Liquid Upset Over T1?! Zeus Reviews TL vs. T1 Game 3 | MSI 2024 Press Conference | Ashley Kang

  • Опубліковано 5 лют 2025


  • @G2LoL
    @G2LoL 8 місяців тому +438


    • @LeagueAbove
      @LeagueAbove 8 місяців тому +23

      G2 will crush T1 easily in Friday mark my words

    • @quasarlgq
      @quasarlgq 8 місяців тому +26

      Jesus you reply quicker than mad lions

    • @G2LoL
      @G2LoL 8 місяців тому +79

      @@quasarlgq biggest compliment of all time

    • @camilavilela3849
      @camilavilela3849 8 місяців тому +2

      I knew you would be here ASHUAHSUAS

    • @cutedevvexyz
      @cutedevvexyz 8 місяців тому +5

      if g2 gets 3-0d do i get a jersey for free

  • @Filowscondones
    @Filowscondones 8 місяців тому +218

    Zeus looks so tired look at bro Eyebags ☠️ I hope they get some rest soon.

    • @Magnake_Obsolescence
      @Magnake_Obsolescence 8 місяців тому +7

      Feels like hes been hardworking since last worlds

    • @ozgurarc9009
      @ozgurarc9009 8 місяців тому

      @@Magnake_Obsolescence as a t1 fan why he does not play other champs ? urgot ? better zac or something surprise pick i do not understand this level of league they should be able play anything but no they gonna pick tf cuz tf can match in gold ?

    • @kureha6663
      @kureha6663 8 місяців тому +19

      @@ozgurarc9009sure they can probably play new champs well but they playing against people who are probably a lot more experienced in those champs so you would just put yourself at a disadvantage, team fight will also be different and whole team needs to adapt so it’s hard for him to pull something new out with the tight msi schedule

    • @kizer0161
      @kizer0161 8 місяців тому +1

      I thought he was asleep. then realised that he's Asian

    • @drsjoane
      @drsjoane 8 місяців тому

      Are you serious? Pro players are not 24/7 playing, they have great coaching staff that prepares them and let them rest well, you are so dumb.

  • @annunaki1122
    @annunaki1122 8 місяців тому +22


  • @angpham941
    @angpham941 8 місяців тому +89

    This MSI is just straight up unpredictable. TES and PSG took GenG BLG to game 5 but on their bad day they look like garbage.

    • @pavelech2565
      @pavelech2565 8 місяців тому +1

      What bad day, G2 is playing ot of their minds...

    • @AnimeAnniversery
      @AnimeAnniversery 8 місяців тому +15

      ​@@pavelech2565I won't deny G2 is playing their best but JKl was legit running it down 😂

    • @dioxide39
      @dioxide39 8 місяців тому +15

      ​@@AnimeAnniverserynever would I see the day where I see TES' botlane going 0/9, it was unreal

  • @user-ds3fb3md2z
    @user-ds3fb3md2z 8 місяців тому +6

    i recon both G2 and T1 have both learnt from their mistakes over MSI and now when they face off its gna be a banger

  • @cristianbustosvera4266
    @cristianbustosvera4266 8 місяців тому +12

    just look at the quality of ma'am Ashley's question compared to the others. whole different league. best reporter hands down.

  • @yigitkabaday3179
    @yigitkabaday3179 8 місяців тому +23

    They just won a series 3-1 and it almost looks like a loser interview because of that 1 lost game 😂 He looks mad annoyed at these questions and honestly he is right. Just give the guy a break, it's not like he lost the series or anything.

    • @mikoajbanach1920
      @mikoajbanach1920 8 місяців тому +4

      Its not about winning but rather who they played and the fashion in which they won, 1st game was scrappy, 2nd game was extremely close and they lost the 3rd one... to NA bruv, they for sure aint happy with this series

  • @gnsgml11
    @gnsgml11 8 місяців тому +10

    The intro, "For G2 vs T1, we will definitely win 3-0" is incorrect. It's closer to "try" and definitely not definitely.

    • @extraswaggeroni
      @extraswaggeroni 8 місяців тому

      I agree that "definitely" is a bit of editorializing but I would say "we will beat G2 3-0" is a fair translation for what he said.
      I guess what he literally said was "we will do the things in order to win 3-0" but to me that's just a function of how the language is structured and translating it as beating G2 3-0 is fine here.

