The reason huntsman is so hard to hit is because it works as intended - and not like TF2 where it magically teleports into the enemy when it flies a meter away from them
how is it sad? TF2 has had numerous content updates in an engine from 2004 that can't use more than two CPU cores and that barely touches your GPU. meanwhile TC2 was made on an engine that's constantly updated and improved. it's not like TC2 is a well optimized game. I can't get more than 70 FPS at max settings and I have a GTX 1660 super and ryzen 5 2600. vanilla TF2 looks way better and runs a bit better as well.
probably the difference of how TF2 is optimised due to Valve using old optimisation techniques that focus on the CPU more than the GPU, you probably should get a better CPU.
14:34 The hitboxes in TC2 are a bit wacky compared to TF2. TF2 hitboxes are way easier to hit due to how the hitbox of a player is while in TC2, you need to be completely on-point with the head to hit a headshot and so on.
I remember it was used to be bounding box but since people farming it (especially 1 headshot is 3 score or 1 fund) so they nerf it to the point they can't headshot until that update where they fix it now and use the same as hitscan
@@slimeyar yeah, huntsman allowed for you to make some stupid plays lol, it reminds me of when the equalizer got buffed too much, to the point where running rocket jumper, conch and equalizer was incredibly memey and powerful.
I’m pretty sure it’s because Roblox hit boxes in general are based off of the actual model, like accurate hit boxes, so it’s harder to hit arrows without hitting them exactly
I used to play this game seriously but after dumping so many hours in TF2 mostly in VSH and deathrun maps I can't help but just crack up every time I play this. it's not a poorly made creation at all but my god the voice acting is horrendous and the 8 year olds on that game will call hackusations even if you hit an unimpressive shot.
it's not really a game that needs to be taken seriously that much and the voice acting isnt that bad nowadays yeah most people don't like em but it's still better than the earpiercing screams they had back in 2017
@@OutlawedPoet they did add back the mute button so there's that and 8 year olds can't use discord so you can kick the kid without getting banned for kick abuse
Fun fact about TC2: It was really different when it was first released in 2015, still was fun also the rocket jumping as far as I know changed 2 times, 1 was hard, 2nd was really easy, now its tf2's rocket jumping but slightly more weighted
if only the moderator didn't ban me for being laggy, something I can't control over, ignoring any senses of goodness in this world and promptly said "lag doesn't work that way" then soawn kill me with aimbot mod weapons and ban me
@@ebony6332 heres the problem: I'm still laggy af, I can't play jack sh*t and I don't wanna stuck playing with stock only, im bored of stock and if I want to farm funds I can't because of the lag preventing me from playing the game normally
You should do a video where you try weapons exclusive to tc2, like the efficient eliminator, and some weapons with very changed stats like the soda popper or the classic.
I know that's weird, but the reload animation for the Scout's shotgun is actually somewhat accurate, since the Winchester shotgun it is based on actually reloads this way
At about 1:22, an invisible spy walked past him because the dot shows up on cloaked players. Can't recall it being like that in tf2 though, could be wrong.
Ah yes, TC2. A game where everyone isn't an oblivious gibus, a game where there is no bot and filled with tryhard. The only time where you can find friendly is in one of those server with like 3 people in it
the huntsman was hard nerfed in this game. You get a 5 second window of decent aim in tf2 but a 2 second window here Thats probably why it feels like its hard to hit your shots
Like the hit box was like 2x the player model on each side and hit head hit box was about around the normal player hit box they nerfed the hitboxes too much and nerfed the the entire weapon into uselessness the new update made the huntsman a good weapon but not op
Something about hearing Roblox TF2 characters having screams of the damned is just so funny, along with bodies being flung at mach speed. Please do more Roblox TF2, its so good with your stupid commentary. Here's a compilation of the funny moments in the vid: Scout Falling into Hell: 0:38 Engi's Cry in Pain: 3:00 Spy Hentai Scream: 3:16 Poor Man Dead: 3:28 Scout Constipation: 3:46 Engi's Cry of Pain Part 2: 5:10 Engi's Cry of Pain Part 3: 6:01 Scout being dragged into Hell: 6:25 Soldier's Vanishing Trick: 7:21 Scout Political Science: 9:28 Team Engi Blasting Off: 9:52 (Best one) Demo's Cry of Agony: 10:58 Engi's Agony Cry Part 4: 11:09 Absolute Slaughter: 11:24 Spy Hentai Scream Part 2: 11:38 Engi Agony Cry Part 5: 12:40 Scout Light Speed Travels: 15:01 Fatmagic Boom: 15:23 Defeated: 15:28 Pyro Speaks of Wisdom: 16:30 Engi's Cry of Pain Part 6: 18:22 Scout Confetti: 19:12 Scout Launch Bounce: 19:55 Sudden Pyro: 20:16
@@ziqrsx It's a sniper weapon in this game. It's like a double barrel shotgun except it's a rifle. It only does 120 to the head at any distance but it has two shots and no charge.
