There are still long standing tribal rivalries in Africa like those that led to the slave trade. The African slave trade still exists, as it has for a thousand years or more. The Europeans could not have facilitated the slave trade on their own in Africa without the pre-existing network that already existed. There is plenty of blame to go around.
True. Maruitania and Ghana are at least 2 I can name. And Tanzania hunts down albinos and uses their limbs for shamanic practices. Albinos have some significance to their spiritual beliefs.
Why couldn’t the Euros do it on their own... and you right look at North Africa... they had help from the silent partners... the Arabs, Chinese, Spanish, oh so somebody didn’t read the Bible lol.
@@bigshow2cool They could have developed the African slave trade, but the network was already in place. They just exploited the trade just like all the others that you mentioned.
This is a country in which you are sold trans fat french fries so that the restaurant could make an extra five cents a serving, while contributing to killing you. The sofa and fruit drinks so today are killing millions tens of millions maybe hundreds of millions. All because fructose is so much cheaper than sucrose or glucose. When that fructose gets into your liver it gets turned into fat. It doesn't come out and get used like glucose does. so then your fatty liver gives you hypertension and diabetes. And all your energy goes down the drain until you die.
No, no no, the Chinese and Russians are getting peanuts compared to what western corporations i.e. the Oil corporations, the IMF, World Bank, France, etc are getting. In fact some of these African countries use over 80% of their revenue to service debt as far back as the '70's and the Oil corporations like SHell, Exxon, Chevron, etc brag about how much they are getting away with.
HOW?!? HOW is it that I go to videos about politics or community posts about it and no one, not a soul, knows or cares about e truth in these sections, y'all ACTUALLY know what's happening and aren't just calling people names for a differing opinion... You beautiful, beautiful people!
No one really cares, out of sight out of mind, people prefer to go on talking about the white man instead and fuel that particular division in America, it makes a lot of people a lot of money, like a cult, which is why many of them like Al Sharpton are reverends, but even though they are reverends they are not of God.
It isn't happening in America so the major media and social justice crowd won't cover it. Makes too many people uncomfortable to face the reality that slavery in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia still occurs.
My father’s ancestors led wars against the British in Ghana. My mother’s ancestors were brought as slaves from the west coast of Africa to Jamaica . My people were possibly traders and traded. Painful legacy indeed but the story needs to be told.
"Africans selling other Africans" is just as insane as saying "humans selling other humans." These Africans were completely different nations of people and were just as different from each other as the Russians are from the Portuguese. That's the context we need to remember. Needless to say, it is never right to take someone's life and sell it to another. You get the right to live YOUR life and let other people live theirs, you don't have the right to live both your life and someone else's. So that is where this video got it right.
"African were comletely different nations...." and that is true. Thus, to bunch Europeans as one group is nonsensical as well. Europe is numerous different nations - different from one another.
Looked for a place to comment: thank you. Over a year ago I heard this argument from another source - that the Africans who participated in the slave trade were a disparate people of different tribes and nations who often warred among themselves. They didn't see being dark-skinned as a unifying factor as we descendents of slaves in America do. I've chewed on that awhile. President-elect Biden recently named a Native American to be his incoming Secretary of the Interior. I'm sorry I don't recall her name at the moment but I believe she's currently a Representative from Arizona. I rejoiced to hear that news and wondered why the hell it took so long to appoint an Indian to oversee what was described as a "sprawling department that includes the Bureau of Indian Affairs." I bring this up because of the parallel. I believe the U.S. government still recognizes Native American tribes as nations. As with the Africans, many of these nations warred with each other and they didn't see their "red" skin as a unifying factor. But in America, African-Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian-Americans are minorities that more or less struggle to be accepted as Americans. In the 21st century. I'm not afraid of Hispanic Americans becoming the majority that makes minorities the majority in America and I don't think whites should be afraid either - but apparently they are. The problem that I see is that tribalism - which I now prefer to use instead of "racism" - that way of thinking - continues to keep us at each other's throats. And among all people, Black Americans are the most divided. We don't respect each other. I've examined myself and recognized where I have been hostile to my own people. I know a spectacular job has been done on black folk in America to keep us divided and easily manipulated. But it seems to me that we ought to examine ourselves and make an effort to respect each other and treat each other well regardless of how the prevailing culture deals with us. It's more than calling each other "brother" and "sister" - then later on shouting, "Yo mama!" We're all different and we won't always agree on how to move forward. But this bullying and backstabbing needs to end.
But my young brother we're not talkin about now we were talking about the beginning of the slave trade. do you know why our people are selling drugs to one another in killing one another and selling one another out do you know the reason for this.I'm almost certain that you don't are you wouldn't be saying what you're saying be careful what you say it reveals your mindset and just for the record you cannot prove African soul of a Africans into slavery no one in this comment section or anywhere else on this planet can prove African sold of a Africans into slavery if you can't prove it stop saying Africans in America were train to sell each other out to kill one another it was a training of slavery do you know where the drugs in the guns come from ?you need to study the fall of African civilization you need to study the history of this country don't be a slave in your mind I pray Elohim will set you free!!! SHALOM. ONE💘 I'm Judah Israel🕎
@@jeremyashford2145 delusions. They're adamant about the idea this is all falsified. It's funny, because it kinda ignores how the larger African nations acted around the same timeframe.
@@jaclynskiles3288 You need to be careful what you say,you don't know me you don't know who I am When you really got something to say, you can be a man or woman and speak it, but right now all I see is a small mind that's trying to make someone think you know something if you knew something you would speak it!!! SHALOM I'm Judah Israel🕎
Yes! Mohammed taught that anyone who does not convert to Islam is either to killed, pay the exorbitant nonbeliever's tax (Jizyah) or be made a slave. (It was ok to kill non believers and still is. Look at what is being done to Christians and Hindus today in Africa, Pakistan, etc.) The non believer was to be considered "the worst of creatures," lower in worth to Allah than any creature....Dogs, pigs, etc. That teaching made the nonbeliever easy fodder to be exchanged for something of worth. Mohammed, himself had slaves and would trade two black slaves for one white slave according to Islamic Sources. (Sahih Hadith, in Sunan an-Nasai Ch.66:4625) BTW, this was and excellent video.
@@oppslopper3017 Islamic nations raided from Singapore to Iceland and all the way around Africa. The Ottoman empire forbid the trading of Europeans in the 18th century because it was terrified of the repercussions massive colonial empires could inflict in retaliation. They still owned Asian, Eastern and African slaves until 1908.
@@k.v.7681 then the barbery pirate wars took several Americans as slaves where they died in the then ottoman empire. Then tripli was leveled for the first time since the Romans destroyed Carthage
_This may be hurtful to say, but..._ *Our ancestors traded our lives for useless trinkets created by outsiders, and today many descendants kill each other over the same useless trinkets.* 🤦🏾♂️
To be fair to them, they didn't have industry or a currency system. Being able to basically just buy clothes, metal and salt must have been advantageous for them.
I feel the history IS repeating itself sadly... Specifically in the "entertainment/music" industry, Rappers of today are receiving meaningless "valuables" in exchange for human lives....
True but at the time (at least to Igbo castes) those who were sold off first were those who committed crimes of some sort or did not have money to pay off debts. It’s unfortunate really but as we try to not view things from an ethnocentric point of view, viewing things in the context of the time period aids with viewing what happened objectively.
And before anyone tries to deny it we did have a caste system as well as our own banking system before Europeans arrived. If anything colonization exacerbated the caste and it’s not like Indian caste systems bc there’s mobility if the reason someone back then was in a lower part of society was because of a debt. If they offended the land it requires a cleansing of the whole land or some sort of atonement
What they got was absolved of any wrongdoing and the ability to blame every single problem or shortcoming of their race on Europeans. And they can agree that the only time in history where slavery appeared was when it was done to them
Africa was tribal, just as it is today, when tribes went to war, the captured enemies where taken as slaves, majority went to the Arab world, way before the West got int the trade. 2 lads from liverpool led the fight, made it illegal and ultimately fought 7 wars to end the global trade in slaves. It was only in 2015 that British tax payers finally paid off the bill for freeing all the slaves in the British colonies. The colonies in the Caribbean became tough independent people, with their own freedom. The narrator forgot, that we also took modern medicine and farming practices, trial by jury and democracy. The religion bit was to extreme though.
@Danny Timms That may be, but it changes when generations pass and those "aliens" become your "kinsmen". When you're living right alongside that which was built through your enslavement, it's reasonable that you're greatest anger will be towards the "alien" next door.
@@ronnieg6358 Well, for starters, the various roots of my lineage are not from that part of the world - unless we go back to the very roots of human history, which a lot of anthropologists suggest were in Africa. Two, I don't prescribe to any 'tribe' in today's world.
@@orionsghost9511 you do know slaves were almost exclusively used in a single industry right? I mean its incredibly annoying to hear slaves built america, naw they built a cotton industry for the democrats.
It’s still a case of history repeating itself,in various parts of Africa. Corrupt leaders are still selling out there citizens (for European or Chinese bail out). whilst the citizens go through perilous sacrifices to reach the other side of the pond.
@@NietzscheanMan Actually, most people of African descent for against the Americans in the Revolutionary War, because the British promised to end the slave trade. The Americans - our "forefathers" - were the enemies of freedom and the wrong side won. I mean, technically, both were "the wrong side", but if we can say that the most evil side won. We're all brainwashed to believe otherwise, of course. But (a) the British ban on expansion was preserving Native American societies, most of which lived in freer societies than Americans ever would and (b) the end of the triangle slave trade would have been a great achievement for humanity. Nothing America accomplished surpassed those two things. And, of course, the destruction we caused to get where we are today is a grim reminder that empire is a terrible thing to root for.
My ancestor Named Samory TOURÉ fought to death against the Europeans during the enslavement of our people. My great Uncle named Sékou TOURÉ also fought hard against the French for the decolonization. From Mothers to Daughters and from Fathers to Sons, the TOURÉ Family are still fighting against the enemies of our people. I love you guys, you are the descendants of brave warriors, the betrayers names are cursed for ever in the Mandingo language we call that "Dagan"
Greetings, Mahata! I salute you AND your great family. I'm studying the ideology of Sekou Toure and Kwame Nkrumah, and I've recently added "Africa on the Move" to my library. In addition, I also intend to fight against the enemy of our people.
@@edwardlong3904 I salut you, my Brother Edward !!! I'm so happy and proud to see that you are also caring the legacy that our brave ancestors left us👏🏽 Anitchey = thank you in Mandingo
I’m Nigerian 🇳🇬(West Africa) I apologize to African Americans & others that were sold on behalf of my ancestors. Truth is Black people have internal enemies within our community. Today we still sell our own brothers for money. God bless everyone 🌍❤️
Why would you apologize to their descendants? While their ancestors got the shaft, they got to become free US citizens. They may complain about racial inequality now, but you don't see them clambering over one another to migrate to Africa.
Apparently there was one time when an enslaved people were bought for a much higher exchange - its when the Vikings entered the slave trade and started selling eastern European slavic women in the Middle East - demand exceeded supply
If your talking morality i'd back you in the terms of what it can get you I can imagine tec might be a good trade since it would be an investment whilst once you've drunk booze your out of booze.
Most Africans didn't know of the horrors of American slavery, they thought that white people were going to treat their slaves the same way black people do.
@@thedebunker1777 they didn't know nor did they care to find out...and besides...what they did or didn't know about the European's brand of slavery is irrelevant ...when one trades humans for material goods...there is no rational excuse for it...