    • @gnsgml11
      @gnsgml11 8 місяців тому

      @@extraswaggeroni well if the word definitely was out then it would be okay. Like you said, we will win 3-0. Adding the definite make him full of himself

    • @JoanLein
      @JoanLein 8 місяців тому

      @@gnsgml11 3-0

    • @gnsgml11
      @gnsgml11 8 місяців тому

      @@JoanLein haha maybe I shouldn't have said anything lol

  • @Azrael_Xx_
    @Azrael_Xx_ 8 місяців тому +77

    I understand why he said it, bro would say anything to avoid more trucks.

    • @abouttime2569
      @abouttime2569 8 місяців тому +16

      G2 fans send death threats for not going LDR so...

    • @bones8055
      @bones8055 8 місяців тому

      ​@@abouttime2569Y1 has dealt with thst quite a lot.

    • @arafath1010
      @arafath1010 8 місяців тому +4

      ​@@abouttime2569 fr? Both team's fans trying to outdo each other on who's more unhinged

    • @aikun9098
      @aikun9098 8 місяців тому +6

      League fans are crazy to send death threats

    • @jhonmichaelberina8960
      @jhonmichaelberina8960 8 місяців тому

      well they did it 😂

  • @mochou_u
    @mochou_u 8 місяців тому +6

    Kayaknya hampir semua tim lol goal nya pengen banget ngalahin T1 di internasional event, terus disebut "oh gue tim yg kuat loh, buktinya t1 kalah ngelawan gue HAHA" kalo gue bilang nih ya, tujuan kalian terlalu cetek bro. Sementara t1 ini gak mempermasalahkan lu pada mau solokill faker kek, ngalahin zeus kek, atau apapun itu. Mereka gak peduli sama cemoohan kalian disini, tujuan mereka dtg ke msi tuh buat menang, gak peduli tim mana yg harus mereka kalahin, walopun mereka drop bbrp game, tujuan akhir mereka adalah piala. Emg sih mereka keliatan bgt kesusahan di meta kali ini, adaptasi lama, main gak bersih kayak biasanya, tp satu hal yg pasti mereka berusaha sebaik mungkin buat improve, motivasi diri sendiri dan juga tim kalo mereka bisa ngelewatin ini semua. Kalopun nanti mereka kalah dan gak bawa pulang piala, gua tetep bangga sama mereka yg pantang menyerah dan berusaha sampe titik darah penghabisan. Kayak yg faker pernah bilang di interview worlds 2023 kemaren, buat menang tuh ternyata bukan cuma butuh skill aja tp harus ada faktor luck juga. Kalopun mereka kalah nantinya, mereka kalah dgn terhormat karena mereka gak takut buat hadapin tantangan dari awal sampe akhir. Tapi tentu aja org2 bakalan pada bilang "wakakak tim kayak gini menang worlds kemaren? Wakakaka FRAUDS" apapun yg kalian bilang, zofgk gak bakal peduli karena mereka sendiri yg lebih tau kemampuan mereka dan usaha apa aja yg udh mereka lakukan dan korbankan untuk sampai di titik ini.
    Terus gue mau apresiasi wooje di interview kali ini. Disini keliatan bgt dia capek dan pengen cepet2 balik ke hotel buat istirahat dan persiapan latihan buat game selanjutnya. Tp dia masih ngasih jawaban yg baik, mencoba untuk stay positive walopun gak gampang. Gue salut sama wooje, bocah 20 tahun tapi mindset nya sehat, gak korup, gak sombong, dan selalu ingin belajar dan improve skill dia sendiri. Wooje-ah gpp susah2 sekarang, ayok kita senyum di akhir nanti, biar mereka yang nangis. Tuhan gak akan ngasih cobaan melebihi batas kemampuan kita! Semangat wooje! Semangat T1! 🍀

    • @zf.5990
      @zf.5990 8 місяців тому

      jujur aja, sekarang T1 bawa tropi MSI udah bukan prioritas buatku. liat mereka ekstra kerja keras buat adaptasi meta dan jadwal yang super ketat. udah bagus mereka ada di antar #1 seed 3 region.
      ga bisa dipungkiri it's not the best t1, berharap besok ada keajaiban.
      kalau kalah ya udah.. tapi haters gonna yapping on t1 especially faker, ini part yg bikin sedih. belum lagi kalo "fans" yg ngirim2 truk ke t1 hq. khawatir mereka makin burn out.
      apapun itu, all the best for T1!! 🍀🍀

  • @shaluyadav7498
    @shaluyadav7498 8 місяців тому +4

    Zeus Don't worry no matters what happen i will support you we can do it be confident and prepare for next match

  • @League-f9x
    @League-f9x 8 місяців тому +1


  • @ViliusV85
    @ViliusV85 8 місяців тому +13

    When i watch LCK i am T1 fan when I watch LEC i am G2 fan when I watch worlds or MSI i am every time sad when these teams meets unless it's finals.

