Hello Comrades! Thank you for your support in helping this channel grow so fast in recent years! If you have enjoyed my editing and have found the translations and description to be informative and helpful, please consider supporting me on Patreon! www.patreon.com/socialisteast Thank you, Socialist East.
Putin; I am the greatest leader of Russia! Stalin; Are you sure about that, Comrade? Putin; Stalin? Stalin; That's right! The Father of the Fatherland is back, baby! Back from the dead! Putin; Well, we'll see about that, big boy, once I conquer Ukraine. Stalin; You're doing what I did, are you not? You are recreating the Soviet Union by keeping the Union State alive and conquering Ukraine, like I did. So give up your cult of personality, and let me lead the Soviet Union to victory, as I did before! Putin; Shut up, mustache! Stalin; No, YOU shut up, putty! Putin; Putty?! You'll pay for that, you bastard!
If usa and britain hadn't sent extreme amount of military,raw material,logistic and food aid to the bolsheviks ,and %100 of the german troops had been on the eastern front,you bolshevik d@gs would have lost moscow in 1941 and st@lingrad in 1942 and surrendered unconditionally.Besides st@lin was a bloodthristy rabid d@g that killed tens of millions of innocent people with pleasure
Нет, не было и вряд ли будет "идеального политика" который никогда не ошибается и не делает то что кто-то назовет "плохим". :) Сталин же был одним из величайших правителей которых знает человеческая история. Он проделал гигантскую работу для социальной эволюции человечества!
@@GeneralissimusStalin17 Oh, if you had a grandfather that was in cattle wagons, that ate rats, grass and urctica in Siberia, you would understand. Stalin was glorious, but, just like every human being, made some mistakes.
@@sirnotappearinginthisfilm2037 CIA shill spotted. Daily reminder that the CIA themselves admitted that the average Soviet citizen consumed more calories daily than the average American lmao. Look it up. So much for the "hungry soviets" story 😉
@@JK-tn6sx Im talking about under Stalin the other soviet leaders were pretty cool over all the ussr was a pretty stable nation Stalin was just a jerk that saved the world from a bigger jerk
Kardeşim sana neden Stalin sevilmez hemen anlatıyım. Stalin Marx'ın ve Lenin 'in kurmak istediği sistemin tamamen zıttını ve kötü halini kurdu. Her ne kadar Stalin sosyalizm uyguladığını iddia etse de aslında gerek ekonomik gerek politik açıdan uyguladığı sistemin komünizm / sosyalizm ile hiçbir alakası yok. Stalin insanları onların hayatını zerre umursamayan ülkeleri için ölene kadar çalışmaya veya açlıktan ölene kadar çalışmaya zorunlu kıldı. Yani eğer komünizmi , Lenin'i ve Karl Marx'ı seviyorsan ,Stalin denilen şahsın yanına bile yaklaşmaman gerekir.
Слава Великому Сталину, создателю и архитектору всех наших Побед! Слава Великому Советскому Союзу, Слава Советскому Народу победителю всей империалистической нечести. Пусть сгинут во веки веков наши воаги!
@@Чел-й7еТорговая корпорация Российская Федерация 30 лет топчется на месте с капитализмом - кучка разбогатела и вывезла 300. 000 миллиардов в Евросоюз и США и что эти крысы -- обеспечили для общества и страны в целом от Калининграда до Камчатки!!! Что их ЗАСЛУГА ДЛЯ ОБЩЕСТВА??? "Если бы капитализм мог приспособить производство не к получению МАКСИМУМА ПРИБЫЛИ, А К СИСТЕМАТИЧЕСКОМУ УЛУЧШЕНИЮ МАТЕРИАЛЬНОГО ПОЛОЖЕНИЯ НАРОДНЫХ МАСС, ЕСЛИ БЫ ОН МОГ ОБРАЩАТЬ ПРИБЫЛЬ НЕ НА удовлетворение прихотей паразитических классов, не на усовершенствование методов эксплуатации, не на вывоз капитала, А НА СИСТЕМАТИЧЕСКИЙ ПОДЪЁМ МАТЕРИАЛЬНОГО ПОЛОЖЕНИЯ РАБОЧИХ И КРЕСТЬЯН, ТО ТОГДА НЕ БЫЛО БЫ КРИЗИСОВ, но тогда и капитализм не был бы капитализмом. ЧТОБЫ УНИЧТОЖИТЬ КРИЗИСЫ НАДО УНИЧТОЖИТЬ КАПИТАЛИЗМ". 🌹🌹🌹🎀И. В. Сталин.🎀🌹🌹🌹 Выдержка из политического отсчёта ЦК о мировом кризисе 27 июня 1930 года XVI съезду ВКП (б). Источник: Сочинения, том 12, стр. 235 - 373. Госполитиздат. 1949 год. 🌹🌹🌹🚩🚩🚩 СССР🚩🚩🚩🌹🌹🌹
@@GeneralissimusStalin17 It was not fascists but conservatives who took power in Poland. I am not a Social Democrat and I despise a Social Democrat. What is happening in your Europe or the United States right now is one hundred percent worse than what we have. Let me remind you that it was always the West that did not want communism and socialism. It was you who attacked our Red Army. The West is worthless imperialists and a liberal bourgeoisie that wants to play socialism.