The Huntsman in this game is hard to hit because it uses bullet weapon hitboxes, unlike the TF2 one which checks for hits using the melee hitbox and then magnets to the nearest bullet hitbox.
@@Investor_Of_Luros some games in Roblox gets billion views (adopt me) so I think there's a lot of professionals working on Roblox but yes I don't think tc2 has professional voice actors
3:16 here, the spy backstabbed you, but because it was too much to the side, it only gave him a minicrit. despite tc2 generally being more active with updates, that’s one thing i hate about it, even when i’m not playing spy. i get like survivors guilt for knowing i should’ve died, but was saved with a bullshit minicrit stab.
7:06 being a diehard fan of Rolve no that is not uncle dane. That is the creator of typical colors 2 and arsenal (another rolve game) mighty baseplate. Also here are the names of the classes so u don't get confused with calling em tf2 names Flanker-Scout Trooper-Soldier Arsonist-Pyro Annihilater-Demoman Mechanic-Engineer Docter-Medic Agent-Spy Marksman-Sniper And there's no bots in this game yet. There are exploits but alot of people usually use them to goof around
Critics are raving about Typical Colors 2! A transcendent masterpiece- PC Gamer The best 1st person online shooter since the original Team Fortress -Gamespot Definitely worth the wait- Eurogamer 8/8 m8 -IGN
If you didn’t know, a TON of the stats in that game are very different to like beggars bazzoka panic attack is on the game. It’s called crankienstine or something like that. I’m a child idk how to spell
Hey fat, heres some tips: There are no random crits in tc2 The "friendly" you saw was a friendly spy that was disguised If you wanna buy items, click "M" and you will see your loadout and shop, you can pay using the currency "Robux" by buying on the roblox site. And lastly, people who are lvl50 can votekick, but only people over lvl40 can participate on the votekick.
The Mechanic isn’t voiced by Uncle Dane. It’s voiced by one of the main developers, Mighty Base Plate. People get on to his voice about how uninterested it sounds, but it’s like getting robin walker to voice engineer
On roblox tf2 there are 7 boys, 1 robot, 1 girl. Roblox Scott is American, same with roblox soilder, roblox Pyro is a robot, roblox demo is Irish, roblox heavy I think American, roblox engi is Texan, roblox medic is British, roblox sniper is a Mississippi guy, roblox spy is Mexican.
I'm kinda jealous not because you are very skilled at sniping, but because a medic is constantly healing you just because they recognize you, medics don't usually heal snipers unless they are on low HP. Good vid though :)
Fatmagic has dominated KOTH Harvest in TF2
Now he is dominating KOTH Harvest in Roblox
wdym roblox, thats tf2 premium
@@olemartintvedt4426 tf2 deluxe
69 likes nice
he is dangerous
Magical chant to summon fatmagic.
I played tf2 roblox twice. First time the server was lagging and the second time the enemy team had 3 cheaters and we still won.
Just like the real thing
the youtube man
As a person who plays this game a lot the servers do tend to lag a bit but cheaters are very rare.
hi bomer
The reason huntsman is so hard to hit is because it works as intended - and not like TF2 where it magically teleports into the enemy when it flies a meter away from them
@@dumbleking5172 Indeed
huntsman in roblox tf2 uses boolet hitbox not boom rocket box
@@shiawase8694 tc2 use hitscan hitbox not projectile hitbox.