    • @hdkonvick6299
      @hdkonvick6299 8 місяців тому

      If you arent from Korea but you support korean team, you are cringe

    • @suheyb5090
      @suheyb5090 8 місяців тому +2

      ​@@hdkonvick6299 ppl can like other teams dude, but yea its better to support g2 and our region first

    • @ViliusV85
      @ViliusV85 8 місяців тому

      @@hdkonvick6299 Faker Icon for me thats only reason I like T1. Without him I won't have any LCK team to root for. Its like you say I can't be Messi or Ronaldo fan.

    • @abouttime2569
      @abouttime2569 8 місяців тому

      @@hdkonvick6299 you are cringe for even thinking like that

    • @hdkonvick6299
      @hdkonvick6299 8 місяців тому

      @@ViliusV85 nah its like i say when your country is in a war with russia and then you go fight on the Russian side cause Pitin is your icon

  • @eduardovidal9631
    @eduardovidal9631 8 місяців тому +1

    Well, if the goat says that they will win 3-0 against g2, you have to believe him, I come from the future and the goat kept his promise.

  • @kapilagarwal9244
    @kapilagarwal9244 8 місяців тому +18

    Seems like they played this series with g2 in mind taking away poppy and Tristana.

  • @godlgnv1155
    @godlgnv1155 8 місяців тому +2

    If T1 fixes their issues the 3-0 seems possible
    But if not it will be a hard fight for sure

  • @lovelyn2947
    @lovelyn2947 8 місяців тому +3

    T1 Fighting! I believe in T1, i know they can do it!!!

  • @Forsaken76823
    @Forsaken76823 8 місяців тому +5

    They can't really utilize the power picks they are used to playing since the enemy would just avoid laning by lane swaps.

  • @myoui6791
    @myoui6791 8 місяців тому +65

    why g2 fans are mad that he sais 3-0? g2 fans twitter proudly said g2 3-0/3-1 t1 lol

    • @CrystalisedWorld
      @CrystalisedWorld 8 місяців тому +19

      hypocrisy xD

    • @okx8805
      @okx8805 8 місяців тому +7

      It’s unrealistic that one of them will win 3-0 and Twitter is platform for jokes and trash talk but everyone knows it’s unlikely that someone wins 3-0

    • @myoui6791
      @myoui6791 8 місяців тому +15

      @@okx8805 player is human too? zeus is pretty humble player so saying that they will win 3-0 is just a mere talk

    • @ajarofdirt3830
      @ajarofdirt3830 8 місяців тому +18

      bro g2 fans got mad at damwon for stealing their taunt in 2020 and Carlos had to quiet them down. They're too soft.

    • @okx8805
      @okx8805 8 місяців тому

      @@myoui6791 what do you mean?

  • @hdkonvick6299
    @hdkonvick6299 8 місяців тому +29

    3-0? I can hear the trucks already

    • @gnsgml11
      @gnsgml11 8 місяців тому +5

      "For G2 vs T1, we will definitely win 3-0" is incorrect. It's closer to "try" and definitely not definitely. Translation is wrong

    • @jhonmichaelberina8960
      @jhonmichaelberina8960 8 місяців тому

      Well they evaded truck-kun?

    • @gusdn-g8n
      @gusdn-g8n 8 місяців тому +1


  • @alvarojareno6617
    @alvarojareno6617 8 місяців тому +4

    so i suppose that G2 will scrims gen g and blg t1?

    • @alfinfaiz6971
      @alfinfaiz6971 8 місяців тому

      Don’t need cause they’ll beat them all 😈😈😈

    • @mikoajbanach1920
      @mikoajbanach1920 8 місяців тому

      Prolly G2 scrimming BLG and GENG scrimming T1 cuz lck is known to share their opponents' draft data within each other

    • @khoohao9659
      @khoohao9659 8 місяців тому

      ​​Ha, u r spelling LPL wrong 😂​@@mikoajbanach1920

    • @justinejanoras3934
      @justinejanoras3934 8 місяців тому

      @@alfinfaiz6971 How much is the broom in EU? How about the ticket from China to EU?

  • @Roxyism
    @Roxyism 8 місяців тому +1

    I'm not so sure whether TL forced them to engage on unreasonable fights or they're just being indiscipline.

  • @BypassChannel607
    @BypassChannel607 8 місяців тому +8

    T1 vs all First Seed

    • @Ovinski
      @Ovinski 8 місяців тому +5

      Just how they like it.

