Amen Father, I grew up in the Novus Ordo phase since my youth and Father and many other Traditionalist are correct..... A lot of my friends and family members have lost the faith and sadly they even join false churches or at all not even go to mass anymore.....I am truly thankful that me and my twin brother are the only ones that attend the TLM especially a SSPX Chapel and FSSP here in Dallas, Texas which has truly truly help us grow in love with Holy Mother Church through the Mass of the Ages. Thank you so much for this great sermon in defense against the SSPX.. Pope St. Pius X, Ora Pro Nobis Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Ora Pro Nobis
Praise be to God for the SSPX! The traditional mass is growing!! But we must pray for fortitude and perseverance, and share this in charity with fellow Catholics. Many are afraid and ignorant of their own catechism.
Yes Father agreed! Wish all would just leave the Society alone. After 34 years of criticism the Society of St Pius X still stands strong doing wonderful work for the faith. Sancte Pie Decime, Gloriosa patrone, Ora pro nobis!
Thank you, Fr. Burfitt. Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX are following the example given to us through St. Paul who, in Galatians 2:11, "withstood him (St. Peter) to the face, because he was to be blamed." The reason St. Paul did this is explained in Galatians 2:13: "And to his dissimulation the rest of the Jews consented, so that St. Barnabas also was led by them into that dissimulation." We can see by this that St. Paul's motive was to protect the teachings of Christ. St. Paul in no-wise is trying to undermine St. Peter's commission as "the Rock" that Christ would build His Church on. The "traditions" that St. Paul enjoins all faithful Christians to in 2Thessalonians 2:14 for us to "stand fast to" are the ones established by Jesus Christ, Himself. He would have done St. Peter and the whole Church a great disservice and would have caused a great schism between the Jewish and Gentile Catholics with his silence which would have been taken as consent, had he not pointed out to St. Peter the consequences of his actions which had already claimed St. Barnabas. St. Paul and Archbishop Lefebvre are both defending the Church that Jesus Christ Divinely established on His Apostles. To do less, would have been for St. Paul a grave error of omission of his duty to Christ, and could have destroyed the newborn Church in the process. Did St. Paul and therefore Archbishop Lefebvre need to make every effort to stanch the wound of schism caused by this confusion before it killed the Church that Christ had established? Your brother in Christ.
Thank you so much dear Fr for sharing the truth about the SSPX! They are maintaining the Catholic & St Thomas Aquinas Seminary in VA is thriving. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre continued on what was taught to him in the Holy sacrifice of the Mass & the traditional priesthood with ALL minors & majors to the priesthood l. You will Never see clowns etc here
Father. In all respect for you and the SSPX holy Mass. I do attend the Novis Ordo Mass . I have never witnessed such blaesphemy . The Mass is offered reverently and with great adoration. I'm am considering the SSPX but none that are very close. Being in my 80s I am very familiar with the Latin Mass. It was always very beautiful. I pray daily for our holy priests esp. at adoration. I am seriously hurting over what is coming from Rome, and spreading like wildfire. I'm fortunate to have devout priests in my parish. We have 24 hr. Adoration 7 days per week. I am convinced that is the Grace that keeps us under our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Blessed Mother's protection . Daily rosaries, with reception of Sacraments. God bless you Father, I am adding you to my lengthy list of faithful priests who speak TRUTH. J.
The new mass itself is sacrilege; communion on the hand itself is utter sacrilege! There are some which are better than the other but a pig is still a pig no matter how much makeup. Ave Maria.
I also attend the Novus Ordo Mass and the Mass is offered reverently and we receive Holy Communion on our tongue (never on hand, which is a sacrilege). Vatican II was God's Will and Popes John XXIII and Paul XVI held Vatican II Council in obedience to God's Will, which is proven by many Eucharistic Miracles occurred in the Hosts consecrated during Novus Ordo Mass. But some parishes with unfaithful priests, there are so much irreverence and sacrileges committed during Mass.
@@hyeminkwun9523 Eucharistic miracles occurring with Hosts Consecrated at the new Mass should not be taken as an endorsement of the new rite. The new Mass is very different in form, intent, and delivery from the venerable ancient rite. Nonetheless, it retains enough elements, though much lessened, to retain its validity. This is a very low bar which most Catholics, who care little for what informs the theology of the new rite, willingly accept. Eucharistic Miracles are a sign of the truth of Transubstantiation. A truth adhered to unquestionably by Traditionalists, which negates the need for proof. However, according to recent statistics, the majority of Catholics,both Clergy and laity alike, not only do not understand the doctine of Transubstantiation, but do not believe in it. With this sad state of belief and weak Catechesis, its a wonder why there are not more Eucharistic Miracles in order to convince Novus Ordites of the True Presence.