Товарищи, любовь и прославление усатого тоталитарного кумира ведёт к краху народного и свободного общества. Сталин предатель не только Марксистско-ленинстких, но и предатель марксизма в целом
@@felixhartl4813 Gonzalo was a clown who accoplished nothing, attacked other socialists and indiganous people. Don't you honor the great Stalin and Mao enough to refrain from insulting them by naming that privileged and entitled terrorist beside them? Maoism is a preversion of chairman Mao's thought, there is only Marxism-Leninism.
If usa and britain hadn't sent extreme amount of military,raw material,logistic and food aid to the bolsheviks ,and %100 of the german troops had been on the eastern front,you bolshevik d@gs would have lost moscow in 1941 and st@lingrad in 1942 and surrendered unconditionally.Besides st@lin was a bloodthristy rabid d@g that killed tens of millions of innocent people with pleasure
Сталину слава! Навеки он верен Той клятве, которую Ленину дал. Наш друг и учитель в народе уверен, Он вместе с народом всегда побеждал! Великий вождь, желаем Вам Здоровья, сил и многих лет. За Вами к светлым временам Идем путем побед! Сталину слава! Сквозь пламя сражений Бесстрашно провел он советский народ. Прошли мы, как буря, как ветер весенний, Берлинской победой закончив поход! Великий вождь, желаем Вам Здоровья, сил и многих лет. За Вами к светлым временам Идем путем побед! Сталину слава! Советским знаменам И ленинской партии нашей хвала. Идем к коммунизму путем непреклонным, И вождь нас ведет на большие дела! Великий вождь, желаем Вам Здоровья, сил и многих лет. За Вами к светлым временам Идем путем побед!
Stalin is not just a great historical figure. It symbolized the victory of the working class over the bourgeoisie. And that's why bourgeois ideologists hate him so much. Рroletarians of all countries unite! Сталин это не просто великая историческая личность. Он симовл победы рабочего класса над буржуазией. И поэтому его так ненавидят буржуазные идеологи. Пролетарии всех стран объеденяйтесь!
Firas mhisn The death toll is really disputed, a number that has been distorted to fit each person’s agenda. I leave you a link here: www.mariosousa.se/LiesconcerningthehistoryoftheSovietUnion.html
A 47 Что один палач, что другой палач. Господи, как де мне хочется отправить тебя, и других поклонников этих мразей в то время когда они правили. Навсегда.
If usa and britain hadn't sent extreme amount of military,raw material,logistic and food aid to the bolsheviks ,and %100 of the german troops had been on the eastern front,you bolshevik d@gs would have lost moscow in 1941 and st@lingrad in 1942 and surrendered unconditionally.Besides st@lin was a bloodthristy rabid d@g that killed tens of millions of innocent people with pleasure
@@michaelram3411 The United States and Britain began to provide significant assistance in 1943, so your information about 1941-1942 is not relevant. And don't forget that it was the United States and Britain that brought Hitler to power and inflated the 3rd Reich to its military scale, thanks to support and resources. After the collapse of the USSR, the Russian Federation in April 1993 assumed the payment of all Soviet debts, including lend-lease obligations to the United States. The Soviet debt for lend-lease supplies was finally paid and closed as part of settlements with the Paris Club on August 21, 2006. What can I say, go bow to your Western masters, kiss the feet of black guys, bow your feet to the LGBT community. And if you go to Russia again, you will get an even more unambiguous and tough response to your actions. Wherever you're from, know this, man.
