You are such a sweet beautiful person Molly ... you both are !!! I love seeing this kind of interaction between Artists ...its very inspiring to see. 😘😘😘😘😘
OH WOW! So cool! What a great idea for leftover paint too - thank you again for an amazing inspiration- this needs to be named "The Molly Swirl", or something!!!
I think this is awesome. It reminds me a little bit of what I do to my puddle pours. I love it! I can’t wait to try. It would be awesome even with regular acrylics.
I love this piece. I think the thing I like best about these paints is that what you see just after pouring is what you'll get hours later. Sometimes I don't want cells so this is good for that.
I enjoyed seeing the green form as you put colors on the cup. So beautiful. I'm also enjoying the "wrecked ring pour" method. The mark you made against the pattern added to the end composition. ❤ Thank you for sharing your creative spirit!
I did something similar after tilting and everything a couple years ago. My workspace was my apartment porch, and some bug skittered across the wet canvas when it was half-dry. So I grabbed a wood kabob stick, and used it to draw some radiating lines from the corners to make it all look intentional. It was kind of awesome :)
Wow! I'm loving this technique! Tree ring pours have become my favorite type of pour so I'm going to try this! Also, I need ready mix paint like that. So many times I want to do a painting but dont want to spend the time to mix the paint.
OMG! That look friggin’ awesome! It also kind of looks like someone peeking or looking through a cover whatever. You ladies are awesome! I’m subscribed to both of and love watching what you ladies produce. I then go and try it out. 😁 keep up the ideas flowing and sharing them. 👍🏼 @MixedMediaGirl and @Molly’s Artistry
It looks like a watercolor. Very cool! I don't tend to do canvases, but I might have to get this a try. I've got some of the Folk Art marbling paints; I should just get a cheap canvas next time I run to town and see what happens!
I love the wreck a ring pour. I used it to get a web effect for a project I was working on and it came out amazing. Love the abstract designs and colors you chose
The thing I’m seeing with these Arteza paints is they mix with each other a lot more than many other mixtures. However, they blend together beautifully!
MMG 1st of all I think this looks AMAZING !!! I love it ... but most importantly I think it was very kind & respectful to give a shout out to Molly ...its not about who CREATED IT or who did it 1st or who even NAMED the technique...I just think it shows a lot of integrity & respect to your fellow Artists just to say a few simple words like you did or ... "Hey I saw so & so do this really cool thing the other day & thought it would be cool to give it a try !!! So thank you for that. I recently saw an artist do a technique and less that 24 hours later saw an Artist do the same exact technique and mentioned it but gave BOTH Artists very nice comments on how they added their own little style & touches to it but they were both very creative and beautiful pieces of art but now I and being dubbed as a trouble maker by the 2nd artist who obviously saw the 1st artists video ....when all I was simply doing was expressing my thoughts on how both did a great job.... again it had absolutely NOTHING to do with who CREATED or NAMED the technique.... and this artist has now insulted me ...threatened me & continues to bash me on her channel even accusing me of "ATTACKING " her . Its just so ridiculous its laughable . But anyway I just wanted to give you "kudos" on being such a kind respectful Artist to your fellow Artists . We are all just trying the same thing and thats basically create beautiful pleasing art and we should ALL show respect & support to one another no matter of you have a million followers or 20 followers or even if you choose to have a youtube channel at all . Its ART & its beautiful and makes the world a more beautiful place . So once again I say THANK YOU for being YOU !!! And for sharing your talent with us all. 😉😉😉😉😉😉
Has a tropical feel, love it 🌴
Omg, I love ittttt! The pattern and the colors are awesome together! Really great! Thanks so much for the shout out too! ♥️
Thanks for the technique! Soooo great ❤
You are such a sweet beautiful person Molly ... you both are !!! I love seeing this kind of interaction between Artists ...its very inspiring to see. 😘😘😘😘😘
OH WOW! So cool! What a great idea for leftover paint too - thank you again for an amazing inspiration- this needs to be named "The Molly Swirl", or something!!!
