6 Reasons To Buy The reMarkable 2 Over The Onyx BOOX Note Air

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @umtkrt5961
    @umtkrt5961 4 роки тому +41

    “ They are just devices.” That is the quota of the year...

  • @AIandVisuals
    @AIandVisuals 4 роки тому +32

    I think it's unfair to say that you want to use the Note Air because of the added functionality. Simply comparing the two devices for writing, note taking and ebook reading, the reMarkable has a slightly better writing experience and a better hardware design. But you don't need to apply the screen protector and if you get a decent pen to use with the Note Air, you get a very good writing experience and a great ebook reader with front light, which the reMarkable lacks for its very poor ebook reader, not even mentioning the lack of front light. So with the reMarkable 2 you get writing but no reading. With the Note Air you get both. You need to buy an additional pen for the Note Air, but there's nothing you can do to get rid of the poor reader on the reMarkable.

  • @ADayInTheLifeofLori
    @ADayInTheLifeofLori 3 роки тому +2

    Your comments really helped me a lot! I have a Remarkable2 on order, but was hearing that other ewriters are better, etc. You helped me understand that the R2 really is the device for me. I had an ipad. Gave it to my daughter. I don’t need a time waster, I need an organizational tool to assist with learning, planning, memory and record keeping. I simply want to take and organize notes (and files).
    TRULY HELPFUL! Thanks so much!

  • @Yamaha_Bolt
    @Yamaha_Bolt 4 роки тому +46

    Apple should build an iPad with an e-ink screen on the back or as an add on cover.

  • @Nekotaku_TV
    @Nekotaku_TV 4 роки тому +20

    Volume on this video is a bit low.
    For me, these are the reasons:
    - Better pen
    - Less latency
    - Less distance from pen to ink
    - Rubber pads on back
    - Screen protector not important
    - Less glare
    - Better cover
    - Better battery
    - Magnet works
    - Full refund/free return

    • @ZapAndersson
      @ZapAndersson 4 роки тому

      All good reasons. For me, reasons against (and I own a RM1) are
      - extremely limited for artistic sketching
      - no unlimited grayscale levels
      - no opacity in layers
      - no 3rd party sketching apps
      - no advanced brushes like watercolor, charcoal, allowing to set virtual paper textures, etc.
      - no email, no web browsing, no plugins, no apps (and no, the "no distraction" argument is just dumb, please don't bring it up, you can turn off notifications if you need that)

    • @nishantkumar-lw6ce
      @nishantkumar-lw6ce 3 роки тому

      Does it support kindle ebooks? Can we take notes with that?

  • @PeterHerget
    @PeterHerget 4 роки тому +5

    Yes, glad I ordered the reMarkable 2 . I just unboxed mine yesterday and I have really enjoyed using it I’ve the past 20 hours. The ability to quickly transfer ebooks is so easy!

  • @joshmorehouse842
    @joshmorehouse842 2 роки тому +6

    After comparing the two devices, I purchased the reMarkable 2 last week. I have absolutely zero regrets with my purchase, and am so so happy with it. I'm a college student, and taking notes in my chemistry class on the remarkable has been a game changer for me.

    • @Tipsey692003
      @Tipsey692003 2 роки тому +1

      Do you still love it today?

    • @raynalreyes4907
      @raynalreyes4907 Рік тому

      its sitting in a drawer for months mostly and ppl go back to their laptops, desktops, smart watches, smart phones, desktops.@@Tipsey692003

  • @PovlKvols
    @PovlKvols 4 роки тому +15

    Thank you for a good review. It's strange to see so many reviewers just focusing on the look and feel, and not so much on the actual functionality and use cases. You actually showed some of the ability to search through your notes on the Onyx. The lack of treating notes as nothing but graphics on the RM-2 was a deal breaker for me.

  • @ivanrothstein8405
    @ivanrothstein8405 4 роки тому +7

    I have a note2 and am considering getting a remarkable2. I already have an ipad and a nook. I like the note2 for what it is. I use it to do heavy reading and I also like it for note-taking, but since I am usually taking notes from what I am reading, I have not used that functionality very often. While the note2 technically has tablet capabilities, given the lag on it, I have found it basically useless in that regard. This is not a negative as it actually makes for a less distracting experience. I generally found it is better to keep off of the net except when updating the firmware.

  • @craigdamlo
    @craigdamlo 4 роки тому +26

    Yea, I picked up a Max Lumi and canceled my RM2 order. But for me it was driven more by the fact that this was going to be an academic reading device over a note taking device.

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому +3

      Smart!!! Right now I have it as my best LARGE PDF reader because of the light - split screen - etc.....

    • @annalaurafeitosa9506
      @annalaurafeitosa9506 4 роки тому +1

      @@morningcoach does the note air also have the split screen such as the max lumi?

    • @NicleT
      @NicleT 4 роки тому +2

      @@annalaurafeitosa9506 yup! I own an Air and I can confirm, but it result in smaller split pages than on a Max Lumi which have a bigger screen.

    • @mathgasm8484
      @mathgasm8484 4 роки тому +2

      @@morningcoach I thought about using the Max Lumi for reading text books and papers. Maybe write some stuff down once in a while.

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому +1

      @@mathgasm8484 Right now my number 1 large reader

  • @mikefish76
    @mikefish76 4 роки тому +3

    JB, I am in Group 8 for my RM2. I received an email from them today explaining the upcoming process of address verification and etc. Keep up the great work. I greatly enjoy and appreciate your content!!

  • @pastor_m.4513
    @pastor_m.4513 4 роки тому +5

    I'm in batch 5 and one reason I ordered is the beauty of simplicity in that there is no distractions...i can just write and plan without distraction.