"And now, therefore, I say to you: Refrain from these men and let them alone. For if this council or this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, you cannot overthrow it, lest perhaps you be found even to fight against God." Acts 5
Quietly excellent, Father. Any chance you can teleport or bilocate on Sundays? My small provincial NZ 🇳🇿 town 100 km north of Wellington is 100 km south of an SSPX chapel and 80 north of another. The parish here is NO where English is the second language for at least half the congregation. Forget sermons of any depth or length.
Thank you Father . It’s unbelievable how rumors and lies keep coming ! Satan must be working overtime to defeat the true Mass . Thank God for the Archbishop and the SSPX .
Problem is, too many Catholics don't care what any bishop or theologian might say in favor of the SSPX because they believe that whatever a pope says is the final word.
When we consider what Tradition truly means in the context of which Archbishop Lefebvre is speaking, in his homily of July 4, 1976, he means ALL that the Blessed Trinity gave to mankind through Its Second Person, Jesus, our Christ, and faithfully passed down to us through His, Jesus', true Apostles and Disciples. Truly Sacred Tradition, is truly The Rock that we want, and need, to tie the "little boats" of our souls to to insure the "best chance" to spend eternity in Their Kingdom, that is, the Kingdom of the Blessed Trinity. This is the context in which we should all be considering what is the true definition of Catholic Tradition. Therefore, to go away from it is to go away from Jesus Christ Our Lord and to go away from our salvation.
Our True Pope is Benedict XVI who approved Latin Mass. The other is not, as foretold in the prophecy of St. Francis of Assisi and in the Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich's vision of two popes.
"they are not excommunicated as schismatics as far as I can see because the Vatican has never said they are" Pope John Paul II, Ecclesia Dei, given Motu Proprio: "In itself, this act was one of disobedience to the Roman Pontiff in a very grave matter and of supreme importance for the unity of the church, such as is the ordination of bishops whereby the apostolic succession is sacramentally perpetuated. Hence such disobedience - which implies in practice the rejection of the Roman primacy - constitutes a schismatic act." "In the present circumstances I wish especially to make an appeal both solemn and heartfelt, paternal and fraternal, to all those who until now have been linked in various ways to the movement of Archbishop Lefebvre, that they may fulfil the grave duty of remaining united to the Vicar of Christ in the unity of the Catholic Church, and of ceasing their support in any way for that movement. Everyone should be aware that formal adherence to the schism is a grave offence against God and carries the penalty of excommunication decreed by the Church's law." There are endless arguments to be had and I don't suppose I'll solve it for anyone in a UA-cam comment, but I urge everyone to pray with great humility and study without prejudice: If we get this question wrong, we're going to hell. This sermon is empty rhetoric, it's not a thorough argument. Many attacks against the SSPX are also empty rhetoric. We must move past this rhetoric and have a real argument. You can appeal to the supposed authority of experts on canon law. Be assured there are supposed experts on canon law that have the opposite opinion of the ones quoted in this sermon. The proper appeal to authority for a Catholic is an appeal to the judgement of the Sovereign Pontiff, knowing that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.
Technically, (if you aren't counting Bishop Williamson) they have 3. I pray and hope that they do consecrate new bishops sooner than later. There was a a Bishop who joined them from a diocese in Switzerland, but this was a retirement post after being a Novus Ordo bishop.
The more I read about Archbishop Lefebvre and Fr Feeney the more I realize that those holy men stuck to the truth and doctrine and had their names muddied by modernist men with evil intentions. Politics should never come before the doctrine and deposit of faith.
Agreed. One Caveat is that Our politics should be aligned with the doctrine and deposit of faith. Trying to separate the two is heresy, and rooted in an Americanist ideology. (IE separation of Church and State) As a great author writes "Liberalism is a Sin"
if the SSPX is not in schism, why does its founder repeatedly declare that the novus ordo is in apostasy, and yet acknowledges a supposed legitimacy in the novus ordo hierarchy, while rejecting that supposed legitimacy by refusing communion with the “pope” and “bishops?”