If usa and britain hadn't sent extreme amount of military,raw material,logistic and food aid to the bolsheviks ,and %100 of the german troops had been on the eastern front,you bolshevik d@gs would have lost moscow in 1941 and st@lingrad in 1942 and surrendered unconditionally.Besides st@lin was a bloodthristy rabid d@g that killed tens of millions of innocent people with pleasure
If usa and britain hadn't sent extreme amount of military,raw material,logistic and food aid to the bolsheviks ,and %100 of the german troops had been on the eastern front, bolshevik d@gs would have lost moscow in 1941 and st@lingrad in 1942 and surrendered unconditionally.Besides st@lin was a bloodthristy rabid d@g that killed tens of millions of innocent people with pleasure
Slava! Glory to the Great Communist Party of the Soviet Union! Glory to the Soviet people and the cause of Communism! We will continue Lenin's dream for a just and peaceful world without Capitalist and imperialist oppression! Greetings from Greece ✊✊🇬🇷
If usa and britain hadn't sent extreme amount of military,raw material,logistic and food aid to the bolsheviks ,and %100 of the german troops had been on the eastern front,you bolshevik d@gs would have lost moscow in 1941 and st@lingrad in 1942 and surrendered unconditionally.Besides st@lin was a bloodthristy rabid d@g that killed tens of millions of innocent people with pleasure
Let's ignore the silencing of other opinions, the torturing of prisoners of war, the starving of his own people because the the system began to break and in general a lot of torturing👍there also is a reason Lenin hated him lol
@poods madfinger famines, oppression OF HIS OWN PEOPLE, much much war, oppression of other people, I LOVE GULAGS, great purge, ignoring basically everything Marx or Lenin said
@@Angela-Merkel 1. Famines weren't caused by him, they were COMBATED. Yes, they took place and were tragic, but putting all blame on him and/or his policies is absurd, especially when this пиздец captured Romania and entirety of eastern europe as well. Is it Stalin's fault there too? 2. What "oppression"? BE specific. Read Lenin's "State and Revolution". 3. What did he ignore???
@@Xyzerrr well your right comrade, but also the wehrmacht was not a clean army, especially the younger souldiers were very often nazis or nazi sympathizers since they were raised with nazi ideology, also they helped to set in charge a nazi regime in the general gouvernement by wiping out the polish army and i dont think holding glory parades with the army of a fascist state (eventhough their soldiers arent nazis) that you said youd protect the ukranians and belorussians in eastern poland from
@@GeneralissimusStalin17 that sounds interesting, could you please send a link or something that provides more information nd confirmation (sorry i know ot sounds very sarcastic, but its not meant that way)
Stalin to Bóg Ludzkości. Imperator Bóg. Wszystko inne to bydło. Niech żyje Stalin! Wielki Imperatorze. Przybądź zjednoczyć Słowiański Naród Robotniczy! Sława Stalinowi!
More like Glory to Marxism-Leninism. Stalin was a very loyal Marxist-Leninist and was the most loyal pupil of Lenin. "Stalinism" doesn't exist. It's a Trotskyite insult at us that has been taken up by Capitalists/Revisionists and Fascists to refer to us Marxist-Leninists.
Ревизионисту Хрущеву можно сказать спасибо за массовое жилищное строительство и многое другое , но за отход от Сталинского курса развития страны и построения социализма Никита Сергеевич заслуживает к себе серьезного неодобрительного отношения
Happy Birthday to the Greatest Statesman in History! The Father of Nations! The Faithful Student of Lenin! The Man of Steel! He is in Heaven hoping we can follow his steps!
Hello Comrades! Thank you for your support in helping this channel grow so fast in recent years! If you have enjoyed my editing and have found the translations and description to be informative and helpful, please consider supporting me on Patreon! www.patreon.com/socialisteast
Thank you, Socialist East.
A commie asking for money. Haha
A commie asking for money in a capitalist platform
@@davidmason8253 I've seen your Comments and they are Utter Bull go somewhere else and Rant how much you love America.
why is it written here that the USSR was captured at 41 if in 1945 the USSR took Berlin
@@davidmason8253 imagine praising Pinochet
I can't believe it. 2024 will be the 70th year comrade Stalin has been without us.
We miss you.
he died in 1953
@@AudreyJean-22 we know its his anniversary
Finally a comment section that doesn’t unnecessarily shit on a great historical figure
Yeah, finally.
Да здравствует великая октябрьская социалистическая революция! ☭
@@МаршалСталин-с6ц Что же ты осуждаешь?Осуждаешь рабочий класс,который взял в руки вилы и пошел отстаивать свои права?Слава октябрьской революции!
@@Luger333 осуждаю большевтскую власть. Есть на много более хорошие альтернативы для рабочих. Анкомы, Соц-демы и прочие дают больше свобод для Рабочих
@@МаршалСталин-с6ц вали отсюда
@@untitledgoosegame2 Ты тоже
We need you to come back alive Comrade Stalin. We miss you dearly no matter what the West says.
Putin; I am the greatest leader of Russia!
Stalin; Are you sure about that, Comrade?
Putin; Stalin?
Stalin; That's right! The Father of the Fatherland is back, baby! Back from the dead!
Putin; Well, we'll see about that, big boy, once I conquer Ukraine.
Stalin; You're doing what I did, are you not? You are recreating the Soviet Union by keeping the Union State alive and conquering Ukraine, like I did. So give up your cult of personality, and let me lead the Soviet Union to victory, as I did before!
