Experts explain why drug decriminalization isn't working for Oregon

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @stephen6279
    @stephen6279 Рік тому +3

    137 calls put of 3000. 1% of ticketed people sought help. THIS IS NOT WORKING.

  • @tremblence
    @tremblence Рік тому +9

    There should be a place where homeless can stay and get 2 meals per day free, all that is required is 2 hours of work/week
    That 2 hours can be in 30 minute shifts- Garden, Kitchen and Groundskeeping
    Garden produces food (suppliment with eggs, rice, beans, bread & pasta), Kitchen prepares the food, Groundkeeping keeps areas clean
    The breakfast is vegetable omelets, pancakes.... Dinner is stir fry, pasta, spaghetti etc.............2 hours a week of work can keep it running easily.....lunch isn't provided so people get out and do something, work opportunities should be provided with good pay in the form of Food Coupons and Gear Coupons so they spend it on GOOD stuff not drugs

    • @emrysmcwryn7902
      @emrysmcwryn7902 Рік тому

      Have you seen the homeless buying flats of water bottles with their snap benies and then emptying the entire flat at once so they can get the bottle deposit?
      There is a certain frame of mind that is common to these folk which assumes the world is a terrible place full of terrible people and the only thing to do about it is get completely wasted until you die.
      If your solution doesnt address that underlying philosphical error then you cannot help these people.
      The homelessness and addiction are manifestations of the moral disease, the philosophical error, the turning from god and embracing sin.
      It's like trying to treat a man who's got an arrow through his heart with free meals and a place to sleep. He'll never recover from the wound to his heart until the arrow has been drawn out and the hole in his heart sewn shut.
      Ever since the philosophers killed god there has been a wound to the collective heart of the west. The lack of meaning has led to fascism, communism, and in america today self-destructive hedonism.
      TLDR- Nihilism kills

    • @allouttabubblegum1984
      @allouttabubblegum1984 Рік тому

      Wilson Bright was on to something.

  • @damirperkovic4722
    @damirperkovic4722 10 місяців тому +1

    If accountability is removed, it's a fruitless endeavor.

  • @genocidemoose9293
    @genocidemoose9293 Рік тому +7

    The measure 110 is full of fentanyl.

  • @Michael-bg7qt
    @Michael-bg7qt Рік тому +5

    Most administrative offices in Oregon are pathetically incompetent. They move about as slow as a slug in January. Been here 5 years, so incompetent, these people care about their selves and is excuse capital of the world. I've seen first hand. So corrupt.

    • @uncommonsense42020
      @uncommonsense42020 Рік тому +4

      Try watching the state fall apart since I was a child. It's heartbreaking and no one is talking about the devastation Oregon is experiencing. It seems we're mostly forgotten.

  • @sieda666
    @sieda666 Рік тому +14

    That little thought and too few resources went to the rehabilitation aspect of 110 isn't really that surprising given the state's track record in supporting Health and Human Services.

    • @lprice5583
      @lprice5583 Рік тому

      It is hard to treat someone who doesn't want treatment. Addicts don't want to stop.

    • @robinsss
      @robinsss Рік тому +1

      it sounds like enough resources have been allocated but none has been allocated for the most important program : safe injection sites
      they are actually thee reason decriminalization worked in Portugal

    • @lprice5583
      @lprice5583 Рік тому +1

      @@robinsss It will just make it worse.

    • @robinsss
      @robinsss Рік тому

      @@lprice5583 injection sites have been proven in studies to reduce overdose deaths

    • @tarstarkusz
      @tarstarkusz Рік тому

      Decriminalization may lead to fewer possession arrests, but it won't lead to fewer arrests period. Hard core drug users have to steal and commit other crimes to buy drugs, even though the drugs will be cheaper.

  • @meanpumpkin
    @meanpumpkin Рік тому +1

    A stable living environment is necessary before improvements will be seen in other areas of problem behavior.

  • @phyllisjeanfulton
    @phyllisjeanfulton Рік тому +5

    The current situation is abusive and traumatizing. We want to live in beauty and harmony. We want that fir all peoples. What is in our State now is the opposite. We have to walk and live in their shit. Enough. We cannot live two more years with it. We’ve hit rock bottom.

    • @demaskus2016
      @demaskus2016 Рік тому

      You're traumatized by walking around it?? How the f do the ppl who have to live outside feel?? Ya probably never thought of that because you're so self absorbed by your own sht that ya can't possibly discern what to do for others.. your father satan must be proud

  • @lprice5583
    @lprice5583 Рік тому +2

    Look at how it makes the homeless population and crime grow.

