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@AlasnaHaq, who is this guy? Give him credit, do NOT hide his name. Do you think it's easy for white guy to speak like this in America? Do you know how much work he must have done to get to this realization in the environment we live in here?! So link yo to his channel, send people there, am sure more white Americans will listen to him than you. You did great job sharing his video but now make sure others know about him and encourage him and recognize him for his effort. STOP PREACHING TO THE CHOIR
This man is spot on. I have been accused of being all kinds of evil things simply because I don’t support Israel foreign policy and haven’t ever since I volunteered for military service and realized how much the US military is used and abused to make politicians rich.
Totally agree - I was quite ignorant about the history of Israel/Palestine and had no real idea of how Israel has treated the Palestinian people for decades. The eyes of the world have now been opened to the truth!
I strongly suggest that you dive further into history. The history that is relevant here goes back thousands of years, not 75. Also during those 75 years it's not exactly a very black and white history...
Agree. Norman Finklestein has many podcasts that show who the Zionists really are. It's a very disturbing story. They collaborated with the Nazis, refused to save their fellow Jews from the gas chambers unless they wanted to go to Israel, and many more lies and deception right from the beginning of discussions of a state for Jews, as far back as late 1800s. It's a shocking story.
@@edressrostom8505 عقيدة ماذا !!!! لو كان الحاكم يحكم بما أنزل الله و يمنع المنكرات و يحرض على الجهاد و لا يرضى أن يركع الأمم المتفرقة و صديقاتها من دول الغرب القذر ! انا بالنسبة لي حاكم يرى ماذا يحدث لاخوتنا في فلسطين وخصوصا غزة ثم يكتفي بالسكوت أو التعاون مع اليهود فهذا مجرم! مجرم ! مجرم بالثلاثة !!!! الولاء والبراء للحكام الذين يقيمون شرع الله و يرفعون للامة الاسلامية شرفها لا العكس !!!!!!
@@edressrostom8505اووووف يقهرونني بعقيدة الولاء والبراء انا لا اوالي مسلما بالوراثة فقط منافقا وجبانا وكل الصفت الرذيئة التي تخطر في بالك وسأوالي من تسميه انت بالكافر وربما هو لم يعرف دينك بعد ولكنه مع الحق ويتكلم الحق .
دينك وأمر ربك سبحانه وتعالى وقول رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلّم هو الحكم وهو الصراط الذي يجب أن تسير عليه، ولا تأخذ الأمور بالعاطفة غفر الله لنا ولك، لا نوالي الخائنين من الذين يدعون الإنتساب إلينا ( وأمرهم مبثوث فيه شرعا ومعروف ) ولا ولاء معهم، ولا ولاء مع الكافر أيضا ونبرأ منه ومن كفره بالله عز وجل، ونشكر له موقفه الطيب في الوقوف مع قضايانا دون تنازل عن عقيدتنا في سبيل ذلك أو سبيل أي مصلحة دنيوية ( المتنازل عن عقيدته لمثل هذا فهو لا يفهم مغزى القضية الفلسطينية وهو لا يأخذها على أنها مسألة دينية وعقدية ) @@hannahbaumann8566
As an American I pray everyday all Americans wake up please 🙏 we may be next. I can attest Israel has free health care on our backs, what we pay in taxes while we can't get free health care in this country.
I am with you 100% - Let's continue to inform America about the Palestine truth that has been kept in the dark for so long!!!! FREE PALESTINE! - FREE WORLD!!!
Hamas shot rockets from Gaza's hospitals and civilian areas. ... In the West, hospitals protect civilians. In Gaza, hospitals protect Hamas. ... Are you smarter than the United Nations who sanctioned Hamas and the Ayatollah?
هذا الرجل وضح كل شيء ...الشعوب تطورت ويمكن أن تعيش لبعضها ودعم بعضها والدفاع عن بعظها ....الشعوب تجمعهم الإنسانية والرؤساء أغلبهم تجمعهم السياسة ودعمهم لإسرائيل
Better late then never. Sorry GAZA for the hell you going through.. and thanks GAZA for educating and opening the world's eyes about the truth. Bless you bro, May GOD be with brothers and sisters in GAZA, Amen 🙏
سبحان الله ما نراه نحن شرا يكمن ورااااءه خير كبير وعظيم يخباه الله لعباده المؤمنين ان شاء الله يكون الخير الكبير وراء هذه الاحداث التحرر لفلسطين ولكل المسلمين ورفع الغشاوة على اعين الناس في جميع انحاء العالم حول حقيقتهم
Hamas shot rockets from Gaza's hospitals and civilian areas. ... In the West, hospitals protect civilians. In Gaza, hospitals protect Hamas. ... Are you smarter than the United Nations who sanctioned Hamas and the Ayatollah?
He has been bought. The smile when he says he educated himself is disingenuous. ... Do you believe persons who make extremely-certain statements that something will happen? ... It's the slippery slope logical fallacy - so why do you trust someone who lacks character by talking that way?
It’s disgusting what Israel is doing to the memory of the holocaust and suffering! For a holocaust survivor to call then “no different than natzi in Germany”. Says it all! Marione Ingram, protesting outside White House for the Palestinian freedom ✌🏻
I wish I could like this video a million times!!! Thankyou so much sir for getting this information out there to the public!! We stand with the Palestinian people!! No more oppression! No more lies! No more wars!! Enough is enough people are waking up and not standing for this anymore!!
Hamas shot rockets from Gaza's hospitals and civilian areas. ... In the West, hospitals protect civilians. In Gaza, hospitals protect Hamas. ... Are you smarter than the United Nations who sanctioned Hamas and the Ayatollah?
This guy is got his head so far up his a**He believes his own s*** just remember. This is his opinion, not ours. So you don't have to believe it, but f you're ignorant enough to believe it, that's on your shoulders to deal with, not mine, not Ours.
Hamas shot rockets from Gaza's hospitals and civilian areas. ... In the West, hospitals protect civilians. In Gaza, hospitals protect Hamas. ... Are you smarter than the United Nations who sanctioned Hamas and the Ayatollah?
Appreciate this man and applaud his intentions but wonder why he speaks as a "white" American rather than simply as an American. I'm not taking anything away from his message, in fact, I'm in complete agreement with him. Suggest we focus less on the color of our skin and more on standing up for justice for all.
هل هذا معقول🤦 ؟ هل انتم إلى هذه لدرجة منفصلين عن الواقع؟ يتم قتلهم من عشرات السنين ظلما ، سجونهم مليئة بالأطفال الصغار دون محاكمة، ، أنها دولة متحضرة ومتطورة لكنها بربرية ، حضارتها مغمسة بالظلم والسرقات
@@hanahusen4971هذا ما يصدره الإعلام الغربي للشعوب التي يحكمونها لعمل غسيل مخ لتزييف الحقائق وتعتيمها بمباركة الصهاينة. ولكن الحق سيظهره الله عز وجل مهما طال الزمن ومهما حاول هؤلاء الشرذمة إخفاء الحقائق.