  • @ElizabethDonatoCoachLiz
    @ElizabethDonatoCoachLiz 4 роки тому +5

    Thank you for this video. I love your approach. I love my R1 & I am praying R2. You reminded me as to why I bought the R1 to begin with. It was the NO DISTRACTION FACTOR. The Onyx was tempting because of the additional options but you're right the experience on a reMarkable is astounding. I have ADHD & an a Congenital brain disorder so it's very hard for me to focus. I was writing notes in all types of notebooks, notepads, sticky notes & I was going Bonkers when, I couldn't find something that I wrote. I have a Samsung Note 2 & Mac so you are so correct that for those who want something to keep them focused & a fantastic writing experience the R2 is the right choice. When going out was a thing & when I travelled with my company my coworkers were amazed with the R1 (especially how it feels like paper). Fantastic job on this review & all the others.

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому +1

      I get this 100% thanks so much for sharing :)

  • @ozgexan
    @ozgexan Рік тому +2

    Hey thanks for these videos. It would be great to see a similar video series for reasons to buy/not buy note air3c vs RM2 and vice versa - especially in terms of note taking comparing writing experience, sync capabilities/limitations across platforms, OCR search, handwriting to text conversion. On a side note which stylus/nib would you recommend to mimic rollerball pen, if any? Thanks!

  • @ChippWalters
    @ChippWalters 4 роки тому +6

    Good list JB! I can add some further points as well. While I don't have my RM2 yet, I am sure the Air cover is crap compared to RM2, BUT, either device... even with a better magnet, you are going to lose that stylus. You walk by another person and brush up against them and it's gone. I *hugely* prefer the RM1 folio with the holder. Makes so much sense. Here are my couple additions: 1) Writing on RM1 is SO MUCH BETTER than on Air. If I wanted to write on glass, I would continue using an iPad or Android tablet. 2) Can quickly email a note-- most difficult with Air.
    Bottom line is it's just damn easier to use. More comfortable to write on. Better stylus. Overall, it changes YOUR behavior because it's so ready to work. I have something I call "threshold" devices. Without a garage door opener (a threshold device) I wouldn't park my car in the garage because: 1. stop car and get out; 2. open garage door; 3. go back and get in car and drive into garage; 4. get out of car and close garage door. Do it more than a couple of times and you quit doing it.
    That's what I mean by threshold device-- and I think RM is such a device. They make it so easy to jot down notes you don't have to worry about what updates you have to install to which apps, check your email and jump through hoops to send notes, etc.. I think my RM1 is that good. Sure, I wish they had circles, boxes and lines AND colors too-- and better rendering (smoothing of vector data), but overall, it comes close to the right mix.

  • @tangchiprathomo819
    @tangchiprathomo819 3 роки тому +4

    This guy has the wisdom that most people are lacking now. Thank you, Coach!

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  3 роки тому +1

      Wow what an amazing thing to say thank you so much you made my day

  • @thomaswu3424
    @thomaswu3424 4 роки тому +3

    My Boox Note Air arrived a day early! Yay! Been playing with it all night and am still fiddling with it. Was worried that your 6 reasons why you would buy rm2 over Boox, that it would make me regret my decision. After watching your video, I'm SUPER glad I got the BOOX instead and cancelled my rm2 order! Looking forward to seeing you at your Live Thursdays event later!

  • @danielkrcal1286
    @danielkrcal1286 4 роки тому +4

    Tis is my experience: If you can afford it go for 2 devices. Tablet + RM2. A tablet for note taking and all the interactive stuff and a Remarkable for distractionfree note taking AND ESPECIALLY FOR WRITING. If you can't or just want to have one device the note air seems to be pretty ok, but I have the feeling it is a liitle bit of an unsatisfactory compromise of both worlds. I use a Galaxy Tab S6 lite and the remarkable and I'm very happy having this combination. And yes, I also have a small E-Reader for reading, mainly because of the size and because of the special functions it has for reading, that none of the other devices have (esp. intelligent light). But I also found out that the Remarkable is perfect for reading scientific books, because of the size and the note taking function, so I read fiction books with the e-reader and non-fiction with the RM.

  • @JoeTalaiver
    @JoeTalaiver 4 роки тому +4

    Batch 5 here. Got my DHL notice and should arrive tomorrow (Nov 6)!! Can’t wait to get into it

  • @Infamoustr85
    @Infamoustr85 4 роки тому +2

    From off to on the boot up time is roughly the same on the rm2. but the sleep mode is instant and easy to use immediately. just got mine yesterday and still learning. The point about it being distraction free is a big point.

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому +1

      Yeah I should have done a better job with that

  • @arcadiosincero
    @arcadiosincero 2 роки тому +1

    Im not sure if your first point regarding boot time is valid. That was showing the Onyx booting up from a completely shut down state. I havent shut down my Onyx since I got it except to do a firmware update. It otherwise goes to sleep. From that state, its instant on. Were you showing the Remarkable from a shutdown state or from a sleep state?

  • @annmai87
    @annmai87 3 роки тому +3

    Completely agree. Own and love both the Onyx and the Remarkable, but I find I am more likely to pick up the Remarkable if I just want to write. Wish rM would improve their battery life though. Kind of annoying to pick it up and realize it is out of battery. All. The. Time.

  • @adieaf61
    @adieaf61 4 роки тому +5

    Once again an excellent video. Balanced and fair. Thanks so much. All points well considered and clearly presented.

  • @narumesu5053
    @narumesu5053 2 роки тому +2

    I couldn't agree more.
    Ipad/onix for multimedia and reMarkable to take notes focusing on your thoughts.
    it's not easy to stay focused when mobile games or Netflix shows are just a few taps away.