Putin; Shut up, mustache!
Stalin; No, YOU shut up, putty!
Putin; Putty?! You'll pay for that, you bastard!
слава великому октябрю !!!
@Kylynd Adams Поднимем революцию?
Я за
Desde Uruguay. VIVA STALIN 👏🏻
Да здравствует СОЦИАЛИЗМ! Да здравствует товарищи ЛЕНИН СТАЛИН! Да здравствует СОВЕТСКИЙ НАРОД!
27% yearly industrialization growth is unmatched in history
🌹🌹🌹🚩🚩🚩 СССР🚩🚩🚩🌹🌹🌹
Followed by economic collapse
Also starvation and famine occurred in this time
Every year Stalin reigned except for the last four, the Soviet Union experienced starvation
@@jaccocu7213 Where did the economic collapse follow?
If usa and britain hadn't sent extreme amount of military,raw material,logistic and food aid to the bolsheviks ,and %100 of the german troops had been on the eastern front,you bolshevik d@gs would have lost moscow in 1941 and st@lingrad in 1942 and surrendered unconditionally.Besides st@lin was a bloodthristy rabid d@g that killed tens of millions of innocent people with pleasure
How can someone not love stalin ?
because he was criminel
It's impossible: you love him or you die
I have a portrait of him in my room, my kitchen, my bathroom and my living room...
*did nothing wrong intensifies*
@Marek Tužák oh no you called me a commie, i'm so insulted
Нет, не было и вряд ли будет "идеального политика" который никогда не ошибается и не делает то что кто-то назовет "плохим". :) Сталин же был одним из величайших правителей которых знает человеческая история. Он проделал гигантскую работу для социальной эволюции человечества!
@A Latvian National Socialist
He did some bad shit, but compared to fascist monsters, he was an angel.
Oh, if you had a grandfather that was in cattle wagons, that ate rats, grass and urctica in Siberia, you would understand. Stalin was glorious, but, just like every human being, made some mistakes.
@@knightofliberty9297 there are some he did. Like not killing enough Kulaks, Fascists and Capitalists/Revisionists and not moving past Berlin.
Glory to Comrade Stalin, the man who upheld the oath given to him by Comrade Lenin himself!
Эх интересно , чтобы подумали репрессированные Сталиным
He indeed upheld Marxism-Leninism and Lenin's word especially in the Great Patriotic War!
@@bomjtv8058 Мда, аватарка тебе очень кстати.
What oath? Lmao
We are glad to have you here Grand Marshal Stalin. It is a great honor to serve you and the people of the USSR! -KGB
Today marks the 70 years since his death. A great leader that made Soviet Union the greatest power in all of Eurasia
Stalin make workers of the world better.
Who needs food when you can make a bunch of tanks
@@sirnotappearinginthisfilm2037 CIA shill spotted. Daily reminder that the CIA themselves admitted that the average Soviet citizen consumed more calories daily than the average American lmao. Look it up. So much for the "hungry soviets" story 😉
@@JK-tn6sx Im talking about under Stalin the other soviet leaders were pretty cool over all the ussr was a pretty stable nation Stalin was just a jerk that saved the world from a bigger jerk
@@sirnotappearinginthisfilm2037 wrong
@@bgeffros6182 listening to uncle Sams propaganda i see instead of doing proper research
Слава Сталину !
Сталин великий человек!
I love you so much Stalin. Greetings from Turkey... SLAVA STALIN!!!
Kardeşim sana neden Stalin sevilmez hemen anlatıyım. Stalin Marx'ın ve Lenin 'in kurmak istediği sistemin tamamen zıttını ve kötü halini kurdu. Her ne kadar Stalin sosyalizm uyguladığını iddia etse de aslında gerek ekonomik gerek politik açıdan uyguladığı sistemin komünizm / sosyalizm ile hiçbir alakası yok. Stalin insanları onların hayatını zerre umursamayan ülkeleri için ölene kadar çalışmaya veya açlıktan ölene kadar çalışmaya zorunlu kıldı. Yani eğer komünizmi , Lenin'i ve Karl Marx'ı seviyorsan ,Stalin denilen şahsın yanına bile yaklaşmaman gerekir.
@@КосмонавтЛиквидатор СЛАВА МАРКСУ.СЛАВА ЛЕНИНУ.
We are Not you're Friends
And Atatürk ?
You love Atatürk ?
Слава Великому Сталину, создателю и архитектору всех наших Побед! Слава Великому Советскому Союзу, Слава Советскому Народу победителю всей империалистической нечести. Пусть сгинут во веки веков наши воаги!