I am shocked actually for a white American to educate themselves and begin to see the light of the zoinist agenda another way they are funding is tax write off to charity funding settlements in the west bank and even though the Palestinians think the saying from the river to sea is their mantra the truth is the zoinists are the ones that are intending to have it that way and more than likely they gave it to Palestinians
I am from the Middle East and am proud to see an American finally understands the conflict well and refuses to be a victim to false propaganda and media lies . more people like u means more just and fairness and peace which is what the usa was founded upon in the first place
There are many, many Americans who know all about the Israeli propaganda. Our main problems stem from allowing them to infiltrate every single institution in the US.
@@jared2244Well, we've seen what mass support for Israel amounts to and now that is changing so...is it that hard to figure out? People are starting to see the truth about Israel and America!
@@meco4068 " People are starting to see the truth about Israel and America" What would it change? The voice of the people can do nothing if not backed by action. That is exactly what i mean it will amount to nothing. " we've seen what mass support for Israel amounts to ..Well a majority of countries in the EU supports Israel.. this is what it amounts to.. The alternative is to support Hamas.. Who in their right mind would support Hamas? Hamas has no moral compass Even Egypt is reluctant.. They support the people of Gaza, but not the channel it is using..
لقد نطقت بالحق وكثير من حكام العرب لا يتجرأون ع فعل ما فعلته شكرا لك والحمدلله الذي اراك الحقيقه للشعب الفلسطيني المنهك من الحروب ولا زالوا صامدين حتى آخر قطره دم
Thank you for saying the truth that Palestinian people try to prove all of those years. Keep it up, I am proud Egyptian American, but I hats the lies that the media is feeding us everyday, thank you 🙏
it is because we are so unduly infiltrated with a certain agenda, our gov't. is full of "dual passported individuals" which is treasonous for America. We have homeless and veterans that need food, clothing and homes yet we have been "sucked dry" - as a certain Mr. N bragged about in 1990.......just sayin'.........I stand with HUMANITY, therefore, I stand for Palestine. God bless the good.
اللهم أكثر من أمثال هذا الأمريكي الحر..الإنسانية فيها خير كثير، يجب أن نبحث عنه لنجده. سبحان الله، في الزمن الذي كثر فيه المنكر، و الفسق، و الفجور..إلخ، اراد الله أن يقول لنا لا تيأسوا من رحمة الله..ففي الدنيا مازال هناك أخيار..
Excellent truthful video. All my life I too believed Israel was a victim and the Palestinians were the baddies all that has changed since I stopped believing British media and started thinking for myself. The blinds have been removed from my eyes and I dont like what I see in the West!
@flman1478 you mean zionis right? They have a bunch of histories being kick out from the country they live. Now you know why no one accepted zionis in their country.
Hamas shot rockets from Gaza's hospitals and civilian areas. ... In the West, hospitals protect civilians. In Gaza, hospitals protect Hamas. ... Are you smarter than the United Nations who sanctioned Hamas and the Ayatollah?
Thanks brother for this recording. Am a Ugandan but really love people with a sense of understand and logical wisdom to distinguish myth from mystery. May Allah bless you.
أموال اسرائيل تستولى عليها من خيرات البلاد العربية التى تدمرها مثل سوريا ولبييا وفلسطين والسوادان ومصر أيضا تأخذ غازها وايضا استولت على النيل واقامت سدا لتمنغ المياة عن مصر
I hope it will happen as soon as possible, i can't wait to see how happy the Palestinians are gonna be after 75 years. Nothing lasts forever but Israel doesn't want to understand that. Thank you very much and let's keep educating more and more people ❤
@@A358M Islam will not last for ever, but when muslims succeed in their genocide and dare to celebrate that here, we will know that they are the new nazi's. And you should know what we did to them, and we think you muslims deserve the same. Educated people reject everything Hamas and islam stand for: we see your hatred and we will respond.
Yep, read the Book of Revelation of Yeshua and you will find the reason why. It will be in celebration of the Anti-Christ and the faults Prophet. Satan will have his day of worship as world ruler but it will be short lived.
Hamas shot rockets from Gaza's hospitals and civilian areas. ... In the West, hospitals protect civilians. In Gaza, hospitals protect Hamas. ... Are you smarter than the United Nations who sanctioned Hamas and the Ayatollah?
I am thrilled to hear you talk sir. Thank you for your courage and your empathy towards the Palestinians. We need more people like you to speak. I have shared this video with family and friends. Thank you so much.
First step study 📚 history the Gaza district was controlled by Egypt 🇪🇬 and they don’t want nothing to do with that they just poor people that are stuck in the middle Jordan 🇯🇴 have five million Palestinian 🇵🇸 and they are second class citizens take 2.5 million or 2 between those countries or help them rebuild their homes 🏠 but nobody wants to help them
We need people like you to educate yourself a bit. If you have any REAL empathy for Palestinians, you would address their real problems: Hamas. Muslims never show empathy but they love to hate their enemies.
@@vadimgorodezky4347but God tells us to be compassionate and help the poor! It is our duty as Christians, and Moslems also, I know - it is a human obligation for most cultures on earth!
We have been some of the most lied to people in the world. There are some things we have to stand together on no matter what race we are. This can really bring Americans together like we should be. Let’s make it happen
Do not vote for anyone who takes CPAC money and other Zionists organisations. They are evil. I can’t believe that Americans are paying billions of their tax dollars to assist Israel in their genocide of the Palestinian people.
Finally someone admits, they lived under propaganda for most of their life. Because it is, was and still going on. To make it worst, you guys are funding a genocide. What do you say about that?
I’m glad you are speaking out about this horrific situation and injustice of Palestine 🇵🇸 ! We need more Americans to see the truth and spread the word! Indigenous Palestinians brutal occupied by apartheid Israeli government for over 75yrs .. ALL STARTED 1948 NAKBA 💔🇵🇸
White nationalists have known about the plight of the Palestinians for fifty years, but we are even more hated than Palestinians, and hated by Arabs and Palestinians because we try to educate and free our own enslaved people. Palestinians just jump on the anti-white bandwagon. They should realize the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Nonsense, the "Indigenous Palestinians" were people living in the area called Palestine, and they had Jewish, Bedouin and Arab background. Hamas has nothing to do with Palestine, they created this horrible situation, not Israel. Israel exists since 1948 and they defeated all Arab attackers in many wars and came out victorious. Arabs still hate being defeated and they cant deal with that. So they created this "Palestine" myth in 1967, and now they hate their own creation, and blame Israel for that. No justice in Gaza, because it is under Hamas control.
I’ve been saying this for many many years now, but social media is the great equalizer…billions of US dollars to Israel, but the average working US citizen is struggling…
They want you struggling so you have to work their jobs no matter what you’re paid. That’s why they like having so many homeless around. That’s why they leave the border open-to suppress wages and to make people scared & begging for more government.
Cet homme a découvert toute la réalité et la très bien résumé. Bravo et félicitation. Vous êtes un homme avec un grand coeur. L'injustice ne doit pas régner dans notre monde. La vérité se saura un jour celui qui vivait du mensonge à bien une date de péremption.
I’m Black American and have been educated about the Palestinian struggle my entire life… Alhamdulillah everyone is now on board and ready to bring about a change!
Hamas shot rockets from Gaza's hospitals and civilian areas. ... In the West, hospitals protect civilians. In Gaza, hospitals protect Hamas. ... Are you smarter than the United Nations who sanctioned Hamas and the Ayatollah?