I agree these colors work real good together. Awesome!
Very beautiful! Looks so simple. Nice artwork! ✅🌹🎨
Loved the rings! Your pronunciation of the pink was correct!
Marci...Beautiful and looked so Fun!!! 🎨😊
I love the colors that came out. It's beautiful. I love those pinks, purples, and blues! Even the yellow and all of it! lol xxx 💖💖💖
*OMG!* Those lines/patterns are flipping amazing!!! I love it!!!💕❤💕❤❤💕❤💕🏜
Oh, yay! A new technique to try! And yours is so beautiful!
I think this is awesome. It reminds me a little bit of what I do to my puddle pours. I love it! I can’t wait to try. It would be awesome even with regular acrylics.
This is a beautiful technique!!! Thanks so much for sharing!! I am going to try this technique for my first pour! Wish me luck!
So fun, love how it turned out. Very cool 😍😍😍
Wow! I am in love with this piece also!!!
Looks like big tropical leaves and flowers,great color combo!
Love the different colours.
I seriously Love this one Soo much!! It's stunning. So interesting. The colors, the depth. IN LOVE 😍
It's flipping gorgeous!!!!
Don’t know about anyone else, but I see big tropical leaves in this one. Love it 😍
You and Molly are my two favorite I watch the most lol.
I love this!! The colors are so great!!
Very cool. My daughter and I just did our first acrylic pour with great results. We may just have to try this. :)
Girl! truly an awesome piece. Those colors worked well together.
Love it! Thanks for sharing.
Absolutely beautiful!!!!
Beautiful!! Love it!!!! Thank you
This turn out so the colours..tyfs♡
I really love your artistic view. Thank you for sharing your tricks with us. All love!!
Cool! Will have try it.. I think Molly is great too.
This looks awesome!!! 😍😍🦒
I love that technique. The colors are perfect. That made me smile😎
I love this piece. I think the thing I like best about these paints is that what you see just after pouring is what you'll get hours later. Sometimes I don't want cells so this is good for that.
Yeah this paint doesn't seem to get a lot of cells :)
Wow! I didn't expect that! A+++++
I really love the colors and composition.
Love that design! It's so floral and summery!
Nice job, turned out great ❤️
I really love how this turned out!
😎❤️this is beautiful and very cool💕 thanks Marcy🤗🥰
I am definitely a fan of this!! Colors are sweet too
Very cool color combination
This is dope AF!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Wow gorgeous result!
Oh my! I'll admit that pink isn't one of my favorite colors, but it looks so pretty in this composition!
Yeah, I don't like pink either, it just felt right :)
Remarkable and beautiful!!
LOVE! And the colors are gorgeous 😍
Soooooo beautiful! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👵🏻
I love this!! I'm going to do it!!
So beautiful 😍😍😍
I enjoyed seeing the green form as you put colors on the cup. So beautiful. I'm also enjoying the "wrecked ring pour" method. The mark you made against the pattern added to the end composition. ❤ Thank you for sharing your creative spirit!
Very cheerful ... love it
I tried this yesterday. Came out beautifully. Thanks for your continued inspiration. I’d attach a pic, but don’t know how.
Love it! 👏
Wowwwww awesome!
😍😍😍 Love it! I tried it once and it went south! But I love Molly's and I love yours! So fun!!!
Super cool!
OMG, it is gorgeous. I have these paints and need to try this now!❣️
So so pretty thanks for sharing
It’s awesome!!
Absolutely beautiful!
It has a peacock vibe to it... in my opinion.
I agree it’s really pretty. I hope one day soon Arteza will make pre mix available in UK.
Love it!
I did something similar after tilting and everything a couple years ago. My workspace was my apartment porch, and some bug skittered across the wet canvas when it was half-dry. So I grabbed a wood kabob stick, and used it to draw some radiating lines from the corners to make it all look intentional. It was kind of awesome :)
I love it 💜
ABSOLUTELY love this. I'll have to give it a try!!