Even with skill trades. How many of y'all heard or had this conversation. " Hey they paying people $16.00 an hour for a job but you got to work swing shift, holidays and by the way you got 90 probation that says even if you got a doctor's note you still get counted against you in those 90 days. And somebody black will say. " Shiiit that's good money I'll work all those shifts and double shifts" Wake up people all money not good money. Stop working yourself to death for crumbs. If you have to take a job like that to get on your feet is fine but don't make a career out of it. That's why jobs like that have high turnover rates. Get a trade or a degree don't try to retire from warehouse and factory jobs.
I didn't realize this was secret information that needed getting out. Good job=good. Bad job=bad if bad job bad, get rid of bad job for better job. Water is wet, the sky is blue, And working bad jobs is over rated. Oh, and money good. Don't forget about money good. Oh and drug dealing bad because eventually, bad cop enforcing law throw poor drug dealer in jail ruining future prospects for you and your family. There you go. The secrets of the universe revealed. If you want to make good money in the trades, work for yourself. Start your own business. You will make many times what you will working for someone else. Now go out and make yourself 6 figures plus.
So what's really changed? In the african american community, too many people still trade away freedom for fancy gold trim hats, alchohol and firearms. The number of times I've heard someone complain about how broke they are on a $1000+ iphone (more so including airpods) while wearing another $1000+ worth of branded clothing, jewelry and fake hair is gut wrenching.
This is a wonderful post. I've noticed parallels between the past and what is going on between Africa and China today. Sad to watch the writing on the wall. I am happy to see so many seek knowledge.
Lmao everyone in the comments are bitching about “that’s not a fair trade 👺👹💀☠️” instead of bitching that people were getting sold. REEEEEEEeEeEeEeEeRrrEEeRrR
Right. People getting sold is an automatic uneven exchange. There is no even trade involving human freedom. Our failure to grasp this as a society is causing huge problems in the present, let alone the immense damage it did in the past.
This clown is why Africans should hold each other accountable. Misconception: 'They' sold 'us' as slaves. The Atlantic S T ain't so clear cut where ur either a victim or victimiser it's more complex. African kings/rulers viewed those they sold as debtors or captives from tribal warfare, not as fellow Africans. Humans beings had become commodities this caused insecurity amongst groups which were once harmonious. Supply and demand of people was massive. So slavery became a motivation for war as it strengthened kingdoms in the short term. So other kingdoms defended themselves with European weapons which they bought with slaves. + Slavers who made bad deals with e.g Portuguese and couldn't supply slaves, we're captured and sold themselves. I'm Liberian but peoples great grandparents were on American plantation. 'you' sold 'us' is short-sighted and inaccurate. Ethnicity was the unifier, we weren't black until Europeans powers claimed our colour was inferior.
@@leeolie3728 "Should have known better"--any group enslaving any other group regardless of race, ethnicity, or nationality should "know better". However history is full of people who do not share your view...and I am thinking that this has something to do with your own privilege as someone from a more advanced era. Primitive, ancient, and medieval kingdoms were built on groupthink and conquest. Is it right? No. But if I have to defend my tribe and my family by enslaving those that are threatening our peace...I just might do that. I'm not saying that was always the dilemma or that they made the right decision. But these things happen because of the lack of other perceivable options. How easy is it for you to say, they should have known better when you are not in their shoes.
Yes what did the Romans ever do for us? What would have happened without European involvement? Would the Arabs have expanded further from the east coast and exponentially expanded their slave trading? Would African empires have expanded and what would that imply? When would slavery have been outlawed? How did such a minescule European presence have been controlling? Might it be a case that an end to tribal conflicts might have been welcomed? Do you think the sans people would have been totally wiped out?
If they at the time didn't get what they wanted they wouldn't have traded. It's sick (selling people) but thats how badly you treated each other. A life for a comb. People who buy people are scum but people who sell people are worse.
@@youtubeyoutube936 Go somewhere else with that shifting the target to Africans mess. Yes the other western nations are at fault even moreso because they actually did the brutalization and changed chattel to dehumanizing thing that the western powers used to build wealth for this nation and whats left of the Roman empire. Then colonized most of what was left and are still abusing the people there. More than I can name is on their hands but that is TMH’s job to avenge.
And today too many of us put far too much value in gold, silver, clothing, fancy things we think we can't get ourselves and sell each other out to get them, and still be empty inside
Yes it is a complex history but it needs to be talked about. It's a subject that needs to be talked about between Africans from the continent and those in the diaspora free of European and others interference. Because those others seem to feel they benefit from African and people of African descent disunity.
Whatever your skin colour or origin, you can be certain people who share it have been both slave and slaver. Slavery isn't a black thing or a white thing, it's a human thing.
@@mankytoes but we are talking about African slave trade and how it has affected people of African descent all over the world. No deflections or distractions.
@@grapeshot My point is that you can't just isolate that from the rest of humanity. What other context can you view the African slave trade in? Vikings traded (white) slaves extensively, but we don't define them by that action.
I’m not African, but since I was a very young child and saw a church burning, I have had strong feeling of the horrible history, not only how whit people treated Africans, but anyone darker than them! My father told me when I ask Ed about the burning church, that it was most likely the Klan in a way that I knew he did not approve! I love your channel, some things I’ve knew or heard of, but so many things are new and I love learning the history of the people of Africa! ❤️ keep up the good work!
Actually Africans involvement with the slave trade has been going on with Arabs in north Africa and east Africa for hundreds of years even before the Europeans started there adventures on the west coast of Africa. Many were sold all over the middle east and beyond. Here is a sobering thought, where are the descendants of these in the middle east?
They are there. There are african groups all over asia. they have there own communities. You will find many arab people who traded were partly african too. Check a man called "tippu tip"
I learned a lot from this blessed channel. It is extremely redeeming for us black people. But until today I fail to know the name of our great presenter in this channel. I even searched some info on HomeTeam History on Google but nothing. I love this presenter. He is really great African hero. Big up brother. From Saleh, from Niger Republic .
Africa owes the ancestors of the Atlantic Slave trade reparations just as much as the western countries that enslaved them. Until the discussion takes place;we have nothing to say.
Ok. Who pays what and what are the %'s going to look like? What is your plan? What is the $$$ figure you must have? Keep in mind - most of the Africans sold off by other Africans ( that traveled West) - went to Central America, South America, and the Caribbean islands - not was is now known today as the U.S.A. And, most of the slave trade in the U.S.A - had taken place when that land mass was under British rule. About and/or before Africans were brought to the U.S. about 400K or 500K ish white Irish slaves were sold off to America (again, under British rule). England was ridding itself of the Irish. England was also ridding itself of millions of other white 'non-desirables' - thru the scheme of indentured servants (indentured is actually slavery) - and the 10s of 1,000s of white young kids rounded up from poor single mothers and orphanages and placed on slave ships - which is where the term "kidnapped" is derived. Lastly, for about 1,500 yrs Africans were sold off to the Muslim nations slave traders. If there is any reparations to be given, the payments should logically should begin with African countries who sold off Africans for 1,500 yrs to Muslim countries who purchased the African slaves. What ever is given to the approx 400K Africans brought to what America - under British rule - the bulk of the payment should be paid by England. And, what ever reparations that are given to Americans of African descendants - must be given to the white Irish descendants of slaves - and the white descendants of indentured servants.
@@raycebannon6374 Well let's hear what *"The FATHER"* has to say about your fruitless comment. *Galatians 6:7 KJV* *[7] Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.* *Numbers **35:33** KJV* *[33] So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land can not be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it.* *Revelation 13:6 KJV* *[6] He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword, must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and faith of the saints.* *Revelation 18:10 KJV* *[10] Reward her even as she has rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works, in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.* *Joel 3:8 KJV* *[8] And I will sell your sons and daughters into the hands of Ju'dah, and they shall sell them to the Sa-be' ans, to a people far off; for the LORD hath spoken it.* *As you can see, no amount of money will pay reparations for what your ancestors have done to my people. To this very day, you all are still committing attrocities against us. Now that the first of the plagues are hitting the world, your system of supremacy is crumbling, your time of "reaping what you have sown," is upon your doorsteps.*
@@rickystansbury9134 You want me to comment on what people translated from scriptures from 1,000 plus yrs ago? Especially when KJ approved and/or disapproved the writings?
@@raycebannon6374 *Isaiah 55:11 KJV* *[11] So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.* *Isaiah 14:21-22 KJV* *[21] Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities.* *You say this book (Bible) may not be factual/real, but one thing you can not deny, is your birth rates are low. Wonder why?* *Isaiah 14:22 KJV* *[22] For I will rise up against them, saith the LORD of hosts, and cut of from Bab'y-lon the name, and the remnant, and son, and nephew, saith the LORD.* *Surely you're not gonna keep arguing against the FATHER'S word. Are you?*
As said in the video, the exchanges were unequal, and the point is not to cast blame. I just find it sad that all the things that our ancestors traded/were traded for, were things they either already had or that they could have gotten through trades that were legitimate. I would argue that the ancestors undervalued themselves. But I digress. Thanks for the knowledge. Each video really helps to open the mind. It can only do our people good. Much love.
All which makes me question the legitimacy of these records. Not to say that human exchange for goods didn’t happen at all. But to say, I find it hard to believe that a country that had what it needed to sustain life, traded actual people for meaningless things, to the tune of millions.
@@newguy8288 depends on what you’re greedy and prideful for, and at what expense. And, with respect given to individuality, these two things do not run rampant in all people.
Well J bird what your alternative theory then? Since you find it so hard to believe. Greed and pride is still running deep in our African culture and it's sad
@@jbird9220 When I say people’s, I mean as races/cultures all around the world; no exception. Nobody is all righteous and good, just like nobody is all evil and deceitful; but the fact of the matter is prideful and greedy individuals can take power and destroy the places they govern. Such is the case with many African governments, just like every other continent through the agws
Typically prisoners of war. Kill or sell? In ancient times being traded as a slave was a mercy for a captured soldier. Dead is dead but a slave may earn their freedom. In Rome slaves where encuraged to save up funds to purchase their freedom.
I’m not a crier and this brought tears to my eyes. My great great great grandparents were only worth these trinkets? That’s how you feel, Brethren? Bet. Moving forward as a race, we need to place more value on the intangibles i.e. love and unity b/c this is crazy to think about.
No...we weren’t. They (Africans) traded us for trinkets and utopia s saw us as cattle. Little did they know we would become a very proud and iconic black ethnic group in history (black Americans) ironically our contributions to civil rights helped Africans in colonization. We were created from greed and exploited till modern day, yet we survived and thrived. Forgive and forget your ancient ancestors just like you would a modern family member.
Perhaps you want to go on a pilgrimage to the slave ports in any of the countries mentioned. Im in Nigeria and I visited the "point of no return". It's disgraceful what Africans did to their brothers and sisters.
@@FlowerTower Nigeria was not a thing back then also people who sold slaves are the elites not the regular people. Truth is slavery in Africa is not actually slavery,it is more like selling war captives,prisoners of war to Europeans.
Send this video to all African people. Know yourself. Know those shoes, know those cloths, and effects. Material items and trinkets in exchange for our skin and soul.
I would like to add that the goods they traded slaves for also meant power for the slave-trader. The items they received enabled them to gain influence and elevate their own status. So the trade wasn't only slave for goods, but also slave for power.
No one owns me but the creator... now as a group we need to stick together and love ourselves.. we are treated on this world as if we have no self worth .. time to unify and shine our beautiful light
Bruh it's the group think that literally got people into the mess. Don't encourage people to band together for the sole purpose of making your perfect echo chamber.
Time to unify It was your winning cousin that kicked your ass and then sold you to the white man and you BLAME the white man ???he saw a deal and your winning cousin agreed , your stupid ????
Student Loan Debt. Selling our future for a piece of paper and the assurance that we'll make big money someday. If you want education find a way to work your way through school without taking out loans. Don't sell your own self down the road. Speaking from experience here.