As a 42 year old black American man I’m ashamed of myself for not doing real due diligence on this top until last month. What I’ve learned along with what we’ve been seeing is nothing short of genocide. I apologize from the bottom of my heart to the Palestine people who have been relegated to a glorified concentration camps.
Where do you find the information? I would love to read about it, but I can find nothing that doesn’t say the same old thing over and over. It would be awesome if this guy would cite a credible source….TikTok is absolutely NOT a credible source.
@@crazypsychnurse9493 Just start off with the “60 Minutes,” specials that they released back in 2009, 2010 and 2012. They’re right there on their YT chanel. They re-released those three episodes 4 weeks ago (Nov 4th 2023). Back when they actually did some real investigative journalism.
True, you are right in what you say. We have finally opened our eyes to the bitter reality experienced by the people of Palestine, whose land has been usurped and whose sanctity has been violated for years, but our print and audio press has been lying to us all these years, unfortunately.
Hamas is lying and oppressing the people in Gaza, but no muslim cares. Islam lies, no muslim cares, every arab nation oppresses muslim but no muslim cares. The only thing that excites a muslim is the chance to accuse and attack a jew, muslims don't love muslims, muslims only hate jews. Yemen, Myanmar, Syria, Chechenya, Uygurs: muslims don't give a damn because there ar no jews there.
Hamas shot rockets from Gaza's hospitals and civilian areas. ... In the West, hospitals protect civilians. In Gaza, hospitals protect Hamas. ... Are you smarter than the United Nations who sanctioned Hamas and the Ayatollah?
Thank you for your giving your voice to the Palestinian cause. You bought me to tears your support means so much! May God bless you and guide you to the truth always.
Hamas shot rockets from Gaza's hospitals and civilian areas. ... In the West, hospitals protect civilians. In Gaza, hospitals protect Hamas. ... Are you smarter than the United Nations who sanctioned Hamas and the Ayatollah?
Wow, as a muslim, you sir have blown my mind. Thanks for educating me. I hope people who have platforms start speaking up like you to tell people what the actual story is.
White Americans are the most brainwashed people on the planet, and most of the brainwashing comes from The Tribe. We are like Pit Bulldogs that The Tribe sics on their enemies. It was Germany in the 1940's because an Austrian guy woke them up. For the past 35 years it's been the Arab world white Americans have been sicced on. This has all been done while The Tribe has waged an endless campaign to destroy white America. White Americans have to be the stupidest people on the planet. I suppose the spell will finally break when the US goes bankrupt, which is not far off.
We know the whole story, and we know how some people feel so "woke" when they take the first step on the road to knowledge. Social media creates this woke feeling but a proper educations will truly wake you up. Keep learning, and know that muslims believe in the weirdest things like alla and holy war against people like YOU. You surely know who is killings muslims now, in Yemen, Myanmar, Gaza and all the other places you ignore? Because no jews to accuse. We know the actual story of muslims killing muslims, so stop blaming outsiders.
@@mariam6822The Israeli/US government corruption runs very deep. It must be investigated NOW. IT MUST END. The PARASITIC, divisive, hateful, race baiting, stupid, irresponsible, brainwashing, deceitful, manipulative, delusional, vindictive, ruinous, and ANTI-AMERICAN mainstream US mass media comes after the very HISTORY of this once great nation. They disguise themselves as the opposite of what they truly are BY COMING AFTER YOUR GUNS AND THE CONFEDERATE STATUES/MONUMENTS. In fact, OPEN BORDERS Joe has got to go. The mainstream US mass media is a domestic and an international terrorist. WE are losing OUR country. WE are losing OUR rights and OUR freedoms. Expect things in general IN THE USA to continue to get worse and worse and worse !!!! (Stupid does as stupid is.) Welcome to THE NEW COLONIALISM. Israeli Joe has got to go. Corruption rules the day in the USA. Netanyahu is a war criminal, AND he is thoroughly corrupt. He's delusional and stupid. He's going to lose. Biden is corrupt and senile, AS he is the message: We control you. Psycho Joe has got to go. By AMERICAN humanitarian and patriot Frank Martin DiMeglio
Thank you for your courageous posting and for exposing the warmongers of this country and our complicity in the atrocities committed on the Palestinian people.
I am a Hispanic American. My own country, Puerto Rico, has been colonized and our indigenous people have been decimated by the countries that conquered us. I always saw myself as an ally to other colonized people but I’m ashamed that it’s only in the past 2 years that my eyes have been opened to the atrocities occurring to the Palestinians. To all my Palestinian brothers and sisters fighting for survival and freedom, I am with you. 🇵🇷❤️🇵🇸
Great news. 👍., continue to research. The conflict has nothing to do with fighting terrorists, most of the terrorists groups are created by the imperialists, to divide and conquer....... This is about the THEFTS OF NATURAL RESOURCES., in 2000, there was a report, about Gaza, having a Huge amount of natural gas reserves. Their goals is to destroy the Palestinians and steal their natural resources. JUst like what the European criminals did in the Americas , they destroyed the natives, stole their lands and resources...... Please 🙏 continue to educate yourself ...... Notice, the country of Panama 🇵🇦 is protesting also., research the reasons .....
Hamas shot rockets from Gaza's hospitals and civilian areas. ... In the West, hospitals protect civilians. In Gaza, hospitals protect Hamas. ... The Ayatollah finances Hamas and other groups sanctioned by the United Nations. ... Most Puerto Ricans live in the U.S. - so quit the BS about colonialization.
only if colonizers left people alone,kept their religion to themselves instead of forcing it on people,this would be a better world!! but people will rise up against that evil, africa and other colonized place will get the boot!! sudan needs to be on the news even more, but you know how the world feel about black people.
I'm in Ireland. My neighbour plants a Palestine flag in their garden every time the latest episode of the conflict arises. I previously thought they were nuts, but now I get it. We are all waking up to the 75 years of subjugation, control and monitoring of a stateless people who live in an open air prison camp.
Listened to an Irish lawyer speaking to ICJ about the atrocities in Gaza. Bravo Ireland for speaking out on behalf of Palestine. Makes me proud of my birth country.
in actuality, it’s the same small group of people fucking over everyone on Earth: bankers in City of London, Wall Street, and politicians/bureaucrats in D.C. and various capitals around the world who submit to those bankers for endless credit at the expense of their citizens. they cause all the wars. they cause all the oppression. they steal all the wealth of the world.
Thank you for taking the time and effort of learning about the Palestinian plight under the brutal apartheid Israeli regime. It's way overdue for messages like yours to spread.
I found you very intrigued, very intelligent. Educating youself is the most honourable thing for every soul.❤Blessed brother we are together in struggle to liberate the Palestinians. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
God bless you For opening the eyes of the people and make them realize the shit The Palestinian people are going through. Might God bless the Palestinian people and Palestine, free Palestine🇵🇸❤️
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thank you. What's the link to this American gentleman channel?
@AlasnaHaq, who is this guy? Give him credit, do NOT hide his name. Do you think it's easy for white guy to speak like this in America? Do you know how much work he must have done to get to this realization in the environment we live in here?!