  • @SmartrMelons
    @SmartrMelons Рік тому +8

    "Harm reduction" only facilitates more drug use. The overwhelming amount of people who are addicted will not stop as long as the supply is there, and/or nobody steps in to stop it. Two things get people off of drug addiction... their desire to quit, and forced quitting. We have eliminated forcing people through laws, so all we're left with is their desire to quit. Why would an addict stop when they enjoy the high more than the sobriety? 110 doesn't reduce harm in case you didn't notice the rise in overdoses and harm to the community.

    • @lprice5583
      @lprice5583 Рік тому

      Well said.

    • @nicholasvanstrander852
      @nicholasvanstrander852 Рік тому +2

      Not an OR resident, but decriminalization has worked in other countries, and other states where drugs are still criminal have also seen a rise in overdoses.

    • @SmartrMelons
      @SmartrMelons Рік тому

      @@nicholasvanstrander852 If you're referring to Portugal, they also make it illegal to do drugs in public. Here's what they do if you're caught with drugs:
      -Fines ranging from €25 to €150;
      -Suspension of the right to practice for users with licensed professions that may endanger another person or someone’s possessions (such as a medical doctor or taxi driver);
      -A ban on visiting certain places (like clubs, entertainment venues, etc.);
      -A ban on associating with specific other persons;
      -Foreign travel ban;
      -A need to report periodically to the committee;
      -Withdrawal of the right to carry a gun;
      -Confiscation of personal possessions;
      -Cessation of subsidies or allowances that a person receives from a public agency.
      If you are suspected of associating with drug trafficking, growing or selling drugs (usually based on a larger quantity of drugs), you will face imprisonment.

    • @nicholasvanstrander852
      @nicholasvanstrander852 Рік тому +1

      @@SmartrMelons it's my understanding that those penalties are decided upon by a committee based on the facts of each case brought brought before them. I don't know how Oregon approaches decriminalization and should probably look it up in more detail. My point was that "harm reduction only facilitates more drug use" is an oversimplification. I've wondered if "forcing people to quit through laws" is even possible unless it means residential long term treatment (like, 9 months or more) rather than just "drugs not allowed go to jail."

    • @SmartrMelons
      @SmartrMelons Рік тому

      @@nicholasvanstrander852 Then I'll be more specific. The 'harm reduction' policies that have been implemented here, so far, has been fueling more drug use. "I've wondered if "forcing people to quit through laws" is even possible unless it means residential long term treatment" Yes, confined residential long-term treatment. And yes, 9mo. would be a decent amount of time which could also be used to learn a trade/skill. Maybe a year to reset the habit mindset. Some may do well with 6mos. Depends on the 'patient's' desire to quit. Opiates/opioids are the easiest to treat with no withdrawal symptoms through methadone. Meth abuse takes time being away from it. But included in that package would be stopping the drug flow. Which means more police/investigators.

  • @courtneysolano7995
    @courtneysolano7995 8 місяців тому

    As a family member of someone with addiction and mental health problems, I can say with certainty that 110 isn't working. There aren't enough treatment centers available for people who want to go. We had to send our family member out of state for rehab. After 6 months of treatment in Florida, my family member came back to Oregon and almost immediately started using again. Now, this person is in jail because of crimes committed while under the influence. When treatment isn't available or doesn't work, jail is the only way to keep addicts and communities safe. Ever try dealing with someone when they're coming down from drugs, and experiencing delusions and hallucinations? You CAN'T, that's why they end up in the streets or in jail. They use funds to hand out narcan and other items to make it "safer" to be an addict, with no thought of what happens to family members and the communities when people are actively using powerful, mind altering drugs. Definitely NOT working!!

  • @essebug1066
    @essebug1066 Рік тому +1

    This was the dumbest idea ever! I am proud to say I don't not vote for this at all. Look where Portland is now! Any sane person could have predicted this outcome two years ago.

