space hulk.
The original Epic games from GW were 'Titanicus' and 'Space Marine - the Horus Heresy'. All the Xenos races got added in later editions; so GW is sort of following in their own old footsteps. I suspect if it does well, they will expand it like they did before. I just wish the scale of the new game was a bit closer to the scale of the old game so I could use all my old infantry and tanks from the original Epic games.
I‘m already set to getting a box, even if it is just for decoration next to my AT titans. I used some old epic stuff for their bases, but being able to play with combined arms in that scale excites me. Sure, it is unfortunate that we won’t get xenos anytime soon even though Eldar have an established set of designs.
But imo AT18 is the best game GW offer at the moment and if LI manages to be good as well, this might be my permanent fix for 40k cravings after the disappointment of 10th. And 9th. And 8th… 😊
Can’t wait for these minis. It’ll be a nice pallet cleanser from all the aos that I paint. Also I’m really happy that it’s 30k . I like 40k an all but I just really like the legions. It is a good idea to do the great crusade to. Good video jay
Horus heresy makes perfect sense for epic and I'm super excited for it. The wars were grandiose with tens of thousands of space marines all at once. But I absolutely love the Horus heresy and have been wanting an Epic version for it for a long time. I want epic versions of the primarchs now. But I would also love if they had stuff for the great crusade. That would be a lot of fun.
It does but i also would have loved to have a 40k version just because it would be cool to do a war for Armageddon.
This was kind of a bummer. I still have the old Epic box in my closet with a random painted Eldar tank or two.
Jay is going to name his first child Legion Imperialus.
No xenos means I won't take the plunge, unfortunately.
This is easily GWs most 3d printable game!
most of the items i was looking at on ebay months ago, are now jacked up in price or have been quickly bought up. curious.
Hopefully it opens the way to Legions Hereticus and Legion Aeldari etc
I've been collecting 6mm Not! Mechanicum miniatures from Vanguard, so I'm glad I'll have a game to actually use them in.
It will really take off when they release Orks for it. I think that people that will be on the fence for it will become immediate buyers if/when Orks are added.
The best part about playing epic 4k was you rarely run out of paint when painting an army :P
Just started collecting epic it's great being able to paint an entire army in a couple of hours love it
The fact they're Mark VI armour makes it less appealing too, because it really locks you into one specific period and design aesthetic too. That said, epic scale primarchs could be amusing models.
Epic scale primarch end up getting kitbashed with standard marine equipment
Rogue Trader 40K era Space Marines all apparently wore Mark VI armour for whatever reason so you can get away with that. I'd prefer them to be in Mark V as that's a bit more era specific.
You can't copyright Epic, which is almost certainly why GW renamed the system.
The thing you have to remember is that Horus Heresy, Aeronautica and Titanicus are all run by the specialist game studio. Epic 40K would just be such a big ask for a small-ish team. At least with 30k it’s marines vs marines or Titan vs Titan, there’s capacity for variation in list building or army rules but you know that one faction isn’t outright broken due to its units alone. We can see just off the back of the 10E indexes that 40K is super hard to balance, some armies are broken whilst others are eating dirt and that was the efforts of a much larger studio.
And Epic already had a history in creating OP factions and weirdly balcanced units
I agree with you. The new names suck. And the 30k setting is a bummer. I agree that it was prolly the ammount of sprues needed that dipped the scales on the setting. Still as you pointed out. EPIC is still around and its great... but maybe thats another reason for the 30k setting? Due to neglect by GW Epic fans got creative and yeah most of 40k EPIC models are available as 3D Printfiles for free or as homecast "forumware"... that might be a reason why predicted sales for 30K were looking more lucrative.
And yeah if you want to play EPIC, grab the PDF, crank up the 3D printer and you are ready to go in no time. I would love to watch an EPIC BatRep from you guys.
From a business standpoint, it kinda makes sense to set the first edition during the Heresy. Space Marines are the most popular faction, and the poster child of GW. I think if it does become popular enough, they will probably expand into being Epic.