So link yo to his channel, send people there, am sure more white Americans will listen to him than you. You did great job sharing his video but now make sure others know about him and encourage him and recognize him for his effort. STOP PREACHING TO THE CHOIR
This man is spot on. I have been accused of being all kinds of evil things simply because I don’t support Israel foreign policy and haven’t ever since I volunteered for military service and realized how much the US military is used and abused to make politicians rich.
اتمنى من كل احرار امريكا والعالم ان يدعموا فلسطين
هذه رساله للمتشدقين ماذافعلت حرب غزه ...فعلت الكثير وهذه بشريات وما خفى أعظم
النصر للإسلام والمسلمين ❤
باذن الله تعالى
في أمريكا لاحقوق لانسان لاحرية ولكارثه انها بلد عسكريه...ودليل كل يوم شرطة لمريكيه تقتل لمواطنين بلا سبب مجرد تسليه وابل من رصاص 😂😂😂
From Mexico, my heart is with Palestine ❤
GOD bless the American Latinos 🙏 bless the American people 🇺🇸 🙏
We all love Mexico and it's great people
Mexico 🇲🇽
Totally agree - I was quite ignorant about the history of Israel/Palestine and had no real idea of how Israel has treated the Palestinian people for decades. The eyes of the world have now been opened to the truth!
I strongly suggest that you dive further into history. The history that is relevant here goes back thousands of years, not 75. Also during those 75 years it's not exactly a very black and white history...
مرحبا بكم المشكلة لن تتوقف على فلسطين فقط انما كل دول العربية نحن نحب كل الشعوب التي تقول كلمة حق وشكرا جزيلا ❤❤❤❤
اقراء القرآن الكريم وتدبر في معنه باذن الله ستعرف طريقك الصحييح
Excellent job . let's raise awareness and expose Zionism
Agree. Norman Finklestein has many podcasts that show who the Zionists really are. It's a very disturbing story. They collaborated with the Nazis, refused to save their fellow Jews from the gas chambers unless they wanted to go to Israel, and many more lies and deception right from the beginning of discussions of a state for Jews, as far back as late 1800s.
It's a shocking story.
وعسى أن تكرهوا شيئا وهو خير لكم .الحمدلله علي كل حال .قلوبنا مع إخواننا في غزة .اللهم انصرهم علي القوم الظالمين
بداية النصر بإذن الله ولة بعد حين
وعسى أن تكرهوا شيئا وهو خير لكم
@@mahaemmara8485 شكرا على التنبيه لم ألاحظ أنني كتبتها خطأ
العفو ... بارك الله فيك
ورزقك الفردوس الأعلى
جزاك الله كل خير
Thank goodness some American people are seeing what is really happening! Thank you for this!
والله إنه أشرف من الخونة المطبعين السفلة القتلة والمجرمين صهاينة العرب أو المنافقون!
@@edressrostom8505 عقيدة ماذا !!!! لو كان الحاكم يحكم بما أنزل الله و يمنع المنكرات و يحرض على الجهاد و لا يرضى أن يركع الأمم المتفرقة و صديقاتها من دول الغرب القذر ! انا بالنسبة لي حاكم يرى ماذا يحدث لاخوتنا في فلسطين وخصوصا غزة ثم يكتفي بالسكوت أو التعاون مع اليهود فهذا مجرم! مجرم ! مجرم بالثلاثة !!!!
الولاء والبراء للحكام الذين يقيمون شرع الله و يرفعون للامة الاسلامية شرفها لا العكس !!!!!!
@@edressrostom8505 ثم لا يوجد أي شخص لديه ذرة رجولة أو إيمان لا ينكر مجازر إخواننا في فلسطين .
@@edressrostom8505أنت اتق الله
@@edressrostom8505اووووف يقهرونني بعقيدة الولاء والبراء
انا لا اوالي مسلما بالوراثة فقط منافقا وجبانا وكل الصفت الرذيئة التي تخطر في بالك وسأوالي من تسميه انت بالكافر وربما هو لم يعرف دينك بعد ولكنه مع الحق ويتكلم الحق .
دينك وأمر ربك سبحانه وتعالى وقول رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلّم هو الحكم وهو الصراط الذي يجب أن تسير عليه، ولا تأخذ الأمور بالعاطفة غفر الله لنا ولك، لا نوالي الخائنين من الذين يدعون الإنتساب إلينا ( وأمرهم مبثوث فيه شرعا ومعروف ) ولا ولاء معهم، ولا ولاء مع الكافر أيضا ونبرأ منه ومن كفره بالله عز وجل، ونشكر له موقفه الطيب في الوقوف مع قضايانا دون تنازل عن عقيدتنا في سبيل ذلك أو سبيل أي مصلحة دنيوية ( المتنازل عن عقيدته لمثل هذا فهو لا يفهم مغزى القضية الفلسطينية وهو لا يأخذها على أنها مسألة دينية وعقدية ) @@hannahbaumann8566
As an American I pray everyday all Americans wake up please 🙏 we may be next. I can attest Israel has free health care on our backs, what we pay in taxes while we can't get free health care in this country.
OMG Americans deserve a better government 😢
انظر الى شوارع اسرائيل ، كم هي منظمه ونظيفة ومتطورة ، بعكس شوارعكم في أميركا التي باتت قديمه
لكن اللوم يقع عليكم ، لقد قامت اسرائيل بفضل أموالكم
Can u tell me what his name
Well, isn't it about time you all do something to change things? But, I hope you all can🙏
noublier pas les SDF victimes des impots et les sionistes parasites vivent le luxe à telaviv
This man has strengthened my faith in humanity
اللهم انصر اهل غزة لانهم علىالحق.
Agree 100% and I have done the same, at age 56, took me a while, but I know stand with the Palestinian people.
I am with you 100% - Let's continue to inform America about the Palestine truth that has been kept in the dark for so long!!!! FREE PALESTINE! - FREE WORLD!!!
Hamas shot rockets from Gaza's hospitals and civilian areas. ... In the West, hospitals protect civilians. In Gaza, hospitals protect Hamas. ... Are you smarter than the United Nations who sanctioned Hamas and the Ayatollah?
We’re winning, we just have to persevere and not let up.
بِحَبْلٍ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَحَبْلٍ مِنَ النَّاسِ
اموال امريكا
قران كريم
صبرا اخواننا في فلسطين، محنتكم صعبة لكن انتم منصورون باذن الله تعالى.
فداك روحي فلسطين الحبيبة 🇾🇪♥️🇵🇸
هذا الرجل وضح كل شيء ...الشعوب تطورت ويمكن أن تعيش لبعضها ودعم بعضها والدفاع عن بعظها ....الشعوب تجمعهم الإنسانية والرؤساء أغلبهم تجمعهم السياسة ودعمهم لإسرائيل
بس الشعوب العربية نايمة وخانعة
Better late then never. Sorry GAZA for the hell you going through.. and thanks GAZA for educating and opening the world's eyes about the truth. Bless you bro, May GOD be with brothers and sisters in GAZA, Amen 🙏
اللهم كما وفقته لقول الحق ونصرة المظلوم اشرح صدره للإسلام عاجلا بمنك وجودك وأنت أرحم الراحمين 🤲
أمين إن شاء الله و لكن يكفي أنه صادق
خلص اطلاع من هالهراء هذا النصراني حذائه اشرف من 99.9999% من مليار مسلم متخاذل مادخل الاسلام ياجاهل
خلص اطلاع من هالهراء هذا النصراني حذائه اشرف من 99.9999% من مليار مسلم متخاذل مادخل الاسلام ياجاهل
نصر الله للمؤمنين قادمٌ لا محالة
وتغمد الله شهداء اخواننا فى فلسطين
وشكرا لكل أمريكى حر
برافو عليكي ده حقهم علينا لعلهاالمنجيه أمام الله تعالى وده أضعف الإيمان بالله اطلبي من الكل يعمل كده
خصوصا الغرب ويترجموا
I am from the UK and people here are waking up to this too. We need to keep spreading the truth.