@@shiawase8694 or conclusion hitbox
I love how tf2 roblox gets more updates than the actual tf2
I love how every time i go to a video about a tf2 copy theres this comment
Do you really love it?
Well, it doesn't take much to make more than 0 updates
I like how everyone says tf2 roblox. Instead of the actual name TC2 (Typical Colors 2).
@@sownytu3590 tf2 roblox
the "Friendly" tag that appears over a teammates head refers to them being disguised as someone on the enemy team
@LucioButPog I have no proof of you wanting to say that
The sad thing is this runs smoother than what I'm currently getting w casual with lagbots every game, can't dirty shirt gaming at all
Well to be fair TF2 has probably like 100 times the polygon count and actual textures. But I mean that's Source for ya
@@randomblock1_ and tf2 roblox was made recently
how is it sad? TF2 has had numerous content updates in an engine from 2004 that can't use more than two CPU cores and that barely touches your GPU. meanwhile TC2 was made on an engine that's constantly updated and improved. it's not like TC2 is a well optimized game. I can't get more than 70 FPS at max settings and I have a GTX 1660 super and ryzen 5 2600. vanilla TF2 looks way better and runs a bit better as well.
@@jenniferb.9241 No actually,tf2 roblox is one of the old games which the studio of the game made a few years back
probably the difference of how TF2 is optimised due to Valve using old optimisation techniques that focus on the CPU more than the GPU, you probably should get a better CPU.
The spy has the special ability in this version to give you the 'cooties' debuff, very dangerous
Cooties? Wdym? I have been in a little bit of retirement rn pls explain
dear god...
What happens if you get it?!!?!
love how it took so long for fatmagic to realize that spy is a girl in this game
14:34 The hitboxes in TC2 are a bit wacky compared to TF2. TF2 hitboxes are way easier to hit due to how the hitbox of a player is while in TC2, you need to be completely on-point with the head to hit a headshot and so on.
I remember it was used to be bounding box but since people farming it (especially 1 headshot is 3 score or 1 fund) so they nerf it to the point they can't headshot until that update where they fix it now and use the same as hitscan
@@slimeyar yeah, huntsman allowed for you to make some stupid plays lol, it reminds me of when the equalizer got buffed too much, to the point where running rocket jumper, conch and equalizer was incredibly memey and powerful.
idk these characters are all huge and slow. even if the hitbox is super tight, these look easier to hit than actual tf2
I’m pretty sure it’s because Roblox hit boxes in general are based off of the actual model, like accurate hit boxes, so it’s harder to hit arrows without hitting them exactly
you should be a voice actor in tfc because you can make a bootleg heavy voice with your deep voice it would be cool as hell
or like a boss voice actor
What is heavy? Is it some cheap fatmagic version?
Maybe could be the next voice for the Annihilator would be cool for a mimic of an Irish
Glad fatmagic finally found the fps unlocker.
How do ya find the fps unlocker?
@@chexgex2834 by finding it.
@@nobodyaskedbut... but how do you find it?
@@bat6684 by finding it
@@revertfellpapyrusfandeunde4380 but how do you find it?
Waiting for the day when Fatmagic uses the sounds from Roblox TF2 as his hit/kill sounds in Normal TF2.
Fatmagic playing TC2 gives me so much joy as an old player
same but my pc is bad for it so nosame also
used to play TC2 when i didnt have TF2
I used to play this game seriously but after dumping so many hours in TF2 mostly in VSH and deathrun maps I can't help but just crack up every time I play this. it's not a poorly made creation at all but my god the voice acting is horrendous and the 8 year olds on that game will call hackusations even if you hit an unimpressive shot.
it's not really a game that needs to be taken seriously that much and the voice acting isnt that bad nowadays
yeah most people don't like em but it's still better than the earpiercing screams they had back in 2017
@@OutlawedPoet they did add back the mute button so there's that
and 8 year olds can't use discord so you can kick the kid without getting banned for kick abuse
11:53 that medico part got me wheezing.
looking at the preview and seeing roblox harvest, you know its gonna be a good video.
