Yeah, this game delivers in the 3 areas I most like about Genshin Impact: Music, Graphics, Scenery. As for Story, ngl I'm quite enjoying WuWa story so far, I love the idea of "a world made of sound waves", I think it's very clever and a strong basis, hope it doesn't suck For me if there's one thing where wuwa absolutely beats Genshin, it is in character self-shadow rendering. Genshin's character shading is SO BAD, I hope they change it in the 5.0 update.
@@figloalds id say genshins delivery of its story is better but wuwa's universe, lore and writing(later acts) are vastly superior and more interesting. It's tone is also more mature than genshin's, which I prefer
@@Verystoic I saw a deleted scene from CBT, it was SOOO GOOD, I hate that they downgraded it; I finished the acts 4 and 5 after that comment and, right now the story of the game is kinda lit, but I wish they kept that CBT intro, it instantly rises the stakes and makes the characters more "alive" and self-aware; As of right now the intro is very shitty and the characters almost instantly just try to suck me for no reason whatsoever
fr, there's no way the complaints that can absolutely be boiled down to "they just don't personally like it" can be called objective, apparently "objective" means "subjective" now but subjective still means subjective to those people, it's really wack
frfr, no music is 'objectively' bad, wtf are people on lol you either like it or don't, and if you don't, that's cool, go listen to something you love. like why even comment on it, it's so weird
@@cloud_lost_in_thought This is not quite correct actually, if you work in the art field, whether its visual, audible or otherwise, you'll understand that subjectivity only goes so far, its easy to say music is all subjective, but then you can apply that logic to everything in life by simply saying "perspective", which is a poor approach to analysis and critique. There ARE in fact objective values to music and art in general. Someone can sing horribly and there'll always be 1 or 2 people out there who think "hey that sounds alright", but based on standards that exist for a reason, it doesnt mean it isnt bad. its just like video games, another medium of art, a game can be objectively bad, and you're still allowed to like it, but when player count, sales, and public feedback are all accessible and all signs point to "This will never succeed in the market' then that game is in fact bad. And outside of standards you also have a science to Appeal, in the same way that the brain processes things like beauty in facial symmetry. The same rings true for a singer, anyone who plays a guitar can tell you an out of tune one sounds bad even if you like it. Another point of reason here is Tone and context, Objectively, wuthering wave's music IS good, because it meets all the necessities of what is required for the game's style, Adrenaline, pacing, Aggression, and theme and how the brain recognizes sounds based on aesthetic. There is a saying for food that the japanese have, "you eat with your eyes". This same mentality can be applied to things like music. If i say "think about the Wild west", most people would immediately, even for a moment think about the stereotype of a desert outback, small town, high noon and bars, and for sound they'd immediately associate it with the expected instruments, harmonicas, guitars etc. How well you combine and match/contrast the chemistry of these things can make or break "atmosphere". Being able to do all of these things skillfully and make the masses of your audience enjoy it is part of how we measure something "objectively", using tangible credibility based on standards and patterns. In the same light, something can be objectively good, but people still dislike it, because simple objectivity does not always appear as appeal, this is how we end up with Niche categories that are intended for certain audiences but not others, and thus, Context defines such things, subjective yes, but at its core there are still objective values. Its like telling someone "yes you're technically right but..." There is a reason people pay money for art, it is because it is a skill, for something to be a skill there must be STRUCTURE, patterns and expectations that are met on some level, the rest of it is what you call creative liberty. ALSO, About the "If you dont like it why comment" sort of mentality, This is the sort of thing people say to deflect criticism, You are allowed to express you dont like something or that you think its bad, you are even allowed to be rude about it. Some will tell you "you couldve said this nicer". But a musician that knows what he's doing, or any artist in any field for this matter knows how to separate emotion from feedback and weigh it accordingly. If everyone went by the logic you've presented there, Wuthering waves' issues would never be addressed because its all "subjective". This is a poor approach to music, and unfortunately it is the same individuals who treat music in such a manner that are prone to be "tone deaf", they only hear what they think sounds good, they