Бредятина ваш Сталин и твоё мировоззрение.
@@Чел-й7еТорговая корпорация Российская Федерация 30 лет топчется на месте с капитализмом - кучка разбогатела и вывезла 300. 000 миллиардов в Евросоюз и США и что эти крысы -- обеспечили для общества и страны в целом от Калининграда до Камчатки!!! Что их ЗАСЛУГА ДЛЯ ОБЩЕСТВА???
"Если бы капитализм мог приспособить производство не к получению МАКСИМУМА ПРИБЫЛИ, А К СИСТЕМАТИЧЕСКОМУ УЛУЧШЕНИЮ МАТЕРИАЛЬНОГО ПОЛОЖЕНИЯ НАРОДНЫХ МАСС, ЕСЛИ БЫ ОН МОГ ОБРАЩАТЬ ПРИБЫЛЬ НЕ НА удовлетворение прихотей паразитических классов, не на усовершенствование методов эксплуатации, не на вывоз капитала, А НА СИСТЕМАТИЧЕСКИЙ ПОДЪЁМ МАТЕРИАЛЬНОГО ПОЛОЖЕНИЯ РАБОЧИХ И КРЕСТЬЯН, ТО ТОГДА НЕ БЫЛО БЫ КРИЗИСОВ, но тогда и капитализм не был бы капитализмом.
🌹🌹🌹🎀И. В. Сталин.🎀🌹🌹🌹
Выдержка из политического отсчёта ЦК о мировом кризисе 27 июня 1930 года XVI съезду ВКП (б).
Источник: Сочинения, том 12, стр. 235 - 373. Госполитиздат. 1949 год.
🌹🌹🌹🚩🚩🚩 СССР🚩🚩🚩🌹🌹🌹
Позор бандита!!
Respect from Poland! Stalin zapoczątkował wielkie dzieło! Wspaniały człowiek 🇵🇱❤
Resistance to Fascism continues in Poland!
@@GeneralissimusStalin17 It was not fascists but conservatives who took power in Poland. I am not a Social Democrat and I despise a Social Democrat. What is happening in your Europe or the United States right now is one hundred percent worse than what we have. Let me remind you that it was always the West that did not want communism and socialism. It was you who attacked our Red Army. The West is worthless imperialists and a liberal bourgeoisie that wants to play socialism.
@@Niemamnicdopowiedzenia00lol dude he's Communist not a anti Communist and he's a African not a European
Stalin killed polish fucking citizens for god's sake
Рано или поздно, но ветер истории сметет мусор с его могилы!
Этому дьяволу никогда не отмыться от своих грехов.
Gloire à l'Union Soviétique !
Merci camarades !
Слава Ленину! Слава Сталину! Слава СССР!
@Kylynd Adams вы позорите сталина ты за него жижьнь не одашы шо ты зделаеш
Да да
Товарищи, любовь и прославление усатого тоталитарного кумира ведёт к краху народного и свободного общества. Сталин предатель не только Марксистско-ленинстких, но и предатель марксизма в целом
Сталин злой диктатор а Ленин другое дело
@@fpstalin он вытянул страну из задницы, да были и минусы, но в же, он был довольно хороший правитель.
This is the most beautiful MASTERPIECE I’ve ever saw/heard!! 🥲😭😭😭
Слава Советскому Союзу! Слава Сталин!
Long live Stalin ! Long live Mao! And Chairman Gonzalo!
@@felixhartl4813 Gonzalo was a clown who accoplished nothing, attacked other socialists and indiganous people. Don't you honor the great Stalin and Mao enough to refrain from insulting them by naming that privileged and entitled terrorist beside them? Maoism is a preversion of chairman Mao's thought, there is only Marxism-Leninism.
За Советскую Власть!
Великий Вождь, желаем вам здоровья, сил и долгих лет!
Слава Ленину! Слава большевикам! Слава ЧК, НКВД, "СМЕРШ"! Слава Сталину! Слава СССР!
Спасибо за каждый прожитый день в замечательной стране СССР!
В точку, товарищ.
Веки Слава
Слава высшей богоизбранной еврейской расе! Хава нагила! Киевские ЧК красавчики, ни одного еврея не убили, но русских и украинцев-хоть отбавляй.
If usa and britain hadn't sent extreme amount of military,raw material,logistic and food aid to the bolsheviks ,and %100 of the german troops had been on the eastern front,you bolshevik d@gs would have lost moscow in 1941 and st@lingrad in 1942 and surrendered unconditionally.Besides st@lin was a bloodthristy rabid d@g that killed tens of millions of innocent people with pleasure
Сталину слава!
Навеки он верен
Той клятве, которую Ленину дал.
Наш друг и учитель в народе уверен,
Он вместе с народом всегда побеждал!
