@@Roboshi2007 bc raiden is quite popular in japan and back when his og toy was released both im diaclone and eventually in transformers it sold like hot cakes not to mention how popular trains are in japan
The left knee on mine was totally broken on one side of the hinge. Now I’ve got to wait multiple days before I’ll hear back from BBTS about getting a replacement.
Just got mine yesterday and I got one of the ones with a broken knee straight out of the box. It’s a shame, because I really like it. Hopefully I can get a non-broken one to replace it.
I like him but man them leg panels. They aren't as tricky to get transformed as I expected but they really needed a few extra tabs or something to keep them together. Ankles need more range too. Was quite happy with how simple he is in general though. Sorta closer to Skids/Reboost in terms of complexity and I like that.
I know people don’t like these ones but for me I like them because I recently switched to legends class and I saw how moon studio is and I like how they look but I don’t want big bots anymore i like the smaller ones, only last big ones I really want are primus and unicron
We have to appreciate emgo he literally probably has atleast 75% of all transformers figures in the world and he does you he can deliver you an amazing review.
Man I'm just not feeling these at all. It really sucks that MP finally caught up to what 3rd party offerings have been doing for years, and for their first project the very first thing that happened was 3P released what many consider a superior version.
Vehicle mode-wise, the scale was purposefully made to fit with the model train HO scale, which ends up putting their robot modes at the perfect height with the rest of the MP line in terms of cartoon-accuracy. Despite them being trains, the characters only stood a head taller than the standard Autobot Cars, which is the same size as all of the other combiner robots. Much like the current-day mainline stuff, the robot modes are the sole focus of scale in the MP line, which gives the designers freedom to have the toys be whatever size in alt mode. Unfortunately, mass-shifting isn't exactly possible to replicate in the real world, never mind with a toy lol.
I find it weird that this is Takara's choice for their first combiner transformer in their Masterpiece line, instead of more famous and popular combiners such as Devastator or even Menasor. Sure, they're done to death, but still.
I find it weird too, but i guess these guys are very popular in Japan because the japanese love trains, but oh well. Kudos to Takara for at least going for a combiner other than the ones that are flooding the market thanks to the 3rd party companies
Same it would have been much easier if they picked any other combiner but Raiden or devastator but I'm guessing they licked Raiden because that's what Japanese fans want I agree Raiden is rad but, as their first effort its not the best idea
he Definitely is the nicest looking of the MPGs so far, in my opinion, however it still seems like a mainline release shoved to a masterpiece price point. the backpack and panel folding is terrible. But, yeah, at least he looks nice in all 3 modes.
I should not have laughed as hard at the decapitated head joke as I did XD
I still cannot fathom that an official masterpiece combiner will exist.
I can't fathom the fact it'll be Raiden, and not the constructacons
I can’t fathom why they didn’t do this EARLIER.
@@Roboshi2007about to say exactly that.
@@Roboshi2007 at least theyr using Raiden as a test subject and not devy
@@Roboshi2007 bc raiden is quite popular in japan and back when his og toy was released both im diaclone and eventually in transformers it sold like hot cakes not to mention how popular trains are in japan
Great review! Was lucky enough to ride the real thing more than a few times before they retired it., so it has a sentimental connection for me.
the leg transformation crazy
3 down 3 more to go
love the shriek sound looking forward to more review to hear it, you said panels at least 26 times
Figure looks awsome I just think it needs some green on the panel lines on the chest for robot mode other than that awsome.
I wish that there a core class version of Raiden
Some people had cracks on their knees right out of the box
Mine did😢 just one leg on the black slider
The left knee on mine was totally broken on one side of the hinge. Now I’ve got to wait multiple days before I’ll hear back from BBTS about getting a replacement.
Looks like they might scale better with Generations ... would love to see comparisons with Legacy or WFC figures, especially Optimus Prime.
Yukakazi looks very good. Excellent detail
The third party version of these are just so much better
I needed this a week ago
That's a first autobot train figure.
Imagine a KO repaint based on ToqGer
Just got mine today. They look so fun in the photos. I’m starting to hate them.
That pogoman thing... how about sentry man? Since he's like a sentry tower.^^
G1 Origins Soundwave
Just got mine yesterday and I got one of the ones with a broken knee straight out of the box. It’s a shame, because I really like it. Hopefully I can get a non-broken one to replace it.