dont know the framework. Anyone who says wuthering waves music is objectively bad is not by default wrong in doing so, its simply a matter of whether or not they're able to solidify why they say this and have it reflect in both the reception vs the standard it can be expected to meet. This is why one would be incorrect in saying Wuwa's music is objectively bad, because it most definately, as stated earlier, checks all the NECESSARY boxes you could think of, and it reflects in its reception. REMEMBER, at the end of the day the job of the artist is not to please everybody, but to entertain as much of the audience as realistically possible, enough for it to be a success, you'll be diving into several miles deep rabbit holes if you try to talk about just how many angles music can be "objectively" viewed from based on the enjoyment of its audience as even the masses can simply be wrong about something, for example someone thinking a popular rapper or genre of rap is garbage, despite them being massively reknown, and you can judge even this by standards, comparing said individual to others in the genre (thus why competition is a good thing) Music CAN be objectively bad, and you are allowed to like music that is such. At the end of the day an audience always has a tendency to behave on some level, like a hive mind, this can be both for good measure or bad. Sometimes an audience is just full of idiots, and sometimes there are a few that just dont see the appeal or understand the language, as that is what art is at the end of the day, A language, and you either speak it, or you dont. To quote cyberpunk 2077 dialogue: each commenting on the music being bad in johnny's opinion~ V: "To each their own johnny" Johnny Silverhand: "Thats what folks with bad taste always say"
@@Verystoic wow, a thesis. Here’s the thing about all that: critical eye/ear, etc. aside (I’m a witer and proofreader, trust me, I know about the objectivity with witch someone in the field sees things others may not), you cannot deem a piece of art “objectively” bad in this context (youtube, yeah, we’re not in art school) unless you speak strictly for you. What you personally deem “objectively” bad, someone may love 🤷🏻♀️ that’s the beauty of art. An example: I think the Twilight books are so poorly written it’s laughable (most book critics would agree), but many people love them and that’s also ok. As for “why comment”: I was obv not talking about actually criticism, but people crapping on other people’s tastes or preferences. This is not a forum of experts giving their expert opinion on a piece of music of the purpose of examination. It’s UA-cam. People come here to enjoy some music they like. It’s really not that deep. We are all allowed to enjoy what we enjoy.
@@tranminh8510 I agree, it seems more like a snippet 🤔 I might very well be wrong! It was solely based on what I have heard before and on OP's choice of a background image in this particular video. Hehe. Either way a fire song to start the compilation 🔥
9:53 i love this chill vibe with mixed traditional instruments! some soundtracks like1:03:37 remind me of music from Valorant, i think they did a good job balancing the traditional aspects of the game with the high tech stuff
It likely has 1, just not something you can hear rn since the game isnt out, since its just beta data mined they probably didnt put the full version in, & have it in the full game
The music disappeared after the game was updated by the developers, now I'm listening to your video. Thank you, otherwise the fights are dynamic and it's kind of boring to run around the open world without at least some music.
@@MissxLariz yes, I was wondering if other people have such a problem and it turned out that many people have a problem with the music in the game. There is no such problem now, it has been fixed.
@@MissxLariz I just played for 2 hours and everything was fine with the music. At least for me. xD If everything works well for you, then enjoy the game.
33:34 my favourite theme that i was searching for 😍, the mysterious theme of the best characters Camellya and Scar, i love them both a lot, i hope they will both become playable
It's out in a month lol, patience is a virtue, we've had enough rushed games, I also suspect they were rushed by their license expiring but who knows we shall see, for now I expect it to be genshin but smoother combat, if the gacha sucks I may drop it & wait for arknights endfield & azur promilia
Does anyone know the OST that plays after clearing a forgery challenge? I'm obsessed with that somber music everytime I finish farming, but I can't seem to find it
A lot of cyber techno battle themes and electronic undertone with the synths. I hope there's more serene traditional orchestral music for exploration and landscape markers, it seems to be lacking on this game file dig. I'm still hyped for WuWa tho
Периодически возвращаюсь, потому что здесь только качающих и просто умиротворяющих треков, что невозможно не ставить повтор. Надеюсь их скоро отыскать все в мире Вувы
This may not be Genshin, but it makes a fucking Impact.