شكرا لكل احد يدعم القضيه الفلسطينيه ويسعى لنشر الوعي .
(والله غالب على أمره ولكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون)
سبحان الله ما نراه نحن شرا يكمن ورااااءه خير كبير وعظيم يخباه الله لعباده المؤمنين ان شاء الله يكون الخير الكبير وراء هذه الاحداث التحرر لفلسطين ولكل المسلمين ورفع الغشاوة على اعين الناس في جميع انحاء العالم حول حقيقتهم
اللهم آمين اللهم آمين وعسى أن تكرهوا شيئاً وهو خيرٌ لكم
يا رب
بارك الله في احرار العالم وربي ينور بصيرتهم
الله يصخر للحق رجال يظهرونه ويخرج النور من الظلمات ويظهر الحق ويزهق الباطل
شكرا لكم يا احرار امريكا داعمي السلام ورافضي القتل والاستعمار
اللهم انصر إخواننا في غزة وكل بقاع العالم
شاركوا هذا الفيديو..على القنوات الغربية..وساهموا باظهار الحقيقة للعالم..
الله ما أمين النصر لفلسطين المضلومة إن شاء الله
You have said it all Sir! We have all started educating ourselves the atrocious genocide of Palestinians opened our eyes 👀
May Allah bless you all over the world...
جزاكم الله خيرا
This is because you are a human being, I respect you, my bro 👍
Yes is't, God bless you.
@@ksjfq9927 يفضل تقول god لأن ممكن يكون مش مسلم متل ما انت لا ترضى ان يتكلم معك احد ب كلمة Jesus
Free Palestine 🇵🇸❤️🇵🇸
الحمدلله يارب واخيرا بدات ناس تعرف الحقيقة ان شاء الله تعالى عزوجل فلسطين هذي مرة راح يحرر😊
He spoke the truth and the reality of whats been happening to the Palestinians for decades
.. thank you sir!
Hamas shot rockets from Gaza's hospitals and civilian areas. ... In the West, hospitals protect civilians. In Gaza, hospitals protect Hamas. ... Are you smarter than the United Nations who sanctioned Hamas and the Ayatollah?
It's truly refreshing to see a Regular American guy come forth and speak up against all the Zionists lies. Thank you, Sir!! Much respect to you.
He has been bought. The smile when he says he educated himself is disingenuous. ... Do you believe persons who make extremely-certain statements that something will happen? ... It's the slippery slope logical fallacy - so why do you trust someone who lacks character by talking that way?
I trust him, because he has nothing to gain from this and everything to risk of himself. Now that's character.
this is not a regular american guy- this is an idiot who is funded by the anti israel lobby
@@hugodomingo3765 keep going zionists.....the world is watching so keep going until nobody is on your side....
@@imbluz The American used a slippery-slope fallacy, and you consider him authoritative?
شكرا لكل الاحرار في العالم على دعم حق الشعب الفلسطيني في الدفاع عن الأرض
It’s disgusting what Israel is doing to the memory of the holocaust and suffering!
For a holocaust survivor to call then “no different than natzi in Germany”. Says it all! Marione Ingram, protesting outside White House for the Palestinian freedom ✌🏻
فلسطين ستنتصر هذا وعد من الله شكرا لكل الاحرار شكرا غزة لقد اسقطتي كل الاقنعة والكل صار يعرف ما يجب فعله 🫡🇵🇸
This is because you are a human being, I respect you, my bro
Agree…. Same from Canada. The message is spreading but not fast enough for our insane leaders
Yes! This message as you said we need to be share this video in canada 👍
انشرها في قناتك ونحن نشاركها مع الناس
our leaders don't give a sh*t what we think or stand for, the West is a global dictatorship in disguise
No it's not you vile anti semite
canada 51st state of america.
We need more good people like this gentleman in the world who stand up for the rights ✌️🫶🙏✔️❤️
Yes. This is a simple issue regarding our God-given rights to our lives, liberties, and properties. Israelis have violated all 3.
Yes This gentleman is good and honest man ❤
حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل في إسرائيل و كل من يدعمها
I wish I could like this video a million times!!! Thankyou so much sir for getting this information out there to the public!! We stand with the Palestinian people!! No more oppression! No more lies! No more wars!! Enough is enough people are waking up and not standing for this anymore!!
Hamas shot rockets from Gaza's hospitals and civilian areas. ... In the West, hospitals protect civilians. In Gaza, hospitals protect Hamas. ... Are you smarter than the United Nations who sanctioned Hamas and the Ayatollah?
the palestinians massacred my people and i am no jew nor israeli
This guy is got his head so far up his a**He believes his own s*** just remember. This is his opinion, not ours. So you don't have to believe it, but f you're ignorant enough to believe it, that's on your shoulders to deal with, not mine, not Ours.
As another white American, I am in 100 percent in agreement with this man. Keep speaking up brother! We have your back
Nothing worse then a self loathing American .
There are peacful jews who live with everyone else but these zionist hate them for not being zionists
Hamas shot rockets from Gaza's hospitals and civilian areas. ... In the West, hospitals protect civilians. In Gaza, hospitals protect Hamas. ... Are you smarter than the United Nations who sanctioned Hamas and the Ayatollah?
Appreciate this man and applaud his intentions but wonder why he speaks as a "white" American rather than simply as an American. I'm not taking anything away from his message, in fact, I'm in complete agreement with him.
Suggest we focus less on the color of our skin and more on standing up for justice for all.
شكرا لكم جميعا سوف ندعوا لكم في صلاتنا 🤲
I have never seen or heard such a speech in my entire life. Thank you so much for speaking out and being honest.
هل هذا معقول🤦 ؟ هل انتم إلى هذه لدرجة منفصلين عن الواقع؟ يتم قتلهم من عشرات السنين ظلما ، سجونهم مليئة بالأطفال الصغار دون محاكمة، ، أنها دولة متحضرة ومتطورة لكنها بربرية ، حضارتها مغمسة بالظلم والسرقات
@@hanahusen4971هذا ما يصدره الإعلام الغربي للشعوب التي يحكمونها لعمل غسيل مخ لتزييف الحقائق وتعتيمها بمباركة الصهاينة. ولكن الحق سيظهره الله عز وجل مهما طال الزمن ومهما حاول هؤلاء الشرذمة إخفاء الحقائق.
هم مغسول دماغهم من الاعلام الغربي، و مش مستعدين يبحثوا عن الحق بنفسهم فخلص بصدقوا شو ما بحكي الاعلام .