He didn’t even mention them when they were out oppressors before Europeans. They’re the Africans who sold our ancestors (Afro black Africans ). So technically Africans did sell Africans but 90% of people I see get this confused . U think for hundreds of years black people will be selling other Afro black people???? North African Muslims sold us to Europeans for massive amounts of guns and ammo. Some say, those are the same Muslims who enslaved us during biblical times and we are the same Afro black people who built Egypt before building Americas continents
After Britain made slavery illegal between 1817-1833 and deployed Royal naval fleets off the West coast of Africa over a 60 year period to suppress and arrest slave ships in the Atlantic then the African slavers simply moved to the East coast ports to sell slaves to India and the far East. Even in the present day Pakistan is considered to have the third largest slave population in the world.
They the Slave Ship owners were the ones who thrived...and still thrive to this day from the trades, they started the game baby. They the few with the most Wealth...who own the govt majority now and are unseen kings behind the curtains
Shipping is still a extremely profitable business. It’s still being used to traffic humans. It’s women and children and ALL races. Slavery does still exist, but more hidden. Most of the trafficking/slavery. It’s become worse and worse. We need to stop fighting and look at what’s going on NOW instead of the wrongs of the past.
nobody is innocent every race and religion enslaved and controlled each other , we only concentrate on the most recent and most published , ie the americas
@@scooterdogg7580 America is NOT the most recent, but it might be the most published. Brazil didn't outlaw slavery until 1888. Arab countries bought and sold slaves at least until WW1. China has slave labor camps today.
Trillions was made from it . If you create a demand for anything people will provide it in this sick world . Bottom line they were kidnapped because people were in the market for it and yes they also participated in it .
Excellent, excellent program! Thank you for the analytical comparison. We definitely need this essential information. We need to be discomforted and inconvenienced so that we can finally face the harsh reality of the situation that we as Africans in the diaspora are actually in. Thanks, brother. Keep on enlightening and educating us!
@Bryan W Yes, you are right. The reason why I said that is because our people want so bad to go back to sleep and ignorance - longing to go back to the plantation in their souls. We must wake up and do somethings - actually at this point (no more talking, discussing or begging - action at once!).
As ADOS why are we concerned about what Africans got? it's not our fault they weren't smart enough to reverse engineer a ship and put their own trade to sea. It's not our fault they destabilized themselves. We only need to be concerned about African American issues. There is nothing wrong with saying they were politically and strategically outmaneuvered.
What did Africans get through the trans Sahara slave trade, which was established hundreds of years before Europeans discovered the African continent? Africans where enslaving Africans thousands of years before the white man discovered Africa. Remembering the past is important but it seems that selective memory is the order of the day.
Very informative video. I appreciate you brother. Yet, I can't help but point out, we are decendants of African peoples and descendants of the human race as a whole. Our ancestors sold their enemies and victims. As did most, at one time or another, peoples throughout history. Slavery is just a manifestation of human control, distorted world perception and hatred. We were just one of the last in a long line of victims. Yet we don't need to be victims any more. We have to look at our peoples past as a reason to be more deliberate and consistent in how we approach our relations with others. Awareness does not inherently mean separation of purpose. Peace brothers and sisters we can help make a world better for everyone.
@Bryan W I welcome your comment, brother. The world is a dark and scary place sometimes. Full of hatred, anger, jealousy and fear. My mother told me once, "why do you give everyone the benefit of the doubt when they continue to hurt you, boy?" And its a simple answer. The human heart is a container with a limit. If you fill it with malice, hatred and fear, you have room for nothing else. Making us into one of the things that holds us down. Now, some of those same brothers are my dearest friends. This world is what our ancestors blood, sweat and tears paid for. Yes, there are racist and evil men. Yet, is the continuous of that cycle, making our ancestors plight mean something? I cant answer that for you. Though I can say, change starts in the heart and in the home. We can not expect others to pick up the purpose and make the change for us. An I will not allow others to hold my meaning and fate to decide. For me the desire to make change and a better world for me, mine, you and yours is enough. A world where anything you want, good, can be achieved. Then when you get it, have the freedom to reach back and pull someone else up. Who has made this world better for us? Many brothers and sisters. I wont pretend that it is perfect, but be the change you want to see. Peace brother.
@@rareearthwalker4536 That was very well put, thank you for writing it and for thinking and living it. Quite true, we must be the change that we want to see in the world. It's important, to keep love and good in our hearts and always hope and strive for better and kinder for everyone. Peace and love, dear fellow human.
HomeTeam, I have enjoyed your series and learned much from them. That said, I am struggling with viewing past enslavement and current unfair practices suffered by our people through the lens of "unequal exchange." What I have gathered is that the issue starts with not understanding our own true value as a people and not being acknowledged as an equivalent people by some others. Unequal exchange brings to mind my great grandfather. He was born a slave, freed with land after the Civil War, and then lost almost everything due to not being educated and Jim Crow practices. Yes, there was unequal exchange but I think it goes muh deeper. I appreciate your efforts and the dialogue you initiate because more of this is needed. Thank you
I think human greed in general is to blame. In order to sell a person you have to be so prideful of your own self value you discredit others and that turns into greed to better yourself in the detriment of others
Meaningful to connect our past to the present moment. As Cube asks: what do we get in exchange for lending our power to these politicians? What they offer falls well short of what our communities need and deserve for our contributions to American prosperity. If we gain access to our history, we can actually learn from it. Keep up the good work!
Odin Rossin That's fine, it's their soul as long as they are not selling mine. The atrocity of slavery is not a joke. Many would say what Africa is going through today is the result of the RAFT of the CREATOR for selling their own people! I also see many Africans breaking their necks to get where Black celebs are so they can sell their soul. I guess some are not good at learning by example!
THEY TRADED US FOR 2 BOTTLES OF SCHNAPPS: "Of the nearly 1.2 million captives shipped from this port town during 1710-1830 alone, 33% have been estimated as purchased through the importation of alcoholic drinks." AFRICANS STILL ASK FOR SCHNAPPS TO THIS DAY! LINK:
Whether it was done by Africans, Europeans,Jews,Arabs, Persians. Injustice is injustice 😢 Truth is Africa has always had internal conflicts so an already weakened Africa was easier to colonise Other parts of the world still got to maintain their traditional political systems which made transitioning into a new world easier African people have been used to build other nations (slaves as drivers of the economy ) while being stateless and disorganised They took away the ability to govern. Clever European 🦊
I found this video to be deeply profound. It provided some context to Black Americans UNIFYING and why WE NEED TO. I was almost among the ones that wanted to avoid this video simply because of the title. My initial comment was exactly what you addressed in the video and I’m so glad that you did! It absolutely does matter what our ancestors sold other ancestors for. Hopefully we move towards a stronger sense of VALUE for each other and our contributions to the present society. I was never upset with CUBE because I understood his goal and what he means to our culture! If not him then who??
God says that those who endure will be SAVED. Look to God my beloved princess. He will have the FINAL say because it all can be overwhelming. Matthew 24:13. Obidiah 8 says it all.
HomeTeam History; many explanation I have run across here on you tube (as to Africans selling our ancestor to Whites) does a very poor job of doing that; meaning most are just misnomers of the facts! Unfortunately this video falls into that category. Yes, their were many African nations who did sell us into slavery but not the slavery you know today! First; Africa like other continents are not monolithic. They have conflicts against one another just like everyone else. For example; prior to WWI Germany and Britain were consider the same people just like the Japanese and Chinese! With that said whites/Europeans did try to steal/capture Africans! However, our ancestors kick their butts so it became to costly for them (resources as well as lives) to pursue. So they started buying capture warriors (with weapons,tobacco,liquor and gold) from these warring nations not because they wanted to because their previous attempts to steal/capture Africans failed. Before the whites started buying these warriors most of them would be sacrificed by the kings of that nation! WHY?! Because these African nations/Kings did not want to take care of these warriors; it would cost them too much money and time integrating them into their nations so they would kill them instead. So quiet naturally the Europeans escalated the conflicts between these warring nations knowing they would get to buy the capture ones. This was made known in the Slave Trade Debates of England in 1806 which they said: "All the old writers concur in stating not only that wars are entered into for the sole purpose of making slaves, but that they are fomented by Europeans, with a view to that object." Prior to 1609 chattel slavery did not exists any where on this planet! Why is this important?! The most common form of slavery was domestic servants. The other forms were Debt slavery, enslavement of war captives, military slavery, slavery for prostitution, and criminal slavery. Slaves around the world before 1609 were seen as people! HUMAN BEINGS! It was white Christians who came up with chattel slavery! Meaning you were no different than cows, chickens etc.. and anything they produce belong to the owner this includes their offspring! That why I said this is a misnomer because these African nations had no ideal what was going to happen because their form of slavery was completely different from the Europeans. That’s why slavery in the western world had to be abolished. Where as in the rest of the world once that person died all his debt or other obligations died with him. Sorry for being so long winded but we need to know what was really going on at that time that includes those African nations that fought against slave dealers! One who stands out is King Yambio of the Azande in Southern Sudan. As to those African nations who sold our ancestors. Most saw this as mercy and was not consciously aware of what the Europeans was doing in the beginning. But when things did become known enough blood had been shed were the kings of these warring nation did not care what happen when they sold our ancestors. As long as they could get weapons better than their combatants they were content. Kinda like the Bloods and Crips!! They too are at or once was at war with each other. Feel and look a bit different when put in that context, Right! ADOS/African American, Black etc... we have our own history that we must learn and share and this is certainly one of them. What we don't want to do is tell our story in a way that makes us want to return to them as they did to us! The current state of Africa and its diaspora shows that we can't afford to make that mistake again!
What slavery is slavery what u mean??🤦🤦 "they sold us"..... but "not that type" dont be so naive 😭😭..... Truthfully they sold us u. Can give a excuse but it is what it is .... I think its funny like how we view all as whites evil but we had kings rulers n slaves going on as far back as the bible ....slavery was fine remember😭😭 ..... Slavery was wrong n everyone did it in the world it was fine to own someone else race didnt play a part in it slavery was just a sense of currency like the money in our pockets is all fucked up but to the old world that was rational everything can be owned basically
THANK YOU, I NEED TO READ EVERYTHING YOU SAID, I AM AN bLACK American. I have tried to get information about my family history but North Carolina refuse to help me.
@@kkrobertson1 got out of it im confused im not saying slavery didnt happen or that atlantic slave trade wasnt a thing im just speaking about it with full context is all
I lived in Mauritania for about a year and that’s when I really saw racism. The Atlantic slave trade is just a small part of slavery that is still going on today. If I Trace my roots back to 1865 it’s all in Europe so what does slavery have to do with me. Some blacks today could trace their roots back to slave owners so should they be blamed in anyway. Let’s just be better then prior generations.
There are at least two million people that would be considered “slaves” in 2021. That’s far more than there ever was when it was an acceptable practice in America. Not to mention that the United States tore itself in half during the Civil War and more American soldiers died in that conflict that all other wars that the United States was ever involved in, combined
This video falaciously claims unequivalent exchange. The losing tribe would be slaughtered and resources taken. It turned out, that more resources to fuel war efforts could be gained by capturing instead of slaughtering the enemy.
If that was the case don’t u think there would be specifications as to what black people sold other black people?? Just because they said Africans sold Africans doesn’t mean blacks sold blacks . The Africans who sold were our oppressors of North Africa. Countries like Algeria, Morocco, Libya etc. they don’t even have Afro black people. Those are Muslim countries in Africa but clearly are far from being black. Yet they are Africans technically. Muslims and Arabia colluded with Europe against Afro black people and sold Africans /Hebrew people
The items received may not be inconsequential to us, but it was to the ones doing the selling. These were mostly prisoners of tribal wars, as long as they were gone, it didn't matter what was received in return. So it may seem ludicrous that a human being was traded for a jar, but you have to realize, they would have given them away for free.