Yeah, this game delivers in the 3 areas I most like about Genshin Impact: Music, Graphics, Scenery. As for Story, ngl I'm quite enjoying WuWa story so far, I love the idea of "a world made of sound waves", I think it's very clever and a strong basis, hope it doesn't suck
For me if there's one thing where wuwa absolutely beats Genshin, it is in character self-shadow rendering. Genshin's character shading is SO BAD, I hope they change it in the 5.0 update.
@@figloalds id say genshins delivery of its story is better but wuwa's universe, lore and writing(later acts) are vastly superior and more interesting. It's tone is also more mature than genshin's, which I prefer
@@Verystoic I saw a deleted scene from CBT, it was SOOO GOOD, I hate that they downgraded it; I finished the acts 4 and 5 after that comment and, right now the story of the game is kinda lit, but I wish they kept that CBT intro, it instantly rises the stakes and makes the characters more "alive" and self-aware; As of right now the intro is very shitty and the characters almost instantly just try to suck me for no reason whatsoever
That's just glazing, wuwa has the worst lore and writing compared to genshin(unless you're comparing just 1.0 versions)@@Verystoic
vanguard studio was f*ing burning while making 4 ,8 ,21 and 37th
it's combusting every 10 seconds
For me the 8th one is a banger for being a exploration ambience music.
For me it starts great & keeps getting better, 1 was so good to begin, 2 was calmer but still good, goes into 3 *chefs kiss*
It’s not vanguard
That OST 4 got my blood pumping, idk what I'll be fighting, I just know that it's gon be fire 🔥🔥🔥
mourning aix
Ух, уже с первых секунд качает. Постарались Куро, осталось дождаться их фирменного Trance EDM как в ПГР).
И спасибо за данный ролик.
A song like Narwhal and Lamia would go hard during a boss fight in Wuwa
@@MINERVA-X077the narwhal is from where?
@@karma-jougan4010 PGR
@@karma-jougan4010 Pgr
arabic theme hits so hard
You might like to hear Dust from PGR it has arabic theme to it and massive drop
Yes, this song is awesome!
Man people complaining about the OST are wild, its okay to not like this style to call it objectively bad is a hot fuckin take
fr, there's no way the complaints that can absolutely be boiled down to "they just don't personally like it" can be called objective, apparently "objective" means "subjective" now but subjective still means subjective to those people, it's really wack
I love the style, but fuck the style, THE ADRENALINE it induces during combat is worrying, this is a good thing.
frfr, no music is 'objectively' bad, wtf are people on lol you either like it or don't, and if you don't, that's cool, go listen to something you love. like why even comment on it, it's so weird
@@cloud_lost_in_thought This is not quite correct actually, if you work in the art field, whether its visual, audible or otherwise, you'll understand that subjectivity only goes so far, its easy to say music is all subjective, but then you can apply that logic to everything in life by simply saying "perspective", which is a poor approach to analysis and critique.
There ARE in fact objective values to music and art in general. Someone can sing horribly and there'll always be 1 or 2 people out there who think "hey that sounds alright", but based on standards that exist for a reason, it doesnt mean it isnt bad.
its just like video games, another medium of art, a game can be objectively bad, and you're still allowed to like it, but when player count, sales, and public feedback are all accessible and all signs point to "This will never succeed in the market' then that game is in fact bad.
And outside of standards you also have a science to Appeal, in the same way that the brain processes things like beauty in facial symmetry. The same rings true for a singer, anyone who plays a guitar can tell you an out of tune one sounds bad even if you like it.
Another point of reason here is Tone and context, Objectively, wuthering wave's music IS good, because it meets all the necessities of what is required for the game's style, Adrenaline, pacing, Aggression, and theme and how the brain recognizes sounds based on aesthetic.
There is a saying for food that the japanese have, "you eat with your eyes". This same mentality can be applied to things like music. If i say "think about the Wild west", most people would immediately, even for a moment think about the stereotype of a desert outback, small town, high noon and bars, and for sound they'd immediately associate it with the expected instruments, harmonicas, guitars etc.
How well you combine and match/contrast the chemistry of these things can make or break "atmosphere".