@@hanahusen4971 شو الو علاقة المواطن الامريكي....اذا بدك تلومه بدي لومك على فعل حكومات العرب اللي بتاخد اوامرها من تل ابيب
I am shocked actually for a white American to educate themselves and begin to see the light of the zoinist agenda another way they are funding is tax write off to charity funding settlements in the west bank and even though the Palestinians think the saying from the river to sea is their mantra the truth is the zoinists are the ones that are intending to have it that way and more than likely they gave it to Palestinians
رجل رائع كلامك وفهمك رائع يا رب الله يهديك لدينه الحق تستحق ذلك انت رجل رائع تستحق كل خير
You are a man, you are an honorable, honest, and conscientious man
Mr. you said everything and said it well. It took a long time for some Americans but it is better late than never. Thank you for your support.
I am from the Middle East and am proud to see an American finally understands the conflict well and refuses to be a victim to false propaganda and media lies . more people like u means more just and fairness and peace which is what the usa was founded upon in the first place
Oct 7 massacre was a hoax and didn't happen?
All this is just rhetoric > What does it amount to?
There are many, many Americans who know all about the Israeli propaganda. Our main problems stem from allowing them to infiltrate every single institution in the US.
@@jared2244Well, we've seen what mass support for Israel amounts to and now that is changing so...is it that hard to figure out?
People are starting to see the truth about Israel and America!
@@meco4068 " People are starting to see the truth about Israel and America" What would it change? The voice of the people can do nothing if not backed by action.
That is exactly what i mean it will amount to nothing.
" we've seen what mass support for Israel amounts to ..Well a majority of countries in the EU supports Israel.. this is what it amounts to..
The alternative is to support Hamas.. Who in their right mind would support Hamas?
Hamas has no moral compass
Even Egypt is reluctant.. They support the people of Gaza, but not the channel it is using..
الله دائما مع الأمة الإسلامية ونصرها سيأتي نصر الله لا محل صدق وعده
Thank you for this 🙏🏼 as a South African born into the apartheid regime this means a lot. I wished that the whites in SA can open their eyes as well.
True. But why are farmers getting murdered today?
@@detrockcity3you really want to compare the 2?
Thank you for standing up for humanity
Respect! A man with mind and courage speaking out the truth. Thank you for your precious delivery!
لقد نطقت بالحق وكثير من حكام العرب لا يتجرأون ع فعل ما فعلته شكرا لك والحمدلله الذي اراك الحقيقه للشعب الفلسطيني المنهك من الحروب ولا زالوا صامدين حتى آخر قطره دم
Thank you for saying the truth that Palestinian people try to prove all of those years. Keep it up, I am proud Egyptian American, but I hats the lies that the media is feeding us everyday, thank you 🙏
it is because we are so unduly infiltrated with a certain agenda, our gov't. is full of "dual passported individuals" which is treasonous for America. We have homeless and veterans that need food, clothing and homes yet we have been "sucked dry" - as a certain Mr. N bragged about in 1990.......just sayin'.........I stand with HUMANITY, therefore, I stand for Palestine. God bless the good.
Tous les commentaires sont beaux et forts, merci beaucoup parce que vous soutenez le bien plutôt que le mal 🇵🇸🖐️🇵🇸
اللهم أكثر من أمثال هذا الأمريكي الحر..الإنسانية فيها خير كثير، يجب أن نبحث عنه لنجده.
سبحان الله، في الزمن الذي كثر فيه المنكر، و الفسق، و الفجور..إلخ، اراد الله أن يقول لنا لا تيأسوا من رحمة الله..ففي الدنيا مازال هناك أخيار..
الحمدلله على استفاقة من غيبوبته....اللهم انصر الاسلام و المسلمين وانصر أهل غزة وكل فلسطين نصرا عزيزا مؤزرا ياااااااااااااب
Everyone has been used by both our governments. Appreciate your courage brother!
Good to see things change in the States
اللهم انصر اخواننا في غزة العزة والكرامة تحيه للابطال المرابطين والمقاومة والمجاهدين الابطال في فلسطين الحبيبه 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇪🇬🤲✌️✌️
دماء اهل غزة لن تذهب سدى
بإذن الله تعالى 😼🤍
ان شاء الله
بإذن الله تعالى
المثل بالمثل
ان شاء الله
Excellent truthful video. All my life I too believed Israel was a victim and the Palestinians were the baddies all that has changed since I stopped believing British media and started thinking for myself. The blinds have been removed from my eyes and I dont like what I see in the West!
From your picture, you look like you would be popular in Saudi Arabia.
@RAF1941 reminds me of when people say leave go back to africa. Same bs different situation. Heartless and cold...
@RAF1941 make me 😅 yo ancestors been trying for hundreds of years
@RAF1941 the one's who tell people ignorant things 😆
@RAF1941Why don’t you leave? leave the planet you ignorant shit and take your violent blood thirsty people with you.
شكرا لهذا الموقف الحر والشجاع من أجل الإنسانية رغم إختلاف العقائد 👍
الحرية لفلسطين الأبية ✌🇵🇸🇵🇸
حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل في كل من تخاذل وتآمر وخان وتاجر بدماء واشلاء اطفال ونساء ورجال غزتنا الحره الأبية
Thank you for taking the time to educate yourself on the reality of who the actual terrorists are!
اقرأوا القرآن يعرفكم بطباءع اليهود لانه كلام الله الذي يعرف من خلق
Read about the history and you'll see the reality. Zionists are terrorists.
@@عافريا كل الأنبياء كانو يهود
Thanks for spreading the your propaganda. Your neighbors don't even want you in the region.
@flman1478 you mean zionis right? They have a bunch of histories being kick out from the country they live. Now you know why no one accepted zionis in their country.
Glad to see people are waking up to Western leaders and Israeli BS! Hats off to this guy! Bravo!
Wait till you wake up to the BS that is islam !
hahahah, you got that backwards. Israel rocks!
@@PrettyFly4aWi-Fiشكرا جزيلا اخي البطل على قول الحقيقة
Hamas shot rockets from Gaza's hospitals and civilian areas. ... In the West, hospitals protect civilians. In Gaza, hospitals protect Hamas. ... Are you smarter than the United Nations who sanctioned Hamas and the Ayatollah?
الحمد لله ظهر الحق و زهق الباطل
اللهم انصر اخواننا المستضعفين في فلسطين اللهم انصرهم نصرا عزيزا تعز به الاسلام و المسلمين ياااارب
Love you man you said the truth free Palestine 🇵🇸 inshallah soon 🤲☝️
Inshallah inshallah 🤲☝️
Thanks brother for this recording. Am a Ugandan but really love people with a sense of understand and logical wisdom to distinguish myth from mystery. May Allah bless you.
Thank you sir , because u are a real human who looks for reality of Palestine situation , it’s exactly how u described it
This guy gives me hope.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
ادعموا فلسطين
Impressive that he spoke out the truth when others are still hiding behind the bushes and their masks 🎭
أموال اسرائيل تستولى عليها من خيرات البلاد العربية التى تدمرها مثل سوريا ولبييا وفلسطين والسوادان ومصر أيضا تأخذ غازها وايضا استولت على النيل واقامت سدا لتمنغ المياة عن مصر
Amen brother! Glad to see American with an open heart!