The only way Europeans could colonize with such success ... is because indigenous peoples in their native lands exploited, enslaved, and fought against each other for centuries prior to the Europeans arriving. And the colonizers exploited the divisions in which the Indigenous people already had entrenched themselves.
This was a sobering and and eye opening video. I respect Cube, and understand your correlation. However, as you've taught before, those who were exporting Africans were not cohesive, but very diverse--sometimes even enemies with one another. They weren't necessarily attempting better Africans as a whole. The question is, are we? Should we be more monolithic politically and socially when it comes to bargaining for our civil lives? And does that unity expand the globe?
We don't have to monolithic in political ideology, but we do need to have one underlying goal with whatever political standpoint we take. The end goal must be for the betterment of our people. That's how I see it. That's how the other groups function we need to get to that point where we can disagree on our paths but whatever path we disagree on still at the end benefits us.
@@chillwithrahn1791 "our people?" Or people as a whole? If it's the former, it turns everything you said into a disgusting, hypocritical and frankly racist virtue signal.
@@iBloodxHunter our people i made my words specifically because I'm talking about our people. I don't give a dam what virtue signaling you claim. This is not your fight. Our people as in black must strive to be better to do better for ours. All humans do this all humans group themselves don't come with this asinine talking point about hypocritical when the world has behaved in this group mentality since the dawn of humanity. People operate in groups, they classify as groups and cooperate to gain resources. Frankly I see it very racist for you to come here and claim that it is racist when we think along the same lines as every other group on the planet. The audacity of you. The betterment of our people does not mean the lessening of others. This is not a zero sum endeavor however your thought process is hypocrisy personified to be opposed to us thinking the same as you. If your are one our people you should be ashamed and if you are not then this statement you've made exemplifies the need for us to think this way. Very rich, but this all as one thinking is a ploy to limit competition and it will not work.
As an African American I don’t really want to say “that’s what you get” but....Karma gave you a punishment that unfortunately many African nations deserved due to colonization.
And what about the descendents of the slave traders who ended up becoming victims themselves and got shipped over to the new world, what is their karma? Racism, segregation and street killings? This is not time to point fingers, rather its time to learn from all our ancestors' grave mistakes and forge a new path for ourselves.
@@sankishayi That’s the irony for what we Africans did to each other. I not pointing fingers I’m just stating facts. Africans made a huge mistake letting the white man have access to everything we got. And as for those descendants aka my ancestors. The racists whites are now getting punished. Have u see what’s going on? Change is coming and they hate it.
@@omaroon2679 Sorry but Africans were not selling their own, they knew just who they were selling and just like the Egyptians and the Isrealites were different so were the Africans and so called AFrican Americans, they were two totally different people, same color, different people.
They sold their own legacy and inheritance for trinkets. Now Africa is in disarray because the people they sold, were not their to defend it, fortify it, and rebuild it. They were short sided.
MrTreday, yes it really was, we're not taught the details in school. Now we sell ourselves and each other for pride, or fame, or pieces of green paper with politicians faces on them, or computer generated numbers on a computer screen. We humans haven't learned much in the last 10,000 years.
I would like to point out those items are just standard trade goods for the time. Items available in the "developed world " for items available from the "undeveloped world ". The fact that the items from the "undeveloped world " happen to be humans... what had been the practice of the conquering tribes prior to contact with European traders. Massacre the males and breed the females? Boko Haram style. Roman legions did this as well. I live in a place know for having a rifle behind every blade of grass. I believe this is a good thing.
Would you call an Italian a Spaniard? Would you call a Korean a Chinese? Would you call a Mexican a Puerto Rican? Most of us wouldn't. So why are so many people trying to call indigenous, aboriginal Americans Africans? It's pure ignorance due to slow indoctrination.
you know the word slave comes from slavs. they were traded in the middle east. mostly Europeans captured and sold them and europeans got in exchange silver coins, clothes and spices. was that equal?
I wanted to cry as you read the list. The parallels are never pointed out but I look at it in a different way. I see wealthy black people accepting European goods (literally designer bags) without supporting black people. You get rich, leave your community then call everyone there broke. As far as an exchange, I don’t think there can truly be a fair one. It probably wouldn’t even be needed if we would just bolster from within. Other races do this. Slave revolts were feared because they came from unity within. In terms of now, uniting in a nonviolent way through political and economic agency from inside. Promote getting inside and lift others once you’re “in”.
Some groups of black people were already here ,,but to pretend that the people who endured the middle passage didn't exist is sad, ...I've been hearing people lately saying it didn't's like those people will forever be disrespected in life and erased from history in death as's sad.
As a white I don’t know much about African history however, I believe that Africa was based on more ancient tribalism and the survival of the fittest tribe. Therefore the main goal of the tribe was to get rid of or destroy their enemy tribes. So previously they killed them and giving the opportunity to sell them to foreigners as slaves that accomplished the same goal of getting rid of their enemies. I suppose that this was the main goal as to being doing it for financial gain.
It was. I find it odd that certain people bitch about white Europeans coming along ruining the peaceful Utopia of knowledge and harmony of Africa but ignore obvious history that shows what the rulers in Africa were doing is the same thing that European rulers were doing. But one is virtuous and the other is despicable. Even a cursory glance of African history shows this. Look at the Zulus. Just before the British came along and conquered them the Zulu had just done the same to their neighbors. Same with the Mali empire. They doubled their territory at the expense of their neighbors so they could control Timbuktu the major trade hub and other areas for trade goods including slaves. And this was before Europeans were invading Africa.
I’m a white dude and people always bring this up to me in a sort of “see, Africans weren’t so innocent “ way- and it’s always bothered me- I mean, who did they sell them to? Does that negate the fact that people were being victimized? It’s like all of Africa is one blanket people in most of our heads... when we talk about the Irish/British landlords causing starvation conditions during the potato famine no one extrapolates that the Irish did it to themselves from that.
*"Does that negate the fact that people were being victimized?"* No, it just shows you that the people doing it to them were not just white, which is the standard narrative we are bombarded with in the West. The Africans were every bit as bad as the European traders they sold to, and the American slave-owners who ended up with them. *"when we talk about the Irish/British landlords causing starvation conditions during the potato famine no one extrapolates that the Irish did it to themselves from that."* The potato famine was caused by potato blight, which struck all of Europe, and only struck Ireland so hard because it was unnaturally propping up 3.3m poor rural laborers who were entirely dependent upon it. The fact is that the Irish population at the time of the blight was the largest in Irish history, precisely thanks to the introduction of the potato in the first place.
There are still long standing tribal rivalries in Africa like those that led to the slave trade. The African slave trade still exists, as it has for a thousand years or more. The Europeans could not have facilitated the slave trade on their own in Africa without the pre-existing network that already existed. There is plenty of blame to go around.
True, slave still exist in Africa and some places in Central Asia.
True. Maruitania and Ghana are at least 2 I can name. And Tanzania hunts down albinos and uses their limbs for shamanic practices. Albinos have some significance to their spiritual beliefs.
Why couldn’t the Euros do it on their own... and you right look at North Africa... they had help from the silent partners... the Arabs, Chinese, Spanish, oh so somebody didn’t read the Bible lol.
@@bigshow2cool They could have developed the African slave trade, but the network was already in place. They just exploited the trade just like all the others that you mentioned.
@@bigshow2cool I
Nothing is worth the selling of human life. And as far as the uneven exchange, it continues now with the Chinese.
@Dhamih Black Caucus and the Boule here in the states
@Dhamih Dont forget that it is foreigners who are messing up Africans too.
This is a country in which you are sold trans fat french fries so that the restaurant could make an extra five cents a serving, while contributing to killing you. The sofa and fruit drinks so today are killing millions tens of millions maybe hundreds of millions. All because fructose is so much cheaper than sucrose or glucose. When that fructose gets into your liver it gets turned into fat. It doesn't come out and get used like glucose does. so then your fatty liver gives you hypertension and diabetes. And all your energy goes down the drain until you die.
I agree and now the Russians are trying to get in on the act........
No, no no, the Chinese and Russians are getting peanuts compared to what western corporations i.e. the Oil corporations, the IMF, World Bank, France, etc are getting. In fact some of these African countries use over 80% of their revenue to service debt as far back as the '70's and the Oil corporations like SHell, Exxon, Chevron, etc brag about how much they are getting away with.
Slavery never stopped in Africa. There are recent tapes of open slave markets.
@Cannabis Dreams yes. Nothing screams Nobel Peace Prize like bombing 7 countries, killing civilians and increasing slavery
@Cannabis Dreams yeah. Swedish UN troops that allowed genocide in Bosnia to happen all got medals.
@Cannabis Dreams I think it happens when someone reports the comment or something like that.
HOW?!? HOW is it that I go to videos about politics or community posts about it and no one, not a soul, knows or cares about e truth in these sections, y'all ACTUALLY know what's happening and aren't just calling people names for a differing opinion... You beautiful, beautiful people!
That, like the b-on-b violence in America, IS NOT WHAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT HERE!!!!!!!!
There are still people enslaved in Africa, today. 😳 Where is the public outrage over it?
No one really cares, out of sight out of mind, people prefer to go on talking about the white man instead and fuel that particular division in America, it makes a lot of people a lot of money, like a cult, which is why many of them like Al Sharpton are reverends, but even though they are reverends they are not of God.
That's black on black female deer.
It isn't happening in America so the major media and social justice crowd won't cover it. Makes too many people uncomfortable to face the reality that slavery in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia still occurs.
In the present, so no reparations available over the horizon...?x
People only care about slavery if you can use it to attack whites or to feed the black victimhood
My father’s ancestors led wars against the British in Ghana. My mother’s ancestors were brought as slaves from the west coast of Africa to Jamaica . My people were possibly traders and traded. Painful legacy indeed but the story needs to be told.
"Africans selling other Africans" is just as insane as saying "humans selling other humans." These Africans were completely different nations of people and were just as different from each other as the Russians are from the Portuguese. That's the context we need to remember. Needless to say, it is never right to take someone's life and sell it to another. You get the right to live YOUR life and let other people live theirs, you don't have the right to live both your life and someone else's. So that is where this video got it right.
"African were comletely different nations...." and that is true. Thus, to bunch Europeans as one group is nonsensical as well. Europe is numerous different nations - different from one another.
@@raycebannon6374 so where the map says slave coast and Judah is Judah African or is Judah from the 12 tribes who am sure aren’t Africans
African (Hamites) sold Israelites (Shemites).
Looked for a place to comment: thank you.
Over a year ago I heard this argument from another source - that the Africans who participated in the slave trade were a disparate people of different tribes and nations who often warred among themselves. They didn't see being dark-skinned as a unifying factor as we descendents of slaves in America do.
I've chewed on that awhile.
President-elect Biden recently named a Native American to be his incoming Secretary of the Interior. I'm sorry I don't recall her name at the moment but I believe she's currently a Representative from Arizona. I rejoiced to hear that news and wondered why the hell it took so long to appoint an Indian to oversee what was described as a "sprawling department that includes the Bureau of Indian Affairs."
I bring this up because of the parallel. I believe the U.S. government still recognizes Native American tribes as nations. As with the Africans, many of these nations warred with each other and they didn't see their "red" skin as a unifying factor.
But in America, African-Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian-Americans are minorities that more or less struggle to be accepted as Americans. In the 21st century.
I'm not afraid of Hispanic Americans becoming the majority that makes minorities the majority in America and I don't think whites should be afraid either - but apparently they are.