Tc2 has better killsound than tf2
The orgasm tells how good the game is
Just listen to agent(spy) death sounds...
You can make your own Killsound though...
@@hmmm2359 sus
Still waiting for someone to make the TC2 version of "All Team Fortress 2 Classes Screaming" video.
Fun fact about TC2: It was really different when it was first released in 2015, still was fun also the rocket jumping as far as I know changed 2 times, 1 was hard, 2nd was really easy, now its tf2's rocket jumping but slightly more weighted
only if rich people could understand the situation, if only they didn't just assume someone was a bad guy, if only
if only the moderator didn't ban me for being laggy, something I can't control over, ignoring any senses of goodness in this world and promptly said "lag doesn't work that way" then soawn kill me with aimbot mod weapons and ban me
@@shiawase8694 just make an alt lol
@@shiawase8694 yo just make an alt lol
@@ebony6332 heres the problem: I'm still laggy af, I can't play jack sh*t and I don't wanna stuck playing with stock only, im bored of stock and if I want to farm funds I can't because of the lag preventing me from playing the game normally
You should do a video where you try weapons exclusive to tc2, like the efficient eliminator, and some weapons with very changed stats like the soda popper or the classic.
I don't think he knows how to get new weapons yet
He does, he bought the huntsman and the widowmaker
@@FalconDidAPunch I did not watch the entire thing before typing this comment lol
@@FalconDidAPunch and tomislav
I know that's weird, but the reload animation for the Scout's shotgun is actually somewhat accurate, since the Winchester shotgun it is based on actually reloads this way
Fatmagic: *WHEEZE*
At about 1:22, an invisible spy walked past him because the dot shows up on cloaked players. Can't recall it being like that in tf2 though, could be wrong.
lol, yes you are
That's actually a real spy checking method, though it's pretty unreliable.
9:52 The primate laughs are the best lmao
Thanks for playing! And yes, that was(nt) uncle dane who voiced the flanker. :)
Ah yes, TC2. A game where everyone isn't an oblivious gibus, a game where there is no bot and filled with tryhard. The only time where you can find friendly is in one of those server with like 3 people in it
I can explain why of everything you just say
A game that gets new updates that add features and weapon balancing changes.
not at all lol, everyone is an oblivious gibus except for 1 person each lobby
bro it's roblox tf2, everyone is a gibus
Friendly bad
9:52 The most hilarious kill.
Man gets sent to the Shadow Realm Colourised
@@yimyom AHHH!
crit melee kills in this game are so funny
9:52 Engi just yeeted like a cartoon character xd
oh god make it a series
The wider character models might make for a aim-training sniper practice.😂
The friendly indicator means that's a spy on your team! Nothing to worry about either
But can the spy also disguise as a friendly spy?
@@mrprick4693 In that case, there will be no friendly indicator above their heads :]
9:52 I laughed SO FUCKING HARD when this happened! X'D
Mechanic: *YEET*
AH- *Flies to russia*
the huntsman was hard nerfed in this game. You get a 5 second window of decent aim in tf2 but a 2 second window here
Thats probably why it feels like its hard to hit your shots
It was nerfed because the arrow had a massive hitbox
Like the hit box was like 2x the player model on each side and hit head hit box was about around the normal player hit box they nerfed the hitboxes too much and nerfed the the entire weapon into uselessness the new update made the huntsman a good weapon but not op
@@kevynpacthatguythatdraws yes
fun fact, the original was (and probably still is) a direct upgrade from stock because of the bigger hitbox.
Pyro is straight up voiced by TTS. I love it.
And it makes it even better that arsonist (roblox pyro) is actually an animatronic
@@bumblebeealso roblox tf2 and fnaf shared universe??? 😳🤔🤔
@@bumblebeealso did you mean robot? Animatronics usually share traits with an animal
And arsonist speaks professionally.