Also the Horus heresy marines are GW first true digital miniatures so they are easiest to convert to 1/4 scale.
I agree with you. I don't really care for the name but can live with it. But I am bummed out by the fact that its in 30k. I understand, easier to print, easier to balance, nothing too weird, but damn does it feel like a bit of a let down. I know marines are the poster boys but the opportunity to field a bunch of Stompas or more sleek tau ships and robots. Such a shame.
I also do worry a bit about rules for the legions. I know you can paint your models anyway you want to but it feels a bit more taboo to do so for 30k times (maybe thats just me). And painting such small models looks like it might be dificult if you want to re-paint an army. I look forward to some of the rules and it might tempt me back into Gamesworkshop games (I recently stepped away from 40k for a while).
I also know Battletech guys can't print in PLA. Battletech is at about the same scale as Epic - a tank or a section sits on a little piece of plastic the size of your fingernail, since the focus is meant to be on piloted giant robots.
GW, in my opinion, tries way to hard to make 30k a thing, while it isn't a thing. And in addition, they use resin, which many people hate. Some more love to the 40k & AoS old armies would be much nicer imho.
I think they're starting with HH because that's the rules overlap crowd. Work on it over there, tighten up the rules, drum up excitement and then if it does (probably unrealistically) well they might port to 40k.
Cool video,
You're hyping me so much for your 30k Word Bearer ! i really hope you'll begin this project soon~ish
Dude Horus Heresy is super fun. Highly recommend. Just get the age of darkness box as a starter. That's more than enough to get started. It's super chunky and visceral.
I feel that. I have left sprues I have won in their boxes due to lacking the correct kind of base for them and not finding it relaxing to break the linearity of assemble, plan, paint, base.
i got so excited when they announced it was going to be compatible with aeroniticus and thennnnn saw it was only for HH models lol
I 3d print my epic, currently got a 4000 point imperial guard army and it has only cost around 20 AUD in resin. Not worth spending tones of money for plastic epic kits
You can't use your Epic minis in this game. This game have bigger scale (Titnaicus/Aeronatica)
@@angelnaranjo7534😐 he can print those too. Or he can adjust the printing scale. He'll be just fine.
Looking forwards to fielding multiple ordinatus engines alongside hundreds of marines and thousands of solar aux!
I really want to see the return of Space Hulk!
I’m actually looking forward to it. I wasn’t too interested in Age of Darkness because it felt too much like 40K but I think this is enough different to be enjoyable for me. I also think that eventually they will have 40K rules and whatnot for this since everyone is talking about/wishing for it. All they would have to do is an expansion box that’s was focused on 40K to flip it over for anyone who would want it. 🤷🏻♀️ We shall see :D
Really looking forward to getting back into epic. Banana marines here I come :D
Great stuff friend 👏 👍
The New Epic (Newpic?) launch box would have been so much better if it contained just the Space Marine Legion doubled up (much like the Age of Darkness box) so you could paint it as one huge army or two competing forces. The could have released the Solar Auxilia force as a separate army box instead.
I've been looking forward to this for a while since there have been rumours going around. I still am but luckily I didn't paint my space marine Aeronautica stuff as Black Templars since they aren't really going to be in it. It is a bit disappointing. I do hope they add Orks and Eldar since they were about at the time but it's going to depend on the popularity of the game. Hopefully enough people who have got into Aeronautica and Titanicus will buy in to make it worthwhile for GW to expand into other factions.
When will we see your Mad Max Orks again?
Definitely should have left the name as WH epic. It would be cool if they had 30k and 40K mini minies. I feel like they are doubling down on 30k with age of darkness and legion imperialis. I don’t know. Maybe I should start a 30k arm………….MOM CAN I GET AN ADVANCE ON MY ALLOWANCE!?!?!?! I never had risk. I did just want it to play with the dudes though. Maybe it was bring you kids to work day when they painted the mini 30k dudes and the kids got to dunk the models in Agrax. Lol. Thanks gents! Fantastic as always!