  • @mschlosky1
    @mschlosky1 Рік тому +3

    Yeah we need some repercussions because right now they’re not doing anything except getting more brazen and getting worse

  • @johnnyhawk27
    @johnnyhawk27 Рік тому +1

    It a bad idea in the first place. M110 is flawed in many ways

  • @straytarnish9443
    @straytarnish9443 Рік тому +2

    Instead of paying criminals $30,000 a year to be incarcerated with a warm bed and food and TV to watch all day long with clean clothing pay law abiding citizens with nothing and no one except a clean urine analysis for illegal drugs and no wants or warrants or income $10,000 a year to stay out of trouble as long as our society treats criminals and stray dogs better than it treats people who aren't in trouble with the cops and have no money then we will always have this problem

  • @phil4346
    @phil4346 Рік тому

    Lets not forget the pain management services that put millions of prescriptions for addictive substances into circulation. You insurance and medical treatment facilities are to blame.

  • @Enddrugwar
    @Enddrugwar Рік тому

    Putting them in jail will only make tax payers pay for them

  • @shari9721
    @shari9721 Рік тому +4

    Many addicts are self medicating to deal with pain or trauma that is physical or mental/emotional , that needs to be addressed and dealt with . Another reason many dont want to stop or are afraid to try to stop is the withdrawal , proper medical withdrawal is essential . Going to rehab for 30-60 days is nowhere near long enough to be successful , it needs to be 9-12 months live in with complete medical and mental/emotional therapy , setting goals and setting up a plan for success once released . Releasing people with no support system , no job , no housing , back into the same area they were surrounded by the same people etc is guaranteed to fail .

    • @ghastly08
      @ghastly08 Рік тому

      Money lost for retirement funds from corrupt officials. This won't stand. Just model the entire US on how indiana runs its police state. That way the end will just come sooner. Please. Because negative reinforcement works great .

  • @cotyrobinson4116
    @cotyrobinson4116 Рік тому

    So this was posted 5 months ago can we get an update video on the story

  • @covidmisinformation7481
    @covidmisinformation7481 Рік тому +8

    The whole reason behind all this was, "It'll reduce crime"... And that's a piece of AOC logic (oxymoron).
    If you base crime stats on the number of arrests, prosecutions and convictions, then yes... legalizing everything will make crime go down... in theory.
    But... if, like we do here in the real world, you base crime stats on the number of crimes committed, discovered after the fact, and reported... then a measure like decriminalization will have just the opposite effect as its name would imply.
    The last two years have been all the proof anyone with an IQ over their shoe size needs to see.

    • @SmartrMelons
      @SmartrMelons Рік тому +1


    • @lprice5583
      @lprice5583 Рік тому


    • @robinsss
      @robinsss Рік тому

      i am personally against forcing people into rehab for two reasons
      one is that since their habit is a personal problem that doesn't harm anyone it should be up to the addict to decide
      secondly , in a free country their should be no punishment for using drugs
      free rehab is already available in Oregon
      that's all you can do
      the focus after that should be on preventing over dose deaths
      and the spread of disease
      this is the other area where Oregon has failed
      because it is missing the key component that made Portugal's drug policy work :
      safe injection sites
      these sites are the thing that reduced drug OD deaths
      Oregon needs to create a lot of them and try again

  • @saudade2100
    @saudade2100 Рік тому +3

    At 3:40, Humphries at Stanford, has it 100% right, and I swear hardly anyone in the USA gets it. The Portuguese decriminalized the drug use, but they did not legalize it, and they sure as hell do not countenance the drug-related behaviors you see on the streets of Portland day in and day out. Can you smoke a joint in Portugal, sure. Smoke that joint in a public park and a cop gets a whiff of it, the cop will tell you to put it out. Act like a Portland street bum and tell the Lisbon cop to bugger off, that cop will throw your butt in jail, and their jails can be like the Bastille. Humphries has it exatly right, the drug users are not in jail, but there is significant social and legal pressure to get treatment. Maybe you're not cured, but you're not cooking meth on the street.

    • @robinsss
      @robinsss Рік тому

      i am personally against forcing people into rehab for two reasons
      one is that since their habit is a personal problem that doesn't harm anyone it should be up to the addict to decide
      secondly , in a free country their should be no punishment for using drugs
      free rehab is already available in Oregon
      that's all you can do
      the focus after that should be on preventing over dose deaths
      and the spread of disease
      this is the other area where Oregon has failed
      because it is missing the key component that made Portugal's drug policy work :
      safe injection sites
      these sites are the thing that reduced drug OD deaths
      Oregon needs to create a lot of them and try again