Local Canadian laughs at people screaming and dying
Something about hearing Roblox TF2 characters having screams of the damned is just so funny, along with bodies being flung at mach speed. Please do more Roblox TF2, its so good with your stupid commentary. Here's a compilation of the funny moments in the vid:
Scout Falling into Hell: 0:38
Engi's Cry in Pain: 3:00
Spy Hentai Scream: 3:16
Poor Man Dead: 3:28
Scout Constipation: 3:46
Engi's Cry of Pain Part 2: 5:10
Engi's Cry of Pain Part 3: 6:01
Scout being dragged into Hell: 6:25
Soldier's Vanishing Trick: 7:21
Scout Political Science: 9:28
Team Engi Blasting Off: 9:52 (Best one)
Demo's Cry of Agony: 10:58
Engi's Agony Cry Part 4: 11:09
Absolute Slaughter: 11:24
Spy Hentai Scream Part 2: 11:38
Engi Agony Cry Part 5: 12:40
Scout Light Speed Travels: 15:01
Fatmagic Boom: 15:23
Defeated: 15:28
Pyro Speaks of Wisdom: 16:30
Engi's Cry of Pain Part 6: 18:22
Scout Confetti: 19:12
Scout Launch Bounce: 19:55
Sudden Pyro: 20:16
Honestly, this is the best thumbnail I have ever seen.
Mr. Fatmagic, I have a challenge for you: Try to get a godlike killstreak with the Poacher's Pride in this game.
good god no
i love and hate that gun simultaneously
whats a poachers pride
@@ziqrsx It's a sniper weapon in this game. It's like a double barrel shotgun except it's a rifle. It only does 120 to the head at any distance but it has two shots and no charge.
@@ziqrsx like ProbablyNowhere said, shotgun with two slugs. i
@@nowhere2471 thats a very interesting weapon actually, pretty cool
The "friendly" text on top of a player means he is a disguised agent from your team.
Fatmagic should be a voice actor for this game... he would fit right in
For which class
He'd sound good as doc or flanker honestly
@@mystval doctor large
@@gues.t no
@@mystval y e s
16:35 "I appreciate this machine."
I just cant get bored of him laughing
Thank you Fatmagic, Ive been waiting for this 😻
Fun Fact
the caber(also known as the Shock and Awe) is able to mini crit while blast jumping
also demoman has the gunboats now
this video disproves accusations
Fatmagic at a date with his girlfriend "I'll have you know I've killed many dispensers in the hit game tf2"
I’m really glad dispenser pick is here to stay it makes me happy
The Huntsman in this game is hard to hit because it uses bullet weapon hitboxes, unlike the TF2 one which checks for hits using the melee hitbox and then magnets to the nearest bullet hitbox.
Fatmagic asserting he's dominance in the lego game.
As he should
Agent (spy) in this game is from Italy which is why sometimes you'll hear her speak italian
This game is incredibly good for a roblox game it’s a shame it only has 500 to 800 people at a time.
Marksman's "Heh Yeah" Gets me everytime.
Fun Fact: There's a less complex version of this game called Tetragon Fortress. It's also on roblox.
I also got a crit-a-cola from a crate.
11:56 casual racism Fatmagic gaming.
If this is serious fatmagic has italian blood
Fatmagic back at It again, making it look like he's playing a single player
i like how the sniper actually loads a bullet in the gun, and doesnt just twist it
Damn this guy really going deep into the Configs just to get another frame.
1:23 wait a sec... I'm the medic!
It'd be great if Rolve lets fatmagic voice act as the marksman. I think it will fir well.
oh god
they cant replace a professional voice actor with a youtuber that easy you know
@@noki104 imagine calling anything about roblox "professional"
i reffered to the voice actor not the game overall
thats a difference, a massive one
@@Investor_Of_Luros some games in Roblox gets billion views (adopt me) so I think there's a lot of professionals working on Roblox
but yes I don't think tc2 has professional voice actors
its hard to believe how enticing of an alternative roblox tf2 seemed then compared to now.
I am happy the lore gets updated
Man, I remember when Roblox TF2 you couldn't even disguise as spy
I actually learned to snipe better in both TF2 and TC2 because of watching ya. I just wanted to thank you for that.
looks like he came back for a round two, just to destroy everything in his path
3:16 here, the spy backstabbed you, but because it was too much to the side, it only gave him a minicrit. despite tc2 generally being more active with updates, that’s one thing i hate about it, even when i’m not playing spy. i get like survivors guilt for knowing i should’ve died, but was saved with a bullshit minicrit stab.