I think the question we should be asking is whether one group is Catholic or Not? I see your thinking and how it appears contrarian. I agree the definitions should be more clear, why align yourself to a group that teaches contrary to Catholic tradition? Is the Novus Ordo Catholic? Do they subscribe to all the dogmas of the Church? I would say the SSPX (or at least as Ab Lefebrve once stated) is united with eternal Rome, the Rome of 2000 years, not this "New" Rome, and for that they will never be in schism, regardless of the gaslighting by the media. One could argue that this new rome are the ones in Schism
@@faithandmovement Furthermore, true Catholics would note that most people who even hold the sedevacantist position are heretics because they also hold to that erroneous belief denying EENS that Lefebvre did. Vatican Catholic UA-cam page also has a playlist on false traditionalists that will be very informative for you.
@@faithandmovement This new church is what Blessed Catherine Emmerich was referring to in her visions. A church that was not the real Catholic Church. Bishop Fulton J Sheen, also spoke of the "ape of the church." A church thay would have the outward hallmarks and trappings, but lack the proper contents and meaning. Before returning to the Church through attending the TLM, I formerly attended the NO for years, and found so much of it very Protestant and casually irreverent and not solemn. The churches became progressively, "woke." In a time when formality no longer exists. When folks attend Mass attired in athletic leisurewear and casual attire. When the distinction between the sacred and profane, the sanctuary and the nave, men and women, good and evil, are deliberately blurred and done away with. The role of the SSPX takes on a heightened meaning and of the utmost importance. May God bless their holy endeavours.
The church is going through the same passion that Christ went through. Jesus was Jewish and the Jewish clergy called him blasphemous and schismatic. Now, the true Church is being called schismatic for not participating in the heretical and sacrilegious practices of the so called new Mass.
@@faithandmovement malichi Martin and most of all bishop Schneider say it is not ,in fact he mentions the archbishop Lefebvre and the society in his book Christos vincet
Come home to Rome, dangerous position! It's not about Schism--you need to abandon your pride, come home, your Holy Mother, Christ's Church is calling you all home, listen.
And Jesus said, if the ritual is invalid, or the priest is not a traditional catholic, I can't save your soul. Without a valid catholic priest I have no power, I am helpless. The lie of the catholic apostasy is coming apart, it has taken 500 years but it seems God has decided it is time.
I hear the sspx is not in good standing with the Catholic church. So I wouldn't recommend going there all the time. Go to an fssp instead or the byzantine, but don't go to the sspx too long.
What is a Catholic? As Leo XIII in Satis Cognitum states," Anyone who, even of only one point, refused to really assent to the truths divinely revealed renounces entirely the faith, because he refuses to submit himself to God as the Sovereign Truth, the very motif of the faith." Could you argue that Novus ordo is Catholic?
I love Fr. Burfitt!
May God bless you always Fr. Burfitt
This entire channel is pure Gold!
I am here because I searched for Fr. Dennis Fahey.
God Bless you for this channel and keep up the good work. 👍
God give aid and blessings to Father Burfitt!
Amen Father,
I grew up in the Novus Ordo phase since my youth and Father and many other Traditionalist are correct..... A lot of my friends and family members have lost the faith and sadly they even join false churches or at all not even go to mass anymore.....I am truly thankful that me and my twin brother are the only ones that attend the TLM especially a SSPX Chapel and FSSP here in Dallas, Texas which has truly truly help us grow in love with Holy Mother Church through the Mass of the Ages.
Thank you so much for this great sermon in defense against the SSPX..
Pope St. Pius X,
Ora Pro Nobis
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre,
Ora Pro Nobis
Thank you Father Burfitt ♥️♥️♥️ what would we do without you 🙏🙏🙏
God Bless the SSPX!! Thank you Father!! We drive 2-1/2 hours one way here in Texas to attend the TLM at a Holy SSPX Chapel!!
Wow! That is so admirable. May you reap rewards in Heaven!
JMJ+ Prayers for your continued health, Fr. Burfitt. GOD bless and Mary keep you always in their loving care........amen
God bless the SSPX. The Archbishop did not care what was said about him. He knew he was right. Time is proven him right. Great sermon Rev.Father.
Praise be to God for the SSPX! The traditional mass is growing!! But we must pray for fortitude and perseverance, and share this in charity with fellow Catholics. Many are afraid and ignorant of their own catechism.