    • @AyakaAkira31
      @AyakaAkira31 8 місяців тому

      This is their comfort zone

  • @_acky
    @_acky 8 місяців тому +1

    everybody needs to wake up in T1. fix the drafts too.

  • @knightsofren4492
    @knightsofren4492 8 місяців тому

    What i dont understand about lane swaps why travel all the way from top to bottom if you can just head out right from the start of the game.

    • @denizkocak388
      @denizkocak388 8 місяців тому +1

      They swap cuz they do have a terrible bot/top matchup before 3 or 5 lvl and they simply avoid yours, your top laner goes mid and then bot. You dive top laner in bot lane. You have to dive second time when enemy tp'd. Then you try to match their bot duo cuz before 5 min they could not take that much of plates from towers while you take much more in bot. If you match their swap they are pretty done for, if you cannot that means they successfully avoided bad bot/top matchup with minimal losses.

  • @mingt.7137
    @mingt.7137 8 місяців тому +1

    At recently form of T1? I'm pretty concerned.

  • @Slashresto
    @Slashresto 8 місяців тому +20

    For the rematch vs G2 i'd love it if faker pulls out the K'sante mid or maybe even his famous Leblanc or Gragas mid. Something with alittle more agency in lane aswell as playmaking ability for sidelanes/teamfights.
    Fakers mid Ksante might have been some of the best in the world last year when last he played it!
    I'd also like to see Zeus pull out some pocket picks vs BB , both of them love to play carry top so i think Yone , Gnar, Gwen, Gragas would be staple picks for him to carry on.
    Let Guma and Keria play something standard and try to opt into the 2v2 and play for lane while Oner plays for Zeus/Faker for once.

    • @SuomenPaska
      @SuomenPaska 8 місяців тому +13

      A lot of champs Zeus plays are bad into laneswaps though, Gnar would get absolutely abused.

    • @hdkonvick6299
      @hdkonvick6299 8 місяців тому +8

      Nah you can't pick ksante mid vs Caps. Caps will lock vayne mid

    • @Pierree3
      @Pierree3 8 місяців тому +1

      Zeus can't pick that champ in this meta, that's why they've been struggling this patch

    • @Slashresto
      @Slashresto 8 місяців тому

      @@hdkonvick6299 You most certainly can if they don't expect it to be picked mid. Either caps picks the Vayne and BB gets something like Lblanc, Trist, Asol, Oriana top which would be much worse.
      You gotta pick it in a way its not obv until the last pick what it will be like picking another flex champ that can either go mid / supp or mid/top like for example Nico could go mid and supp, Ksante mid and top.
      Or u ban vayne which is easier cause i doubt caps plays Urgot or Zac mid lol (altho he has done zac mid before)

    • @ANon-Eemus
      @ANon-Eemus 8 місяців тому

      Caps has way more champ pool than faker, tough for faker to even Ksante mid. He has zac, kled, ksante, galio, and many more that i cant think of now

  • @mykellederickpalad7883
    @mykellederickpalad7883 8 місяців тому +6

    T1 tend to lose when faker does bad. If Faker avoid inting the lane then a 3-0 is not that impossible imo.

  • @BMWS1000RRR
    @BMWS1000RRR 8 місяців тому +5

    T1 Fighting 👑

  • @TokurErdem
    @TokurErdem 8 місяців тому

    What happened to korizon esports?? Cant believe I've been missing all the vids because of this

    • @abouttime2569
      @abouttime2569 8 місяців тому

      she just made a separate channel for English viewers

  • @togifanklab5028
    @togifanklab5028 8 місяців тому +1

    i want to know what they will do about ivern zac poppy tristana draven

    • @axegate101
      @axegate101 8 місяців тому

      only zac and tris

    • @bakithegreat3455
      @bakithegreat3455 8 місяців тому

      have you forgotten how they beat tristana last time they met? You really do underestimate T1 right? 😅

    • @Leo1964
      @Leo1964 8 місяців тому

      Now we know

    • @bakithegreat3455
      @bakithegreat3455 8 місяців тому


  • @nigelschonberger8022
    @nigelschonberger8022 8 місяців тому +1

    Move in silence, only speak when it's time to say checkmate. Something APA could learn from. Sacrifice a bishop to put them into a double check...

  • @kkiwirocks
    @kkiwirocks 8 місяців тому +1

    t1 is going to have to ban tristana against g2 as well after caps' performance. and with tes instabanning zac and poppy, I could see T1 permabanning trist zac poppy and maybe ivern?