Being able to do all of these things skillfully and make the masses of your audience enjoy it is part of how we measure something "objectively", using tangible credibility based on standards and patterns.
In the same light, something can be objectively good, but people still dislike it, because simple objectivity does not always appear as appeal, this is how we end up with Niche categories that are intended for certain audiences but not others, and thus, Context defines such things, subjective yes, but at its core there are still objective values.
Its like telling someone "yes you're technically right but..."
There is a reason people pay money for art, it is because it is a skill, for something to be a skill there must be STRUCTURE, patterns and expectations that are met on some level, the rest of it is what you call creative liberty.
ALSO, About the "If you dont like it why comment" sort of mentality, This is the sort of thing people say to deflect criticism, You are allowed to express you dont like something or that you think its bad, you are even allowed to be rude about it. Some will tell you "you couldve said this nicer". But a musician that knows what he's doing, or any artist in any field for this matter knows how to separate emotion from feedback and weigh it accordingly. If everyone went by the logic you've presented there, Wuthering waves' issues would never be addressed because its all "subjective". This is a poor approach to music, and unfortunately it is the same individuals who treat music in such a manner that are prone to be "tone deaf", they only hear what they think sounds good, they dont know the framework.
Anyone who says wuthering waves music is objectively bad is not by default wrong in doing so, its simply a matter of whether or not they're able to solidify why they say this and have it reflect in both the reception vs the standard it can be expected to meet. This is why one would be incorrect in saying Wuwa's music is objectively bad, because it most definately, as stated earlier, checks all the NECESSARY boxes you could think of, and it reflects in its reception.
REMEMBER, at the end of the day the job of the artist is not to please everybody, but to entertain as much of the audience as realistically possible, enough for it to be a success, you'll be diving into several miles deep rabbit holes if you try to talk about just how many angles music can be "objectively" viewed from based on the enjoyment of its audience as even the masses can simply be wrong about something, for example someone thinking a popular rapper or genre of rap is garbage, despite them being massively reknown, and you can judge even this by standards, comparing said individual to others in the genre (thus why competition is a good thing)
Music CAN be objectively bad, and you are allowed to like music that is such. At the end of the day an audience always has a tendency to behave on some level, like a hive mind, this can be both for good measure or bad. Sometimes an audience is just full of idiots, and sometimes there are a few that just dont see the appeal or understand the language, as that is what art is at the end of the day, A language, and you either speak it, or you dont.
To quote cyberpunk 2077 dialogue:
each commenting on the music being bad in johnny's opinion~
V: "To each their own johnny"
Johnny Silverhand: "Thats what folks with bad taste always say"
@@Verystoic wow, a thesis. Here’s the thing about all that: critical eye/ear, etc. aside (I’m a witer and proofreader, trust me, I know about the objectivity with witch someone in the field sees things others may not), you cannot deem a piece of art “objectively” bad in this context (youtube, yeah, we’re not in art school) unless you speak strictly for you. What you personally deem “objectively” bad, someone may love 🤷🏻♀️ that’s the beauty of art. An example: I think the Twilight books are so poorly written it’s laughable (most book critics would agree), but many people love them and that’s also ok.
As for “why comment”: I was obv not talking about actually criticism, but people crapping on other people’s tastes or preferences. This is not a forum of experts giving their expert opinion on a piece of music of the purpose of examination. It’s UA-cam. People come here to enjoy some music they like. It’s really not that deep. We are all allowed to enjoy what we enjoy.
You know it's gonna be a good compilation when it starts with Shanghen's theme 👌
its that actually his theme :? sound incomplete
@@tranminh8510 I agree, it seems more like a snippet 🤔 I might very well be wrong! It was solely based on what I have heard before and on OP's choice of a background image in this particular video. Hehe. Either way a fire song to start the compilation 🔥
timestamping my favorite parts:
PS: these are not names of the tracks
1:05 - 4:17: Jinxi's theme
9:53 - 12:50 : Lo-fi
17:36 - 20:30
24:43 - 27:45 :PEAK
36:28 - 37:28 :sad
39:07 - 41:55 :scenery
41:56 - 44:00: crownless
47:11 - 48:39 :ANTI_GENERAL-Antinomia
1:00:26 - 1:03:29 : City night theme
1:06:32 - 1:07:21 :chill
1:11:04 - 1:13:49 : soft piano
1:27:24 -1:28:57 :hope
1:30:22 - 1:31:21 :Uneasy night
1:31:22 - 1:33:20 :Winter night
1:38:23 - 1:39:20 : part 1
1:39:21 - 1:40:49 : part 2
the goat
I click immediately after seeing Crownless
which one is the mourning aix boss theme
My favorite was 0:00 - 1:55:17
ost 5 chill
9:53 i love this chill vibe with mixed traditional instruments! some soundtracks like1:03:37 remind me of music from Valorant, i think they did a good job balancing the traditional aspects of the game with the high tech stuff
50:57 love it due to the heartbeat sound.