The problem that I see is that tribalism - which I now prefer to use instead of "racism" - that way of thinking - continues to keep us at each other's throats. And among all people, Black Americans are the most divided. We don't respect each other. I've examined myself and recognized where I have been hostile to my own people.
I know a spectacular job has been done on black folk in America to keep us divided and easily manipulated. But it seems to me that we ought to examine ourselves and make an effort to respect each other and treat each other well regardless of how the prevailing culture deals with us.
It's more than calling each other "brother" and "sister" - then later on shouting, "Yo mama!" We're all different and we won't always agree on how to move forward. But this bullying and backstabbing needs to end.
Shut the up you know nothing about Africa we have the same culture specially in Egypt times stop learning African history with white historers
Hell a lot of us still selling eachother out for money, clothes, cars, jewelry, and well you know how it goes🤧😞
But my young brother we're not talkin about now we were talking about the beginning of the slave trade. do you know why our people are selling drugs to one another in killing one another and selling one another out do you know the reason for this.I'm almost certain that you don't are you wouldn't be saying what you're saying be careful what you say it reveals your mindset and just for the record you cannot prove African soul of a Africans into slavery no one in this comment section or anywhere else on this planet can prove African sold of a Africans into slavery if you can't prove it stop saying Africans in America were train to sell each other out to kill one another it was a training of slavery do you know where the drugs in the guns come from ?you need to study the fall of African civilization you need to study the history of this country don't be a slave in your mind I pray Elohim will set you free!!!
I'm Judah Israel🕎
“African Civilisation”:
Myth or Oxymoron?
@@jeremyashford2145 delusions.
They're adamant about the idea this is all falsified.
It's funny, because it kinda ignores how the larger African nations acted around the same timeframe.
You need serious help. 😯
@@jaclynskiles3288 You need to be careful what you say,you don't know me you don't know who I am
When you really got something to say, you can be a man or woman and speak it, but right now all I see is a small mind that's trying to make someone think you know something if you knew something you would speak it!!! SHALOM
I'm Judah Israel🕎
Gives new meaning to the phrase "don't sell yourself short"🤔
Tsunami FACTS
You should do one on Arab enslavement and things like the Barbery Coast pirates.
Yes! Mohammed taught that anyone who does not convert to Islam is either to killed, pay the exorbitant nonbeliever's tax (Jizyah) or be made a slave. (It was ok to kill non believers and still is. Look at what is being done to Christians and Hindus today in Africa, Pakistan, etc.) The non believer was to be considered "the worst of creatures," lower in worth to Allah than any creature....Dogs, pigs, etc. That teaching made the nonbeliever easy fodder to be exchanged for something of worth. Mohammed, himself had slaves and would trade two black slaves for one white slave according to Islamic Sources. (Sahih Hadith, in Sunan an-Nasai Ch.66:4625)
BTW, this was and excellent video.
No because the slaves were European, who cares?
@@oppslopper3017 Islamic nations raided from Singapore to Iceland and all the way around Africa. The Ottoman empire forbid the trading of Europeans in the 18th century because it was terrified of the repercussions massive colonial empires could inflict in retaliation. They still owned Asian, Eastern and African slaves until 1908.
@@k.v.7681 then the barbery pirate wars took several Americans as slaves where they died in the then ottoman empire. Then tripli was leveled for the first time since the Romans destroyed Carthage
@@k.v.7681 thus starting the century wars where America takes it well justified guided missiles to the faces of slavers and femal genital mutators.
_This may be hurtful to say, but..._
*Our ancestors traded our lives for useless trinkets created by outsiders, and today many descendants kill each other over the same useless trinkets.* 🤦🏾♂️
The mentality must Evolve
Very good point
The hard truth yes
To be fair to them, they didn't have industry or a currency system.
Being able to basically just buy clothes, metal and salt must have been advantageous for them.
I feel the history IS repeating itself sadly... Specifically in the "entertainment/music" industry, Rappers of today are receiving meaningless "valuables" in exchange for human lives....
We need to withdraw our support from all of them that desire to be sellouts
Perfect analogy! I've wrote & produced for many black celebs, ie Babyface Edmonds on a show called Soulfood tv series 20yrs ago. I was never paid
@@coderef5616 what would Idi Amin do?
@@coderef5616 celebrities sell their souls to these demons on a regular basis.
@Saadiya Rothschild lord..stop it.. and look in the mirror
None of these items were worth trading human lives over 😐
@NoMarz Colony No matter the time period doesn’t excuse that. 🙄
@NoMarz Colony and that’s the problem with humanity or should I say “human kind”.
Nothing emotional about it.
True but at the time (at least to Igbo castes) those who were sold off first were those who committed crimes of some sort or did not have money to pay off debts. It’s unfortunate really but as we try to not view things from an ethnocentric point of view, viewing things in the context of the time period aids with viewing what happened objectively.
And before anyone tries to deny it we did have a caste system as well as our own banking system before Europeans arrived. If anything colonization exacerbated the caste and it’s not like Indian caste systems bc there’s mobility if the reason someone back then was in a lower part of society was because of a debt. If they offended the land it requires a cleansing of the whole land or some sort of atonement
@@ngozio.9347 alot of them were innocent though
What they got was absolved of any wrongdoing and the ability to blame every single problem or shortcoming of their race on Europeans. And they can agree that the only time in history where slavery appeared was when it was done to them
Africa was tribal, just as it is today, when tribes went to war, the captured enemies where taken as slaves, majority went to the Arab world, way before the West got int the trade. 2 lads from liverpool led the fight, made it illegal and ultimately fought 7 wars to end the global trade in slaves. It was only in 2015 that British tax payers finally paid off the bill for freeing all the slaves in the British colonies. The colonies in the Caribbean became tough independent people, with their own freedom.
The narrator forgot, that we also took modern medicine and farming practices, trial by jury and democracy. The religion bit was to extreme though.
@Danny Timms That may be, but it changes when generations pass and those "aliens" become your "kinsmen". When you're living right alongside that which was built through your enslavement, it's reasonable that you're greatest anger will be towards the "alien" next door.
@@orionsghost9511 'Your' enslavement yours could have been the tribe doing the selling!
@@ronnieg6358 Well, for starters, the various roots of my lineage are not from that part of the world - unless we go back to the very roots of human history, which a lot of anthropologists suggest were in Africa. Two, I don't prescribe to any 'tribe' in today's world.
@@orionsghost9511 you do know slaves were almost exclusively used in a single industry right? I mean its incredibly annoying to hear slaves built america, naw they built a cotton industry for the democrats.
People, specially women, still being solved by agencies into domestic slavery in the Middle East 😥
Your government you put in power never learns & should be confronted
Do woman care about one another?
It’s still a case of history repeating itself,in various parts of Africa. Corrupt leaders are still selling out there citizens (for European or Chinese bail out). whilst the citizens go through perilous sacrifices to reach the other side of the pond.
The question though is ... do the citizens need to be stronger?
@@dappadondadda100 l Agree..Once Africans Come To Western Nations They Become Westernized..
@Bryan W how did Americans get stronger against the Brits? They could have had the same hopeless attitude.
Weird isn't it how they heroically risk their lives to go live among the racist oppressors.
@@NietzscheanMan Actually, most people of African descent for against the Americans in the Revolutionary War, because the British promised to end the slave trade. The Americans - our "forefathers" - were the enemies of freedom and the wrong side won. I mean, technically, both were "the wrong side", but if we can say that the most evil side won. We're all brainwashed to believe otherwise, of course. But (a) the British ban on expansion was preserving Native American societies, most of which lived in freer societies than Americans ever would and (b) the end of the triangle slave trade would have been a great achievement for humanity. Nothing America accomplished surpassed those two things. And, of course, the destruction we caused to get where we are today is a grim reminder that empire is a terrible thing to root for.
My ancestor Named Samory TOURÉ fought to death against the Europeans during the enslavement of our people.
My great Uncle named Sékou TOURÉ also fought hard against the French for the decolonization.
From Mothers to Daughters and from Fathers to Sons, the TOURÉ Family are still fighting against the enemies of our people.
I love you guys, you are the descendants of brave warriors, the betrayers names are cursed for ever in the Mandingo language we call that "Dagan"
Greetings, Mahata! I salute you AND your great family. I'm studying the ideology of Sekou Toure and Kwame Nkrumah, and I've recently added "Africa on the Move" to my library. In addition, I also intend to fight against the enemy of our people.
I salut you, my Brother Edward !!!
I'm so happy and proud to see that you are also caring the legacy that our brave ancestors left us👏🏽
Anitchey = thank you in Mandingo
Thanks a lot Brother!
I looooove Angelique KIDJO🤗💖
@Saadiya Rothschild
Great Video👍🏽
Answer: their own enslavement
Today we sell each other for far less...
and ourselves
@YAHUAH YAHUSHA then what?
@@ToniAnnBarandon You so ain't lying
I’m Nigerian 🇳🇬(West Africa) I apologize to African Americans & others that were sold on behalf of my ancestors. Truth is Black people have internal enemies within our community. Today we still sell our own brothers for money. God bless everyone 🌍❤️
Why would you apologize to their descendants? While their ancestors got the shaft, they got to become free US citizens. They may complain about racial inequality now, but you don't see them clambering over one another to migrate to Africa.
@@KevinSmith-qi5yn u actually have a point
@@KevinSmith-qi5yn Ya Momma
@@kizzieaquen7922 Truth hurts huh....
@@KevinSmith-qi5yn So clamber back to who sold us???? We don't need your apology.. America and Africa are paying for what they done Us...
"Enslaved Africans were sold at an unequal exchange"
-Yeah surely the lives of every single slave in human history were exchanged at a "fair price"
Can't we sell SJWs to Africa in exchange for Firearms and Pompous Gifts?
@@TrueFork I'd give them away. Send the sjws half way to Africa if you catch my drift.
@@TrueFork Since SJW's are a disease that would be a very unequal exchange
Apparently there was one time when an enslaved people were bought for a much higher exchange - its when the Vikings entered the slave trade and started selling eastern European slavic women in the Middle East - demand exceeded supply
If your talking morality i'd back you in the terms of what it can get you I can imagine tec might be a good trade since it would be an investment whilst once you've drunk booze your out of booze.
Respectfully calling that trinket-trade for my ancestors lives.."Simply an unequal exchange" a bit of an understatement
Most Africans didn't know of the horrors of American slavery, they thought that white people were going to treat their slaves the same way black people do.
@@thedebunker1777 they didn't know nor did they care to find out...and besides...what they did or didn't know about the European's brand of slavery is irrelevant ...when one trades humans for material goods...there is no rational excuse for it...
A big understatement my brother
I respect my direct ancestors that were sold but other than them...
@@coderef5616 Slavery was a form of punishment back then. Most of the slaves taken to America were prisoners or war captives.
Even with skill trades. How many of y'all heard or had this conversation. " Hey they paying people $16.00 an hour for a job but you got to work swing shift, holidays and by the way you got 90 probation that says even if you got a doctor's note you still get counted against you in those 90 days. And somebody black will say. " Shiiit that's good money I'll work all those shifts and double shifts" Wake up people all money not good money. Stop working yourself to death for crumbs. If you have to take a job like that to get on your feet is fine but don't make a career out of it. That's why jobs like that have high turnover rates. Get a trade or a degree don't try to retire from warehouse and factory jobs.
This is the WHOLE TRUTH!!!
Yeah, it's easier to be a drug dealer.
I didn't realize this was secret information that needed getting out.
Good job=good.
Bad job=bad
if bad job bad, get rid of bad job for better job.
Water is wet, the sky is blue,
And working bad jobs is over rated.
Oh, and money good.
Don't forget about money good.
Oh and drug dealing bad because eventually, bad cop enforcing law throw poor drug dealer in jail ruining future prospects for you and your family.