    • @cryofrostrs3856
      @cryofrostrs3856 8 місяців тому

      They'd probably opt to having oner on the poppy with his performance recently, while probably giving zac to zeus depending on the draft comp

    • @Kamal-ju6qx
      @Kamal-ju6qx 8 місяців тому

      They kept tristana open and g2 still lose

  • @chusay7006
    @chusay7006 8 місяців тому +5

    Sounds like BLG is the best team right now. Chovy gonna need to step up big time tomorrow or else Elk/On will blast Peyz/Lehends and win through bot. Xun is also in prime form this split.

    • @rodrigoesteban8478
      @rodrigoesteban8478 8 місяців тому

      You don't remember the 2 games they lost against PSG

    • @mariaalcobenda6160
      @mariaalcobenda6160 8 місяців тому +2

      @@rodrigoesteban8478 you clearly don't remember their 3-1 against T1 or GenG's amazing stomping in almost every match

    • @rodrigoesteban8478
      @rodrigoesteban8478 8 місяців тому +1

      @@mariaalcobenda6160 the same in worlds? T1 2 - 0 blg 😂😂

    • @mariaalcobenda6160
      @mariaalcobenda6160 8 місяців тому +5

      @@rodrigoesteban8478 Yes, but teams change, not everyone mantains the same level all their lifes. I'm not saying T1 is a bad team or that they can't compete, I'm just saying that this MSI, BLG and GEN look way stronger and not just because of lane swap and recent meta, but because of mechanics and macro understanding.

    • @AnimeAnniversery
      @AnimeAnniversery 8 місяців тому

      ​​​​@@rodrigoesteban8478If that is the comparison then BLG 3-1 T1 twice last MSI and now.

  • @curatorx5702
    @curatorx5702 8 місяців тому +9

    your not 3:0ing anything if you keep hosting theshy's spirit.

    • @505reaper8
      @505reaper8 8 місяців тому +1

      Watch zeus pop off in the series, its not his meta at all this season but I believe if they nerf tank meta he's gonna be the best top in the world again with the aatrox, gnar, vayne picks.

    • @rifkywt
      @rifkywt 8 місяців тому

      Brother looks like he is going to lock in kalista top next game.

    • @gnsgml11
      @gnsgml11 8 місяців тому +2

      the translation was wrong. It's more like try or aim for 3:0.

    • @AyakaAkira31
      @AyakaAkira31 8 місяців тому +1

      3-0 even with theshy spirit

    • @curatorx5702
      @curatorx5702 8 місяців тому

      @@AyakaAkira31 TheShy took over BB instead, bros getting caught every 2 minute

  • @Ephemerthefish2525
    @Ephemerthefish2525 8 місяців тому

    Hoping for the the classic t1/skt t1
    Where they seems to be falling off then later shows everyone nope
    We will show why we are the greatest organization

  • @ahhhhhhh111
    @ahhhhhhh111 8 місяців тому +1

    oh nahhhh didn't TES say its going to be an easy win against g2? and now Zeus saying they will 3-0 G2 lol

    • @robenriven
      @robenriven 8 місяців тому +2

      this didnt aged well

    • @ahhhhhhh111
      @ahhhhhhh111 8 місяців тому +1


  • @nathanielrobles3284
    @nathanielrobles3284 8 місяців тому

    I knew it!

  • @rafayet23
    @rafayet23 8 місяців тому +14

    T1 is a team that is known for consistently ramping up. Don't underestimate them. G2 are NOT the favorites here. They can win but T1 is definitely still an extremely dangerous team.

    • @NKR506
      @NKR506 8 місяців тому +5

      Cope, didn't ramp entire msi. Just crying ddos ddos

    • @sephiroxicalcloud3771
      @sephiroxicalcloud3771 8 місяців тому

      So what happened last MSI, and the MSI before that

    • @Nursultan-r2d2
      @Nursultan-r2d2 8 місяців тому

      they r spicy

    • @sephiroxicalcloud3771
      @sephiroxicalcloud3771 8 місяців тому +3

      @@yddq6884 Are they playing in worlds?

    • @myoui6791
      @myoui6791 8 місяців тому

      ​@@sephiroxicalcloud3771g2 is not blg lil bro

  • @AlexandraDizon-qz6kv
    @AlexandraDizon-qz6kv 8 місяців тому +1

    Let's Gooo T1 next G2😢😮

  • @RP-zl5ix
    @RP-zl5ix 8 місяців тому +7

    The problem is that T1 is at their worst and G2 at their best and if we are being generous it's like barely a win for G2 right now which is rather bad for G2.
    But if T1 is to step up even a little , G2 will get stomped. Le't be honest.