I know its meant for mp collections but i hope that raiden scales well with chug stuff because i'm not waiting another 3 years for another Raiden
I think it does as raiden himself will scale with combiner wars
I like him but man them leg panels. They aren't as tricky to get transformed as I expected but they really needed a few extra tabs or something to keep them together. Ankles need more range too. Was quite happy with how simple he is in general though. Sorta closer to Skids/Reboost in terms of complexity and I like that.
I know people don’t like these ones but for me I like them because I recently switched to legends class and I saw how moon studio is and I like how they look but I don’t want big bots anymore i like the smaller ones, only last big ones I really want are primus and unicron
Around 13:06 your footage goes a bit wonky just thought you would like to know
nothing I can do about it. it is what it is.
Are you getting fantoys parkour
What is he from? Never seen or heard of him.
Looks cool tho, despite the flaws in robot mode
These trainbots are from the Japanese headmasters cartoon.
@@emgo316Have you watched it? It's great.
I ordered mine during the power day selling pulse and got it for like 90 bucks
Hi emgo
does anybody know where the gun is supposed to store in robot mode? All the trainbots I have so far can do it but I'm no sure how on yukikaze
Probably one of the better ones. Still doesn't feel like a Masterpiece though.
8:11 Sorry but Stilt man is taken
With all the Train characters lately I'm surprised they have not announced a Polar Express crossover yet, or one for Hogwarts from Harry Potter, lol.
We have to appreciate emgo he literally probably has atleast 75% of all transformers figures in the world and he does you he can deliver you an amazing review.
Man I'm just not feeling these at all. It really sucks that MP finally caught up to what 3rd party offerings have been doing for years, and for their first project the very first thing that happened was 3P released what many consider a superior version.
Running a train
Trainbot Yukikaze? I don't think so. This is TRAINBOT BLOCKLEG STILTZKING!
OMG panel
Kaen suiken Seizan need to be released so then after years we'll got mpg raiden on our hands for this year 2023
Lil fella 😅
본가가 문스튜디오에 완패
He looks a tad drunk in the opening, poor bot had too much energon before coming on set
You’ve literally said panel a bajillion-kajillion times throughout your entire channel
Does anyone else think that Prime should try to keep his day job???😮
Me gusta más las otras figuras
2:34 This shot is all the proof you need that these Masterpiece Trainbots are meant to go with CHUG figures, not Masterpiece.
Vehicle mode-wise, the scale was purposefully made to fit with the model train HO scale, which ends up putting their robot modes at the perfect height with the rest of the MP line in terms of cartoon-accuracy. Despite them being trains, the characters only stood a head taller than the standard Autobot Cars, which is the same size as all of the other combiner robots.
Much like the current-day mainline stuff, the robot modes are the sole focus of scale in the MP line, which gives the designers freedom to have the toys be whatever size in alt mode. Unfortunately, mass-shifting isn't exactly possible to replicate in the real world, never mind with a toy lol.
Modern MP's to me are just unchecked hubris in plastic form
Don't panel it's just a panel
I find it weird that this is Takara's choice for their first combiner transformer in their Masterpiece line, instead of more famous and popular combiners such as Devastator or even Menasor. Sure, they're done to death, but still.
I find it weird too, but i guess these guys are very popular in Japan because the japanese love trains, but oh well. Kudos to Takara for at least going for a combiner other than the ones that are flooding the market thanks to the 3rd party companies
I think the trainbots are the first combiner aside from constructiocns in diaclone toyline
@@nucleonegro9762 Yeah it's like if the Japanese were asking why does the NES Classic have Tecmo Bowl, a game that's mainly popular in America.
I think it's because it's unlikely that these guys would get releases in the mainlines, so less competing with themselves this way.
Same it would have been much easier if they picked any other combiner but Raiden or devastator but I'm guessing they licked Raiden because that's what Japanese fans want I agree Raiden is rad but, as their first effort its not the best idea
he Definitely is the nicest looking of the MPGs so far, in my opinion, however it still seems like a mainline release shoved to a masterpiece price point. the backpack and panel folding is terrible.
But, yeah, at least he looks nice in all 3 modes.
Great transformation, but the scale is too small, I wish K.O oversize appear soon.
This isn’t masterpiece quality. Now they’re diluting the line with rubbish like this
picked up the first 4 today, and this guy's legs alone make him my least favorite of the set
These mps are so bad compared to moon studios