Wow! I'm loving this technique! Tree ring pours have become my favorite type of pour so I'm going to try this! Also, I need ready mix paint like that. So many times I want to do a painting but dont want to spend the time to mix the paint.
So cool!!💜
OMG! That look friggin’ awesome! It also kind of looks like someone peeking or looking through a cover whatever. You ladies are awesome! I’m subscribed to both of and love watching what you ladies produce. I then go and try it out. 😁 keep up the ideas flowing and sharing them. 👍🏼 @MixedMediaGirl and @Molly’s Artistry
Wow that's gorgeous!! I need to try this technique!
This is soooooooooo beautiful, will try it with my acrylics like that
Love it ❤
I am amazed that it worked so well, as with all those colours, I expected a bit of mud colour, but it is awesome!!
Wow love it
I love arteza so I would love to try the premix but the bottles are tiny. Looks like so much fun. I gotta try this!
I've gotten quite a few paintings out of these though ;)
I really like the depth and flow this has 😍
Totally cool
Very pretty!!!! Love it!!
Really nice!
Very pretty. 💕💕💕
It looks like a watercolor. Very cool! I don't tend to do canvases, but I might have to get this a try. I've got some of the Folk Art marbling paints; I should just get a cheap canvas next time I run to town and see what happens!
Very nice! 👌🏻
Very cool!❤️👍
I love the wreck a ring pour. I used it to get a web effect for a project I was working on and it came out amazing. Love the abstract designs and colors you chose
Reminds me of palm tree leaf's in the wind! What a neat technique.
so pretty! And so easy with no mixing! The colors look rich and vibrant. Can’t wait to try out the Arteza paints! 😋
Very nice!
You have some very cool feathers there.
Love it
Awesome awesome .Looks like a Flower on acid.🤣👍👍❤💙💚💛💜 Love it.
The thing I’m seeing with these Arteza paints is they mix with each other a lot more than many other mixtures. However, they blend together beautifully!
So pretty!
Very very cool 😎‼️
Thanksgiving just went past and you're creating Easter vibe paintings... ❤❤❤❤
the big stores would be super proud 😉😉😉😉😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Absolutely gorgeous colours. I have to do this !
MMG 1st of all I think this looks AMAZING !!! I love it ... but most importantly I think it was very kind & respectful to give a shout out to Molly ...its not about who CREATED IT or who did it 1st or who even NAMED the technique...I just think it shows a lot of integrity & respect to your fellow Artists just to say a few simple words like you did or ... "Hey I saw so & so do this really cool thing the other day & thought it would be cool to give it a try !!! So thank you for that. I recently saw an artist do a technique and less that 24 hours later saw an Artist do the same exact technique and mentioned it but gave BOTH Artists very nice comments on how they added their own little style & touches to it but they were both very creative and beautiful pieces of art but now I and being dubbed as a trouble maker by the 2nd artist who obviously saw the 1st artists video ....when all I was simply doing was expressing my thoughts on how both did a great job.... again it had absolutely NOTHING to do with who CREATED or NAMED the technique.... and this artist has now insulted me ...threatened me & continues to bash me on her channel even accusing me of "ATTACKING " her . Its just so ridiculous its laughable . But anyway I just wanted to give you "kudos" on being such a kind respectful Artist to your fellow Artists . We are all just trying the same thing and thats basically create beautiful pleasing art and we should ALL show respect & support to one another no matter of you have a million followers or 20 followers or even if you choose to have a youtube channel at all . Its ART & its beautiful and makes the world a more beautiful place . So once again I say THANK YOU for being YOU !!! And for sharing your talent with us all. 😉😉😉😉😉😉
im getting this mix in a few days , i plan to use all the colors , its gonna be interesting
Wow, i love this 😍