Nuke Bosses - Ice Strike Acolyte In Path Of Exile 2

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • Ігри


  • @hyskylife
    @hyskylife 7 годин тому +1

    Wudiju its very cool to see your build progress over time i tuned in off and on thru your hxssf merc and monk playthroughs. I can really appreciate everything you do throughout your playthrough and the journey it takes us on. How you round out the builds overall, and everything comes together in the end. Which makes your endgame successful and this relatively great character building in path of exile 2 makes a lot of sense because of thoses early foundations you set up early on in skill build and all comes together in these videos, Cheers man🎉.

  • @Donniecaison
    @Donniecaison 7 годин тому +2

    Nice! I love monk! Give Shattering palm a try - you instantly teleport to monster packs, coat them in ice, and when you kill them, they explode. Really sick added sreen clear and mobility, almost like you have two heralds of ice.

    • @ferologics
      @ferologics 7 годин тому

      im using this asw, it’s good, but not as good as falling thunder :/ if only the attack animation was faster

  • @Always_Rogue
    @Always_Rogue 7 годин тому +1

    Awesome Wudi I've been looking for a new build to play and Monk is next on my list, perfect timing

  • @marcelwinkelhofer
    @marcelwinkelhofer 6 годин тому

    The support gem Overabundance is a big damage buff because you can also have to bells active at the same time beside the trick with mulitple bells on the skill bar.

  • @TimoNausch
    @TimoNausch 6 годин тому +1

    Me: Having played the game about 60h for a full week on monk, beeing lvl 77...
    Wudi: Yea, I started yesterday, this is just my weak lvl 80 monk...

  • @_nwd.hmd_
    @_nwd.hmd_ 6 годин тому +3

    How the hell can someone manage to go through act 1 - 3 two times in a day??!!

    • @FIGSofRadiance
      @FIGSofRadiance 5 годин тому

      Lots of currency

    • @crypto7365
      @crypto7365 5 годин тому

      Good gear for lvling

    • @invictusnictus7725
      @invictusnictus7725 5 годин тому

      No full time life…. JOB… I mean job… or in his case playing is the job :)
      I heard Ziz say o got the campaign done in one day, it took 18-20 hours. Filthy casuals ❤

  • @Clovelifec
    @Clovelifec 8 годин тому

    lul was doing the same, def will look for spirit on gear to make this more smooth but rn i have been sick/gone since launch and dunno when im able to play again and get my campaign done xd. i love the snapshot of mantra of destruction on bells and how you get so many free dmg stacks for every enemy killed by that bell

  • @joaquinpangelinan9862
    @joaquinpangelinan9862 7 годин тому

    Wudi what do you think about the stat stacking Gemling Legionaire that uses staff and hand of chayula?

  • @bruvkek4629
    @bruvkek4629 6 годин тому

    are the spirit support on into the breach and multiple bells intended tho?

  • @bigbo1213
    @bigbo1213 5 годин тому

    for early game should i aim for evasion or pure defense?
    ps. i'm in act 2

  • @RamzaBehoulve
    @RamzaBehoulve 6 годин тому

    There is something that rubs me the wrong way whenever I see an acolyte build without mantra or hand of chayula.

  • @Dal4f
    @Dal4f 6 годин тому

    Should u say this is "easier" to get if u compare to Raxx:S?

  • @FatalisArx
    @FatalisArx 5 годин тому

    why you are wearing a shield ?

  • @ichiwo1526
    @ichiwo1526 7 годин тому

    Awesome monk build...but just looking at it you know they'll nerf it sometime in the future, which sucks. Should enjoy it as much as possible before then.

    @xASIANxMENACEx 5 годин тому

    I’m going to change to this class the merc feels so boring to play rn.

  • @Jay-dx9fi
    @Jay-dx9fi 6 годин тому

    I can see this being super fun on controller

  • @andersongomes3211
    @andersongomes3211 7 годин тому

    F. They discovered my build

  • @devildriver2565
    @devildriver2565 7 годин тому

    Level 80 in less than a day ? :D

  • @lifeispain-
    @lifeispain- 8 годин тому +1