  • @PovlKvols
    @PovlKvols 4 роки тому +3

    I received a reMarkable 2 yesterday, but sadly I have to return it. Too many deal breakers: no text search in notes, no text search across PDF or ebooks, broken search inside PDFs and ebooks. The fact that I cannot even use the reMarkable for sharing usable notes after a meeting is really bad. It is absolutely gorgeous, nicely designed, slick, and I really really want to keep it, but to me it serves no purpose.

  • @153bigfishes
    @153bigfishes 4 роки тому +14

    Ok people, I'm going to contribute a bit to help You out. I just got my remarkable 2 yesterday (I was batch 4). I am selling it today. Why? Because it is ONLY good for writing (not note taking, lets make a difference, not note taking but writing and drawing). Actually, Onyx devices are much betfer note takers, because of the functionality. They are not as good for drawing (be honest with yourself, why do you need tilt sensitivity for note taking? That is ONLY for drawing. And you can achieve the same thing with pressure shading...). But for note taking I need organisation, searchable notes, split screen. That's what I need. And I suppose most of You...
    When I opened my remarkable and started writing it was wow experience. But after half an hour playing with it, I understood, thats it. Nice writing feel. Nothing else. That's it.
    So guys, if You need a block of paper (we are looking for paper like experience; paper and pen are not looking for remarkable experience...), so if You need portable block of paper with many pages, buy remarkable.
    If You want to improve productivity on efficient way, buy Air or Lumi.
    I hope this helps.
    P.s. I am not acctually sorry for buying remarkable, now I can sell it for more than it costs originally :)

    • @maggie0417
      @maggie0417 4 роки тому

      Thank you. I’ve been looking into remarkable purely for the reasons you mentioned, I want searchable notes, I’m a paralegal and need to be able to look up keywords... I didn’t realize that remarkable didn’t have that capability. Thank you!

  • @JawharAbdulJabbar
    @JawharAbdulJabbar 4 роки тому +1

    How safe is the cloud integration? Can we save/keep the data offline? Is there an option to opt not to use the cloud service and copy the files directly to your computer/phone?

  • @radiantwithsandy
    @radiantwithsandy 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you! Ok so I want a device to take notes. I heard that R2 doesn’t have a word search? How do I find past notes??

  • @hehe6760
    @hehe6760 4 роки тому +5

    Remarkable has a screen protector? Would you recommend keeping it on?

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому +4

      I wouldn't touch it - didn't even know :) Can't even see it

    • @siorgathering5040
      @siorgathering5040 4 роки тому +10

      It's not a screen protector strictly speaking, though it serves in part as one, but the outermost layer of the screen. These screens are built as a stack of several layers bonded together. It presumably has been defective in a few cases where it has apparently allowed it to be ripped off, but normally it's not possible to take it off (and inadvisable since you would most likely ruin the device).

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому +2

      @@siorgathering5040 Thanks! GREAT comment!!! Really appreciate the feedback :)

    • @WojtekCzaderna
      @WojtekCzaderna 4 роки тому +3

      It does not have one. Again - there is none screen protector on the device. There is a special screen structure which is integral part of the device. Without it it will lost the point of calling it paper replacement device.

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому

      @@WojtekCzaderna Thanks AS ALWAYS!!!!!!

  • @Tajueko86
    @Tajueko86 4 роки тому +8

    "you've got to figure out what is for you" the great thing about this channel is you're not trying to push a product and it just appears to me as I'm listening to you how we just don't get it at all on other channels.
    Great content as always sir...but that Note Air def. needs an update

  • @athletejmv
    @athletejmv 4 роки тому +9

    The other concern with reMarkable regarding pricing is that they need to be able to maintain their servers to keep the devices operational. There's no monthly subscription and I'm sure there's ongoing costs for reMarkable to keep the devices up and running. A work around I suppose would be to allow users to sync their devices through other services (e.g. Google Docs, notability, etc).

    • @Odyseja2011
      @Odyseja2011 4 роки тому +1

      It does require online connectivity?

  • @AlanPope
    @AlanPope 4 роки тому +2

    Just discovered your channel when researching Remarkable 2 reviews and info. Great content, and love your pace and honestly. Keep up the great work.

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks so much Alan just trying to put some good energy out there - we do Thursday’s live at 1PM EST FYI if you can ever stop by.

  • @johncouch2115
    @johncouch2115 4 роки тому +12

    I have an RM1 and have been waiting for my RM2, but when I saw all the videos about the note air I decided to “test it out “. Here’s what I decided:
    1) I am primarily a note taker, but there were several things in the note air software that I wish the Remarkable did (like split screen & note search, etc). However, I found the note air experience very frustrating. I’m not a tinkerer when it comes to tech-I just want things to work. The Note Air gave me problems left and right-from applying the screen protector, registering the device, getting apps to work, connecting files to it, and even factory resetting the device all felt needlessly complicated. In the end I wasn’t even able to factory reset it, but I did return it. I think the Note Air is perfect for tech tinkerers, but if you just want to take notes/draw on an e-ink screen and are used to the ease of RM, I can’t recommend it.
    2) the pen for the Note Air feels like writing on glass to me. I wound up using my RM1 pen with it and it felt ok, but not as good as the RM1.
    3) Form factor was disappointing, especially the pen. The device itself is cool, but adding a screen protector made it look like crap.
    4) as a left-handed person, the Note Air (as well as the Lamy pen for that matter) don’t feel like they were designed with left-handed people in mind. We just write differently, and it led to a couple of problems as I was using it.
    I’m the end, I sent the device back and got a refund. The cool software stuff just wasn’t worth it to me. Looking forward to getting my RM2. In the meantime I’ll be using my RM1

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому +2

      Thanks John so much!!!