  • @Odyssey19992
    @Odyssey19992 8 місяців тому

    Zeus came from the future

  • @anupamdungdung9417
    @anupamdungdung9417 8 місяців тому

    Spoken like a True Challenger

  • @ieatrisk
    @ieatrisk 8 місяців тому

    Hi guys @0:03 😅

  • @littlecurrybread
    @littlecurrybread 8 місяців тому +1


  • @nobody-bt7mu
    @nobody-bt7mu 8 місяців тому +28

    T1 have been playing their "WORST" ever as a team this MSI so far. It's very evident even as a T1 fan and very annoying.

    • @laplace8461
      @laplace8461 8 місяців тому +29

      well t1 has very strong laners and the laneswap meta seems to be hecking them up a bit

    • @tylerkennedy698
      @tylerkennedy698 8 місяців тому +5

      I think also Worlds 2023 meta was uniquely in their favor. Their entire champ pool was meta almost and no team was able to outdraft them. This MSI they really seem to struggling with drafts/meta

    • @Adp32306
      @Adp32306 8 місяців тому +1

      faker looking like he is having issues

    • @Adp32306
      @Adp32306 8 місяців тому +36

      @@tylerkennedy698 2023 meta did not favor them, they created the 2023 meta. You forgot everyone was picking kaisa that worlds, until t1 went ranged support. Lane swap meta was created to help bad laning teams like G2, paired with tank meta so BB dont get exposed

    • @Forsaken76823
      @Forsaken76823 8 місяців тому +3

      Why would you be annoyed are you the one playing the game for them? How could we judge them when we are not in their shoes playing against the best in the world.

  • @MinecraftLambo
    @MinecraftLambo 8 місяців тому

    Zeus still seem out of it man, it's so obvious even tho he doesn't say anything about it

  • @roku1141
    @roku1141 8 місяців тому

    I wanna see ezreal at least once in this MSI.

    • @abouttime2569
      @abouttime2569 8 місяців тому

      Ezreal was played in this MSI

  • @ppv1780
    @ppv1780 8 місяців тому

    He just put too much pressure saying 3-0. Very dumb. They could do it, but a bad strategy to think like that.

  • @Beckst
    @Beckst 8 місяців тому +2

    G2 will smoke them

    • @owennen
      @owennen 8 місяців тому +1

      SMOKED G2 3-0

  • @AyakaAkira31
    @AyakaAkira31 8 місяців тому +1

    The boy said it

  • @lilyphilia5065
    @lilyphilia5065 8 місяців тому +1

    While I'm a T1 fan, I'm not delulu enough to think that they're gonna stomp G2. The other way around is just more possible to happen 😢

    • @Dracobalt
      @Dracobalt 8 місяців тому

      Delulu enough to think they won't stomp G2 is all im seeing :O

    • @Kamal-ju6qx
      @Kamal-ju6qx 8 місяців тому

      Delulu g2 fan pretending to be T1 fan

  • @diuleisin
    @diuleisin 8 місяців тому +37

    G2 fans are dreaming again, T1 will knock G2 back to reality

    • @hdkonvick6299
      @hdkonvick6299 8 місяців тому

      G2 will smash T1 so hard that they and their dckriders like you think that it's just a bad dream.

    • @hippityhoppityw
      @hippityhoppityw 8 місяців тому +21

      Im a fan of T1, but I would honestly be surprised if G2 lost.

    • @ayoubammor2795
      @ayoubammor2795 8 місяців тому +18

      As a T1 fan, if T1 play like today G2 gonna destroy them

    • @axe-vw6ek
      @axe-vw6ek 8 місяців тому +3

      ​@@hippityhoppitywLol you're not a t1 fan. T1 will stomp g2 😂

    • @henrygenesis7542
      @henrygenesis7542 8 місяців тому +1

      @@ayoubammor2795your ain’t no T1 fan, it’s always with these “as a [Blank] fan…”

  • @mX1mum
    @mX1mum 8 місяців тому +33

    3-0 is delulu after struggling vs NA and nearly loosing to G2 in their first stage appearance

    • @arnaud7197
      @arnaud7197 8 місяців тому

      only if they fix their confidence and uncharacteristic mistakes they can go even but draft wise they seem to be out of this world

    • @itzmich1771
      @itzmich1771 8 місяців тому +36

      you want them to say yeah we're gonna lose 0-3?

    • @Skyflairl2p
      @Skyflairl2p 8 місяців тому +11

      @@itzmich1771 I mean a believable number is preferable if you're going to mention it, but I get its a PR thing so yeah, who cares.
      "We'll definitely win" is just better though

    • @ruilingzhang3521
      @ruilingzhang3521 8 місяців тому +3

      I think so too and this is coming from a T1 fan, if its 3-1, it will be already a feat given their form now

    • @michlopez7160
      @michlopez7160 8 місяців тому +5

      G2 will lose. Mark words words! T1 fighting!!!!

