I've got a question for you, today I was testing a pressure transmitter which had been configured to be a flow meter. It was installed as a two-wire instrument. So when testing I powered the DP metre with 24 volts and I measured the milliamp outputs on the test points. At my LRV with a Beamex MC6 I measured a credible reading of around 4 mA, however, moving the test leads to a fluke 707, I had a current reading of around 1.7mA at LRV, can you think of an explanation for this??
Yes...You must need to connect negative terminal of transmitter to 400 mA(red probe) terminal and common probe to negative terminal of power supply to measure mA value. Please let me know if you need any further help.
Hello Deepak Thanks for your question. In order to check mA in panel, you need to connect DVM in series with negative cable. I hope you get your answer.
Thanks from Indonesia 🇮🇩
Thanks from India
Good content
Thank you Nurza
Thank You!! How you apply it to 3 and 4 wire transmitter?
Very nice
Thanks for the feedback
Loved your content
Much Appreciated
Thank you
Nice video pro
Thanks ✌. Keep supporting us.
I've got a question for you, today I was testing a pressure transmitter which had been configured to be a flow meter. It was installed as a two-wire instrument. So when testing I powered the DP metre with 24 volts and I measured the milliamp outputs on the test points. At my LRV with a Beamex MC6 I measured a credible reading of around 4 mA, however, moving the test leads to a fluke 707, I had a current reading of around 1.7mA at LRV, can you think of an explanation for this??
Try DA trim
What is the test port it's ground or others
Does polarity of meter matter in series when measuring current.
Yes...You must need to connect negative terminal of transmitter to 400 mA(red probe) terminal and common probe to negative terminal of power supply to measure mA value.
Please let me know if you need any further help.
@@InstrumentCalibration t
Thank you for clarifying. What would happen if you got polarity wrong when measuring the current
Good 👍
How to generate 4 to 20 milliampere signal inorder to check our transmitter
You need 4 to 20 mA signal source to generate mA outout
I want know if possible have version PDF please
I don't have it at present. But i will create one for you in future
Why do connect to negative terminal
How to check 4 to 20 mimli ampeare analog input in panels
Hello Deepak
Thanks for your question. In order to check mA in panel, you need to connect DVM in series with negative cable. I hope you get your answer.
@@InstrumentCalibration if connect DVM in positive terminal is possible or not?
yes like the pdf of this video
Why we check ma in series
Thanks for asking this question. mA is analog current value, and it should always measure in series.