    • @saudade2100
      @saudade2100 Рік тому +2

      @@robinsss The Portuguese law decriminalizing drug use passed in 2001.
      The first safe injection site in Portugal was opened in 2019
      How do you explain Portugal's results from 2001-2019?
      There are all of two safe injection sites in Portugal today. The mobile site, which was the one opened in 2019, and a fixed site, opened in 2021.
      That's it. Two safe injection sites in the whole country.
      Both are in Lisbon. No sites in Coimbra, no sites in Oporto, or anywhere else.
      Are the Portuguese taking the train from Oporto to Lisbon for safe supervised injection?
      Are the Portuguese in the Azores swimming across the Atlantic to Lisbon?
      If the "key" to Portugal's success is safe injection sites, explain the Portuguese results from 2001-2019 with the opening of their first site, and explain how two safe injection sites in Lisbon solves the trug problem in a country of a little over ten million people

    • @robinsss
      @robinsss Рік тому

      ''''''The first safe injection site in Portugal was opened in 2019'''
      since that is true then the success of Portugal's policy must be due to the pressure on addicts to enter rehab and the methadone system
      that doesn't change much to me because if a state gov't opens injection sites across the state OD deaths should decrease state wide

    • @saudade2100
      @saudade2100 Рік тому

      @@robinsss Or maybe the deaths happen outside the injection site, a detail not often considered in these studies. Person OD's is not sent home, person is sent to the hospital. The death didn't happen in the injection center, but in transport or in the hospital, the death is not attributed to the injection center. Meaning take the lives saved argument with a grain of salt.
      Two safe injection sites in Portugal, and I have the citation for that, in the Portuguese literature. There are 150 safe injection sites on the entire planet. That's one hundred fifty, in USA, Europe, UK, etc. That's all.
      This solution is all fine and dandy, but it is not scalable even to a relatively small country like Portugal, let alone the USA. People don't go there in any significant numbers, compared to the total number out there. In the larger scheme of things, safe injection sites are like one grain of sand on compared to a beach. Again I like Humphries take (addiction specialist at Stanford). It's found elsewhere on UA-cam. Safe injection sites get about five hundred times more attention than they deserve. Their total effect is microscopic.

  • @charlesritter6640
    @charlesritter6640 Рік тому +3

    Why don't we just do whatever Portugal is doing?

    • @saudade2100
      @saudade2100 Рік тому

      No one in Portland has the stones....or do it right.
      Can you smoke a joint in Portugal? Yes. Do it in public, a cop will tell you to put it out. Tell the cop to piss off, you can find Portuguese cops can be as nasty as anywhere in the USA if you piss them off.
      In the 1990's, I walked down streets in Lisbon, people were approaching me to sell me drugs, I swear every other block. That stuff is cleaned up.
      Stop the street use. Portland could do that right now, but they don't.
      The drug use may be decriminalized in Portugal, but not the behaviors that can go along with it. You know, the stuff you see on the streets every day in Portland.
      If you are using illegal drugs in Portugal, you can still expect civil privileges curtailed. Driver licenses, firearms permits, professional and trade licenses, they have other ways to get you besides prison. That's for people who still have something to lose, as opposed to street people.
      At 3:40, introducing Humphries from Stanford, he has it 100% right.
      The mistake I think the clowns make, running Portland and Oregon generally, is they still think "decrimnalize" = "legalize".
      The crap you see daily in Portland would never fly in Lisbon, the police would stomp it, and the public would cheer them on.
      As Humphries says: Oregon is not following Portugal's example, and will not get Portugal's results.
      Repeat: Oregon is not following Portugal's example, and will not get Portugal's results.
      The flaming idiots running Portland, and Oregon generally, will say Portugal this and Portugal that, to justify their legislation, but they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.
      Likely they could not find Portugal on a map.

    • @nogreatreset8506
      @nogreatreset8506 Рік тому

      Why are people comparing a small country in Europe with a lower older population and different more spiritual culture with universal healthcare, with a big country with hundreds of millions of people with a younger population and different less spiritual culture with no universal healthcare? The USA is also connected to Mexico/Central America with a significant drug trafficking network.

  • @dystoniaify
    @dystoniaify Рік тому +7

    They should do what successful countries have done. Give addicts the choice of drug rehab or jail.

    • @robinsss
      @robinsss Рік тому +1

      that's not why OD deaths decreased in Portugal
      they decreased because of the safe injection sites
      Oregon needs them badly

  • @covidmisinformation7481
    @covidmisinformation7481 Рік тому +13

    As a cop once said... _"First you ask, then you tell, then you force..."_
    These people have been asked to get help. They refused.
    These people have been told to get help. They refused.
    Now it's time to FORCE them, to get help. Lock them up until they're clean. Even if it takes the rest of their lives.

