Taking a break

  • Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
  • Thank you all for being here, I'll try my best to get all my shit sorted asap
    My platforms
    Twitch: / djjaxter
    VODs Channel:‪@DjjaxterVODs‬
    Twitter: / djjaxter
    Discord Server: / discord
    Become a Member
    / @djjaxter
    Music used
    Title Screen - Animal Crossing New Horizons OST
    Link : • Video
    Apotos (Day) - Sonic Unleashed OST
    Link : • Apotos (Day) - Sonic U...


  • @Malmoswedenrppodd
    @Malmoswedenrppodd Рік тому +2

    please do more my summer car i enjoyed it very much!!
    lake moment.

    • @djjaxter
      @djjaxter  Рік тому

      I’ll have to see about it my man, during the editing for those videos I didn’t feel great making them sadly so I’ll definitely think about it but no promises sorry

  • @HangmanOfficialUploads
    @HangmanOfficialUploads Рік тому +1

    Good on you for showing boundaries, man. A lot of content creators get lost in the sauce thinking they have to be on the grind or perish. I only found your channel today thanks to the MSC videos, can't wait to see more.

    • @djjaxter
      @djjaxter  Рік тому

      Yea man, I definitely push myself to keep going on videos (more than I should according to my friends but I’m too stubborn to stop lol) just took the time off to finish my new Vegas video and chipping away at my next video essay. Hope you enjoy my stuff as well if you’ve only just found me today :))

    • @HangmanOfficialUploads
      @HangmanOfficialUploads Рік тому

      @@djjaxter Been on a binging mood, I've been making liveries all day and it's fantastic to watch while doing something as brain numbing as that. Especially MSC feels like you're suffering together. Keep up the good work, man!

  • @JuubeyDuubey
    @JuubeyDuubey Рік тому +4

    Enjoy your break and take care of yourself! make the content you are happy with posting :)

    • @djjaxter
      @djjaxter  Рік тому +2

      Going to try my best o7 my ass is almost done my next review script but still gonna take me a bit hopefully that is the video I’ll return with but if not I’ve got a few video ideas to do

  • @elios7623
    @elios7623 Рік тому +2

    tbh as many of us i'd think, came here bcs of the darksiders video and it's an amazing piece of content (actually thinking of watching it again LOL, played DS1 again after watching it)
    so yeah man, looking forward for your projects, take care and stay safe :3
    and obviously the shitpost is neat but, you know heheh

    • @djjaxter
      @djjaxter  Рік тому +2

      Funnily enough that video took me a year to make since I was writing and recording it all the way back since my first video, just feel like I haven’t been giving the same amount of time to the next video I want to make like that script wise and focusing some other scripted videos. Really glad you liked it my man