There you go. The secrets of the universe revealed.
If you want to make good money in the trades, work for yourself. Start your own business. You will make many times what you will working for someone else.
Now go out and make yourself 6 figures plus.
And don't get super greedy and try to exploit other Black ppl if you decide to go the capitalist route.
This still goes on in Africa and Middle East.
Everywhere in the world
So what's really changed? In the african american community, too many people still trade away freedom for fancy gold trim hats, alchohol and firearms. The number of times I've heard someone complain about how broke they are on a $1000+ iphone (more so including airpods) while wearing another $1000+ worth of branded clothing, jewelry and fake hair is gut wrenching.
This is a wonderful post. I've noticed parallels between the past and what is going on between Africa and China today. Sad to watch the writing on the wall. I am happy to see so many seek knowledge.
All politicians are slave traders.
people are being enlightened from their ancestors mistakes and their continuance of the lie / mistake
China isn't enslaving Africa
Lmao everyone in the comments are bitching about “that’s not a fair trade 👺👹💀☠️” instead of bitching that people were getting sold. REEEEEEEeEeEeEeEeRrrEEeRrR
Its fucked up
Right. People getting sold is an automatic uneven exchange. There is no even trade involving human freedom. Our failure to grasp this as a society is causing huge problems in the present, let alone the immense damage it did in the past.
Well, they are technically correct. It is a pretty unfair deal to just sell a dude
Im so glad this just popped up its been something I've been wondering about 🤔🤔
I was literally thinking the same thing...
@Jay Ed yes, me too
@@PrespectivesVentures 💯❤🖤💚
This clown is why Africans should hold each other accountable. Misconception: 'They' sold 'us' as slaves. The Atlantic S T ain't so clear cut where ur either a victim or victimiser it's more complex. African kings/rulers viewed those they sold as debtors or captives from tribal warfare, not as fellow Africans. Humans beings had become commodities this caused insecurity amongst groups which were once harmonious. Supply and demand of people was massive. So slavery became a motivation for war as it strengthened kingdoms in the short term. So other kingdoms defended themselves with European weapons which they bought with slaves. + Slavers who made bad deals with e.g Portuguese and couldn't supply slaves, we're captured and sold themselves. I'm Liberian but peoples great grandparents were on American plantation. 'you' sold 'us' is short-sighted and inaccurate. Ethnicity was the unifier, we weren't black until Europeans powers claimed our colour was inferior.
They still ended up with a raw deal and should have known better
@@leeolie3728 'raw deal' elaborate
@@leeolie3728 "Should have known better"--any group enslaving any other group regardless of race, ethnicity, or nationality should "know better". However history is full of people who do not share your view...and I am thinking that this has something to do with your own privilege as someone from a more advanced era. Primitive, ancient, and medieval kingdoms were built on groupthink and conquest. Is it right? No. But if I have to defend my tribe and my family by enslaving those that are threatening our peace...I just might do that. I'm not saying that was always the dilemma or that they made the right decision. But these things happen because of the lack of other perceivable options. How easy is it for you to say, they should have known better when you are not in their shoes.
Human Trafficking immoral and inhumane...periodt
@@AliciaAmun I don't think most people would dispute that
They also received the benefit of selling off their captured tribal enemies never to see them again.
They got colonization, European education and restrictions on where they can live in their ancestral land. Oh and some mirrors, umbrellas and liquor 👍
@@TrillBill no
Good for their offsring
Yes what did the Romans ever do for us? What would have happened without European involvement? Would the Arabs have expanded further from the east coast and exponentially expanded their slave trading? Would African empires have expanded and what would that imply? When would slavery have been outlawed? How did such a minescule European presence have been controlling? Might it be a case that an end to tribal conflicts might have been welcomed? Do you think the sans people would have been totally wiped out?
If they at the time didn't get what they wanted they wouldn't have traded. It's sick (selling people) but thats how badly you treated each other. A life for a comb.
People who buy people are scum but people who sell people are worse.
@@youtubeyoutube936 Go somewhere else with that shifting the target to Africans mess. Yes the other western nations are at fault even moreso because they actually did the brutalization and changed chattel to dehumanizing thing that the western powers used to build wealth for this nation and whats left of the Roman empire. Then colonized most of what was left and are still abusing the people there. More than I can name is on their hands but that is TMH’s job to avenge.
And today too many of us put far too much value in gold, silver, clothing, fancy things we think we can't get ourselves and sell each other out to get them, and still be empty inside
Yes it is a complex history but it needs to be talked about. It's a subject that needs to be talked about between Africans from the continent and those in the diaspora free of European and others interference. Because those others seem to feel they benefit from African and people of African descent disunity.
@spider879 I agree. Because when you come down to it in the end all we have is each other because this world pulsates with anti-Black hatred.
Whatever your skin colour or origin, you can be certain people who share it have been both slave and slaver. Slavery isn't a black thing or a white thing, it's a human thing.
@@mankytoes but we are talking about African slave trade and how it has affected people of African descent all over the world. No deflections or distractions.
@@grapeshot My point is that you can't just isolate that from the rest of humanity. What other context can you view the African slave trade in? Vikings traded (white) slaves extensively, but we don't define them by that action.
@@mankytoes I don't care about Vikings exchanging white people. This is something that people of African descent must discuss.
I’m not African, but since I was a very young child and saw a church burning, I have had strong feeling of the horrible history, not only how whit people treated Africans, but anyone darker than them! My father told me when I ask Ed about the burning church, that it was most likely the Klan in a way that I knew he did not approve! I love your channel, some things I’ve knew or heard of, but so many things are new and I love learning the history of the people of Africa! ❤️ keep up the good work!
You are look deeper
actually, most of those burning churches were done by the owners for the insurance money. Just look it up
@@ralphpal not this one
Actually Africans involvement with the slave trade has been going on with Arabs in north Africa and east Africa for hundreds of years even before the Europeans started there adventures on the west coast of Africa. Many were sold all over the middle east and beyond. Here is a sobering thought, where are the descendants of these in the middle east?
They are there. There are african groups all over asia. they have there own communities. You will find many arab people who traded were partly african too. Check a man called "tippu tip"
I learned a lot from this blessed channel. It is extremely redeeming for us black people. But until today I fail to know the name of our great presenter in this channel. I even searched some info on HomeTeam History on Google but nothing. I love this presenter. He is really great African hero. Big up brother. From Saleh, from Niger Republic .
Literally writing a paper over this as we speak in class!
i myself am descend from: 1) africans that were enslaved 2) africans that sold slaves. literally embodying the complexity.
Africa owes the ancestors of the Atlantic Slave trade reparations just as much as the western countries that enslaved them. Until the discussion takes place;we have nothing to say.
Ok. Who pays what and what are the %'s going to look like? What is your plan? What is the $$$ figure you must have? Keep in mind - most of the Africans sold off by other Africans ( that traveled West) - went to Central America, South America, and the Caribbean islands - not was is now known today as the U.S.A. And, most of the slave trade in the U.S.A - had taken place when that land mass was under British rule. About and/or before Africans were brought to the U.S. about 400K or 500K ish white Irish slaves were sold off to America (again, under British rule). England was ridding itself of the Irish. England was also ridding itself of millions of other white 'non-desirables' - thru the scheme of indentured servants (indentured is actually slavery) - and the 10s of 1,000s of white young kids rounded up from poor single mothers and orphanages and placed on slave ships - which is where the term "kidnapped" is derived. Lastly, for about 1,500 yrs Africans were sold off to the Muslim nations slave traders. If there is any reparations to be given, the payments should logically should begin with African countries who sold off Africans for 1,500 yrs to Muslim countries who purchased the African slaves. What ever is given to the approx 400K Africans brought to what America - under British rule - the bulk of the payment should be paid by England. And, what ever reparations that are given to Americans of African descendants - must be given to the white Irish descendants of slaves - and the white descendants of indentured servants.
Well let's hear what *"The FATHER"* has to say about your fruitless comment.
*Galatians 6:7 KJV*
*[7] Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.*
*Numbers **35:33** KJV*
*[33] So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land can not be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it.*
*Revelation 13:6 KJV*
*[6] He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword, must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and faith of the saints.*
*Revelation 18:10 KJV*
*[10] Reward her even as she has rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works, in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.*
*Joel 3:8 KJV*
*[8] And I will sell your sons and daughters into the hands of Ju'dah, and they shall sell them to the Sa-be' ans, to a people far off; for the LORD hath spoken it.*
*As you can see, no amount of money will pay reparations for what your ancestors have done to my people. To this very day, you all are still committing attrocities against us. Now that the first of the plagues are hitting the world, your system of supremacy is crumbling, your time of "reaping what you have sown," is upon your doorsteps.*
@@rickystansbury9134 You want me to comment on what people translated from scriptures from 1,000 plus yrs ago? Especially when KJ approved and/or disapproved the writings?
*Isaiah 55:11 KJV*
*[11] So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.*
*Isaiah 14:21-22 KJV*
*[21] Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities.*
*You say this book (Bible) may not be factual/real, but one thing you can not deny, is your birth rates are low. Wonder why?*
*Isaiah 14:22 KJV*
*[22] For I will rise up against them, saith the LORD of hosts, and cut of from Bab'y-lon the name, and the remnant, and son, and nephew, saith the LORD.*
*Surely you're not gonna keep arguing against the FATHER'S word. Are you?*
@@rickystansbury9134 King James was not my father.
As said in the video, the exchanges were unequal, and the point is not to cast blame. I just find it sad that all the things that our ancestors traded/were traded for, were things they either already had or that they could have gotten through trades that were legitimate. I would argue that the ancestors undervalued themselves.
But I digress. Thanks for the knowledge. Each video really helps to open the mind. It can only do our people good. Much love.
All which makes me question the legitimacy of these records. Not to say that human exchange for goods didn’t happen at all. But to say, I find it hard to believe that a country that had what it needed to sustain life, traded actual people for meaningless things, to the tune of millions.
Greed and pride are the worst sins, and they run rampant in all people’s.
@@newguy8288 depends on what you’re greedy and prideful for, and at what expense. And, with respect given to individuality, these two things do not run rampant in all people.
Well J bird what your alternative theory then? Since you find it so hard to believe.
Greed and pride is still running deep in our African culture and it's sad
When I say people’s, I mean as races/cultures all around the world; no exception. Nobody is all righteous and good, just like nobody is all evil and deceitful; but the fact of the matter is prideful and greedy individuals can take power and destroy the places they govern. Such is the case with many African governments, just like every other continent through the agws
The ancestors who were traded for these "meager goods", because they were viewed as be underlings. This is what enabled the trade to take place.
Typically prisoners of war. Kill or sell? In ancient times being traded as a slave was a mercy for a captured soldier. Dead is dead but a slave may earn their freedom. In Rome slaves where encuraged to save up funds to purchase their freedom.
I’m not a crier and this brought tears to my eyes. My great great great grandparents were only worth these trinkets? That’s how you feel, Brethren? Bet. Moving forward as a race, we need to place more value on the intangibles i.e. love and unity b/c this is crazy to think about.
No...we weren’t. They (Africans) traded us for trinkets and utopia s saw us as cattle. Little did they know we would become a very proud and iconic black ethnic group in history (black Americans) ironically our contributions to civil rights helped Africans in colonization. We were created from greed and exploited till modern day, yet we survived and thrived. Forgive and forget your ancient ancestors just like you would a modern family member.
Perhaps you want to go on a pilgrimage to the slave ports in any of the countries mentioned. Im in Nigeria and I visited the "point of no return". It's disgraceful what Africans did to their brothers and sisters.
@@stinger4712 that’s why most of Nigeria is in poverty. My ancestors are wreaking havoc on what they did to them.