    • @Gio_EL
      @Gio_EL 4 роки тому +2

      Hi John, what do you mean exactly with the left handed functionality/implementation? Since with the G-Sensor you can flip the device onto your other hand just as a normal right-hand person would use it.
      C :

    • @UHStudio
      @UHStudio 4 роки тому +2

      you might not need the remarkable 2. check out on my channel first impressions between remarkable 2 and remarkable 1 - to sum up, the user experience is pretty much the same, even though the physical design is much better.

    • @johncouch2115
      @johncouch2115 4 роки тому +1

      ​@@Gio_EL For one example: the swipe functions are on the bottom of the screen, rather than the top, and as a left-handed person I rest my hand on the screen. So as I was writing, it would often think I was using a swiping gesture to back out of the document. So I had to discable the swipe functionality (which takes away a great function... It wouldn't have been a problem if they were on the top of the screen.) The problem I had with the Lamy Pen has to do with how (generally speaking) left-handed people hold their pens vs. right-handed people. I found using the eraser button extremely uncomfortable because of how I hold my pen.

  • @ragnaros9
    @ragnaros9 4 роки тому +5

    I would like to buy one of these devices to read math/engineering textbooks while being able to do the exercises by hand in the device. Which of these allows me to do this the easiest? Thanks!

    • @dogbert32
      @dogbert32 3 роки тому

      I'm waiting for someone to come out with a dual screen format for just these use cases.

  • @dilyaniliev5903
    @dilyaniliev5903 4 роки тому +3

    I think the final conclusion should be this:
    1. Why do you need those devices:
    - if for note taking - reMarkable
    - if for doodling/sketching and you are an artist - I cannot give any of these two devices advantage. One have side pressure sensitivity, but the other does not have the issue with jagged lines - EVEN for me.
    - if you are looking for the best overall and functional device - Note Air, BUT....
    2. What is the purpose of having any of these devices:
    - If it is for business (non-artist) - I'd go for reMarkable
    - If it is for drawing/sketching only - take the Note Air (maybe)
    - If you need multifunctional device - Get the iPad Pro, Samsung S7 or Surface and put some paper-like folio.
    I was stretched last month whether to keep my RM2 order or go for the new flashy thing Note Air and got distracted from the REASON I wanted any of those devices.
    I am looking for E-Ink device and want it to be OVERALL tablet - no chance. Why would I view videos on E-Ink device??? Or listen to music? Or Arrange my calendar for my business - hell no, I have it colored for each type of activity - clients, recruiting, personal, other and etc. How I would do that with E-Ink device. People are going crazy with all these new gadgets and are defocused from what are they buying it for - to serve our purpose, not to be our next luxury accessory.

  • @yoshi.jeje_StructuralEngineer
    @yoshi.jeje_StructuralEngineer 4 роки тому +5

    I really appreciate My Remarkable since 2 days ago.
    I just have a list about functionality I'd like they add in it, easy things that they can do with some updates:
    And something more, at that point I think reMarkable It's gonna be, for me the best hardware to sostitute the paper!

    • @kirikarrile
      @kirikarrile 4 роки тому +1

      At least You can have calculator github.com/reHackable/Calculator (I don't have reMarkable 2 yet so I havent tried so far).

    • @michelleedelman5565
      @michelleedelman5565 4 роки тому +1

      What about sketching and illustration

    • @yoshi.jeje_StructuralEngineer
      @yoshi.jeje_StructuralEngineer 4 роки тому +1

      @@michelleedelman5565 the feeling is great but it all depends on your needs, there aren't shade of opacity on levels, and there's no colours, it really basic but I really like draw on it.

  • @craigdamlo
    @craigdamlo 4 роки тому +3

    One comment for the boot up speed; set the turn off timer to something longer to like 12 hours on the Boox so you don't have to boot up every time you use it. Does the RM2 turn off or just go to sleep?

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому +4

      Just sleeps, but that again a "manual" thing with the Onyx tons of stuff to learn is a turn off for a lot of people - I am raising my hand. I like devices that just work. First world problem. But iPad is amazing no issues with it, rM2 no issues with it. Onyx - need a checklist - but again great device, just not for everyone! :)

    • @ChippWalters
      @ChippWalters 4 роки тому +2

      RM2 turns off and it takes longer to boot than what JB showed (he woke it up from sleep). Still, his point is valid-- it does take 3-4X time for the Air to boot vs RM. Your point is valid-- you need to use Air in "sleep" mode, then it comes on instantaneously.

    • @craigdamlo
      @craigdamlo 4 роки тому

      @@morningcoach Yup a checklist would be really handy; I've just been playing the long setup and tweak game. Less than ideal but I'm really liking the Max Lumi the more I get it tweaked.

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому

      Thanks Chipp good point but overall the rM2 is much faster, but it is DOING many less things. Great comment :)

  • @hymanye6243
    @hymanye6243 4 роки тому +4

    I like my remarkable and my onyx and I use them for completely different purposes. I honestly prefer Note taking with RM and reading with Onyx. As a student, I upload my readings/textbooks on my onyx and take notes on them using the RM. So I wouldn’t say I’m overpaying for RM OR Onyx. They’re both great devices for different use cases. On that note, I honestly hate that onyx screen protector tho...why, just why😐.

  • @michelleedelman5565
    @michelleedelman5565 4 роки тому +3

    Between the iPad and the remarkable to, which would you say is the best for doing any kind of graphics or Illustration?