I hope it will happen as soon as possible, i can't wait to see how happy the Palestinians are gonna be after 75 years. Nothing lasts forever but Israel doesn't want to understand that. Thank you very much and let's keep educating more and more people ❤
From your mouth to God❤There will be parades and celebrations around the world❤❤❤
@@A358M Islam will not last for ever, but when muslims succeed in their genocide and dare to celebrate that here, we will know that they are the new nazi's.
And you should know what we did to them, and we think you muslims deserve the same.
Educated people reject everything Hamas and islam stand for: we see your hatred and we will respond.
Yep, read the Book of Revelation of Yeshua and you will find the reason why. It will be in celebration of the Anti-Christ and the faults Prophet. Satan will have his day of worship as world ruler but it will be short lived.
Did Hamas fire rockets from hospital rooftops in Gaza? ... Is Hamas bankrolled by Iran?
Hamas shot rockets from Gaza's hospitals and civilian areas. ... In the West, hospitals protect civilians. In Gaza, hospitals protect Hamas. ... Are you smarter than the United Nations who sanctioned Hamas and the Ayatollah?
شكرا. لهذا الرجل
شكرا لهذا العقل
شكرا لهذا الفهم. بحث فوجد الحقيقة
فسطع بها. شكرا سيدي
I am thrilled to hear you talk sir. Thank you for your courage and your empathy towards the Palestinians. We need more people like you to speak. I have shared this video with family and friends. Thank you so much.
First step study 📚 history the Gaza district was controlled by Egypt 🇪🇬 and they don’t want nothing to do with that they just poor people that are stuck in the middle Jordan 🇯🇴 have five million Palestinian 🇵🇸 and they are second class citizens take 2.5 million or 2 between those countries or help them rebuild their homes 🏠 but nobody wants to help them
We need people like you to educate yourself a bit. If you have any REAL empathy for Palestinians, you would address their real problems: Hamas.
Muslims never show empathy but they love to hate their enemies.
@@vadimgorodezky4347Your little hasbara wasn't working anymore. Find another job 😁
@@vadimgorodezky4347but God tells us to be compassionate and help the poor! It is our duty as Christians, and Moslems also, I know - it is a human obligation for most cultures on earth!
Are you from there ? If so can I ask you a few questions I'm american Cristian and this is all so confusing with all the lies from both sides
We have been some of the most lied to people in the world. There are some things we have to stand together on no matter what race we are. This can really bring Americans together like we should be. Let’s make it happen
Do not vote for anyone who takes CPAC money and other Zionists organisations. They are evil. I can’t believe that Americans are paying billions of their tax dollars to assist Israel in their genocide of the Palestinian people.
The same way Dems and reps align on this issue, the american people can align against it.
Finally someone admits, they lived under propaganda for most of their life. Because it is, was and still going on. To make it worst, you guys are funding a genocide. What do you say about that?
you are mistaken because it was you that took the decision to lie on everyone else
Agreed 🇵🇸❤️
I’m glad you are speaking out about this horrific situation and injustice of Palestine 🇵🇸 ! We need more Americans to see the truth and spread the word! Indigenous Palestinians brutal occupied by apartheid Israeli government for over 75yrs .. ALL STARTED 1948 NAKBA 💔🇵🇸
White nationalists have known about the plight of the Palestinians for fifty years, but we are even more hated than Palestinians, and hated by Arabs and Palestinians because we try to educate and free our own enslaved people. Palestinians just jump on the anti-white bandwagon. They should realize the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Nonsense, the "Indigenous Palestinians" were people living in the area called Palestine, and they had Jewish, Bedouin and Arab background.
Hamas has nothing to do with Palestine, they created this horrible situation, not Israel.
Israel exists since 1948 and they defeated all Arab attackers in many wars and came out victorious.
Arabs still hate being defeated and they cant deal with that. So they created this "Palestine" myth in 1967, and now they hate their own creation, and blame Israel for that.
No justice in Gaza, because it is under Hamas control.
@@worfoz And who/what controls your brain? Not the FACTS, that's for sure.
@@nick_czem_nick656 Everything I said is correct.
maybe you believe in jinns?
يااااااا رب يااااا كريم ياااااامجيب ياااااامنتصر انصر اخواننا في غزة .فلسطين .لبنان .اليمن .إيران .العراق وكل من ينصر الاسلام ❤
I’ve been saying this for many many years now, but social media is the great equalizer…billions of US dollars to Israel, but the average working US citizen is struggling…
They want you struggling so you have to work their jobs no matter what you’re paid. That’s why they like having so many homeless around. That’s why they leave the border open-to suppress wages and to make people scared & begging for more government.
شكرا لك على هذه المعلومات التي قدمتها لتبرد قلوبنا انت رجل شجاع
C est bien Monsieur de chercher à comprendre cette cause palestinienne , bravo à vous !!....❤😊❤
Cet homme a découvert toute la réalité et la très bien résumé. Bravo et félicitation. Vous êtes un homme avec un grand coeur. L'injustice ne doit pas régner dans notre monde. La vérité se saura un jour celui qui vivait du mensonge à bien une date de péremption.
I’m Black American and have been educated about the Palestinian struggle my entire life…
Alhamdulillah everyone is now on board and ready to bring about a change!
Hamas shot rockets from Gaza's hospitals and civilian areas. ... In the West, hospitals protect civilians. In Gaza, hospitals protect Hamas. ... Are you smarter than the United Nations who sanctioned Hamas and the Ayatollah?
As a 42 year old black American man I’m ashamed of myself for not doing real due diligence on this top until last month. What I’ve learned along with what we’ve been seeing is nothing short of genocide. I apologize from the bottom of my heart to the Palestine people who have been relegated to a glorified concentration camps.
Finally the world is waking up to Israeli and American BS.
Bless you, cousin. We're going to help shift this, somehow: all of us together.
If you listen to this idiot you need to do more research
Where do you find the information? I would love to read about it, but I can find nothing that doesn’t say the same old thing over and over. It would be awesome if this guy would cite a credible source….TikTok is absolutely NOT a credible source.
@@crazypsychnurse9493 Just start off with the “60 Minutes,” specials that they released back in 2009, 2010 and 2012. They’re right there on their YT chanel. They re-released those three episodes 4 weeks ago (Nov 4th 2023). Back when they actually did some real investigative journalism.
Truth and justice will privale
اللهم انصر أخواننا فى غزه وفلسطين وسائر بلاد المسلمين آمين يارب العالمين
اللهم انصر اخواننا في فلسطين و سخر لهم جنودك. حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل.
True, you are right in what you say. We have finally opened our eyes to the bitter reality experienced by the people of Palestine, whose land has been usurped and whose sanctity has been violated for years, but our print and audio press has been lying to us all these years, unfortunately.
Hamas is lying and oppressing the people in Gaza, but no muslim cares.
Islam lies, no muslim cares, every arab nation oppresses muslim but no muslim cares.
The only thing that excites a muslim is the chance to accuse and attack a jew, muslims don't love muslims, muslims only hate jews.
Yemen, Myanmar, Syria, Chechenya, Uygurs: muslims don't give a damn because there ar no jews there.
Hamas shot rockets from Gaza's hospitals and civilian areas. ... In the West, hospitals protect civilians. In Gaza, hospitals protect Hamas. ... Are you smarter than the United Nations who sanctioned Hamas and the Ayatollah?