Edit: this is the most likes I've ever gotten lel, thanks
Yo what?????
@@Jupytur lemme cook, trust.
Whatever you say Jesse.
@@momiji7308BRO WHAT???
Battle theme, personal favorite.
OST 27 goes unneccessarily crazy
1:27:27 i love this its so peaceful✨
1:17:49 marking Sea of Flames OST for later, one of the best harmonic progressions in the game
[1:11:04] Jiyans racing theme is so incredibly nice. I love it.
For anyone wondering, ost 4 is the mourning aix boss theme
Ost 9 is such a banger i feel like im in heaven
Why is this so Lo Fi, i love it!
My personal favorite
Underrated asf
Yeah same frfr
Thank you for uploading this. My ears are blessed.
OST 38 my beloved. I've only heard it show up on character tutorials but it's so good.
Fr please I need the name of this theme
OST 5 is the most relaxing lofi beat ive ever heard ❤
1:01:15 mitsuda lick? the composers are indeed cultured
OST 49 is just straight-up TRON: LEGACY 🔥🔥🔥
That's the login theme menu
7:20 this is an absolute banger.
These sound Waves are Wuthering in my ears. I love it.
Vanguard Sound Studio COOKED
№44 damn Narwhal?? THE HOLY NOTES😭1:37:14
im crying, beautiful piece
51:25 when i heard this i was slightly starting to panick when fighting against the boss but when i got myself back up i was headbanging instead
Уффф уже с первой качает
Прекрасные музыкальные сопровождение,уши и душа прям в восторге (жалко нельзя добавить в плейлист некоторые части)
СПАСИБО! Годнотища
Second OST sounds really cool!! I'm so stoked for this game
My favourites:
Especially 1:30:52
Keep cooking KURO 🔥🦾
This entire track is amazing it makes me want to Cry, I hope Vanguard makes an extended version or someone else
It likely has 1, just not something you can hear rn since the game isnt out, since its just beta data mined they probably didnt put the full version in, & have it in the full game
All of these are made by Kuro's in-house studio
OST 5 is so lofi and relaxing❤❤
came exactly for this one cause i heard it in the game✨
The music disappeared after the game was updated by the developers, now I'm listening to your video. Thank you, otherwise the fights are dynamic and it's kind of boring to run around the open world without at least some music.
Wew I guess I am not the only one, I thought it was only me for a second 🤣
I think everyone is having this problem
@@MissxLariz yes, I was wondering if other people have such a problem and it turned out that many people have a problem with the music in the game. There is no such problem now, it has been fixed.
@@giotto7303 Ah they fixed it today? I havent checked yet
@@MissxLariz I just played for 2 hours and everything was fine with the music. At least for me. xD If everything works well for you, then enjoy the game.
Красота! Спасибо, что собрали композиции в одно видео
Still looking for Sanhua's trailer ost é_è
The music for Ost44 is great.(opening movie music) 1:36:20
17:38 🔛🔝
37:30 Best Ost
33:34 my favourite theme that i was searching for 😍, the mysterious theme of the best characters Camellya and Scar, i love them both a lot, i hope they will both become playable
Gives me classic Diablo vibes. Suitably eerie.
i hope so, i mean even Roland is playable so why not
I love this game so much!!! this music are awesome, this is new level in gaming industree!!!