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому

      Thats tough - but I would have to say the iPad if you want color and functionality but don't care about the feel. If you want just feel go with the rM2

  • @gersonperez3781
    @gersonperez3781 4 роки тому +4

    Hi JB. Quick question: is there any way to use the rM2 as a secondary monitor for a laptop? That is my main use. I love rM2 simplicity, and would definitely buy it over Note Air if it could be used as a secondary monitor. My eyes are really tired of screens.
    Thank you for your honest, clear, and straight forward videos. The community comments are also greatly valuable.

  • @zeecalsdecals7482
    @zeecalsdecals7482 3 роки тому +1

    Can you even put templates on the RM2 without hacking it?

  • @martybauer31
    @martybauer31 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks for doing this! Just got my rm2, waiting for my note 3. But I am amazed at some of the remarkable users out there that feel they have to continue to chant that whole mantra about "distraction free". Give me a break, you don't want the tools don't use them.... not difficult.

  • @johnxantoro5511
    @johnxantoro5511 4 роки тому +6

    Biggest no-go of the reMarkable is the cloud- and online dependency. I want to be the true owner of my device and be able to use it offline. If remarkable goes under, the RM2 becomes a paperweight.

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому

      Thank you for the comment John

    • @32milesnorth
      @32milesnorth 3 роки тому

      If the user chooses to store offline / directly to the hardware I understand that is an option. Is that not correct?

  • @bobbygfl
    @bobbygfl 2 роки тому +1

    What’s the note pad you’re using in collaboration for another video?

  • @MrCruteD
    @MrCruteD 4 роки тому +4

    I just started getting into the rM2, and I love everything about it. I'm a teacher, writer, and drawer, so this is perfect. However, I wish I could easily read my ebooks on this device from, say, Kindle of Google Play. The ability to take notes over pages of say a textbook, would be nice. Or Splits Screen with a book and notes. Also, because there is no browser, I could not easily connect to the work network, and it was a hassle to find the MAC Address to have it whitelisted. Even if it was a dropdown or pop-up like what happens on the iPad or most mobile phones and not a full-fledged browser app, that would be great. The ability to screencast would be great too. The LiveView in beta on the rM2 is glitchy, which is expected from a feature in beta. The addition of the features coupled with the design and feel you described would not take away from their desires to be distraction-free but would enhance the overall experience. I can see this device, with the features I mentioned, replacing textbooks, notebooks, binders, and paper assignments in schools. Which would be a game-changer.

    • @AIandVisuals
      @AIandVisuals 4 роки тому +1

      What you are missing is exactly what the Note Air does. You just need to get a better pen to use with it, whereas you can't get a better reader to use with the reMarkable 2...

  • @CaseyTXFA
    @CaseyTXFA 3 роки тому +1

    I like how reasonable this guy is. His approach is very open minded. Good videos.

  • @BradBirzer
    @BradBirzer 4 роки тому +2

    Excellent videocast, as always. Just so you know, we Batch 8 Remarkable subscribers/purchasers just got a notice that our Remarkables are soon to be shipped--that will get a two-week shipping notice. Not yet, but soon. Thanks for being so great, Morning Coach! Culture and technology, NOT politics!

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks BRAD - and jokes and fun - hahah :) Have to keep rolling

  • @yvandelvalle
    @yvandelvalle 3 роки тому +1

    What it is better writing iPad Pro or Note Air (with paper like screen protector)

  • @heikol7882
    @heikol7882 4 роки тому +1

    Btw: batch 7 just received
    Dear reMarkable 2 customer,
    Your order will soon be ready to ship in accordance with the shipping schedule. You'll receive an update from DHL when your order is on its way.
    We hope you're looking forward to receiving your reMarkable 2.
    The reMarkable team

  • @IsmCollectiv
    @IsmCollectiv 3 роки тому

    These have been the most useful reviews I have found so far :) Thank you.

  • @Snow3573
    @Snow3573 4 роки тому +4

    When you showed how long it took for the Note Air to start up, did you show the same on the Remarkable? It seems like you woke the Remarkable from “sleep” and didn’t start it up for comparison. I think RM might be faster but not THAT much faster. I don’t know too many people who would actually shut down their device after each use and start it up again every time. The Note Air’s case cover can trigger the sleep on/off function but I believe the RM cover does not do that..you have to press the button like you did to wake it from sleep.

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому +1

      You are 100% correct - should have done it in sleep mode - thanks for catching that :)

    • @Infamoustr85
      @Infamoustr85 4 роки тому +1

      from off to on the boot up time is roughly the same on the rm2. but the seep mode is instant and easy to use immediately. just got mine yesterday and still learning.

    • @NicleT
      @NicleT 4 роки тому

      @@Infamoustr85 and can you put a password on the RM2 home page when woke up?

    • @Infamoustr85
      @Infamoustr85 4 роки тому +1

      @@NicleT yes. I just did it. From sleep the password is required and only a numeric 4 digit passcode. Didnt try from start up but I dont think anyone will be turning it completely off and on to use it that way.

    • @NicleT
      @NicleT 4 роки тому

      @@Infamoustr85 thank you so much!! I own the Note Air, but I can stop thinking to try the Remarkable 2... or maybe I should wait for the v.3?

  • @vichna_slava_ukraini
    @vichna_slava_ukraini 3 роки тому +1

    Is the screen on RM2 more white than that of Note Air?

  • @BillBrandon
    @BillBrandon 4 роки тому +2

    I was use case driven from the reMarkable 1. The reMarkable 2 just reinforced that. The arguments remind me of the philosophical question: is the glass half full or half empty? I was an engineering officer on Navy ships and learned how an engineer answers that question: the glass is the wrong size. The reMarkable fits my use case perfectly. The other e-ink devices are the wrong size in every respect. That affects their value as well as their utility. “It isn’t personal, it’s just business.” Maybe that’s the wrong movie (nobody’s going to die) but it does get the discussion away from personalities.