7:06 being a diehard fan of Rolve no that is not uncle dane. That is the creator of typical colors 2 and arsenal (another rolve game) mighty baseplate. Also here are the names of the classes so u don't get confused with calling em tf2 names
And there's no bots in this game yet. There are exploits but alot of people usually use them to goof around
It’s great how I still play this on a near weekly basis
also when a enemy says " friendly " is just a spy from your team disguised
Bullying children not only in tf2 but also in roblox as a sniper, it can make a grown man cry
"Poppin' Off In Roblox!" sounds like a t-shirt idea to me! :D
6:20 Man literally too angry to die
fatmagic be like: kills 2 medics who have full uber, a soldier, and an aimbotting sniper "meh" kills dispenser "ooh dispenser pick"
guys did you know there were 34 voice actors for agent for more info look up typical colors 2 agent rule 34
We do a little trolling around here.
Wow, TF2 Source 2 looks amazing
**source 3**
9:52 I like your cut g😂😂😂
Fatmagic if you never place down a dispenser they can never get the dispenser pick therefore guaranteed the win
Critics are raving about Typical Colors 2!
A transcendent masterpiece- PC Gamer
The best 1st person online shooter since the original Team Fortress -Gamespot
Definitely worth the wait- Eurogamer
8/8 m8 -IGN
“It has a little something for everyone”
"The most fun you can have on roblox"
woah is that the famous roblox youtuber fatmagic_real
If you didn’t know, a TON of the stats in that game are very different to like beggars bazzoka panic attack is on the game. It’s called crankienstine or something like that. I’m a child idk how to spell
Glad to see people recognize Fatmagic even on Roblox. It's sorta wholesome.
its sad that this is the alternative since tf2 itself is unplayable
Tf2 is literally playable though
@@jenniferb.9241 TF2 recently keep lagging even tho the ping is like only 30-90. I dont know if its just the server or the lag bots
TF2 is more than playable. community servers are thriving and even casual is playable, at least in my region.
@@mr.bananaman3178 probably the bots, if you’re lagging too much in casual you always got community servers
Hey fat, heres some tips:
There are no random crits in tc2
The "friendly" you saw was a friendly spy that was disguised
If you wanna buy items, click "M" and you will see your loadout and shop, you can pay using the currency "Robux" by buying on the roblox site.
And lastly, people who are lvl50 can votekick, but only people over lvl40 can participate on the votekick.
everything about 12:55 is the funniest, oh my god
The mechanic who stands still is back let’s gooo
i have laughed every time when he imitates the voice lines and death screams
Plot twist; all the voice lines are from TF-tubers
Good joke
Can't wait for Fatmagic become a Roblox TF2 youtuber!
Ngl same
"we have tf2 at home"
The Mechanic isn’t voiced by Uncle Dane. It’s voiced by one of the main developers, Mighty Base Plate. People get on to his voice about how uninterested it sounds, but it’s like getting robin walker to voice engineer
YAY. i never thought id actually feel excited for a roblox video.. but here i am
Nobody would deal with the bots so the Roblox exodus began
Nice fatmagic, cant wait for the bots to come in tf2 roblox
There's hackers but it's not that bad like tf2
There's hackers but it's not that bad like tf2
12:58 i used to hear human, now i hear monke
0:33 random crit my guy
Wow ur sniper gameplay is so good u keep hitting em
On roblox tf2 there are 7 boys, 1 robot, 1 girl. Roblox Scott is American, same with roblox soilder, roblox Pyro is a robot, roblox demo is Irish, roblox heavy I think American, roblox engi is Texan, roblox medic is British, roblox sniper is a Mississippi guy, roblox spy is Mexican.
Fat Man getting all the angry crits
the engineer scream are gold
Theres another TC2 update, a halloween TC2 update.
You should check it out.
I'm kinda jealous not because you are very skilled at sniping, but because a medic is constantly healing you just because they recognize you, medics don't usually heal snipers unless they are on low HP. Good vid though :)
If you see enemy dispenser, destroy it
This is actually really well made