God bless you father🙏
Speaking truths 🙏
Yes Father agreed! Wish all would just leave the Society alone. After 34 years of criticism the Society of St Pius X still stands strong doing wonderful work for the faith. Sancte Pie Decime, Gloriosa patrone, Ora pro nobis!
Brilliant, Father! Spot on!
Thank you, Fr. Burfitt.
Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX are following the example given to us through St. Paul who, in Galatians 2:11, "withstood him (St. Peter) to the face, because he was to be blamed."
The reason St. Paul did this is explained in Galatians 2:13: "And to his dissimulation the rest of the Jews consented, so that St. Barnabas also was led by them into that dissimulation."
We can see by this that St. Paul's motive was to protect the teachings of Christ. St. Paul in no-wise is trying to undermine St. Peter's commission as "the Rock" that Christ would build His Church on. The "traditions" that St. Paul enjoins all faithful Christians to in 2Thessalonians 2:14 for us to "stand fast to" are the ones established by Jesus Christ, Himself. He would have done St. Peter and the whole Church a great disservice and would have caused a great schism between the Jewish and Gentile Catholics with his silence which would have been taken as consent, had he not pointed out to St. Peter the consequences of his actions which had already claimed St. Barnabas. St. Paul and Archbishop Lefebvre are both defending the Church that Jesus Christ Divinely established on His Apostles.
To do less, would have been for St. Paul a grave error of omission of his duty to Christ, and could have destroyed the newborn Church in the process.
Did St. Paul and therefore Archbishop Lefebvre need to make every effort to stanch the wound of schism caused by this confusion before it killed the Church that Christ had established?
Your brother in Christ.
God bless you for publishing this excellent content, brother. Thank you!
After very dark rabbit hole 🕳 of Dm chaplet I’m joining SSPX soon #ThankYou
Thank you so much dear Fr for sharing the truth about the SSPX! They are maintaining the Catholic & St Thomas Aquinas Seminary in VA is thriving. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre continued on what was taught to him in the Holy sacrifice of the Mass & the traditional priesthood with ALL minors & majors to the priesthood l. You will
Never see clowns etc here
A true holy Shepherd! 🙏🏼🕊
Praying for an SSPX Mass near me❤ someday
Father. In all respect for you and the SSPX holy Mass. I do attend the Novis Ordo Mass . I have never witnessed such blaesphemy . The Mass is offered reverently and with great adoration. I'm am considering the SSPX but none that are very close. Being in my 80s I am very familiar with the Latin Mass. It was always very beautiful. I pray daily for our holy priests esp. at adoration. I am seriously hurting over what is coming from Rome, and spreading like wildfire. I'm fortunate to have devout priests in my parish.
We have 24 hr. Adoration 7 days per week. I am convinced that is the Grace that keeps us under our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Blessed Mother's protection . Daily rosaries, with reception of Sacraments.
God bless you Father, I am adding you to my lengthy list of faithful priests who speak TRUTH. J.
The new mass itself is sacrilege; communion on the hand itself is utter sacrilege! There are some which are better than the other but a pig is still a pig no matter how much makeup. Ave Maria.
I also attend the Novus Ordo Mass and the Mass is offered reverently and we receive Holy Communion on our tongue (never on hand, which is a sacrilege). Vatican II was God's Will and Popes John XXIII and Paul XVI held Vatican II Council in obedience to God's Will, which is proven by many Eucharistic Miracles occurred in the Hosts consecrated during Novus Ordo Mass. But some parishes with unfaithful priests, there are so much irreverence and sacrileges committed during Mass.
@@hyeminkwun9523 does your priest at the New Order offer communion on the hand as well?
@@StAnthonyPaduaRadTrad No. We have a communion rail and we all kneel and receive Holy Communion.
@@hyeminkwun9523 Eucharistic miracles occurring with Hosts Consecrated at the new Mass should not be taken as an endorsement of the new rite. The new Mass is very different in form, intent, and delivery from the venerable ancient rite. Nonetheless, it retains enough elements, though much lessened, to retain its validity. This is a very low bar which most Catholics, who care little for what informs the theology of the new rite, willingly accept. Eucharistic Miracles are a sign of the truth of Transubstantiation. A truth adhered to unquestionably by Traditionalists, which negates the need for proof. However, according to recent statistics, the majority of Catholics,both Clergy and laity alike, not only do not understand the doctine of Transubstantiation, but do not believe in it. With this sad state of belief and weak Catechesis, its a wonder why there are not more Eucharistic Miracles in order to convince Novus Ordites of the True Presence.
lets go!