Великий вождь, желаем Вам
Здоровья, сил и многих лет.
За Вами к светлым временам
Идем путем побед!
Сталину слава!
Сквозь пламя сражений
Бесстрашно провел он советский народ.
Прошли мы, как буря, как ветер весенний,
Берлинской победой закончив поход!
Великий вождь, желаем Вам
Здоровья, сил и многих лет.
За Вами к светлым временам
Идем путем побед!
Сталину слава!
Советским знаменам
И ленинской партии нашей хвала.
Идем к коммунизму путем непреклонным,
И вождь нас ведет на большие дела!
Великий вождь, желаем Вам
Здоровья, сил и многих лет.
За Вами к светлым временам
Идем путем побед!
@@bomjtv8058 КОКОКО! Репрессии! КОКОКО! :)
@@bomjtv8058 спроси у королева)))
@@bomjtv8058 либерастню порвало
@@politbers562 анти коммунист хренов
Плачьте, одураченные Красной заразой.
Cлава великому созидателю и герою СССР - Великому Сталину!
А разве не Ленин принимал ссср просто как я думал что Ленин придумал а Сталин стал президентом
@@мафиозник-ц9б ген секом
@@мафиозник-ц9б чел...
Какой придумал, какой президент
Ты вообще представляешь какую херню сморозил?
Workers of the World Unite! All power to the Soviets of Workers’ & Truckers’ Deputies! СЛАВА ЛЕНИНУ И СТАЛИНУ!
Creatorul CCCP este Vladimir Ilicy Lenin
Man of Iron.
Nah. Stalin is the Man of Steel.
Iron Man lmao
@@민족해방투사호치민 sort of as Iron is a form of steel.
Man of stainless steel.
Stalin is not just a great historical figure. It symbolized the victory of the working class over the bourgeoisie. And that's why bourgeois ideologists hate him so much.
Рroletarians of all countries unite!
Сталин это не просто великая историческая личность. Он симовл победы рабочего класса над буржуазией. И поэтому его так ненавидят буржуазные идеологи.
Пролетарии всех стран объеденяйтесь!
I don't know about that one, chief.
You don't even mention the fact that Stalin mercilessly slaughtered twenty million innocent Soviet citizens, and sent forty million to die in gulags.
@@mikeor- And why on earth should I mention this blatant lie and garbage invented by fans of Goebels?
@@reidvillage Fallow your leader Trotskyist! ⛏
Bravo !
exactly ZER0 things wrong
he killed more than 50 million people
Firas mhisn
50000000000000 gazilhions
Scientifically speaking, it was closer to 800 trillion zillions
Firas mhisn The death toll is really disputed, a number that has been distorted to fit each person’s agenda. I leave you a link here: www.mariosousa.se/LiesconcerningthehistoryoftheSovietUnion.html
The only thing he did wrong was stopping in Berlin. Don't forget not killing enough Kulaks, Fascists and Capitalists/Revisionists!
Слава коммунизму!
Слава Ленину и Сталину!
A 47 Что один палач, что другой палач. Господи, как де мне хочется отправить тебя, и других поклонников этих мразей в то время когда они правили. Навсегда.
@@alexandrek5176 Отправляй мы только за!
Вова Касой Ну так езжайте в Северную Корею!
Там и изоляция, и культ личности, и бедность, и самое главное, там коммунизм!
Советский Союз (1917-1991)
Correctly *1922-1991
@@Shaten_bombshell вопщето до 1922 был РСФСР но когда в СССР вошли республики там Украина Беларусь то переменовали в СССР
Я бы сказал 1922 по 1953... А дальше Хрущёв Мудак и Горбочёв!
Товарищ, Не плачь, потому что развалился, Радуйся, что СССР был
Слава товарищу Сталину! Слава! Ура!!!!
If usa and britain hadn't sent extreme amount of military,raw material,logistic and food aid to the bolsheviks ,and %100 of the german troops had been on the eastern front,you bolshevik d@gs would have lost moscow in 1941 and st@lingrad in 1942 and surrendered unconditionally.Besides st@lin was a bloodthristy rabid d@g that killed tens of millions of innocent people with pleasure
@@michaelram3411 The United States and Britain began to provide significant assistance in 1943, so your information about 1941-1942 is not relevant. And don't forget that it was the United States and Britain that brought Hitler to power and inflated the 3rd Reich to its military scale, thanks to support and resources. After the collapse of the USSR, the Russian Federation in April 1993 assumed the payment of all Soviet debts, including lend-lease obligations to the United States. The Soviet debt for lend-lease supplies was finally paid and closed as part of settlements with the Paris Club on August 21, 2006.