15 sec in, I am already getting an eargasm HOLY
Если на фон игры такое ставить, то грех не скачать такую игру
I was looking for the OST where Scar send you into his elysium and need to find your way out. That music got me hooking!
1:10:15 this one kinda sounds like a foreboding Hamilton song backing track
(can’t unhear lin manuel Miranda rapping over it help)
1:33:33 (OST 43) is so memorable and chill..
is this the one thats on the website?
@@The-Slate I think I've heard it playing around the overworld but tbh I'm not sure. It's a vibe tho
41:55 i like this one
52 songs, almost 2 hours of eargasms
1:08:32 あんまり聴いたことない不思議な曲でなんかクセになる🫨
I liked this kinda type song similar to Doom Mick Gordon style when in boss fight...aye
Holy moly these sound incredible! I expect nothing less from Vanguard Sound/Haloweak,etc. Can't wait.
4:22 the best
Very neat!
idk if anyone else was looking for this song but 14:46 is the song from the Mourning Aix's mire
i literally need this game to release sooner, it fixes the problems of every other gacha game and the music is so perfect
It's out in a month lol, patience is a virtue, we've had enough rushed games, I also suspect they were rushed by their license expiring but who knows we shall see, for now I expect it to be genshin but smoother combat, if the gacha sucks I may drop it & wait for arknights endfield & azur promilia
So MID 😂😂😂😂
Ost 4 is just fire to the fuse from lol
why is everybody sleeping on the Ghibliesque, skyrimesque beauty of 39:10 !!!!! its amazing
Wow amazing 😍😍
Some of these remind me of Mirror' Edge: Catalyst and Remember Me and I love that!
Воу, первая песня люто качает
12:52 kinda has hades vibes i love it
7:38 Jianxin theme is fire 🔥🔥🔥
копец спасибо за видос
not 10 sec yet the ost aldy banger
Personally its ost 21 that got me hooked like wtf is this eargasm
could you upload the fifth ost in a single video?😭 its so relaxing i love it
VANGUARD SOUND ladies and gents!! OST 21!!
Is this all soundtrack from vanguard sound studio? Or originally from kuro games itself?
Vanguard does the music for kuro
It's almost all Kuro Games' Sound
does anyone know the Wurthing Waves website OST? that sounds so chill
Dude why did the first ost login is gone 😭 from the beta that shit was 🔥
Number 33 in this is the one from the online pre-register pulls / share / etc event.
1:25:05 this song is so beautiful please what's the name of the theme
Does anyone know the OST that plays after clearing a forgery challenge? I'm obsessed with that somber music everytime I finish farming, but I can't seem to find it
i really love this 10:02
A lot of cyber techno battle themes and electronic undertone with the synths. I hope there's more serene traditional orchestral music for exploration and landscape markers, it seems to be lacking on this game file dig. I'm still hyped for WuWa tho
Depending on how much wasn't in the beta, I'm sure there's more
ost 39 my love❤
48:20 did not need to go that hard fr
I need to know where Song No.8 plays cause wow it’s majestic, especially the part with the flute
Mourning aix boss theme hit diff
1:13:51 Oh man this part.... freakin cool
If 1:14:51-- 1:15:03 was at least 1 minute long it would have been a 10/10.
@@Hoyodeaf_bring_PJC_back ?
@@therattrap1997 english?
Please tell me the nanes of track 29 when it gets officisl release. Its just too good
There's a lot of buffer overrun in the recordings, I hope this is something from your upload and not present in their actual game files.
where is the Inferno rider OST... that one is my oither favorite after mourning aix
Периодически возвращаюсь, потому что здесь только качающих и просто умиротворяющих треков, что невозможно не ставить повтор. Надеюсь их скоро отыскать все в мире Вувы
1:43:11 prob my favourite
Feels sad but yet so calm
Is there a possibility of you maybe making each of these separate so I can download them individually?
OST 32 is exclusive to Jiyan story only.
Anyone know thw ost for during the scene where we were speaking with Taoqi, Aalto and Encore before the avengers like moment?
Does someone have a name for soundtrack 33? Wuthering waves released albums on Spotify, but I just can't find it
Donglu Research Station: "Peal to the Infinite Skies" OST - Wuthering Waves
Do you know ost 2?