    • @tremblence
      @tremblence Рік тому +1

      This is actually great advice
      There should be a place where homeless can stay and get 1 meal per day free, all that is required is 2 hours of work/week
      That 2 hours can be in 30 minute shifts- Garden, Kitchen and Groundskeeping
      Garden produces food (suppliment with rice, beans and pasta), Kitchen prepares the food, Groundkeeping keeps areas clean

    • @amandamahony2561
      @amandamahony2561 Рік тому +2

      What a horrible thing to say, the addicts aren't failing. Treatment access, housing and employment deficits, and the pandemic made this a nightmare. How is housing people in jails for the rest of their lives for a disease is already a failed policy

    • @covidmisinformation7481
      @covidmisinformation7481 Рік тому +3

      ​@@amandamahony2561 You are the problem.
      - There is more than abundant treatment access - THESE PEOPLE DON'T WANT TREATMENT. Not one person has enrolled in and successfully completed treatment in two years. Did you watch the video?
      - There is plenty of housing for people who work and pay their bills - THESE PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO WORK OR PAY BILLS.
      - Employers can't find enough people to fill the openings they have - THESE PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO WORK BECAUSE THEN THEY HAVE TO ACCEPT OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES, TOO.
      - And I don't know where you've been living, but the pandemic is over... Understand??? OVER!!!
      - I already raised a kid, I'm not paying a cent to allow these losers to continue getting high all day, every day, for the rest of their lives. And if the government wants to spend my tax dollars on them, it better be in a prison, where they can't get high all day, every day.

    • @lprice5583
      @lprice5583 Рік тому +2

      @@amandamahony2561 your denial of the situation helps no one. You are just helping people harm themselves and their community. Please stop.

    • @emrysmcwryn7902
      @emrysmcwryn7902 Рік тому +3

      I recently witnessed the following: 4 homeless tweakers lighting up their freebase foil immediatly after a car drives away from their roadside gathering place, a place which is across the street from a middle school athletics field in which children were playing soccer.
      So now our children have to breath the second-hand meth smoke while trying to play soccer.
      That doesnt sound like "reduced harm" to me.

  • @dtmfool789
    @dtmfool789 Рік тому +10

    Man this homeless crisis has really opened my eyes to how important local
    News is. I deeply appreciate your insights and reporting. Excellent work. I am also still unsure of how to proceed in regards to measure 110.

  • @A24kPhoenix
    @A24kPhoenix Рік тому +9

    This law had nothing to do with common sense. Children won't do chores if there aren't consequences and rewards... so why should drug addicts? All we continue to do is throw good money at programs that are great ideas, but aren't fully fleshed out and use simple common sense! As a sibling of a drug addict, I can tell you that only a big stick would have made my sibling do anything to change when she was lost in the drug abuse cycle and lifestyle. A REALLY big stick! The same goes with criminals.

    • @demaskus2016
      @demaskus2016 Рік тому

      They should stop throwing money at trans also then

    • @robinsss
      @robinsss Рік тому

      i am personally against forcing people into rehab for two reasons
      one is that since their habit is a personal problem that doesn't harm anyone it should be up to the addict to decide
      secondly , in a free country their should be no punishment for using drugs
      free rehab is already available in Oregon
      that's all you can do
      the focus after that should be on preventing over dose deaths
      and the spread of disease
      this is the other area where Oregon has failed
      because it is missing the key component that made Portugal's drug policy work :
      safe injection sites
      these sites are the thing that reduced drug OD deaths
      Oregon needs to create a lot of them and try again

    • @robertgallagher7734
      @robertgallagher7734 Рік тому +2

      ​@@robinsss unfortunately the harm comes in the actions they take to fund addiction and the harm they do to others when under the influence, as well as eventually ruining their own mental & physical health.

    • @robinsss
      @robinsss Рік тому +1

      @@robertgallagher7734 but none of those things are possessing or using drugs
      and if drugs were legal and taxed low they would be so cheap addicts would be able to afford them without stealing

    • @robertgallagher7734
      @robertgallagher7734 Рік тому +1

      @@robinsss not about possesing or using- about the crimes they commit ( and harm they do) to fund a habit. Also, here in Kaliunicornia there is legal weed, but ( because it has to meet health standards & is taxed) it is not competitive with "street" weed. Both my sisters are potheads at best. One is a criminal.