  • @maugetar9340
    @maugetar9340 8 місяців тому +6

    T1 looks this tournament quite lackluster and one dimensional.

    • @bones8055
      @bones8055 8 місяців тому +5

      They do, the meta is pretty poor for zeus to be fair, fakers champ pool and general play had been bad and oner has been lack luster. I have nothing bad to say about their bot lane though

    • @cryofrostrs3856
      @cryofrostrs3856 8 місяців тому +1

      ​@@bones8055 Keria is also sorta playing bad sometimes, it's really all just guma remaining consistent at this point

    • @bones8055
      @bones8055 8 місяців тому

      @cryofrostrs3856 Yea I know he's pretty awful on regular supports.

    • @Kevin-go5we
      @Kevin-go5we 8 місяців тому +3

      @@bones8055 It's more like his regular supports just don't fit their team comps too well right now. Keria's bard, renata, etc are literally world renowned

    • @bones8055
      @bones8055 8 місяців тому

      @Kevin-go5we Yea I think t1 need to listen to their coach a bit more about drafting as they feel slightly one dimensional. I beileve they tend to draft picks by themselves.

  • @j.r.b3846
    @j.r.b3846 8 місяців тому

    Right now, T1 is SEIRIN of kuroko basketball against generation of miracles

  • @Nominokoni
    @Nominokoni 8 місяців тому

    Bro stop preparing, get some sleep and rest 💀

  • @apocalypse7069
    @apocalypse7069 8 місяців тому

    3 0 i dont know about that one may be 3-1 or 3-2 ,t1 will even tually win at the end

  • @xxDxxism
    @xxDxxism 8 місяців тому

    Bro looks tired from carrying

  • @reikowan6718
    @reikowan6718 8 місяців тому +2

    Ok zeus I believe you, but if yall mess that up against G2, I might not eat that whole day or even talk to my family no more 😔

  • @jaydunna2645
    @jaydunna2645 8 місяців тому +6

    There is 0 chance this version of T1 can beat any of the remaining teams. Even G2. Just ban Ahri, FP taliyah, and watch T1 turn into trash.

    • @thegodkira3953
      @thegodkira3953 8 місяців тому +1

      I like your delusion but t1 3-0 g2 stop coping

    • @jaydunna2645
      @jaydunna2645 8 місяців тому +10

      @@thegodkira3953 yes, cuz they've been excellent so far.

    • @RazTheR6
      @RazTheR6 8 місяців тому +9

      ​@@thegodkira3953All I want is a great series, but saying T1 will 3-0 G2 is a delusional take. G2 almost won the Bo5 vs T1, T1 is getting worse every series while G2 is improving every series
      While T1 needed a long time to get even with TL, G2 made TES look like a rookie team
      I don't think G2 are favorites in this tournament, but if T1 keeps playing and drafting as they have, G2 will win

    • @apocalypse7069
      @apocalypse7069 8 місяців тому

      @@thegodkira3953i personally wont think a 3 0 may be 3 1 or 3 2 eventually t 1 will win at the end

    • @ysosowoskx
      @ysosowoskx 8 місяців тому +2

      ​@@thegodkira3953 If TL wasn't mega boosted they would've beaten them 3-0 they were in the winning position in all games

  • @FFalz
    @FFalz 8 місяців тому

    T1 all look fatigued

  • @CortexXD1
    @CortexXD1 8 місяців тому +6

    g2 win 3-0 or 3-1 easy

    • @AyakaAkira31
      @AyakaAkira31 8 місяців тому

      They did 3-0 easy just backwards

    • @borgirvspitsah7329
      @borgirvspitsah7329 8 місяців тому

      I trhink you meant they win 0-3 cureb stomped

    • @abouttime2569
      @abouttime2569 8 місяців тому

      yea that 3-0 was so easy

  • @emircanylmaz9642
    @emircanylmaz9642 8 місяців тому

    3-0 😎🗿

  • @kerps5398
    @kerps5398 8 місяців тому


  • @AyakaAkira31
    @AyakaAkira31 8 місяців тому +2

    3-0 for T1

    • @northdev559
      @northdev559 8 місяців тому

      Hahaha. No.

    • @myoui6791
      @myoui6791 8 місяців тому

      @@northdev559 ????

    • @owennen
      @owennen 8 місяців тому

      @@northdev559 ??????????????????