What can I say, go bow to your Western masters, kiss the feet of black guys, bow your feet to the LGBT community. And if you go to Russia again, you will get an even more unambiguous and tough response to your actions. Wherever you're from, know this, man.
Finally, the original man of steel
Настойчиво изучайте марксистско-ленинскую теорию, она наглядно вскрывает коренные методы управления капиталистического общества ✊✊🏼✊🏿
As a communist Jewish myself I approve of this
You have summoned the spirit of Stalin
Class warfare 100%
Proletarians strength 100%
Every ura will give more power to the revolution
👊За наши Товарища Сталина👊
Thanks comrade ♥️🚩
Ehhhh maybe not Pol Pot
And, ultimately, I wouldn’t consider Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge as a communist movement.
Glory to Lenin and Stalin! Eternal glory!
If usa and britain hadn't sent extreme amount of military,raw material,logistic and food aid to the bolsheviks ,and %100 of the german troops had been on the eastern front,you bolshevik d@gs would have lost moscow in 1941 and st@lingrad in 1942 and surrendered unconditionally.Besides st@lin was a bloodthristy rabid d@g that killed tens of millions of innocent people with pleasure
Stálin foi o maior marxista-leninista do século XX! Seu legado é imortal e inesquecível.
Gloria al Camarada Stalin. Nadie se le iguala
I have listened to this over and over. I never get tired of it.
Glory to the man of steel
Father of nations
Destroyer of fascism
Communism's greatest son.
Still, at least to me, the best statesman the world has yet known.
If usa and britain hadn't sent extreme amount of military,raw material,logistic and food aid to the bolsheviks ,and %100 of the german troops had been on the eastern front, bolshevik d@gs would have lost moscow in 1941 and st@lingrad in 1942 and surrendered unconditionally.Besides st@lin was a bloodthristy rabid d@g that killed tens of millions of innocent people with pleasure
Вечная Слава Величайшему Вождю Народов!!!
God Bless Papa Stalin :) he killed the fascist scum and saved humanity :) Slava Stalin, Slava Rossiya РОССИЯ СССР
He killed more people than Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo put together.
Величайший политик 20 -го ВЕКА.
The pile of rubbish laid upon his grave has been swept away without mercy by the winds of history
Welcome to the ☭Communism Only Playlist ☭
Slava! Glory to the Great Communist Party of the Soviet Union! Glory to the Soviet people and the cause of Communism! We will continue Lenin's dream for a just and peaceful world without Capitalist and imperialist oppression! Greetings from Greece ✊✊🇬🇷
Say glory to Stalin you Trotskyist saboteur!!!!
If I ever went back in time and was trapped in the 1940s I would give stalin a handshake a cigar and work until ive collapsed from exhaustion
Rául Diciembre и не поспоришь.
Rául Diciembre at killing people
Many psychopaths have superior intelligence, but I wouldn't call him a genius..
I would say no to that, but we all see things diffrently I suppose
Man this man was the reason that Soviet union has been succeeded stalin stalin stalin ✊✊✊
Rest in peace daer leader you will be mess and remember
Viva Stalin!
Слава Сталину, товарищи!
Слава Сталину! Sława Stalinowi!
@@Purpura_Committatus_18_08 Are you Polish?
Glory to the leader of the workers of all the world!
If usa and britain hadn't sent extreme amount of military,raw material,logistic and food aid to the bolsheviks ,and %100 of the german troops had been on the eastern front,you bolshevik d@gs would have lost moscow in 1941 and st@lingrad in 1942 and surrendered unconditionally.Besides st@lin was a bloodthristy rabid d@g that killed tens of millions of innocent people with pleasure
Happy birthday, Comrade Stalin!
I have a Stalin half-length portrait, and he leads me along in my life!
Me too! Stalin is my hero!
Let's ignore the silencing of other opinions, the torturing of prisoners of war, the starving of his own people because the the system began to break and in general a lot of torturing👍there also is a reason Lenin hated him lol
@poods madfinger famines, oppression OF HIS OWN PEOPLE, much much war, oppression of other people, I LOVE GULAGS, great purge, ignoring basically everything Marx or Lenin said
@@Angela-Merkel Lenin hated him so much that he made Stalin the head of two ministries...
1. Famines weren't caused by him, they were COMBATED. Yes, they took place and were tragic, but putting all blame on him and/or his policies is absurd, especially when this пиздец captured Romania and entirety of eastern europe as well. Is it Stalin's fault there too?
2. What "oppression"? BE specific. Read Lenin's "State and Revolution".
3. What did he ignore???
Imagine not upholding Stalin.
On 5 March 1953 , the outstanding world-proletarian leader, J. V. Stalin, died.
The whole progressive world is still mourning the loss of that
steeled disciple and successor of Lenin,
that great 4th Classic of Marxism-Leninism.