Thank you for your giving your voice to the Palestinian cause. You bought me to tears your support means so much! May God bless you and guide you to the truth always.
Hamas shot rockets from Gaza's hospitals and civilian areas. ... In the West, hospitals protect civilians. In Gaza, hospitals protect Hamas. ... Are you smarter than the United Nations who sanctioned Hamas and the Ayatollah?
Long live Palestine 🇵🇸 💚💚💚
Wow, as a muslim, you sir have blown my mind. Thanks for educating me. I hope people who have platforms start speaking up like you to tell people what the actual story is.
Since his videos, he woke up hundreds of people in minutes! Social media is our saving grace,
White Americans are the most brainwashed people on the planet, and most of the brainwashing comes from The Tribe. We are like Pit Bulldogs that The Tribe sics on their enemies. It was Germany in the 1940's because an Austrian guy woke them up. For the past 35 years it's been the Arab world white Americans have been sicced on. This has all been done while The Tribe has waged an endless campaign to destroy white America. White Americans have to be the stupidest people on the planet. I suppose the spell will finally break when the US goes bankrupt, which is not far off.
We know the whole story, and we know how some people feel so "woke" when they take the first step on the road to knowledge.
Social media creates this woke feeling but a proper educations will truly wake you up.
Keep learning, and know that muslims believe in the weirdest things like alla and holy war against people like YOU.
You surely know who is killings muslims now, in Yemen, Myanmar, Gaza and all the other places you ignore? Because no jews to accuse.
We know the actual story of muslims killing muslims, so stop blaming outsiders.
@@mariam6822The Israeli/US government corruption runs very deep. It must be investigated NOW. IT MUST END.
The PARASITIC, divisive, hateful, race baiting, stupid, irresponsible, brainwashing, deceitful, manipulative, delusional, vindictive, ruinous, and ANTI-AMERICAN mainstream US mass media comes after the very HISTORY of this once great nation. They disguise themselves as the opposite of what they truly are BY COMING AFTER YOUR GUNS AND THE CONFEDERATE STATUES/MONUMENTS. In fact, OPEN BORDERS Joe has got to go. The mainstream US mass media is a domestic and an international terrorist. WE are losing OUR country. WE are losing OUR rights and OUR freedoms. Expect things in general IN THE USA to continue to get worse and worse and worse !!!! (Stupid does as stupid is.) Welcome to THE NEW COLONIALISM. Israeli Joe has got to go. Corruption rules the day in the USA. Netanyahu is a war criminal, AND he is thoroughly corrupt. He's delusional and stupid. He's going to lose. Biden is corrupt and senile, AS he is the message: We control you. Psycho Joe has got to go.
By AMERICAN humanitarian and patriot Frank Martin DiMeglio
@@mariam6822thats why they want to control it so badly, and eliminate online anonymity
Thank you for your courageous posting and for exposing the warmongers of this country and our complicity in the atrocities committed on the Palestinian people.
I am a Hispanic American. My own country, Puerto Rico, has been colonized and our indigenous people have been decimated by the countries that conquered us. I always saw myself as an ally to other colonized people but I’m ashamed that it’s only in the past 2 years that my eyes have been opened to the atrocities occurring to the Palestinians.
To all my Palestinian brothers and sisters fighting for survival and freedom, I am with you. 🇵🇷❤️🇵🇸
Great news. 👍., continue to research. The conflict has nothing to do with fighting terrorists, most of the terrorists groups are created by the imperialists, to divide and conquer.......
This is about the THEFTS OF NATURAL RESOURCES., in 2000, there was a report, about Gaza, having a Huge amount of natural gas reserves. Their goals is to destroy the Palestinians and steal their natural resources. JUst like what the European criminals did in the Americas , they destroyed the natives, stole their lands and resources......
Please 🙏 continue to educate yourself ......
Notice, the country of Panama 🇵🇦 is protesting also., research the reasons .....
Hamas shot rockets from Gaza's hospitals and civilian areas. ... In the West, hospitals protect civilians. In Gaza, hospitals protect Hamas. ... The Ayatollah finances Hamas and other groups sanctioned by the United Nations. ... Most Puerto Ricans live in the U.S. - so quit the BS about colonialization.
Yeah, baby! Revolution!
only if colonizers left people alone,kept their religion to themselves instead of forcing it on people,this would be a better world!! but people will rise up against that evil, africa and other colonized place will get the boot!! sudan needs to be on the news even more, but you know how the world feel about black people.
It's never too late to learn from the facts that have been covered up and the obfuscation of our own politicians. Free Palestine!
اللهم انصر غزة وفلسطين حرة بإدن الله
الله ينصر كل من ينصر غزة
I'm in Ireland. My neighbour plants a Palestine flag in their garden every time the latest episode of the conflict arises. I previously thought they were nuts, but now I get it. We are all waking up to the 75 years of subjugation, control and monitoring of a stateless people who live in an open air prison camp.
Listened to an Irish lawyer speaking to ICJ about the atrocities in Gaza. Bravo Ireland for speaking out on behalf of Palestine. Makes me proud of my birth country.
اللهم انصر اخواننا بفلسطين وثبت أقدامهم ويسر أمرهم واحفظهم من كل سوء يااااااااااارب
As a Hispanic American, I completely agree with you, Sir. Thank you for speaking out when some people were afraid to.
Did Hamas really fire rockets from hospital rooftops in Gaza? Did they also rape Israeli women at the October 7 concert?
Yep, it has been done to Hispanics, too! And blacks and Asians and etcetera
@@hombrenuevoacts1728if you review history, it’s all been done to everyone. we need to move past this shit or there will never be real progress.
in actuality, it’s the same small group of people fucking over everyone on Earth: bankers in City of London, Wall Street, and politicians/bureaucrats in D.C. and various capitals around the world who submit to those bankers for endless credit at the expense of their citizens.
they cause all the wars. they cause all the oppression. they steal all the wealth of the world.
@@detrockcity3 Tell that to Israel and stop taking land from Palestine.....
Ireland is with you and are pleased you are more informed.
Whats happening in LA is nothing, absolutely NOTHING compared to Gaza!! ☘️
Not just America's money, your tax payer dollars are going to those entitled little thugs!!
Thank you for taking the time and effort of learning about the Palestinian plight under the brutal apartheid Israeli regime. It's way overdue for messages like yours to spread.
Better late then never ✨
Their concern is not Palestinians' suffering , their concern is their tax money being spent on Israel.
@@sasheenvictorious6783 You can't know a person's true intention but what matters is the results
@@No7O_O7oN agreed
لا إن شاء الله لم يفت الاوان بعد وان شاء الله الرأي العام الأمريكي والشعب سيسقط هذه الحكومات التي تساند إسرائيل وتدعمها ان شاء الله تعالى
I found you very intrigued, very intelligent. Educating youself is the most honourable thing for every soul.❤Blessed brother we are together in struggle to liberate the Palestinians. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
That’s the most refreshing thing I’ve seen in a long time it’s about time the people held there government accountable and people like you will .
God bless you For opening the eyes of the people and make them realize the shit The Palestinian people are going through. Might God bless the Palestinian people and Palestine, free Palestine🇵🇸❤️