The Cambrian Ceramic blade is great on the Battleborn. You only have about a 3% chance of a crit with his attacks since they both use two dice. And if you focus it's even less likely! But the chance of rolling a 1 for damage is 1/6. The +2 on the damage roll is the same bonus you'd get for a one die crit. Also, the Stonekin traditionally use ceramic blades. So there's that :)
Jet Set Radio was the first Cel Shaded Video Game I can remember. Oh and Auto Modellista. IIRC both games XIII was compared to in terms of graphics style.
You're right. The basilisk has the Beast keyword. So does the Dwarf Berserker... strictly speaking he has hands, but they're for murder... not treasure.
oh wow, that is an awesome cliff stairway!
Thanks for the kind comment :)
Me on Monday Morning: "I'm going to get in early and get everything done for the week."
*Notification pops on showing this vid*
"Guess not."
The Cambrian Ceramic blade is great on the Battleborn. You only have about a 3% chance of a crit with his attacks since they both use two dice. And if you focus it's even less likely! But the chance of rolling a 1 for damage is 1/6. The +2 on the damage roll is the same bonus you'd get for a one die crit. Also, the Stonekin traditionally use ceramic blades. So there's that :)
Aww yeah, more Relicblade!
I LOVE the gnome alchemist, cant wait to see him
Awesome more Relicblade!! I was wondering where the Emerald Expedition went :)
Jet Set Radio was the first Cel Shaded Video Game I can remember. Oh and Auto Modellista. IIRC both games XIII was compared to in terms of graphics style.
Top notch vid.
where are the miniatures from for this bat rep?
Metal King Studio :)
Does the basilisk not work like the saber tooth? I thought you need to have hands to pick up objectives and treasure?
You're right. The basilisk has the Beast keyword. So does the Dwarf Berserker... strictly speaking he has hands, but they're for murder... not treasure.
Good to know about the dwarf!
Go ibex go!