Stalin's legacy is immortal.
Oooofff shame he handed over german communists to the nazis
yeah the "anti"-fascist whos army marched together with the wehrmacht in poland in 1939
Josef Stalin fascism is corporatism on steroids, the wermacht weren’t fascists that’s the SS
@@Xyzerrr well your right comrade, but also the wehrmacht was not a clean army, especially the younger souldiers were very often nazis or nazi sympathizers since they were raised with nazi ideology, also they helped to set in charge a nazi regime in the general gouvernement by wiping out the polish army and i dont think holding glory parades with the army of a fascist state (eventhough their soldiers arent nazis) that you said youd protect the ukranians and belorussians in eastern poland from
@@st.mikolaj198 I mean, they weren't on good terms when they occupied Poland. There were a few skirmishes on the border of the allocated territories.
@@GeneralissimusStalin17 that sounds interesting, could you please send a link or something that provides more information nd confirmation (sorry i know ot sounds very sarcastic, but its not meant that way)
Stalin was one of the greatest men to walk this earth long live the memory of Stalin and may the soviet union be reborn 🚩✊
Great music from a great composer dedicated to a great man.
Definitely! He was a great guy. Very good friend of mine, always nice and very marxist dude. I miss him!
You were inspired by him Comrade Hoxha.
Stalin didn't do anything wrong, he was the second greatest hero of the twentieth century after Lenin!
My top heroes:
1. Pol Pot
2. Stalin
3. Lenin
4. Mao
5. Strasser
@@incestlover3378 Was about to say based, then I saw your username.
Your father
@@incestlover3378 this list is so ironic
@@incestlover3378 Pol Pot is a fucking primitivist, and Strasser is a Nazi
Stalin to Bóg Ludzkości. Imperator Bóg. Wszystko inne to bydło. Niech żyje Stalin!
Wielki Imperatorze. Przybądź zjednoczyć Słowiański Naród Robotniczy!
Sława Stalinowi!
The stalinium
Великому Сталину слава!
После Сталина настоящих коммунистов в Стране Советов не было. Брежнев - исключение.
Viva il compagno Stalin! Rispetto dai compagni d'Italia! ✊❤🇮🇹
era meglio lenin
si vero Stalin ha soltanto cambiato le leggi proletarie rendendo da socialismo a totaliarismo infatti era meglio lenin
Gloria a compagno Stalin, padre di nazioni e distruttore del fascismo
@@dronedismontaghionStalin ha proseguito ciò che Lenin aveva iniziato, non si può fare distinzione tra i due.
@@justanormalyoutubeuser3868 si invece
Gloria eterna a Слава y al ejército rojo.
Rodilla en tierra.
a8 Слава significa viva. Сталин significa Stalin.
We still remember our republican fellows from Spain. Thank you for resisting falangist uprising.
Сталин до сих пор вызывает глрдость
Никита 16 лет...
Glory to Stalin!
In our description you write Ussr was invaded by German Empire is wrong. Ussr was invaded by Nazy Germany.
The German Reich or the third Reich was basically German Empire 2.0 anyway which still practiced kaisers plans and failed again
Slav’sya, Tovarisches Lenina i Stalina!
Glory to the Stalin and Stalinism
More like Glory to Marxism-Leninism. Stalin was a very loyal Marxist-Leninist and was the most loyal pupil of Lenin. "Stalinism" doesn't exist. It's a Trotskyite insult at us that has been taken up by Capitalists/Revisionists and Fascists to refer to us Marxist-Leninists.
@@GeneralissimusStalin17 Idk,i like calling myself a Stalinist tho
2:24 няшка
Да здравствует товарищ Сталин!
Comrades! Soon again 9th of May! Victory Day!💪🌟🌟🎆🎆
Ревизионисту Хрущеву можно сказать спасибо за массовое жилищное строительство и многое другое , но за отход от Сталинского курса развития страны и построения социализма Никита Сергеевич заслуживает к себе серьезного неодобрительного отношения
И то он похерил в худшую сторону изначальный сталинский проект массовой застройки.
Our USSR hero
Happy Birthday to the Greatest Statesman in History! The Father of Nations! The Faithful Student of Lenin! The Man of Steel! He is in Heaven hoping we can follow his steps!
1917 war er Lenins Schüler , ab 1920 war er Lenins Meister
Happy birthday comrade.
Stalin is cool
Za Rodinu! Za Stalina!
*1:35** holy shite putin in the background*
no there just a lot of balding russian politicians
respect feom China!
Comrade ❤️🇨🇳❤️🇷🇺
Glory to Stalin! Glory to the USSR! Glory forever!
Это же "Боже царя храни" по коммунистически))