Fatshark Attitude V3's

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @wardverstuyft9694
    @wardverstuyft9694 7 років тому +1

    The footage you shot, was it the same view of ur goggles? Or was it recorded with a GoPro?

  • @bundat267
    @bundat267 4 роки тому

    whats the fov?

  • @vemusicworks
    @vemusicworks 7 років тому

    comes the goggles with a smart battery so you can see the remaining capacity?

    • @CrashandLearnFPV
      @CrashandLearnFPV  7 років тому +1

      +Frankyve Yes there are four LEDs that indicate the remaining capacity by pressing a button on the battery

    • @vemusicworks
      @vemusicworks 7 років тому

      thanks for the info, ordered mine just a minute ago. Hard choice between the attitudes and the dominator v3