God have mercy on us
Good sermon father. You remind me of St Athenatious.
"And now, therefore, I say to you: Refrain from these men and let them alone. For if this council or this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, you cannot overthrow it, lest perhaps you be found even to fight against God." Acts 5
Quietly excellent, Father. Any chance you can teleport or bilocate on Sundays? My small provincial NZ 🇳🇿 town 100 km north of Wellington is 100 km south of an SSPX chapel and 80 north of another. The parish here is NO where English is the second language for at least half the congregation. Forget sermons of any depth or length.
Rome is afraid of our traditional beliefs. God bless the SSPX and Archbishop Lefebvre.
Not “traditional” beliefs, but our Catholic beliefs.
So sad for the person's soul. 😞
Agreed. It's a shame that is what is considered 'in' the church. It's completely devoid of real Catholicism
Thank you Father . It’s unbelievable how rumors and lies keep coming !
Satan must be working overtime to defeat the true Mass . Thank God for the Archbishop and the SSPX .
Just wait until the Synod of Synodality is complete. Anyone holding onto tradition will be considered schismatic. It's coming.
And may have saved the TLM single-handedly. God bless him and the SSPX!!
Problem is, too many Catholics don't care what any bishop or theologian might say in favor of the SSPX because they believe that whatever a pope says is the final word.
SSPX. 🙏💪👍🙏
It’s not often you get a priest that knows what they are talking about.
You do in the sspx
Archbishop Lefebvre pray for us!
When we consider what Tradition truly means in the context of which Archbishop Lefebvre is speaking, in his homily of July 4, 1976, he means ALL that the Blessed Trinity gave to mankind through Its Second Person, Jesus, our Christ, and faithfully passed down to us through His, Jesus', true Apostles and Disciples. Truly Sacred Tradition, is truly The Rock that we want, and need, to tie the "little boats" of our souls to to insure the "best chance" to spend eternity in Their Kingdom, that is, the Kingdom of the Blessed Trinity.
This is the context in which we should all be considering what is the true definition of Catholic Tradition. Therefore, to go away from it is to go away from Jesus Christ Our Lord and to go away from our salvation.
Our True Pope is Benedict XVI who approved Latin Mass. The other is not, as foretold in the prophecy of St. Francis of Assisi and in the Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich's vision of two popes.
"they are not excommunicated as schismatics as far as I can see because the Vatican has never said they are"
Pope John Paul II, Ecclesia Dei, given Motu Proprio:
"In itself, this act was one of disobedience to the Roman Pontiff in a very grave matter and of supreme importance for the unity of the church, such as is the ordination of bishops whereby the apostolic succession is sacramentally perpetuated. Hence such disobedience - which implies in practice the rejection of the Roman primacy - constitutes a schismatic act."
"In the present circumstances I wish especially to make an appeal both solemn and heartfelt, paternal and fraternal, to all those who until now have been linked in various ways to the movement of Archbishop Lefebvre, that they may fulfil the grave duty of remaining united to the Vicar of Christ in the unity of the Catholic Church, and of ceasing their support in any way for that movement. Everyone should be aware that formal adherence to the schism is a grave offence against God and carries the penalty of excommunication decreed by the Church's law."
There are endless arguments to be had and I don't suppose I'll solve it for anyone in a UA-cam comment, but I urge everyone to pray with great humility and study without prejudice: If we get this question wrong, we're going to hell.
This sermon is empty rhetoric, it's not a thorough argument. Many attacks against the SSPX are also empty rhetoric. We must move past this rhetoric and have a real argument. You can appeal to the supposed authority of experts on canon law. Be assured there are supposed experts on canon law that have the opposite opinion of the ones quoted in this sermon. The proper appeal to authority for a Catholic is an appeal to the judgement of the Sovereign Pontiff, knowing that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.
How many Bishops does the SSPX have today? Can they make more Bishops? I hope so.
Technically, (if you aren't counting Bishop Williamson) they have 3. I pray and hope that they do consecrate new bishops sooner than later.
There was a a Bishop who joined them from a diocese in Switzerland, but this was a retirement post after being a Novus Ordo bishop.