    • @owennen
      @owennen 8 місяців тому

      @@northdev559 GET BACK IN YOUR CAVE

    • @staycgirls6148
      @staycgirls6148 8 місяців тому

      @@northdev559 Hahaha. Yes. 3-0 STOMP

  • @Atres333
    @Atres333 8 місяців тому +4

    Why G2 fans are coping this hard? Chill out guys you won vs trash TES and lost to T1 already... Stop with the cope and be prepared for quick 3-0 by T1

    • @raulmartinez1797
      @raulmartinez1797 8 місяців тому +7

      i mean TES won 3 0 easy against TL while T1 struggled against them today and TES also went 2 3 against GENG, idk what trash are you talking about.

    • @thegodkira3953
      @thegodkira3953 8 місяців тому

      ​@@raulmartinez1797lost to G2 means trash

    • @ysosowoskx
      @ysosowoskx 8 місяців тому

      ​@@thegodkira3953 braindead take

    • @ysosowoskx
      @ysosowoskx 8 місяців тому +11

      Least delusional T1 fan XD TES took GEN to 5 games but lets ignore that

    • @BenDover-mx1wq
      @BenDover-mx1wq 8 місяців тому

      ​@@ysosowoskxt1 fans always delusional.

  • @mapogo835
    @mapogo835 8 місяців тому

    i hate when they say we will win 3-0 , they 100% of the time lose 3-0 instead

    • @AyakaAkira31
      @AyakaAkira31 8 місяців тому +1

      Welp they did win 3-0

    • @mapogo835
      @mapogo835 8 місяців тому

      @@AyakaAkira31 i so happy i was proven wrong

  • @AyakaAkira31
    @AyakaAkira31 8 місяців тому +1

    Time to destroy G2 and get our revenge to BLG and GENG 😈

  • @blakewood2755
    @blakewood2755 8 місяців тому

    whats a dud smoking

    • @Zeecdx
      @Zeecdx 8 місяців тому


  • @DaviMendes-ds3vc
    @DaviMendes-ds3vc 8 місяців тому

    Tão perdidinhos

  • @mohammedlabidi4584
    @mohammedlabidi4584 8 місяців тому +14

    G2 is overhyped , mark my words

    • @GraysonMMO
      @GraysonMMO 8 місяців тому

      shut up mohammed

    • @adambourne13bourne5
      @adambourne13bourne5 8 місяців тому +3

      Well we will see after friday
      Ez g2 win

    • @hdkonvick6299
      @hdkonvick6299 8 місяців тому +1

      I will mark it, dont you worry in less than 48 hours i will be here again

    • @Nursultan-r2d2
      @Nursultan-r2d2 8 місяців тому

      @@adambourne13bourne5 hahahah

    • @Magnake_Obsolescence
      @Magnake_Obsolescence 8 місяців тому

      3-0 t1 win and bot jgl will carry hard be ready

  • @colin4685
    @colin4685 8 місяців тому +15

    T1 will get clapped by G2

    • @Akaneeee..
      @Akaneeee.. 8 місяців тому

      in your dreams? maybe

    • @mohammedlabidi4584
      @mohammedlabidi4584 8 місяців тому +1

      G2 is overhyped , mark my word :) winning against psg and tes doesnt mean ur the best team in the tournament

    • @skanderbeji1
      @skanderbeji1 8 місяців тому +6

      @@mohammedlabidi4584 so now we are ignoring the silver scrapes lose vs T1 right

    • @colin4685
      @colin4685 8 місяців тому +1

      @mohammedlabidi4584 I'll reply to your comment when g2 win on Friday 😉

    • @Mathias-t
      @Mathias-t 8 місяців тому +4

      Agreed. Mid gap is too huge, Shaker can’t keep up with Caps

  • @NKR506
    @NKR506 8 місяців тому +4

    G2 3-0 stomp T1 in the fastest bo5, under 60mins. Another fastest record for T1 after 1557 😂😂😂😂

    • @ParagEmpire
      @ParagEmpire 8 місяців тому +1

      3-2 t1 win g2, and is the worst t1 in history in internacional, and win the best g2

    • @NKR506
      @NKR506 8 місяців тому +1

      ​@@ParagEmpireI'll be shocked if T1 wins even for 5mins much less 2 games

    • @bellcranelbellcranel3497
      @bellcranelbellcranel3497 8 місяців тому


    • @NKR506
      @NKR506 8 місяців тому

      @@bellcranelbellcranel3497 facts

    • @Adp32306
      @Adp32306 8 місяців тому

      maybe get a tower first g2 like the last time they got 3-0d by t1 last 2022