@@FlowerTower Nigeria was not a thing back then also people who sold slaves are the elites not the regular people. Truth is slavery in Africa is not actually slavery,it is more like selling war captives,prisoners of war to Europeans.
F moving forward with them.
Send this video to all African people. Know yourself. Know those shoes, know those cloths, and effects. Material items and trinkets in exchange for our skin and soul.
You mean "WEST AFRICANS" because 90% of africa were minding their own business
@@BENJAMIN12M even then, all West Africans weren't apart of the slave trade. It was coastal
I would like to add that the goods they traded slaves for also meant power for the slave-trader. The items they received enabled them to gain influence and elevate their own status. So the trade wasn't only slave for goods, but also slave for power.
I want that intro as my ringtone. "HEY!!! Wooo!!!" Such a vibe. I break it down everytime 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾
I love it!!!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Lol you're fun!
I listen in my car at times. It scares certain people 😉 but I love it!
The saddest part is the African people set the price for the slaves.
No one owns me but the creator... now as a group we need to stick together and love ourselves.. we are treated on this world as if we have no self worth .. time to unify and shine our beautiful light
Bruh it's the group think that literally got people into the mess. Don't encourage people to band together for the sole purpose of making your perfect echo chamber.
Time to unify
It was your winning cousin that kicked your ass and then sold you to the white man and you BLAME the white man ???he saw a deal and your winning cousin agreed , your stupid ????
Keep coming with the real scholarship bro ..been watching for a while ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽
Our folks literally got sold for thrift store items 🤦🏾♂️ I'd be lying if I said this didn't hurt..
Yes, literally being sold for a purse, socks, and a piece of bubblegum.😒
Student Loan Debt. Selling our future for a piece of paper and the assurance that we'll make big money someday. If you want education find a way to work your way through school without taking out loans. Don't sell your own self down the road. Speaking from experience here.
Muslim Africans, friend.
One aspect thats constantly looked over.
He didn’t even mention them when they were out oppressors before Europeans. They’re the Africans who sold our ancestors (Afro black Africans ). So technically Africans did sell Africans but 90% of people I see get this confused . U think for hundreds of years black people will be selling other Afro black people???? North African Muslims sold us to Europeans for massive amounts of guns and ammo. Some say, those are the same Muslims who enslaved us during biblical times and we are the same Afro black people who built Egypt before building Americas continents
The majority of slaves were sold to native americans in south america. I'll let you figure out why that was. One hint: sugar.
After Britain made slavery illegal between 1817-1833 and deployed Royal naval fleets off the West coast of Africa over a 60 year period to suppress and arrest slave ships in the Atlantic then the African slavers simply moved to the East coast ports to sell slaves to India and the far East.
Even in the present day Pakistan is considered to have the third largest slave population in the world.
My tribe got gold and meat, and that's how we moved to America in 1910
They the Slave Ship owners were the ones who thrived...and still thrive to this day from the trades, they started the game baby. They the few with the most Wealth...who own the govt majority now and are unseen kings behind the curtains
Shipping is still a extremely profitable business. It’s still being used to traffic humans. It’s women and children and ALL races. Slavery does still exist, but more hidden. Most of the trafficking/slavery. It’s become worse and worse. We need to stop fighting and look at what’s going on NOW instead of the wrongs of the past.
nobody is innocent every race and religion enslaved and controlled each other , we only concentrate on the most recent and most published , ie the americas
@@scooterdogg7580 America is NOT the most recent, but it might be the most published. Brazil didn't outlaw slavery until 1888. Arab countries bought and sold slaves at least until WW1. China has slave labor camps today.
In a way yes we are trading resources for nickels from foreigners we need to stop 🛑
Unfortunately slavery still happens to this day. It's crazy.
Trillions was made from it . If you create a demand for anything people will provide it in this sick world . Bottom line they were kidnapped because people were in the market for it and yes they also participated in it .
This question has little to do with race but alot to do with greedy rulers
History is a Guide Post, Blueprint for a Race to move forward or stand still. Thank you again Brother Another great one....
Excellent, excellent program! Thank you for the analytical comparison. We definitely need this essential information. We need to be discomforted and inconvenienced so that we can finally face the harsh reality of the situation that we as Africans in the diaspora are actually in. Thanks, brother. Keep on enlightening and educating us!
@Bryan W Yes, you are right. The reason why I said that is because our people want so bad to go back to sleep and ignorance - longing to go back to the plantation in their souls. We must wake up and do somethings - actually at this point (no more talking, discussing or begging - action at once!).
@Bryan W well you didn't do it when Caesar was inside Cleopatra, so probably 1500 years later.🙄
You people actually think the AST was first contact?
This is one of your most amazing post yet. I and many other black enlighten people hear you. Thanks.
As ADOS why are we concerned about what Africans got? it's not our fault they weren't smart enough to reverse engineer a ship and put their own trade to sea. It's not our fault they destabilized themselves. We only need to be concerned about African American issues. There is nothing wrong with saying they were politically and strategically outmaneuvered.
What did Africans get through the trans Sahara slave trade, which was established hundreds of years before Europeans discovered the African continent? Africans where enslaving Africans thousands of years before the white man discovered Africa. Remembering the past is important but it seems that selective memory is the order of the day.
Very informative video. I appreciate you brother. Yet, I can't help but point out, we are decendants of African peoples and descendants of the human race as a whole. Our ancestors sold their enemies and victims. As did most, at one time or another, peoples throughout history. Slavery is just a manifestation of human control, distorted world perception and hatred. We were just one of the last in a long line of victims. Yet we don't need to be victims any more. We have to look at our peoples past as a reason to be more deliberate and consistent in how we approach our relations with others. Awareness does not inherently mean separation of purpose. Peace brothers and sisters we can help make a world better for everyone.
@Bryan W I welcome your comment, brother. The world is a dark and scary place sometimes. Full of hatred, anger, jealousy and fear. My mother told me once, "why do you give everyone the benefit of the doubt when they continue to hurt you, boy?" And its a simple answer. The human heart is a container with a limit. If you fill it with malice, hatred and fear, you have room for nothing else. Making us into one of the things that holds us down. Now, some of those same brothers are my dearest friends. This world is what our ancestors blood, sweat and tears paid for. Yes, there are racist and evil men. Yet, is the continuous of that cycle, making our ancestors plight mean something? I cant answer that for you. Though I can say, change starts in the heart and in the home. We can not expect others to pick up the purpose and make the change for us. An I will not allow others to hold my meaning and fate to decide. For me the desire to make change and a better world for me, mine, you and yours is enough. A world where anything you want, good, can be achieved. Then when you get it, have the freedom to reach back and pull someone else up. Who has made this world better for us? Many brothers and sisters. I wont pretend that it is perfect, but be the change you want to see. Peace brother.
@@rareearthwalker4536 That was very well put, thank you for writing it and for thinking and living it. Quite true, we must be the change that we want to see in the world. It's important, to keep love and good in our hearts and always hope and strive for better and kinder for everyone. Peace and love, dear fellow human.
Now, we sell each other out for a Twitter view - get paid peanuts while the web site makes billions -
HomeTeam, I have enjoyed your series and learned much from them. That said, I am struggling with viewing past enslavement and current unfair practices suffered by our people through the lens of "unequal exchange." What I have gathered is that the issue starts with not understanding our own true value as a people and not being acknowledged as an equivalent people by some others. Unequal exchange brings to mind my great grandfather. He was born a slave, freed with land after the Civil War, and then lost almost everything due to not being educated and Jim Crow practices. Yes, there was unequal exchange but I think it goes muh deeper. I appreciate your efforts and the dialogue you initiate because more of this is needed. Thank you
I think human greed in general is to blame. In order to sell a person you have to be so prideful of your own self value you discredit others and that turns into greed to better yourself in the detriment of others
The Atlantic slave trade lasted for centuries. If African traders thought the exchanges were 'unequal' they would have stopped making them.
This destroys the narrative of today.
It's a shame those poor African kings and warlords got ripped off while selling slaves. 🤦
Meaningful to connect our past to the present moment. As Cube asks: what do we get in exchange for lending our power to these politicians? What they offer falls well short of what our communities need and deserve for our contributions to American prosperity. If we gain access to our history, we can actually learn from it. Keep up the good work!
Im very glad you brought up Ice Cube. It's nerve wreaking trying to defend him, and my "blackness" at the same time.
So we were sold for clothes and jewelry? Well, black celebs in america sell their souls for the same thing. Smh
Unfortunately we are our ancestors in this negative light.
Odin Rossin
That's fine, it's their soul as long as they are not selling mine. The atrocity of slavery is not a joke. Many would say what Africa is going through today is the result of the RAFT of the CREATOR for selling their own people! I also see many Africans breaking their necks to get where Black celebs are so they can sell their soul. I guess some are not good at learning by example!
"Of the nearly 1.2 million captives shipped from this port town during 1710-1830 alone, 33% have been estimated as purchased through the importation of alcoholic drinks."
Whether it was done by Africans, Europeans,Jews,Arabs, Persians. Injustice is injustice 😢
Truth is Africa has always had internal conflicts so an already weakened Africa was easier to colonise
Other parts of the world still got to maintain their traditional political systems which made transitioning into a new world easier
African people have been used to build other nations (slaves as drivers of the economy ) while being stateless and disorganised
They took away the ability to govern. Clever European 🦊
I found this video to be deeply profound. It provided some context to Black Americans UNIFYING and why WE NEED TO. I was almost among the ones that wanted to avoid this video simply because of the title. My initial comment was exactly what you addressed in the video and I’m so glad that you did! It absolutely does matter what our ancestors sold other ancestors for. Hopefully we move towards a stronger sense of VALUE for each other and our contributions to the present society. I was never upset with CUBE because I understood his goal and what he means to our culture! If not him then who??
Oh! Makes me want to holler how they did my life!!!! Marvin Gaye
Self hatred is a mean thing. Bury the dead. Dine. And accept a new day either for war or to be remember amongst the greats really greats
God says that those who endure will be SAVED. Look to God my beloved princess. He will have the FINAL say because it all can be overwhelming.
Matthew 24:13. Obidiah 8 says it all.
HomeTeam History; many explanation I have run across here on you tube (as to Africans selling our ancestor to Whites) does a very poor job of doing that; meaning most are just misnomers of the facts! Unfortunately this video falls into that category.
Yes, their were many African nations who did sell us into slavery but not the slavery you know today! First; Africa like other continents are not monolithic. They have conflicts against one another just like everyone else. For example; prior to WWI Germany and Britain were consider the same people just like the Japanese and Chinese! With that said whites/Europeans did try to steal/capture Africans! However, our ancestors kick their butts so it became to costly for them (resources as well as lives) to pursue. So they started buying capture warriors (with weapons,tobacco,liquor and gold) from these warring nations not because they wanted to because their previous attempts to steal/capture Africans failed. Before the whites started buying these warriors most of them would be sacrificed by the kings of that nation! WHY?! Because these African nations/Kings did not want to take care of these warriors; it would cost them too much money and time integrating them into their nations so they would kill them instead. So quiet naturally the Europeans escalated the conflicts between these warring nations knowing they would get to buy the capture ones. This was made known in the Slave Trade Debates of England in 1806 which they said: "All the old writers concur in stating not only that wars are entered into for the sole purpose of making slaves, but that they are fomented by Europeans, with a view to that object."