  • @JojoB0725
    @JojoB0725 Рік тому +2

    Your all fool for voting for decriminalization. You have all confused compassion with tolerance. You have made your bed now lay in it.

    • @robinsss
      @robinsss Рік тому

      i am personally against forcing people into rehab for two reasons
      one is that since their habit is a personal problem that doesn't harm anyone it should be up to the addict to decide
      secondly , in a free country their should be no punishment for using drugs
      free rehab is already available in Oregon
      that's all you can do
      the focus after that should be on preventing over dose deaths
      and the spread of disease
      this is the other area where Oregon has failed
      because it is missing the key component that made Portugal's drug policy work :
      safe injection sites
      these sites are the thing that reduced drug OD deaths
      Oregon needs to create a lot of them and try again

  • @AnAmericanPatriot1555
    @AnAmericanPatriot1555 Рік тому +12

    It’s almost like legalizing hard drugs had a negative impact. Who knew?

    • @robinsss
      @robinsss Рік тому

      i am personally against forcing people into rehab for two reasons
      one is that since their habit is a personal problem that doesn't harm anyone it should be up to the addict to decide
      secondly , in a free country their should be no punishment for using drugs
      free rehab is already available in Oregon
      that's all you can do
      the focus after that should be on preventing over dose deaths
      and the spread of disease
      this is the other area where Oregon has failed
      because it is missing the key component that made Portugal's drug policy work :
      safe injection sites
      these sites are the thing that reduced drug OD deaths
      Oregon needs to create a lot of them and try again

    • @AnAmericanPatriot1555
      @AnAmericanPatriot1555 Рік тому

      @@robinsss Thinking like yours has made Portland into the cesspool it is now known for. It does harm others by creating an environment that the abusers commit crimes to get their next “fix” regardless of where they might be. Frequently ending up homeless as they aren’t responsible enough to handle their daily lives.
      The “safe space” narrative has become annoying as users have taken over parks regardless of other facilities being available. Again I use Portland as an example. Starbucks even allowed these junkies to use their bathrooms. What happened? They closed those locations due to becoming dangerous environments for their employees and customers.

  • @mrstuerffs
    @mrstuerffs Рік тому +1

    Wooo hold up.... you mean addicts aren't seeking treatment because there's no consequences to using in the streets? Ya don't say!? Tell me more captain obvious

  • @tucker12435
    @tucker12435 Рік тому

    I can't speak for most drugs but in feb 2017 I did powder coke until I met my wife in December 2017. I am tired of people compare it to crack because it is not the same! My previous friend did crack and turned to a zombie, and could not function in society. But I could do coke and do my normal day to day activities. My only fear is that I get my heart checked every 6 months because I'm worried about longterm heart damage, but my doctor tells me every time if It hasn't happened yet it won't happen. I would like to see powder cocaine given to patients by the doctor and not the drug dealer. As for heroine meth and crack I saw no medical benefit so I'm furious BC and oregon decriminalized

  • @DemocraticSocialistsRule
    @DemocraticSocialistsRule Рік тому +1

    I support 110, compassion for those in need.
    We need to increase taxes to build free housing without any restrictions.

  • @Legaiathan-yu7kj
    @Legaiathan-yu7kj Рік тому +1

    Wow .. real shocker ….

  • @Error-mx1jk
    @Error-mx1jk Рік тому +9

    I could've told you what would've happened, and I'm not an expert 😒

    • @elanahammer1076
      @elanahammer1076 Рік тому +1

      Disaster and upsetting to say the least. Thank you 🤔❤🇺🇸

    • @demaskus2016
      @demaskus2016 Рік тому +1

      Wake up! It's obviously built by design.. when will ppl realize this?

  • @jerrileelewisSaelor
    @jerrileelewisSaelor Рік тому +2

    Put them in jail and make them go through rehab!!!

  • @Error-mx1jk
    @Error-mx1jk Рік тому +5

    A hundred bucks? I get bigger tickets for not wearing a seat belt 😆😆

  • @klate4459
    @klate4459 Рік тому +3

    A huge gap in treatment in the Portland area, is also that people go to detox and then have to wait weeks-months for a bed in residential treatment. There are not enough resources or coordinated care. $21 million dollars of the $50 million dollar grant went to one treatment facility that has a 4 month waitlist.

