{English Lyrics} Good bye, forget those words, always The face profile that’s sent and planned with a whiff, on the bed, There’s no other way for you Embracing the warm shoulder tightly. LOVE this era is very LOVE though I can’t express it LOVE slowly I- LOVE one day in my sleep time. Tears isn’t a sorrowful thing In the time when I was selfish too. A smile in the time when the earth griefs Reveals the power to help. Spoiled things is like how high the wall is Somehow someone will feel it, what’s the degree of pain that exceeds five senses I who realize that, am happy. This time alone, I don’t know what can I do with just alone, Because it’s okay if I lose my own senses To remember you for just a little. LOVE dream are with nature LOVE turn back to a girl LOVE that’s also alright LOVE because I can meet you again, right? Right now, the words I write in this letter will hopefully be inside inside your heart, Hidden inside it, however this paper isn’t even read. Definitely you’ll be broken because my eye, turn away until the very end, The KISS that go through is like the lovely lovely words. Love! In the unexpected time, I am expressing my happiness in some way, Fall to ruins the happiness’ expression conveying my happiness eternally.
1:30 「私、幸せだよ」の部分が「僕は、幸せだよ」になってるの好き
{English Lyrics}
Good bye, forget those words, always
The face profile that’s sent and planned with a whiff, on the bed,
There’s no other way for you
Embracing the warm shoulder tightly.
LOVE this era is very
LOVE though I can’t express it
LOVE slowly I-
LOVE one day in my sleep time.
Tears isn’t a sorrowful thing
In the time when I was selfish too.
A smile in the time when the earth griefs
Reveals the power to help.
Spoiled things is like how high the wall is
Somehow someone will feel it, what’s the degree of pain that exceeds five senses
I who realize that, am happy.
This time alone, I don’t know what can I do with just alone,
Because it’s okay if I lose my own senses
To remember you for just a little.
LOVE dream are with nature
LOVE turn back to a girl
LOVE that’s also alright
LOVE because I can meet you again, right?
Right now, the words I write in this letter will hopefully be inside inside your heart,
Hidden inside it, however this paper isn’t even read.
Definitely you’ll be broken because my eye, turn away until the very end,
The KISS that go through is like the lovely lovely words.
Love! In the unexpected time, I am expressing my happiness in some way,
Fall to ruins the happiness’ expression conveying my happiness eternally.
さよなら…そんな言葉忘れていた、ずっと。 使わずにかくさずにふっと横顔 ベッドの上で 君のどうしようもないやさしさ ふっとまつ毛にKISSをした
涙が悲しくないものだって 教えてくれた君はいつでも 笑顔がときには地球の嘆きを 伝える程の重さを記して 甘えることがどれほど高い壁か はじめて君の肩を抱きしめ 痛い程五感以上の何かで 気付いた僕は幸せだよ
この頃1人…たった1人どれくらいかわからないほど 自分で意識なんてしないでもいいから 君をずっと心に刻んでる
今、手紙に書いてある言葉はお願い君の宝箱、奥に奥に ひそませておいて…。だけどこんな手紙、読めなくなっても きっと君は、ずっと君は僕の目から…そらさずに最後まで… つらぬいてくれるKISSと似ているすてきなすてきな言葉を…。 すき!とつぶやいたときは、僕も泣く。幸せを表わす術として 住みついた…。君が君が永遠に…。さよなら…を永遠に封じて