Prior to 1609 chattel slavery did not exists any where on this planet! Why is this important?! The most common form of slavery was domestic servants. The other forms were Debt slavery, enslavement of war captives, military slavery, slavery for prostitution, and criminal slavery. Slaves around the world before 1609 were seen as people! HUMAN BEINGS! It was white Christians who came up with chattel slavery! Meaning you were no different than cows, chickens etc.. and anything they produce belong to the owner this includes their offspring! That why I said this is a misnomer because these African nations had no ideal what was going to happen because their form of slavery was completely different from the Europeans. That’s why slavery in the western world had to be abolished. Where as in the rest of the world once that person died all his debt or other obligations died with him. Sorry for being so long winded but we need to know what was really going on at that time that includes those African nations that fought against slave dealers! One who stands out is King Yambio of the Azande in Southern Sudan. As to those African nations who sold our ancestors. Most saw this as mercy and was not consciously aware of what the Europeans was doing in the beginning. But when things did become known enough blood had been shed were the kings of these warring nation did not care what happen when they sold our ancestors. As long as they could get weapons better than their combatants they were content. Kinda like the Bloods and Crips!! They too are at or once was at war with each other. Feel and look a bit different when put in that context, Right! ADOS/African American, Black etc... we have our own history that we must learn and share and this is certainly one of them. What we don't want to do is tell our story in a way that makes us want to return to them as they did to us! The current state of Africa and its diaspora shows that we can't afford to make that mistake again!
What slavery is slavery what u mean??🤦🤦 "they sold us"..... but "not that type" dont be so naive 😭😭..... Truthfully they sold us u. Can give a excuse but it is what it is .... I think its funny like how we view all as whites evil but we had kings rulers n slaves going on as far back as the bible ....slavery was fine remember😭😭 ..... Slavery was wrong n everyone did it in the world it was fine to own someone else race didnt play a part in it slavery was just a sense of currency like the money in our pockets is all fucked up but to the old world that was rational everything can be owned basically
THANK YOU, I NEED TO READ EVERYTHING YOU SAID, I AM AN bLACK American. I have tried to get information about my family history but North Carolina refuse to help me.
@@fgsf9 if that what you got out of what was said. Than you need HELP!
@@kkrobertson1 got out of it im confused im not saying slavery didnt happen or that atlantic slave trade wasnt a thing im just speaking about it with full context is all
@@fgsf9 That's impossible! One has to know the facts to understand any context.
I lived in Mauritania for about a year and that’s when I really saw racism. The Atlantic slave trade is just a small part of slavery that is still going on today. If I Trace my roots back to 1865 it’s all in Europe so what does slavery have to do with me. Some blacks today could trace their roots back to slave owners so should they be blamed in anyway. Let’s just be better then prior generations.
There are at least two million people that would be considered “slaves” in 2021. That’s far more than there ever was when it was an acceptable practice in America.
Not to mention that the United States tore itself in half during the Civil War and more American soldiers died in that conflict that all other wars that the United States was ever involved in, combined
I know you didn't comment this with a fully functioning brain
I see a lot of people talking about Europeans, but nothing about the Arabs? Why is that?
because Arabs sold Bantus from East Africa. AAs are from West and Central Africa
@@Usthereout thank you, I didn’t know that.
Self hatred. It's a big thing. Still.
Are you bi racial?
I am Cuban does that mean I am African?
More greed than self hatred, imo
This video falaciously claims unequivalent exchange. The losing tribe would be slaughtered and resources taken. It turned out, that more resources to fuel war efforts could be gained by capturing instead of slaughtering the enemy.
If that was the case don’t u think there would be specifications as to what black people sold other black people?? Just because they said Africans sold Africans doesn’t mean blacks sold blacks . The Africans who sold were our oppressors of North Africa. Countries like Algeria, Morocco, Libya etc. they don’t even have Afro black people. Those are Muslim countries in Africa but clearly are far from being black. Yet they are Africans technically. Muslims and Arabia colluded with Europe against Afro black people and sold Africans /Hebrew people
The items received may not be inconsequential to us, but it was to the ones doing the selling.
These were mostly prisoners of tribal wars, as long as they were gone, it didn't matter what was received in return.
So it may seem ludicrous that a human being was traded for a jar, but you have to realize, they would have given them away for free.
The only way Europeans could colonize with such success ... is because indigenous peoples in their native lands exploited, enslaved, and fought against each other for centuries prior to the Europeans arriving. And the colonizers exploited the divisions in which the Indigenous people already had entrenched themselves.
Thank you for touching on this subject💯
This was a sobering and and eye opening video. I respect Cube, and understand your correlation. However, as you've taught before, those who were exporting Africans were not cohesive, but very diverse--sometimes even enemies with one another. They weren't necessarily attempting better Africans as a whole. The question is, are we? Should we be more monolithic politically and socially when it comes to bargaining for our civil lives? And does that unity expand the globe?
We don't have to monolithic in political ideology, but we do need to have one underlying goal with whatever political standpoint we take. The end goal must be for the betterment of our people. That's how I see it. That's how the other groups function we need to get to that point where we can disagree on our paths but whatever path we disagree on still at the end benefits us.
@@chillwithrahn1791 "our people?" Or people as a whole? If it's the former, it turns everything you said into a disgusting, hypocritical and frankly racist virtue signal.
@@iBloodxHunter our people i made my words specifically because I'm talking about our people. I don't give a dam what virtue signaling you claim. This is not your fight. Our people as in black must strive to be better to do better for ours. All humans do this all humans group themselves don't come with this asinine talking point about hypocritical when the world has behaved in this group mentality since the dawn of humanity. People operate in groups, they classify as groups and cooperate to gain resources. Frankly I see it very racist for you to come here and claim that it is racist when we think along the same lines as every other group on the planet. The audacity of you. The betterment of our people does not mean the lessening of others. This is not a zero sum endeavor however your thought process is hypocrisy personified to be opposed to us thinking the same as you. If your are one our people you should be ashamed and if you are not then this statement you've made exemplifies the need for us to think this way.
Very rich, but this all as one thinking is a ploy to limit competition and it will not work.
@Bryan W Hear hear!
As an African American I don’t really want to say “that’s what you get” but....Karma gave you a punishment that unfortunately many African nations deserved due to colonization.
And what about the descendents of the slave traders who ended up becoming victims themselves and got shipped over to the new world, what is their karma? Racism, segregation and street killings? This is not time to point fingers, rather its time to learn from all our ancestors' grave mistakes and forge a new path for ourselves.
@@sankishayi That’s the irony for what we Africans did to each other. I not pointing fingers I’m just stating facts. Africans made a huge mistake letting the white man have access to everything we got. And as for those descendants aka my ancestors. The racists whites are now getting punished. Have u see what’s going on? Change is coming and they hate it.
@@omaroon2679 Sorry but Africans were not selling their own, they knew just who they were selling and just like the Egyptians and the Isrealites were different so were the Africans and so called AFrican Americans, they were two totally different people, same color, different people.
@@omaroon2679 you're definitely pointing fingers.
@@iBloodxHunter Nope just stating facts.
They sold their own legacy and inheritance for trinkets. Now Africa is in disarray because the people they sold, were not their to defend it, fortify it, and rebuild it. They were short sided.
So you say they sold cheap.... What was the cost of a slave in India ,China, Russia or any other place at the time?
Thanks brother for having the guts and the principles to not care what people might think in the search for truth!
Damn that makes me sick to my stomach.
I must say....when you read off the list of what they sold us for it was flabbergasting!
MrTreday, yes it really was, we're not taught the details in school. Now we sell ourselves and each other for pride, or fame, or pieces of green paper with politicians faces on them, or computer generated numbers on a computer screen. We humans haven't learned much in the last 10,000 years.
@@shmataboro8634 that's why I hate us all.
I would like to point out those items are just standard trade goods for the time. Items available in the "developed world " for items available from the "undeveloped world ". The fact that the items from the "undeveloped world " happen to be humans... what had been the practice of the conquering tribes prior to contact with European traders. Massacre the males and breed the females? Boko Haram style. Roman legions did this as well.
I live in a place know for having a rifle behind every blade of grass. I believe this is a good thing.
Leslie Rodgers
My dad described those of us that are "professionals " as mental prostitutes. Like it or not we are.
No more trade! Self-Reliance! Africans build for Africans, world wide! One people, one nation!
Would you call an Italian a Spaniard? Would you call a Korean a Chinese?
Would you call a Mexican a Puerto Rican?
Most of us wouldn't. So why are so many people trying to call indigenous, aboriginal Americans Africans? It's pure ignorance due to slow indoctrination.
Slow indoctrination.
yall hit it clean over the upper deck! powerful, insightful, illuminating ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽
Great video!!!! We can learn a lot from the mistakes of the past!!!
Can’t believe those items were traded for human life smh 🤦🏾♂️
you know the word slave comes from slavs. they were traded in the middle east. mostly Europeans captured and sold them and europeans got in exchange silver coins, clothes and spices. was that equal?
I wanted to cry as you read the list. The parallels are never pointed out but I look at it in a different way. I see wealthy black people accepting European goods (literally designer bags) without supporting black people. You get rich, leave your community then call everyone there broke. As far as an exchange, I don’t think there can truly be a fair one. It probably wouldn’t even be needed if we would just bolster from within. Other races do this. Slave revolts were feared because they came from unity within. In terms of now, uniting in a nonviolent way through political and economic agency from inside. Promote getting inside and lift others once you’re “in”.
The diaspora was here in the Americas. No one one speaks on this, we were spoken about in historical records .
Some groups of black people were already here ,,but to pretend that the people who endured the middle passage didn't exist is sad, ...I've been hearing people lately saying it didn't's like those people will forever be disrespected in life and erased from history in death as's sad.
Pan Africanism
You seem to always come in the right moment to hear the right words.
As a white I don’t know much about African history however, I believe that Africa was based on more ancient tribalism and the survival of the fittest tribe. Therefore the main goal of the tribe was to get rid of or destroy their enemy tribes. So previously they killed them and giving the opportunity to sell them to foreigners as slaves that accomplished the same goal of getting rid of their enemies. I suppose that this was the main goal as to being doing it for financial gain.
It was. I find it odd that certain people bitch about white Europeans coming along ruining the peaceful Utopia of knowledge and harmony of Africa but ignore obvious history that shows what the rulers in Africa were doing is the same thing that European rulers were doing. But one is virtuous and the other is despicable. Even a cursory glance of African history shows this.
Look at the Zulus. Just before the British came along and conquered them the Zulu had just done the same to their neighbors. Same with the Mali empire. They doubled their territory at the expense of their neighbors so they could control Timbuktu the major trade hub and other areas for trade goods including slaves. And this was before Europeans were invading Africa.
I’m a white dude and people always bring this up to me in a sort of “see, Africans weren’t so innocent “ way- and it’s always bothered me- I mean, who did they sell them to? Does that negate the fact that people were being victimized? It’s like all of Africa is one blanket people in most of our heads... when we talk about the Irish/British landlords causing starvation conditions during the potato famine no one extrapolates that the Irish did it to themselves from that.
*"Does that negate the fact that people were being victimized?"*
No, it just shows you that the people doing it to them were not just white, which is the standard narrative we are bombarded with in the West. The Africans were every bit as bad as the European traders they sold to, and the American slave-owners who ended up with them.
*"when we talk about the Irish/British landlords causing starvation conditions during the potato famine no one extrapolates that the Irish did it to themselves from that."*
The potato famine was caused by potato blight, which struck all of Europe, and only struck Ireland so hard because it was unnaturally propping up 3.3m poor rural laborers who were entirely dependent upon it. The fact is that the Irish population at the time of the blight was the largest in Irish history, precisely thanks to the introduction of the potato in the first place.
Slavery is slavery, don’t loop around it, both the buyer and the seller are to blame. At some points the seller is even more problematic
Why do we never here the Irish complain? They were looked at lower then blacks back in the mid 1800’s and you don’t here a peep!
The Irish didnt suffer the way black people did in america there were no such thing as enslaved irish in america either