  • @kharakim
    @kharakim Рік тому +1

    As the former Drug Abuse Coordinator for Los Angeles County many, many decades ago, I authored the County's first drug abuse plan and worked as a staff member in two outreach programs and a residential treatment program for addicted young people. Even back then, it was widely understood that addicts had to be "leveraged" into treatment through the criminal justice system. In effect, when they went to court they were given the option of jail or treatment, and if they chose treatment and dropped out, they were arrested, brought back to court, and sentenced to jail.

    • @kay1229
      @kay1229 Рік тому

      you seem very experienced ! what do you think is the "solution"

  • @calpal9983
    @calpal9983 Рік тому

    The solution calls for both compassion and accountability for drug abusers. Not just one or the other.

  • @elanahammer1076
    @elanahammer1076 Рік тому +5

    When someone you have never met shows up at your house at 3:30 am in the morning and tags/vandalizes the property who behaved in a way that is high something. What would you think? Not sure if the person was high, having a mental health episode or drunk. All I know is that is disturbing and unsafe. Just a thought. Thank you 🤔❤🇺🇸

    • @demaskus2016
      @demaskus2016 Рік тому

      When someone doesn't tell you that they swing both ways and ya contract hiv what would you think? There's really no difference between drug users and lg

    • @elanahammer1076
      @elanahammer1076 Рік тому

      @426firefly who knows? Just strange to show up unannounced like that. This person behaved in such a reckless way, we thought she was going to break the front door down. I find it disturbing regardless of who was on what at the time. Who knows what her intent was. All I know is the local police hauled her off. One of the neighbors called the police. I certainly was not going to open the front door to that type of behavior. Look at what happened to Nancy Pelosi’s husband in California? That person had some violent intentions with a hammer.🤔❤🇺🇸

    • @ghastly08
      @ghastly08 Рік тому

      You mean like I have in michigan in my small town? Yeah.... decriminalize and regulate take the power away from this destructive facade.

  • @billiondollarsworthofgame
    @billiondollarsworthofgame Рік тому

    What proof do u have your personal opinions aren't facts

  • @shiruka2758
    @shiruka2758 Рік тому

    what will giving a ticket to a drug addict do most of them are homless they dont have money they dont care all you did was give them some toilet paper

  • @jacklynno3810
    @jacklynno3810 Рік тому

    This is propaganda

  • @Kona_Blue
    @Kona_Blue Рік тому +15

    Vote Republican

    • @AnAmericanPatriot1555
      @AnAmericanPatriot1555 Рік тому +2

      It’s Oregon. Let them continue to be a beacon of alt-leftist policies.

    • @humanperson5153
      @humanperson5153 Рік тому +4

      @@AnAmericanPatriot1555 no. they need to vote red.

    • @lprice5583
      @lprice5583 Рік тому +1

      Agreed. Why keep trying to fail the same way over and over. Gotta try something else.

    • @AnAmericanPatriot1555
      @AnAmericanPatriot1555 Рік тому

      @@humanperson5153 Na, it’s a liberal state and let it stay that way. They got themselves into this. Take Portland for example. That city is so far gone why put in the effort? They are going to just keep burning it. Especially if a republican starts to clean it up. They are like a cult out there.

    • @demaskus2016
      @demaskus2016 Рік тому +1

      @@lprice5583 they're insane. That's why they keep doing the same thing over and over hoping for different results

  • @BokeyTheMayor
    @BokeyTheMayor Рік тому

    Profit off the legal drug $$$ set up shop with the rehab facilities & profit from federal funding keeping that $$ circulating in the same spot

  • @jerrileelewisSaelor
    @jerrileelewisSaelor Рік тому +2

    Drugs should illegal!

    • @robinsss
      @robinsss Рік тому +1

      you are missing some prepositions or something

  • @demaskus2016
    @demaskus2016 Рік тому

    If ppl weren't so rude and addicts were treated with dignity and protected by law like lgbtq community than ppl will want to get clean.. all it takes is some love and elevation.. rise them up like gay folk

    • @demaskus2016
      @demaskus2016 Рік тому

      Promote addict lives matter and see how fast it transforms

  • @bvelez6463
    @bvelez6463 Рік тому +1

    It happen when trump was in the White House it never been the same.

  • @bruzbear
    @bruzbear Рік тому

    "Experts" lol.

  • @edition-deluxe
    @edition-deluxe Рік тому