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- Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
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Great 👍 Dr Desalew wonderful congratulations
አንደኛ መሆን ሲያንሰው ነው
Omega-3. BaLeeah safebaat way sem awtaleet
ዶ/ር ደሳለው የእንቁላሉን ቢዝነስ በሼር መስራት ከፈለክ አብሬክ የመስራት ፍላጎት ስላለኝ በሰፊው እንድንሰራ ሀሳብ አቀርብልካለሁ።ኮመንት ላይ ሀሳብክን ፃፍልኝና ስልኬን ፅፍልካለሁ
Thankyou. I am a bit curious to know that from where the Omega-3 is coming? is it from Meno or other? does the laboratory analysis done for normal egg & o-mega 3 egg? if i see the lab. result i will believe then.
Thanks for asking @Berhan910. Yes, we have developed a chicken Meno (Feed) which helps chicken to lay eggs enriched with omega-3 fatty acids. We did research over seven years, developed an innovative feed, tested the feed with chickens in Ethiopia, and analyzed the omega-3 content in eggs in a state-of-the-art laboratory in Germany.
In addition, we have published three articles from this work in international journals.
Im am not vet. Doctor but it took me to one minute to figure out how to get omega 3 egg from chicken. Its very simple all you need to know is which food could give you high omega 3. Flax seed (Telba) fish shell. Thats all you can google now a days. But this person he just lie, because he have a plan to make money out of it.
Any farmer can do this just add on thier feed flax seed (Telba) and also fish bones or shell it will be source for omega 3.🙏🙏🙏
Teaching our citizen isnot Sin.
@@destade1😂😂😂 ምን መዋሸት አስፈለገ can you attach the article here as a reference
Ye Belesege Enqulal Ye Belesege Party Ye Belesegech Ethiopia.... 😂