  • @ralphw3
    @ralphw3 4 роки тому +1

    If you just give the power button a quick click when the Note Air is on, it will sleep like the RM2 does and it wakes up just as fast with another click of the button. The RM2 is slow when starting from cold. So they both can do the same thing at the same speed.

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому

      Thanks yes I caught that - thanks :)

  • @LinuxElite
    @LinuxElite 4 роки тому +2

    Very good and well-balanced video. Thanks!

  • @marcobarchiesi
    @marcobarchiesi 4 роки тому +4

    "What is the best for you and your goal". I completely agree with your main point. Anyway, may I ask to you what about the writing feeling? Better (for you) remarkable2 or onyx air?

  • @yellowroo
    @yellowroo 2 роки тому +1

    A4 is too big for my carrying or use purposes but you would think that the screen itself would be close to 13.3. I was surprised to learn this was not the case, and the screen is the same size as the note air. That massive bezel extending the size was a no for me.

  • @LuisAlvarez-pw1oo
    @LuisAlvarez-pw1oo 3 роки тому +1

    What about reading ebooks?

  • @yueliu4921
    @yueliu4921 4 роки тому +1

    An unrelated question: how long does it take to fully charge RM2(e.g. battery from 8% to 100%)? It took me 8 hrs to get from 8% to 85%(not 100%). I am not sure if it is only me or it is usual that RM2 takes long time to be fully charged.

  • @armchairbushcraft2164
    @armchairbushcraft2164 4 роки тому +3

    Wait wait you are comparing a device that’s booting up to one that is asleep? What do you have it set to?

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому +1

      Yes that was not fair we will redo that - we have had a revolt in the community HEHEHE could call, still the rM is faster but not that much faster

    • @armchairbushcraft2164
      @armchairbushcraft2164 4 роки тому

      @@morningcoach I think it’s hard to come up with 6 things to highlight. Maybe it should be how much weight one or two things that are an advantage has. Writing experience (pen , screen feel, screen protector and responsiveness can be enough. It does. Not have to be 6 separate things. That is your whole point originally I thought. Writing experience can be enough if it is valued high enough.

  • @Yamaha_Bolt
    @Yamaha_Bolt 4 роки тому +2

    You should have way way more subscribers. Some of the best device reviews out there

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому

      Thank you DM few months in, people like you make it worth it!

  • @maribela21
    @maribela21 4 роки тому

    Thank you thank you thank you....I’m a student and have used the iPad for note taking but wanted something that won’t die half way, this is the review I needed to make up my mind

  • @nishantkumar-lw6ce
    @nishantkumar-lw6ce 3 роки тому

    The problem with this is if I have books in kindle app I can’t read them and take notes right?

  • @paweszczepaniak8238
    @paweszczepaniak8238 3 роки тому +1

    Sory for my language im from Poland and my English is no good. I want buy a some device to writing and reading. Could someone advice me, if reMarkable works well like a reader. I have to take notes on the books I read

  • @josephburrell3252
    @josephburrell3252 4 роки тому +1

    I just got pre-order confirmation that batch 8 will start shipping week 47. We will see next week if I get the preorder and shipping confirmation.

  • @kotakajaib5963
    @kotakajaib5963 4 роки тому +4

    Most of the time, the onyx boox is not started from initial boot loader but from standby, which is as fast as Rm

  • @joeny1980
    @joeny1980 Рік тому +1

    I bought the onyx note air 2, and returned it and ordered Remarkable. The benefit of Onyx was that its an open platform... this is the biggest problem. Simply forget about using this for anything other than note taking, it just feels way too clunky. If you try to use it for anything else than writing, you'll feel like you're using a 20 year old tablet. I thought split-screen could be cool for note taking while looking at a document or other app, but it really just doesnt work well. I'm replacing paper, not replacing my phone. If i want to look up something, I can do it on my phone. By the way, almost impossible to return the Onyx - luckily it had a bad glitch that I had to prove to Support to get an Return authorization.

  • @Warement
    @Warement 4 роки тому +2

    Hello JB I would like to ask you for a huge favor. Can you write a page of notes on remarkable 2 and one on onyx boox air, and export them to pdf and send them to me?
    It would really help me to decide what to do with changing the remarkable with boox air

  • @marinaalbuquerque3718
    @marinaalbuquerque3718 2 роки тому +1

    Hi. I'm thinking of buying one of them but I'm on the fence. I have ADHD and always thought that remarkable sounds great but I'm concerned with not having light and how to pass the notes and convert to word.
    Do you still think that remarkable is better?

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  2 роки тому

      If you like a simple paper replacement hard to beat the rM but it is not going to do much more then replace paper FYI

  • @elijahleblanc6073
    @elijahleblanc6073 4 роки тому +1

    Great review as always coash. I am the type of user that prefer an all-in-one device. However technology is not at the level where one device can be the do-all. I am an accountant, i find myself taking notes, using note pads to do quick calcualtions for cients. I want to be able to have these notes everywhere i go and in the most portable form factor. Hence, why i ordered the Remarkable 2 and i understand what it does and so i am willing to accept that. Btw i recieved an email form Remarkable providing an update, I am batch 8 and i was told that the device sould ship in week 47. I am also told to expect an email to varify my shipping address two weeks before. Hope this is useful to the community.

  • @dianaabello9635
    @dianaabello9635 4 роки тому +2

    Nice videos. Love your perspective. I need a device for reading academic papers and review it. Which one you recommended. I'm on the list for a remarkable 2 and I'm star having doubts.

  • @theg9750
    @theg9750 4 роки тому +2

    What pencil styled stylus are you using with the Onyx one in this video?