It’s discussed in my parish very often.
The more I read about Archbishop Lefebvre and Fr Feeney the more I realize that those holy men stuck to the truth and doctrine and had their names muddied by modernist men with evil intentions. Politics should never come before the doctrine and deposit of faith.
Agreed. One Caveat is that Our politics should be aligned with the doctrine and deposit of faith. Trying to separate the two is heresy, and rooted in an Americanist ideology. (IE separation of Church and State)
As a great author writes "Liberalism is a Sin"
if the SSPX is not in schism, why does its founder repeatedly declare that the novus ordo is in apostasy, and yet acknowledges a supposed legitimacy in the novus ordo hierarchy, while rejecting that supposed legitimacy by refusing communion with the “pope” and “bishops?”
I think the question we should be asking is whether one group is Catholic or Not?
I see your thinking and how it appears contrarian. I agree the definitions should be more clear, why align yourself to a group that teaches contrary to Catholic tradition? Is the Novus Ordo Catholic? Do they subscribe to all the dogmas of the Church?
I would say the SSPX (or at least as Ab Lefebrve once stated) is united with eternal Rome, the Rome of 2000 years, not this "New" Rome, and for that they will never be in schism, regardless of the gaslighting by the media.
One could argue that this new rome are the ones in Schism
@@faithandmovement Furthermore, true Catholics would note that most people who even hold the sedevacantist position are heretics because they also hold to that erroneous belief denying EENS that Lefebvre did. Vatican Catholic UA-cam page also has a playlist on false traditionalists that will be very informative for you.
Schismatics and Heretics together so.
@@faithandmovement This new church is what Blessed Catherine Emmerich was referring to in her visions. A church that was not the real Catholic Church. Bishop Fulton J Sheen, also spoke of the "ape of the church." A church thay would have the outward hallmarks and trappings, but lack the proper contents and meaning. Before returning to the Church through attending the TLM, I formerly attended the NO for years, and found so much of it very Protestant and casually irreverent and not solemn. The churches became progressively, "woke." In a time when formality no longer exists. When folks attend Mass attired in athletic leisurewear and casual attire. When the distinction between the sacred and profane, the sanctuary and the nave, men and women, good and evil, are deliberately blurred and done away with. The role of the SSPX takes on a heightened meaning and of the utmost importance. May God bless their holy endeavours.
The church is going through the same passion that Christ went through. Jesus was Jewish and the Jewish clergy called him blasphemous and schismatic. Now, the true Church is being called schismatic for not participating in the heretical and sacrilegious practices of the so called new Mass.
People know the society is not in schism cardinal Burke and cardinal vigano etc have explained the position of the society,
Unfortunately Cdl Burke still holds to his belief that the SSPX is still in schism.
@@faithandmovement malichi Martin and most of all bishop Schneider say it is not ,in fact he mentions the archbishop Lefebvre and the society in his book Christos vincet
Vigano is a heretic and schismatic.
Come home to Rome, dangerous position! It's not about Schism--you need to abandon your pride, come home, your Holy Mother, Christ's Church is calling you all home, listen.
They are home. It's the pope and leadership that need to come home from planet Communist Agenda.
Recognize and resist is by definition a schismatic position, regardless of what anyone says.
By definition, schism is the opposite of recognize.
Fortunately, St. Paul disagrees.
Go read st Robert Bellarmine
You cant be in schism from apostates. However, you cant be in the state of grace and accept a false pope. So theres that.
And Jesus said, if the ritual is invalid, or the priest is not a traditional catholic, I can't save your soul. Without a valid catholic priest I have no power, I am helpless.
The lie of the catholic apostasy is coming apart, it has taken 500 years but it seems God has decided it is time.
Where in scripture did Jesus say that? Please quote verse. Where in sacred tradition does it say that?
I hear the sspx is not in good standing with the Catholic church. So I wouldn't recommend going there all the time. Go to an fssp instead or the byzantine, but don't go to the sspx too long.
What is a Catholic?
As Leo XIII in Satis Cognitum states," Anyone who, even of only one point, refused to really assent to the truths divinely revealed renounces entirely the faith, because he refuses to submit himself to God as the Sovereign Truth, the very motif of the faith."
Could you argue that Novus ordo is Catholic?
Rather, one should ask: Is today's Catholic Church/Mass in good standing with our Lord Jesus Christ?