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому +1

      The Staedtler thanks for asking

    • @theg9750
      @theg9750 4 роки тому

      @@morningcoach thank you for answering my query. :)

  • @ydg7774
    @ydg7774 4 роки тому +2

    I appreciate your positive energy. Great review.

  • @davidgordon9988
    @davidgordon9988 4 роки тому +2

    Another really useful video and lots of very interesting comments as well. You're building a very helpful community 👍

  • @marcustang305
    @marcustang305 4 роки тому +1

    5:23 Hi, Coach. Thank you so much for your video! Where can I find a case for papyr?

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому

      Marcus this is what I use - New Papyr Cover I am using - amzn.to/3mhHFx0

    • @marcustang305
      @marcustang305 4 роки тому

      @@morningcoach Thank you so much! you are the best!

  • @abz1261
    @abz1261 2 роки тому +1

    exactly as you said "its there but its not there" my boss has remarkable it's actually for high profile people where the cost doesn't matter so if you can't afford it's not for you

  • @starroger
    @starroger 4 роки тому +1

    JB, great pair of videos! I'm getting both devices so either set of six reasons works for me. As your current use case scenario seems to include rM2, iPad, Papyr (Air and/or Lumi, maybe yes, maybe no) and probably a computer, how do you keep things organized and in synch on all your devices? How are you sharing files between devices? Perhaps a future video here.

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому +2

      Thanks Roger some great use cases and videos for sure - thanks for the input!!!

    • @starroger
      @starroger 4 роки тому +1

      @@morningcoach OMG the Air just arrived :)

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому

      @@starroger WHOOOOO HOOOO keep me posted!!!

  • @markkram6497
    @markkram6497 4 роки тому +2

    Great video. Informative and fair for both devices.

  • @impulsesystems
    @impulsesystems 4 роки тому +3

    A great summary of features and capabilities. For me, the Boox devices are arriving [and improving] rapidly. They're competing with an iPad update, in my mind/use case. I take notes that have photos/images embedded, such as plans and engineering schematics. It may come down to iPadOS vs Android for me.

  • @mohamedalneaimi9118
    @mohamedalneaimi9118 4 роки тому +1

    In your opinion which one has a better writing experience like which one is more paper like?

    • @housr
      @housr 4 роки тому

      Rm2 has much better writing experience, trust me. He already made a video on it.

    • @housr
      @housr 4 роки тому


  • @MetalGearMk3
    @MetalGearMk3 4 роки тому +1

    The real question is it worth the upgradinng from the first reMarkable?

  • @翔宇-v2v
    @翔宇-v2v 3 роки тому +2

    But for me ,I’ll use the device to reads comic apps ,I need the e-ink screen to protect my eyes ,remarkable is a good product but in my situation ,onyx is more suitable to me .you are the most objective youtuber on discussing the ereaders

  • @mikhailkova
    @mikhailkova 2 роки тому +1

    Another minus is screen durability issues, might crack from inside.

  • @lordkjamal
    @lordkjamal 4 роки тому +15

    I’m starting to be addicted to your vids and I love how you address your audience. ♥️

  • @axe8721
    @axe8721 4 роки тому +2

    I'm from batch 5 and I received a message from DHL. Expected delivery Nov 09

  • @IanBrodie
    @IanBrodie 4 роки тому +11

    Hey JB - thanks for these videos.
    I think the reason there's so much heated discussion is that for a lot of use cases, neither solution is perfect - and we want one of them to be - it's agonising when there's not a clear winner.
    For me, for example, I want a note taker and e-reader (including my Kindle books) as "must haves" with browsing to look up references when I'm taking notes as a nice to have. I have an iPad so I don't need any other functionality.
    Unfortunately, while the RM2 is the best note-taking device, the Note Air is a better e-reader (and the only one that will do Kindle books) and has the browser that's nice to have for me. (Ideally I don't want to use the iPad for ebooks/browsing when nite taking because of the glare/blue light issue interfering with sleep - but I could do it at a pinch).
    The end result is frustration. I want the notetaking of the RM2 with some of the other features of the Note Air. Trying to decide which is best is agonising!

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому +2

      Ian - yes perfect comment!!!!! At least it gives me something to do videos about, if we had that device it would put me out of work HAHAH but you are 100% on!

    • @dmitrynovikov2883
      @dmitrynovikov2883 4 роки тому

      i am in a very same situation

    • @IanBrodie
      @IanBrodie 4 роки тому +2

      I think it's a common situation@@dmitrynovikov2883. For a lot of work situations you need to read documents. And when writing you often have to look stuff up. You don't necessarily need to watch videos and the like. But simple browsing or maybe email to get info - then back to writing. Flipping between devices is a real pain for this. I think we're all looking for Rm2 notetaking capability with Air reading and browisng!

    • @IanBrodie
      @IanBrodie 4 роки тому

      @@morningcoach Lol - I'm sure you could find something to do videos about!

    • @MathieuDeVinois
      @MathieuDeVinois 4 роки тому

      You are totally right. For me it is so annoying that no device out there is close to water tight and heat resistance. so no need to argue. ;-) with other things it is choosing what is more important. There is nothing perfect. And if there is something new will come out being even more perfect....

  • @irissamardzic
    @irissamardzic 4 роки тому +3

    I have over 1000 e-books. Nova 3 is opening the e-book list in 1-2 seconds (and much more listed on first page). Remarkable did need over 6 seconds to open the first page, and it was very slow with opening the books. Readability of RM2 is really, really bad -> if not in daylight. That problem I do not have with Nova 3. The only good thing with RM2 was the feeling while drawing... it is nearly like on real paper. But, that was it. Not enough to keep it. I returned RM2.

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому

      I agree 100% not a huge fan of ANYTHING on the RM2 EXCEPT note-taking. It is just a paper replacement if you want other things look at other products for sure. Thanks for the comment.

  • @heikol7882
    @heikol7882 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you very much J.B. I was looking forward to hear about the advantages and the disadvantages buy use cases. For me it Was very helpful. I will stick to the remarkable2 since I will use it for business. The complete package especially the time to turn the device on fits more.

  • @leelatarang1983
    @leelatarang1983 4 роки тому +1

    I can't wait for my RM2. Coming in next Tuesday. Thanks For all the simple and intriguing videos! It definitely helped me a lot! 😅

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому

      So glad that it’s helping

    • @Alex-mu3gf
      @Alex-mu3gf 4 роки тому

      @@morningcoach That is right on point, but I still have a question... How's latency in writing between the two devices? Is it feels the same or on RM2 the latency is smaller and it actually feels like writing on a paper.

  • @jule1137
    @jule1137 4 роки тому +1

    Can anyone tell me whether one of the devices works with scanned in documents? My uni-work is mostly hand-scanned books

    • @felipe1055
      @felipe1055 4 роки тому

      I don't have one of those devices but they can all read pdf's so yes, they should work for you

    • @jule1137
      @jule1137 4 роки тому +2

      @@felipe1055 i know that you can download pdfs on them, but the pdfs directly scanned in from books usually are two pages of the book in a one pdf page. also the text is a bit curvy so some devices can’t display it, since it’s not recognizable as text

  • @ja7766
    @ja7766 4 роки тому +2

    If the Remarkable 2 had just a browser and, drop box or drive app, ability to have access to online libraries (a killer for students) andd kindle. Nothing more, then you will seee it fly off the shelfs. Fulfill these 4 things, then you'll see them get 40% of the note market. Nothing more nothing less. Just add a browser, kindle,. Access to online libraries, and ability to upload files from inbuilt apps such as Dropbox or one drive. Don't over complicate it

    • @CianMcsweeney
      @CianMcsweeney 4 роки тому

      Honestly don't care about that, what i really want to make the remarkable a must buy for me is better pdf navigation like the onyx has and split screen so I can read and take notes at the same time

  • @fmagic2000able
    @fmagic2000able 4 роки тому +10

    Ok everyone, this video proves one thing to settle the argument in your decision in getting the rM2 or the Note Air. By his remarks in his video for the 6 points for the Note Air and the 6 points for the rM2, this is what you do:
    1. Buy the rM2
    2. Buy the Note Air
    3. Attach both devices together - use you imagination on this one - I'm sure someone out there will come up with some interesting designs.
    4. When you need great distraction-free note-taking and want the slick executive look when you're at work then open the rM2 tablet side.
    5. When you need a great e-reader as a student aid, "bookworming" multi-format e-books and occasional tablet-like stuff on an e-ink screen like browsing, annotate meeting schedules in calendar, listen to music, audio-books, typing, etc., then open the Note Air side.
    With this combination, you should have the best of both worlds and your dilemma in trying to decide which one is solved. Heck, this combo will allow you to even use the best pen/stylus for both devices at the same time - another bonus!
    In summary, problem is now solved - now go out there and show the world what you're capable of with your newfound writing/reading utensils!

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому +1

      This is the comment of the year!!! SO AWESOME :) made my day!

  • @wizeguy26
    @wizeguy26 3 роки тому

    Im left handed, will the rm2 work for me? Is the device magnetic on both sides or justcthevright side?

  • @lucalemperle1414
    @lucalemperle1414 4 роки тому +1

    Which device is better for working with pdf? I wanne use some of those devices for university. I dont have an ipad....

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  4 роки тому

      I would look at the Onyx the Lumi is really the best :)

    • @lucalemperle1414
      @lucalemperle1414 4 роки тому

      Thanks for your guide... but 900 bucks suck :D
      I preordered the RM2 (Batch 7)... i gonna take a look and then i will decide keeping it or rather not...
      Ps: love your videos

  • @WojtekCzaderna
    @WojtekCzaderna 4 роки тому +3

    Funny that again for me, similar to previous video, point number 5 is most important - distraction free. I need some detox from electronics at same time working on it (paradox :) )

  • @anthonycraig274
    @anthonycraig274 3 роки тому +1

    This weird device war is like Apple and android. You should buy tools based on your requirements thats it. Can you imagine 50 years ago people was arguing over hammer and screwdriver teams.
    Great review.

    • @morningcoach
      @morningcoach  3 роки тому

      Hahahah comment of the year thanks

  • @jW-xz7sr
    @jW-xz7sr 3 роки тому

    Hey, just wanted to say you do a great job reviewing these device’s

  • @ryankassel5691
    @ryankassel5691 4 роки тому +2

    Really great content, I appreciate it! I have a note air coming sometime in the next few days, looking forward to seeing how it works! 🙂

  • @NoName-xg5zp
    @NoName-xg5zp 3 роки тому

    i loves the way u deliver the contents .. i will go for note air ..

  • @paulanthonycamilleri6059
    @paulanthonycamilleri6059 4 роки тому +1

    Great Video JB. Your thoughts reflect my own. Some people seem to be under the impression that more is better. I prefer quality over quantity. Stating that the RMII is an inferior device because it doesn’t come with specific features is similar to saying that an ULTRA 4K TV set isn’t worth purchasing because it can’t make toast. I would rather invest in something that fulfills its primary purpose very well, rather than it doing many things in a mediocre fashion (fitting a liter into a thimble)
    For a person who has wasted countless pens and A4 pads over the years, RMII is going to be a game-changer. I’m batch 8, awaiting my confirmation email any day now.